Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Tennessee Representative forwards crazy Obama conspiracy e-mail about faked assassination.

Courtesy of The Tennessean:

State Rep. Kelly Keisling, a first-term lawmaker from Byrdstown, passed along a conspiracy theory email to constituents this week and rapidly reaped the sort of political firestorm that only the Internet can deliver. 

Through an aide using his email account at the state legislature, Keisling shared an online article that alleges President Barack Obama is planning to fake his assassination as part of a plan to impose martial law. Sketchy theories like this abound in the days before a presidential election, but Keisling apparently took it seriously enough to sound the alarm. 

“God help us, if ANYONE stoops to this level!” reads a portion of the message that appeared to be written by someone other than Keisling but presumably expressed a sentiment he shared. “As I was reading this article I kept thinking that the more we are aware that something like this is remotely possible, the better off we are to recognize it and fend it off…” 

A recipient took umbrage with the message and sent it along to the Huffington Post, which wrote about it Tuesday. This morning the story was being distributed widely and it was, of course, the top news item around about Kelly Keisling.

Wow! Just how batshit crazy are these Republicans? And how would this even work? Was their martial law imposed after the Kennedy assassination?

Well fortunately this wingnut quickly apologized. (I'm guessing he kind of had to, don'tcha think?)

“Earlier this week, I forwarded an email from my legislative office that should not have been sent out. The message was inappropriate for distribution. I regret the error and pledge to be more cautious regarding the information distributed from my office in the future.”

You know the Bush administration lied to the country about WMD's in order to start an illegal war, tapped the phones of citizen's and lied about it, and sent prisoners of war to be tortured in other countries while covering their ass by redefining what "torture" meant, and THESE idiots said nothing.  But put a man in office with too much pigment in his skin and suddenly they are seeing communists around every corner, sharia law taking over the justice system, and now a fake assassination attempt in order to impose martial law.

Go figure.


  1. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Oh how they (and I) love our President Barack Obama! Here he is in Ohio...

  2. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Oh that she COULD!

    1. The look on Hilary's face goes perfectly with every joke i've seen about that image :)

      The image you linked to is no different... lol

    2. Anonymous3:38 PM

      My new screen saver!

  3. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Even Republicans say Romney wasn't prepared to handle his overseas trip

    About the best spin Republicans outside Romney's immediate orbit can put on his trip is that it won't cause lasting damage.

    Republican strategist Ed Rogers, a former Reagan aide and a veteran of the Bush-Quayle campaign, awarded the trip a 4 on a scale of 10. "The question always is if you had to do all over again and get the exact same results, would you do it again?" he said. "Well, in this case, no. But it’s not that big of a deal.”

    That really is the best spin you can put on it. Much better than this:

    “It comes under the heading ‘seemed like a good idea at the time,’ ” assessed John Pitney, a former Republican National Committee aide and now a political-science professor at Claremont McKenna College.

    Or this:

    Republican consultant John Feehery, a former House GOP aide, said that the problem boils down to the Romney campaign being unprepared for an unforgiving international spotlight. “The media is throwing fastballs at Mitt Romney’s head and he’s got to do a better job at ducking them,” he said. “What they didn’t anticipate was how hot the media glare was going to be. They wanted to go over there and not make any news and they ended up making some.”

    I'm sure Feehery wasn't actually trying to do Romney any harm, but really that's a pretty amazing statement. If he doesn't think Romney was prepared to handle the spotlight of international media as a responsibility-free candidate, how in the world can he make the case that Romney has what it takes to actually serve as president?

    1. Anonymous3:47 PM

      Poor Mitt. The fast balls are hard to duck with your head up your a**

  4. Anonymous11:55 AM

    New Polls Show Obama Has Edge in 3 Battleground States

    1. If you earn less than $500,000 a year, how fucking stoopid do you have to be to vote for rMoney?

  5. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Does Romney Have Alzheimer's? Seriously, Does He?

  6. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Yeah, Jesse, they're coming out of the rotten woodwork, aren't they? Here's another loony birther:

    Rep. King: Obama Birth Announcement Telegrammed from Kenya

    After initially seeming reasonable, and defending the proven fact that President Obama was born in the United States, Rep. King proceeds to go full birther:

    'That doesn’t mean there aren’t some other explanations on how they might’ve announced that by telegram from Kenya. The list goes on. But drilling into that now, even if we could get a definitive answer and even if it turned out that Barack Obama was conclusively not born in America, I don’t think we could get that case sold between now and November.'

  7. Anonymous12:08 PM

    To prevent this ... let's arm all the black teenagers in his district with Uzi's.

  8. Anonymous12:12 PM

    I bet he also believes in Sarah, Beck and others of the far right evangelical Christians. No doubt he either is pandering for votes or is simply not very intelligent, or both. Why is it the people who believe in these types of conspiracies also seem to be seriously lacking in a common sense, and don't seem to possess even the minimum intelligence it takes to recognize how ridiculous and nonsensical they are?

  9. angela12:13 PM

    Unhinged racist, teabagging idiot . . . . .

