Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Anti-Obama video mailed to 1.5 million voters across the country. Gee I wonder who is paying for THAT?

Courtesy of Buzzfeed:

An anti-Obama movie claiming — without evidence — that President Barack Obama's real father is an obscure African-American communist has been mailed to 1.5 million voters across the country, its creator told BuzzFeed Friday. 

A reader in Ohio emailed this photo of his free copy of the film Dreams From My Real Father, which claims that the Chicago activist Frank Marshall Davis is actually President Obama's father. He received it in the mail this week. 

The film's director and producer, Joel Gilbert, said that the film was sent out to more one million voters in Ohio; 200,000 after a mid-summer conference, and a million after that. He said that 50,000 copies had been sent to voters in Nevada and 100,000 to voters in New Hampshire. 

"We're sending out bulk mailings to many states," Gilbert said. "Probably Illinois, New York, Florida, Arizona, Louisiana, we'll hit every state if we can to stimulate and force the national media to cover the story." 

Gilbert declined to say how much his company, Highway 61 Entertainment, is spending to distribute the film for free, but said that the film was making a profit through online orders. He also wouldn't say how the company is funded and how they come up with the money to distribute so many free disks. 

"We’re a private media company, a journalistic company that’s privately held and we don’t disclose the nature or makeup of our finances," he said. 

He said "We’ve made 12 successful films and we are also making current revenue on the current film" and compared the company to Citizens United, but said that it wasn't a political group and didn't have donors.

Not "a political group," and don't have any "donors?"  What a crock of shit that is!

Just when you think you have seen the Republicans go as low as humanly possible, they dig themselves down even further.

This is a particularly disgusting attempt to smear our President, and it is quite literally something that this Joel Gilbert douchebag pulled directly out of his ass. Until this "movie" I had never heard even the MOST anti-Obama assholes claiming that he was fathered by somebody other than Barack Obama Sr. (But hey, according to this I guess we can stop suspecting that he is not a US citizen now at least, right?)

As for not being political, the other films made by this guy's company, Highway 61 Entertainment, are called  "Atomic Jihad" and "Farewell Israel." Gee I wonder which side HIS political affiliations lie?

I guess we should be, in some way, pleased that these scumbags are in such a panic that they are now throwing everything but the kitchen sink at the President. Clearly they smell the putrid aroma of defeat in he air, and are essentially losing their collective minds. (Some even going so far as to suggest there might be a civil war in response to his reelection in the hopes that it will scare people away from the polls.)

And who can blame them. The most recent polls by the Washington Post show the President with a growing lead over Mitt the twit in Ohio, as well as some other key states:

In the presidential race, Obama is ahead of Romney in Ohio by 52 percent to 44 percent among likely voters. In Florida, the president leads 51 percent to 47 percent, a numerical edge but not a statistically significant one. Among all registered Florida voters, Obama is ahead by nine percentage points.

And perhaps even more upsetting to the Republicans (Who really don't trust polls unless THEY are winning anyhow), is that early voting has already started in a few places, with many more states soon to join them.

This means that the election, for all  intents and purposes, has started, and right when Mitt Romney's foot is still firmly wedged in his mouth and his head is neck deep up his own ass. (Go ahead, just TRY to visualize that!)

I actually heard a conservative on the TV saying that the problem with early voting is that it is taking place BEFORE the debates, and they are now convinced that Mittens is going to wipe the floor with Obama.

Oh man, are THEY about to have jarring reality check!

Anyhow we all need to remember that the GOP dirty tricks are still coming hard and fast and the BEST thing we can all do is to get out and vote just as soon as possible. Alaska early voting starts on October 22nd, and you can bet your house that I will be standing outside the polling place with my ID in hand, well before they even unlock the doors.


  1. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Wait, they mailed a DVD? I guess they have their demographic pegged because I don't know anyone that owns a DVD player, in fact most of us haven't for about 4 years now. Content is delivered digitally, from Netflix or Hulu or iTunes. I know not what this DVD is that you speak of...that's so 2008 :-)

    1. I still have a DVD player and buy DVDs. If you are in a part of the country with shaky internet, streaming is a pain. But you make a good point! I remember getting envelopes from McCain's campaign with yellow paper inside, pretending to be urgent "telegrams"!

      Meanwhile of course, then-candidate Obama was making full use of 21st century technology!

    2. Anonymous3:02 PM

      I'm in Wasilla. We have 10MB download speed from GCI (for only $119 per month even!) Pretty much streaming video with no interruptions, but this is Alaska and I do realize that a lot of the country doesn't have the same type of service we do because our state is so large and we have so much cable infrastructure to support it. I gave my DVD player to Salvation Army 3 years ago. Digital is sooo much better, but maybe not in some places.

