Saturday, August 04, 2012

Stephen Colbert for PeTOP. You will never look at a carrot the same way again.

Well I WAS going to have a salad today, but now.....

By the way I used to have this beautiful girlfriend when I was nineteen who believed that plants could feel pain.  She was already a vegetarian so this belief just messed her up even further.

The funny part is that she swore that you could hear plants scream when you damaged them, and this was while SHE was working for a landscaping business.

God I miss the seventies.


  1. WakeUpAmerica1:42 PM

    Sooooooooo, I'm guessing you started hitting the bottle a bit early today, Gryphen.

    1. Nope, I wasn't drinking.

      Just free associating.

      Try to keep up.

  2. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Where can I adopt a cabbage?

    1. Anonymous3:26 PM

      Palmer, AK. We have giant cabbages and we'll let you adopt one. You have to decide whether you want to leave it in the ground to freeze to death in the fall or cut it and eat it. Which is the more humane choice?

  3. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Viacom Bites!

  4. Anonymous2:51 PM

    We can eat nuts and berries and fruit that has fallen on the ground.

    1. Anonymous7:19 PM

      Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
      Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
      Hare Rama Hare Rama
      Rama Rama Hare Hare! :)

  5. Anonymous3:22 PM

    VIACOM has blocked it from me. Must be a rightwinger. But I have to admit, I didn't hear my new string bean seedlings screaming last night (and my cushy pooch slept through the ravaging) as my backyard doe and two fawns dined with delight. Grrrr

  6. emrysa5:39 PM

    my take, as I have considered the "plants feel pain" thing.

    almost all vegetables are annuals. they live for one season, and they are done. as everything on the planet has a purpose, they provide food for the bugs (pollinators), the birds (by attracting bugs or providing berries), and then food for the pigs (us). in one short season, they sustain life on this planet. plants know what the deal is, they know what's coming and don't expect to live longer than they are supposed to. they are not robbed in the middle of their life to become food for the predator, they are taken at the end of their life. fair enough.

    it's the pain of a hard freeze (death), or the pain of the harvest - they know what's coming.

    1. Anonymous6:15 PM

      They know what's coming? Seriously? Do you know you'll die at age 4 from lymphoma, or age 23 from a car accident, or 45 from a heart attack, or 67 from murder or 102 from old age? They know what's coming? Do they think? Really?

    2. emrysa6:45 PM

      @ 6:15 - yes, plants know what's coming. you may think they are dumb old plants, but they have an energy that is wiser than human energy. they are more in tune with the natural cycles of things - something that we have lost touch with.

    3. Anonymous9:12 PM

      emrysa, Plants don't speak, so you can't speak on behalf of plants. Maybe there's something that YOU have lost touch with, but I feel perfectly fine. Perhaps you would benefit from a psychiatric evaluation, just a thought. :)

  7. Anonymous6:38 PM

    What happened to the video?

  8. physicsmom6:49 PM

    The video was taken down, so I couldn't watch, but your commentary reminded me of an old song on Dr. Demento called "I hear the screams of the vegetables." It was great. You probably can google it and laugh.

  9. Comedy Central yanked the YouTube version so I had to replace it.

  10. Anita Winecooler8:19 PM

    It's true! Vegetables are people too, my friends!, (And at times, I, too, miss the seventies!). After trying vegan, vegetarian, macrobiotic, and every other combination out there, I've taken a more balanced approach. I eat very small portions of red meat, skinless chicken breast, fish, with tons of vegetables, legumes, grains and fruit. But on occasion, I will eat a good steak or burger. My favorite protein is egg white omelettes.

    reminds me of a bad joke-
    A carrot and an apple were walking by the side of a road, they got hit by a car and ended up in the hospital. The nurse entered the carrot's room and said she had some good news and bad news. The carrot was bruised but will be o.k. , but your buddy, the Apple, is on life support and will be a vegetable for the rest of it's life.

  11. An interesting book : The Secret Life of Plants

  12. God damn fucking internet. Not available from your location. They air it on TV here whats the issue? Australia fails.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.