Saturday, August 11, 2012

Worried about voter suppression? There's an App for that.

Courtesy of Fox News Latino:

The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, National Association of Latino Appointed and Elected Officials Education Fund, New Organizing Institute Education Fund, Rock the Vote and the Verified Voting Foundation joined forces to release a new smartphone app to empower voters. 

Defenders of the right to vote have a new high-tech weapon in their arsenal. 

A consortium of civil rights groups unveiled a smartphone application Thursday as part of a comprehensive strategy to combat what it called a nationwide effort to disenfranchise minority and youth voters. 

"The Election Protection smartphone app is a dynamic tool that will educate voters on their rights and empower them to take action so they can vote," said Barbara Arnwine, executive director of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, on a Thursday conference call with other organizations that developed the app. 

The free app is a "critical tool in our fight against voter suppression," Arwine said, referring to recent state voter identification laws that aroused concerns among civil rights advocates. 

The tool gives voters the ability to digitally verify their registration status, find their polling place, encourage their friends and family to vote, fill out voter registration forms, and contact election protection officials, amongst other means to encourage voting.

Well considering the fact that the GOP is clearly going to throw everything they have at us to keep us from voting this election cycle we could certainly use all of the help we can get.

And how cool is it that we have such a technological marvel at our fingertips to help us protect our civil rights?

Now we just have to make sure that this gets into the hands of those who are desperately going to need it.


  1. Anonymous5:24 PM

    A true patriot wants every citizen to vote.

  2. Anonymous6:17 PM

    This is a good one...

  3. Anonymous6:37 PM

    this is the link to the actual app

  4. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Yes, we have to get this app in the hands of everyone who we think are in jeopardy of not voting.

  5. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Has this been posted to FACEBOOK and other social media sites? Spread the word!

  6. emrysa7:21 PM

    well everything that helps the most people to vote, the better... but I think the problem lies more in the area of people who do not have access to these apps, than those who do. let's not forget those elderly or poor folks who do not have smartphones... hell I am middle age and I don't have a smartphone, and it appears that there's a significant number of people over 50 who do have access to these things. all the more reason for face-to-face voter drives... atleast for the next 10 years.

  7. Anonymous7:42 PM

    71 year old man taken to ground, handcuffed and arrested for yelling at Paul Ryan during a speech

  8. Super Fan In Atlanta7:59 PM

    Thanks for posting this Uncle Gryphen!

  9. Everything positive to help people vote is a good idea but I'm pretty sure that the majority of those voters they hope to disenfranchise don't have a lot of technology at their disposal due to age, rural locale or income. Not having a DL or other picture I.D. seems to reflect that.

    But if they are able to help only a handful of voting Americans, I give them major props.

  10. WakeUpAmerica9:53 PM

    Unfortunately, this will not help the poor and the elderly, or at least many of them. Those are two groups the evil rethuglicans are trying so desperately to disenfranchise.

  11. I am not very knowledgable about social media or smart phones. For all the grammas who have an internet connection and use facebook to keep in touch with friends and family, but who do not have a smartphone, will there be a link to a web-based version of this app?

    Is this something that can be adapted to spread by email, or those little google ads, in addition to things like facebook?

    We need more than smartphones for this though it is an excellent start.

  12. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Voter fraud uncovered. Former GOP chairman Jim Greer reveals voter suppression in Florida.


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