Sunday, September 23, 2012

Ann Romney makes an appearance on SNL's Weekend Update.

"If you're a Democrat you get to eat with cool people like George Clooney. If you're a Republican you get to shake Jon Voight's cold lizard hand."

I love that line.

Earlier this week SNL also did a "Fox and Friends" cold open which riffed on Mitt Romney's videotaped gaffes and was hilarious as well. You can see that here.


  1. Anonymous7:00 AM

    You might want to post the links as neither video is working.

    1. Both work fine.

      You might have an issue with your computer.

    2. Anonymous7:55 AM

      This, and many other video clips, are not available for viewing if you live outside the U.S.

      Sad for us that we miss out on some very funny material. (Sigh)...

    3. Anonymous10:05 AM

      Live in the US. Wouldn't play on either computer. Had to find the videos elsewhere. Then they played fine. Maybe too many hits on the video when I tried

  2. PSSSST!! you missed an a.

  3. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Didn't I tell you people to stop it! I didn't just mean Mitt. I meant me, too. And Rafalca. This is hard. Stop it!

  4. Anonymous7:44 AM

    I was with two non caucasian women who both earned Bachelors degrees while working full time when the video of Romney ripping on 47% aired. One woman works almost two full time jobs. Their reaction was that Romney was targeting blacks and other minorities. She also stated that he was stupid and uninformed. SNL did a good job highlighting that about Romney.

  5. I just found a new website that has a great graphic of Christ speaking to the poor (as Mitt Romney.) It's time that true followers of Christ have their say about the attitude of the RMoneys. The Religious Left

    1. WakeUpAmerica10:07 AM

      Ok, I'll jump in. Romney is a greedy, heartless, arrogant ass.

    2. Anonymous3:04 PM

      Based on what I've seen and read of Willard, that's a compliment!

  6. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Cheryl, a teacher from Colorado, says when she attempted to give Romney a few of her ideas, he silenced her by saying, 'I didn't ask you a question.' …

    New Obama ad! Awesome!

    1. Anonymous10:19 AM

      It sounds as if he is taking a page from Chris Christie's playbook of nasty responses to the audience.

  7. angela8:41 AM

    That was hysterical! It almost made me not dislike Ann Romney so much. Almost.

  8. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Stop it! Just stop it right now.

    Rule number #1 at Romney's house:

    The white folk eat first.

  9. Picture of Baldy in happened to her brownface?? And why does she look like she's going to drop dead any minute now?

    1. Also too - she really has her best clothes on - every time I see her it becomes more obvious why the RNC had to buy her a new set of clothes.

    2. Anonymous9:52 AM

      Gina, she *gasp!* forgot her Belmonts! I've never seen a person who's physical size and shape changes so much!

    3. Anonymous10:43 AM

      Is that their motorhome there in the background?

  10. Anonymous9:35 AM

    she said "STOP IT. this is hard." gah.

  11. Paul - Minnesota9:35 AM

    Yes, very funny. I love Mars Attacks and that comparison to Newt's wifey #3. I totally saw that in her very early on when he was a wannabe tea 2012 candidate.

    I also loved the bit with Rick Perry. Heh heh.

    Thanks for sharing the video, Gryphen, I don't watch TV.

  12. Anonymous9:42 AM

    so what is this story that mitt romney tripped his daughter-in-law so he could win a foot race and then sat in a chair the rest of the day?

    his blood pressure is 40. either he is a very good athlete or he has serious health problems.

    1. Anonymous10:16 AM

      Here's the story from Daily Kos:

      Mitt's son, Craig, described a race where Romney tripped his daughter-in-law (who had just had a baby) in order to win a foot race. Ha ha ha, that Romney sense of humor. The article describes other Romney actions such as the prank of dressing like a state trooper and pulling people over, stacking the Univsion audience with his own people because no one showed up, it's a nice story.

    2. Anonymous12:09 PM

      Mitt Romney is just plain mean!

    3. Anita Winecooler8:31 PM

      Hey, at least he didn't strap her to the roof of the car!

      Tripping your son's wife after she'd given birth??? I wonder why they didn't include it in their Convention?

      It would have been a nice anecdote after Ann's "I love you WOMMMEEEENN!!" war cry!
      Was she carrying the kid when he tripped her?

  13. i love that lesbian girl from the big gay sketch show, she's a great new addition to snl. everything she does is hilarious, so far. who needs kristen wiig?

    i just hope that when the time comes when lorne michaels fires her, she says "is it because i'm a lesbian?"

  14. Kathy in Blue Bell10:39 AM

    The only problem was that the parody Ann Romney was much more likable and human than the real one.

  15. Anonymous12:45 PM


    Emmys 2012: 'Game Change,' 'Hatfields & McCoys' among nominees for miniseries or movie,0,7893599.story

    64th Primetime Emmy Awards
    September 23, 2012 begin at 8 p.m. Eastern/5 p.m. Pacific on Sunday and will be aired live across the country on ABC. The red carpet officially starts at 2:30 p.m. Pacific.

  16. Anonymous1:54 PM

    mitt tells the story about ann's father whose father and siblings all worked so that one of the children could go to college (turned out to be ann's father).

    mitt said he would never do that for his brother.


  17. Anonymous1:55 PM

    he would staple a green card to every PhD to encourage immigrants to come to america....but unfortunately, the unskilled come here in droves and live off the country.

    super dick.

  18. Anita Winecooler8:15 PM

    I don't know, this actress makes Anntoillette seem too relate able, warm and friendly, though I did laugh at the crazy bachman eyes she did AND the dig at Catholic Callista Helmet Head Gingrich.

    Would have been funnier if they did a "Whyle E Cayote" sooted version after the emergency plane landing.

    On a lighter note, my neighbor had the honor of being at a private fundraiser in Princeton where Mrs Obama lit up the room. She said she's even more beautiful in person.


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