Sunday, September 23, 2012

Boy Scouts lose their largest corporate donor due to discriminatory policies against gay people. In other news, Chick-fil-A is run by lying scumbags!

Courtesy of the Advocate:

The Boy Scouts of America has lost its largest corporate donor, Intel, which announced today that it will stop giving to the group unless it vows to stop discriminating against gay people. 

The Intel Foundation was identified in an investigation by The American Independent, which was also posted by The Advocate, as having given about $700,000 in 2010 to the Boy Scouts. It was by far the largest share of corporate giving, with the Verizon Foundation donating more than $300,000 several big banks reaching the $100,000 range. 

A petition calling on Intel to end its support gathered more than 30,000 signatures in little more than 24 hours. It's now been updated, proclaiming, "Victory!" Leading that push was activist Zach Wahls, an Eagle Scout raised by two lesbian moms. He first got involved in the cause against the Scouts, which bans gays and lesbians from being troops or leaders, after mother Jennifer Tyrrell was removed as a den leader earlier this year.

Well that's good news. And I certainly hope that OTHER organizations start recognizing that their support for discriminatory organizations can effect their bottom dollar as well.

I also hope that the fine folks at Intel are more trustworthy and dedicated to progress than that douchebag at Chick-fil-A Dan Cathy.

This according to Progressive Cop:

Apparently Chick-fil-A reached the agreement with an outspoken Chick-fil-A critic and Chicago Alderman Joe Moreno that would resolve the whole mess. Chick-fil-A wants to expand their operations into the Windy City but in order to do that they needed to stop the outspoken alderman from publicly opposing the expansion. Thus a deal was struck; or so it appeared. Chick-fil-A would cease funding anti-LBGT groups among other concessions and in turn Alderman Moreno would cease opposing their expansion into Chicago. 

Just as my taste buds were getting geared up for an all night chicken binge I learned that both I and Alderman Moreno had been duped. You see, it appears that just days after Chick-fil-A had agreed to stop funding bigoted groups, Dan Cathy on September 18th, tweeted a photo from a fund raiser for the anti-LBGT group Marriage and Family Foundation. 

The WinShape Foundation which Chick-fil-A operates was hosting a 200 mile couple’s motorcycle ride called “WinShape Ride for the Family” with an entry fee of $3,500 per couple with options to pledge $5,000, $10,000, or $15,000 to Marriage and Family Foundation. In order not to appear to be donating to the group, participants were asked to make checks payable to Marriage and Family Foundation and not the WinShape Foundation or Chick-fil-A. Sponsorship packages were reported to have displayed the Chick-fil-A logo as well as that of the WinShape Foundation. 

While Dan Cathy and the folks at Chick-fil-A have claimed to stand for Christian principles, their actions have proven to be anything but Christian. In their actions against the LBGT community, they have proven themselves to be bigoted, aggressive, and intolerant. They clearly do not love their neighbors as they do themselves and now they have outright lied to elected officials and to the public for monetary gain.

So Christian of them to lie to the American people in order to sell a few more artery clogging chicken sandwiches, don't you think?

Well it looks like it is time to take some of that money that we might have spent destroying our health with fast food, and instead use it to invest in a new computer.


  1. Anonymous5:01 AM


    What's striking about Palin's drivel--there's more, but it's just as empty--is how closely it parallels what the GOP's "intellectuals" are heaving in such rude, unsolicited ways at Romney/Ryan ... just ... just ... just get out there, rogue-ish-like, no holds barred, and lay it all on the line, boys. But ... lay what on the line? This, they never seem to get around to identifying, probably because the few specifics Romney/Ryan have offered have got them where they are (well, that, and their natural political magnetism and charm).

    So here we are. 2012. And Sarah Palin can credibly match wits with the GOP's very "finest" strategic minds. That's how utterly wretched the party has become.

    for the rest:

  2. Sally in MI5:18 AM

    Our local United Way fund drive is in full swing. They donate heavily to BSA, but never to the Girl Scouts. If you are employed in this town, you are pushed to give through your paycheck, so that 100% 'compliance' is achieved for your business. Yet, you have no say in where the funds go. I think it may be time tow rite some letters. And yeah, Chik-Fil-A is another GOP 'Christian' bunch of liars. Big surprise.

    1. Anonymous8:03 AM

      thanks for reminding me, my university does the United Way thing too.

    2. Anonymous12:19 PM

      Our college does UW also. I don't really like bundlers - be it UW or the bishop's appeal. I can decide what charities my money goes to. Fortunately, our UW lets us choose so I pick one local food kitchen and one African charity.

