Tuesday, August 14, 2012

These latest pictures from the Mars rover Curiosity have me a little concerned that we are not welcome.

But then again I can hardly blame them.

Isn't this the problem with America? That we ALWAYS  invade foreign places and then act insulted that they are not thrilled to have us there proselytizing our religious beliefs and trying to get them to eat Big Macs?

And does anybody have ANY doubt we will do the exact same thing if we DO find life on Mars?


  1. Anonymous3:10 AM

    I love the Americans that recognize this. I am sorry to say where I'm from 'American' is a dirty word, a synonym of stupid, lazy and particularly arrogant all in one. And this is the western world, a country you consider a close ally. I was appalled recently; I followed an American Olympics blog which seemed so balanced and inclusive throughout the Games, celebrating the little things, and then at the very end as their sign off blog post, put the most vile 'America vs Canada' medal count under the headline of 'Yeah! Freedom wins!' As intelligent people pointed out in the comments, Canada actually scored higher per head of population, as well as its well known they excel in winter sports anyway. Others were offended that it inferred Canada isn't free, which is a ridiculous notion. Anyone that thinks America is unique in its 'freedom' must have the IQ of a scallop. All these fair points were swamped by Americans doing the 'USA! We rock, everyone else suck!' sorta thing. I remember when the American swim team acted deplorably here at the Sydney Olympics. Olympics aren't for obnoxious people; I wish only Americans like Gryphen would be sent :(

    1. Anonymous6:34 AM

      I almost posted about the ideation of American exceptionalism as arrogance by the loud mouth attack dogs of the Republucan party. Traveling abroad, participating in student exchanges, sending my children to do volunteer work abroad we were aghast of how arrogant most Americans are demanding people who have a different culture and speak their language alter their world to act, speak and serve food of America. They are loud mouthed, nasty and rude in countries they chose to visit. Like Romney they are insulting to people- exceptionalism at it's

      Watching the closing ceremonies my daughter and I spoke of contributions of Brits. I told her my disgust of Giuliani

      giving his RNC speech belittling European
      countries to denigrate candidate

      Obama who sought restoring and improving our educational system so Americans be competitive in the world.
      Then they dress up Palin and herald her as America's finest, exceptional! The I don't need no stinkin education family to be leader of our country!

    2. Anonymous5:29 PM

      I was one of the Americans outraged after the Vancouver Winter Olympics when a fat twit from the Fort Worth Star-Telegram wrote an opinion piece for the sports page comparing Canada to 1936 Berlin. I immediately wrote the Executive Editor and the Publisher to tell them that fat twit had spat on the memory of the guys who died at Dieppe, at Falaise Pocket and many battles in Italy.

      I may be a US citizen, but I try to be educated and considerate.

  2. angela3:16 AM

    First, of course, we'll tell them they are socialists for standing together like that. Then we'll try to dismantle their health care system and make fun of the fact that they aren't white, christian and republican. Then we'll look for WMD and tell them we will only be there for 101 years or until they accept Grover Norquist as their supreme being. Michelle Bachmann will be our ambassador. They will be doomed.

  3. Occupy Mars- Who knew? I guess they don't want us building military bases and using the CIA to install friendly dictators either. Martians are un-patriotic. I don't see any who love America.

    Hmmm, I wonder if there's oil nearby we can drill for. Those thugs are probably a bunch of Marxist communist fascists without birth certs without jobs who live off the guberment. Omigod, they're Democrats! And just as I figured, not a ChikFilA in sight. Athiests.

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Mars! The Red planet! OMG!

      Tom, FL

  4. Leland4:27 AM

    One of my favorite bumper stickers:


    It's supposedly a joke, but does anyone with half a brain deny this is what will happen?

    1. angela5:33 AM

      Love it!

    2. PL - MN7:42 AM

      I saw something similar on a pro-oil drilling website.

      It was a bumpersticker offer on an anti-environmental page, backed up with USA flags, done by vendor of drilling supplies and a supplier of staff to the petroleum industry.

  5. Boscoe5:30 AM

    Aw, c'mon Gryph, we'll be greeted as liberators!


    1. with free petrol. It's just like Iraq--a slam dunk.

  6. Anonymous5:44 AM

    The Martians are holding elections later this year.

    They have already told Sarah she will not be speaking at their convention.

    Sarah .. you are the idiot that nobody wants

  7. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Wait now, that's not a bad idea. Yeah, send a team to Mars; try to convince the Martians they need some new clothes, or at least any clothes. Send Sarah. Sarah could dress them, at $150,000 a pop.

  8. PL - MN7:46 AM

    I think it would have been wonderful if their sign said, Sarah Palin, you cannot see us from your house, yet we can see you from our planet.

    Oh, the stories they'll tell us people on earth about the Palin family and others of the tea right.

    It'd be fun.


  9. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Hmmm, I have to invoke Poe's Law here, Uncle Gryph!

    Vero Guy

  10. Anonymous9:02 AM

    One of my all time favourite stories about "white men" and their terrible ways with others, is from Bill Bryson's "In a Sunburned Country."

    While European explorers found "brown people" gleeful and accepting of them as gods, when they arrived in places like Hawaii, it was much different when Captain Cook stumbled upon Australia and its indigenous people.

    As the tall sailing ships pulled up to shore, they looked up and saw people hacking at the ground with makeshift instruments.

    The aborigines held their hands above their brow to see who was coming...then their shoulders slumped, as if to convey, "Ah, shit...here they come."


  11. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Ray Bradbury already predicted this in 1951. See the short story "The Other Foot" in The Illustrated Man.


    1. Anonymous5:26 PM

      I immediately thought of another Ray Bradbury story from The Illustrated Man. I think it wa called The Concrete Mixer. The Martians invade Earth, Earth has gone pacifist and offers no resistance....and then the Martians realize they are emmeshed in a world of mindless consumerism, gluttony, dissipation and tackiness.

      Tom, FL

  12. Anonymous10:02 AM

    I think you all have it wrong, this is an anti-immigration crowd...they must be Tea-Baggers.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.