  10. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Major GOP Fuckup Could Disqualify Romney from Washington Ballot

  11. Anonymous12:19 PM

    So Sarah, what do you think of THIS? Haven't heard a peep out of your foul mouth about how Robme doesn't support the troops...

    But my real question is: we are fighting a war overseas. Why didn't he go to Afghanistan, meet with Karzai and visit the troups there? Doesn't he care that there are men and women dying and being maimed on his behalf?

    He went to Jerusalem, but didn't bother to fly to Kuwait or Iraq where we still have boots on the ground.

    Why the heck doesn't the media focus its attention on the fact that the real wasted opportunity here was the Commander and Chief test, which Mittens failed utterly by refusing to sit down and take the test.

    Booya indeed.

    The men and women of the American Armed forces should be insulted by his lack of concern for their behalf. Has he even gone to one military base in this country to speak to them?

    Mr. Obama on his trip overseas before the election did go to war zones, did speak with and show concern for our military and has consistently kept them on his radar throughout his presidency.

    Just one more piece of evidence, if you need it that Willard is not ready to lead this country in time of war.

    1. Anonymous12:58 PM

      Oh dear dog do not let that asshole, dementia patient near the middle east or our troops. The damage he could do would never be undone.

  12. Anonymous12:21 PM

    What do you expect from a Republican politician from Tennessee? There have been several of them who have distributed rumors and false accusations about the president.

    From 2009:
    Candidate for R.N.C. Chairman Drops Out

    Chip Saltsman, the candidate for national Republican chairman who came under fire for distributing a holiday CD with the parody song “Barack the Magic Negro,” dropped out of the contest Thursday night.

    Mr. Saltsman, who is the Tennessee Republican chairman, sent an e-mail message to members of the Republican National Committee announcing his decision. The message made no mention of why he was dropping out, but Republicans have said for days that Mr. Saltsman was struggling to collect enough signatures to qualify for the ballot. The vote is on Friday in Washington.

    Mr. Saltsman was always viewed as something of a long shot, but his prospects dropped after the disclosure that he had sent out the CD.

  13. They are desperate. Voter ID laws and things like this are what they will employ. They are going the way of the dinosaurs but some of what they do will allow them to persist. This is a agar the Teabagger crowd subsists on.

  14. Anonymous12:30 PM

    The sad thing is, if this absurd "plot" doesn't happen (and I ain't holding my breath!), this clown will probably claim credit for "fending it off."

  15. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Too much pigment in his skin? Maybe some of us don't have enough? :)

    I read an article where the author explained to her small child he was darker because he had more melanin in his skin. He sorta like having more than everyone else!

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      A woman I know and her husband have adopted two (black) children and have a bio daughter, who is younger than the other two. One day, she asked her mom when her skin was going to get darker and was NOT happy when her mom told her it wouldn't- she wanted to be like her big brother and sister! :)

  16. Anonymous12:32 PM

    These are terrible people. Really terrible people.

  17. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Obama is winning. Period.

  18. Gryphen, I'm sure you had no ill intent, but "too much pigment in his skin" can be read as a negative thing. President Obama has MORE pigment, not too much. Not tryin to be nit picky. Just sayin.

    As for the rest of the post, it's simply amazing to me how many crazies have crawled out of the woodwork. Maybe we should buy the repubs an island and ship them all off tho their own looney land.

    1. Anonymous1:27 PM

      I was just going to say that- thanks.

  19. Anonymous12:48 PM

    This asshole should be tarred and feathered! I'm sick of Republicans saying racist and idiotic things - getting the media attention - and, THEN coming out w/an apology!

    May President and First Lady Obama remain safe and ready to take the reigns for a second term. I'm so proud of the fact they represent us throughout the USA and world. I have the same feelings for VP and Dr. Biden.

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  20. Anonymous12:49 PM

    He'll just raise money with the Teabags.

  21. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Here's another Tenn Repub making the state proud:
    (From 2009)

  22. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Of course the Republicans conveniently forget that George Bush and the Republican Supreme Court staged a bloodless take over of our govenment when they installed Bush as president after he LOST the election in 2000.

  23. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Notice the way this asshat worded his statement? He doesn't disavow his crazy ass conspiracy. He just says his office needs to be more careful about what it puts out to the public. He's a racist, hateful SOB.

  24. WakeUpAmerica1:41 PM

    Fucktards one and all.

    1. Anonymous2:05 PM

      Teabilly Fucksticks

  25. Anonymous3:38 PM

    As a frequent lurker on DoomerPorn sites, I've seen some version of this bullcrap for years. It's only gotten worse since Obama was elected, but believe it or not, the idea of DHS being involved in a false flag-martial law-internment camps was even being kicked around under Dubya's watch. Thank Alex Jones, Steve Quayle, Sorcha Faal and a few others for keepin' it real. As in real wacky.

  26. Anonymous5:23 PM

    He said it was "inappropriate for distribution," but I can see that it is appropriate for watching on his computer monitor while he chokes the chicken the Chick-fil-A Tennessee way

  27. I have to question if being a Republican makes you mentally ill and a danger to society and World Peace


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