    3. Anita Winecooler8:25 PM

      Hey, look at the demographic this is aimed at-
      I'm sure they have the vhs under their tv's blinking 12:00, beta max, AND dvd players!

    4. Anonymous9:05 PM

      You forgot the clock-am-radio function plus the special rabbit-eared antenna that ain't been working much lately for some raisin. Yousta have a RE-mote, too, but tha battries corroded bout fiteen years ago.

      But hey, they can read the pitchers on the package it come in.

      "Paw, whuts a DVD. Is that some new fancified underwear like my BVD's? Hey! That black man on there SHO is scary! Must be Obamma's brother in law. I can't rightly tell what these words is spellin out rye cheer but I know it's bad becuz they's both black."

    5. I own a DVD player.

      But I mostly watch DVDs on my laptop since it's just me.

  2. Anonymous2:11 PM

    They *said* they mailed 1.5 million DVDs.
    We have no idea if that number is true.
    Where have heard of a party making up slanderous talk, presenting it as truth and trying to take power by any means possible?
    Oh yeah... Germany in the 20's-40's.

    1. That would be almost a third of the household in Ohio, which would be a lot of waste if they are drilling down into the demographic data by precinct. Sometimes you do this if you are carpet-bombing, but if it's a targeted approach, they can get the same efficacy with one-third to one-fifth of that number easily. It might even be a diversion where they say they distribute 1.5M but only send 100K, trying to get the Dems to defend some ground that they're not even attacking.

      Remember WWII Allied PsyOps where inflatable tanks and wooden planes and Equip were set up to indicate to Axis aerial recon units that attacks were to come from the North.

      Rule of thumb: Unless you've purposely stolen the data yourself, it's probably bad data that has been planted.

      Intel vs Counter-Intel

    2. Anonymous4:28 PM

      I can't even believe that Ohio is a place, much less an important state in the election. I mean, who really lives there and where exactly is it? Ohio is a "grey area" to many of us on the coasts.

    3. Hey now... I live in Ohio. Born and raised. Don't go making fun of us in the heartland.

    4. Anon4:28. Quit talking out your ass. You are either a troll or you live in Columbus and you're a pissed off UM graduate with an inferiority complex. Plus you don't know a goddam thing about electoral politics in our great republic if you don't understand why Ohio is critical.

      The reason it's a battleground state is because it is so diverse. And it's got a population of about 11.5 million people, the 7th most in the US which is approximately the population of the ten least populous states and DC combined.

      Get a fucking map and look for Bumfuck, Egypt and put a star on it. Then in the map legend, write "my hometown". And stay there, please.

      You must be a birther among many intelligent people if you live on either of the coasts. lol

      Seriously, we have an idiot who doesn't know where Ohio is... homeschooled by a Bumfuck Evangelical Grade school graduate, ie (Your Mom), who didn't bother with "all 50 states, because that's just too many for my dear little nutter kid to learn about".

    5. Anonymous7:35 PM

      those of YOU who hate GOD are to be considered as GOD said...."they simply don't know what they do"....

  3. Damn it, I bought a Bob Dylan DVD by Gilbert!

    1. Anonymous4:29 PM

      I guess you don't have iTunes?

    2. Anonymous7:35 PM

      Wrong. Now you want to try to guess what I'm thinking? No, that's not it. Try again. No, that's not it, try again. Enough of your guessing. You're not worth a shit at this game. I hope our 4-chan friend scoops up your IP address also, and signs you up for internet access with an ISP in Nigeria that is pleased to offer you service for only $199 weekly or maybe a lifetime access for only $999 since that's all that's in your account on pay day. Or whatever.

      ******Note to Anonymous @ 4-Chan. See 4:29PM for possible attitude adjustment

  4. Same Ole Republican Shit, Warmed Over.

    When your candidate sucks, talk about the other guy. If the other guy is a good candidate, make up shit first, then talk about him.

    Smells like Pam Geller, Breitbart and the shape-shifter crowd being funded with secret Crossroads and AFP money from within the Neocon bubble.

    These people did the same thing in 2000 against McCain on behalf of Shrub in order to win South Carolina and get W the nomination for the GOP. The methodology used in 2000 was "push-polling" for their whisper campaign, but since the cost of producing DVD's in mass has dropped so much, they are cheap to reproduce and distribute.

    The smear topic in 2000 was McCain's "Black Illegitimate Love Child", who was actually the daughter who John & Cindy McCain had adopted.