    3. Anonymous12:40 PM

      Although there's no excuse for forced giving to charities you hate, I do believe Girl Scouts is innocent here. This article is about Boy Scouts. I know that there's a girls organization in America that is very fair and encourage participation by all, it must be girl scouts I can't think of another

  3. Anonymous5:35 AM

    I got duped too, Jesse: drove thru Thurs and then home and read this. wasn't THAT good a sandwich.


  4. Anonymous6:29 AM

    I saw what you did there. Intel it is!

  5. Anonymous6:50 AM

    We stopped contributing to the United Way ages ago due to their bigoted stance that matches the BSA.
    Why on earth anyone would give to the BSA is beyond me, they covered up decades of child abuse and are bigots from the word go.

  6. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Chicago absolutely doesn't need or want ChikenFuckinAssholes. We have Harolds. BEST CHICKEN EVER. (Yeah weird logo.) But it is largely minority franchise owners who serve underserved neighborhoods.

  7. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Unfortunately, the BSA is no longer a safe organization for young men. Taken over by the Mormon church, anti-LBGT, and full of adult perverts ruining the lives of the kids forever. I will never support it again and hope that none of grandkids join. It is sad that an organization that was always touted as a wonderful learning opportunity for young men turned out to be a crooked and ugly as the Catholic church.

    OTOH, my granddaughter has just signed up for Brownies and her Dad is taking her each week. I will support the Brownie/Girl Scout teams.

  8. hedgewytch8:19 AM

    My brothers grew up in the boy scouts. I wanted to be a boy scout 'cause they did way more fun things than the girl scouts did so I dropped out after a while. My brother's learned some good skills from the group. But neither of them liked it, or their troop leaders, enough to continue through the whole program.

    My husband is an Eagle Scout. He is everything a Scout should be. But his experience was tainted by the ignorant and bigoted leaders he had to deal with. He tells tales of what a hard time he had with some scout masters because of his long hair (which he refuses to cut to this day) and his outspokenness.

    Recently my husband was asked if he wanted to start a Scout troop in our little community. At first we thought it might be a good idea. Shortly thereafter we began hearing about all the issues with the Scout troop, LBGT issues, etc. That's when Andy decided he can teach the boys what they need to know, and he doesn't need to be a Boy Scout Troop Leader to do it. The Boy Scouts can go screw themselves.

  9. WakeUpAmerica8:49 AM

    I lost respect for the Boy Scouts a long time ago when they discriminated against atheists. Gay discrimination only firmed up my resolve, but your piece about their way of handling predators was the clincher. I will not only not support them, but I will also speak out loudly against them.

  10. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Oh that's just great. Now a whole bunch of pedophiles can get in tight with the boy scouts and everybody will be afraid to say something about it for fear of being a homophobe. And lots of little boys will be indoctrinated early. Another good place for the pedophiles to hide, as if the catholic church wasn't enough cover for them. Be careful what you wish for.

  11. Anonymous9:50 AM

    CFA doesn't seem to be able to lose for winning. All ready for another round with them. You know it's not going to work out for queers any better this time around.

  12. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Awhile back someone leaked some footage from a boy scout jamboree where they were shrieking anti-Obama slogans. They're not a nice group at all.

  13. Apparently Dan Cathy, like so many of his Fundy Xtian Talibangelicals, grazed through the Ten Commandments and missed the one about Thou Shalt not LIE.

    Displays the same sort of careless reading they give the Constitution.

    I don't eat Chick-fil-A and I won't be. Ever. Don't care what they say or do now. They're proven liars so you can never trust them.

  14. Anita Winecooler7:25 PM

    The boy scouts have had this ongoing fight with the City of Philadelphia, which has a non discriminatory policy for city owned buildings.

    The farkers won, and the city had to pay their legal fees of over 844,000 dollars. That's my tax money going to the BSA, and it pisses me off to no end that they're allowed to get away with it.
    I have to commend Intel for doing what's right.
    Without knowing about Intel's decision, we just got two new computers with intel chips last month, knowing they support equality makes me glad to be their consumer.

    As for CFA, once a corporation shows their true colors, believe them the first time.

    I left this link to their closed on sunday policy and why on a previous thread. It's rife with pro Christian values, with the excuse that closing on Sundays attracts better employees, you know, because they follow the Sabbath, and only the Christian Day of Rest is recognized. They never got one red cent from me, and never will.


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