    Here's more if you're interested:

    Classic Rat-fucking/Dirty Tricks.

  5. Anonymous2:18 PM

    They can't beat Obama on the issues or likability or character so they have to literally vilify him and his family.

    1. You got it. If we don't filter out about 90 % of the noise, it's easy to be overwhelmed and feel like we're on the battlefield ourselves with live ammo going over our heads.

      In the fog of war, keep focused on your mission and what you have to do to accomplish it.

      Our mission is to make sure that our families and friends and associates are registered to vote, and we've got to encourage them to get to the polls.

      For those of us who are enjoying their "first rodeo", hang in there, and be glad you're on the right team. We're glad you're with us. ;)

    2. Anonymous4:18 PM

      Anon: 2:18 PM: Yes, this is exactly their campaign strategy. Only problem is, their candidate is so unlikable and his wife and children are so unlikable.. they are up against a wall. Literally. There's very little that the average American can relate to the Romney's. I don't have a horse that can compete in the Olympics and be a tax-write off, do you? I don't have a yacht harbored off the shore of which-ever state bordering with water I happen to be at, at the moment, do you? I don't have an elevator in my 'house' to bring up my expensive vehicles so I don't have to walk to them, do you?? I'm a wife, but I don't drive a 'couple of Cadillac's,' do you??
      It's insane people. The Romney's are from a different class and they want to keep it that way..And don't even get me started about their so-called 'religion' that was founded by a sexual pervert...

  6. Anonymous2:25 PM

    O/T. Helmet cam footage of combat in Afghanistan. "I'm hit! I'm hit!" What is this for?

    1. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Yay, let's spend more tax dollars to kill more people ON THEIR OWN TURF! Hey, better yet, let's get the fuck out of there and let them live their own lives. I HATE MILITARY PORN and I have no respect for what they are doing over there. That's the main reason I no longer pay taxes...I don't agree with where they spend my tax dollars and there are plenty of deductions that I can take to NOT give money to the WAR MACHINE!

  7. This campaign is going to get uglier and uglier as Romney's "shadow campaign" staff kicks it into high gear.

    There's so much money that it cannot all be spent on legitimate traditional media like signs, posters, billboards, commercials, etc.

    If you're in a swing-state, collect as much of this stuff as you can and run it up a flagpole by letting G know as soon as you get it. I'm not in a battleground state myself, but I'll let my contacts know in those areas that are starting to get carpet-bombed what else is coming down the pike so they can devise counter-offensives if it's worthwhile.

    We're six weeks out, and if you have a weak stomach, lock your doors, turn off the TV, and get out every book that you've intended to read but haven't had time. You have time now.

    I hope we are discussing campaign reform and solutions to Citizens United in January, 2013 on the floor of Congress. But right now, we've just got to fight our way to the end. Make sure everyone you know is registered to vote. That's the best thing we can do right now.

    1. Anonymous4:00 PM

      G can only enable those in swing states because Alaska is a given as far as the POTUS 2012 goes....Even though we poll nearly 50/50 in some local an state elections all of our Electorals go to the Reds.

    2. Anonymous7:55 PM

      Im not sure what you mean by "enable". I was under the impression that there were readers of his blog from other states as well. Since his blog is a conduit of info to and from a lot of smart people all over the country and in other countries as well, we speak of things from a little broader perspective than just AK most of the time. Most of the swing states aren't going to swing back. Probably MO. Maybe NC. Worst case, NH, CO, IA. Add em up. Obama holds serve and wins. AK is definitely considered a Red state, just as there are local elections won by some democrats within red states all over the country. When a state has 35-40% of its voters who are Independents or no party affiliation like AK or perhaps ME (examples, not exact percentages), then THOSE are the swing votes among the two major parties, USUALLY.

      As long as Gryphen doesn't ENABLE Miz Moosilla from over in the valley, I'm cool with however he swings his big fucking electoral sledge hammer. Oh yes, he has a BIG stick. That's why Sarah sent her pissant attorney to send G a Welcome Wagon letter. G is the man, not because I say he is but because he fucking is.

  8. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Well we knew they'd play dirty. Hopefully these pieces of crap will end up in the trash. Besides, from what I'm reading, there are very few undecideds left. These fake movies will just encourage Obaja supporters to get out the vote. Nice work.
    Oh and why is MI one of the few states with No early Voting, and still requiring an excuse for absentee like we are in school. Must have a lot to do with keeping Democrats from the polls.

    1. Anonymous4:03 PM

      Hopefully they farmed the reproduction for the DVD's to China where it might get mixed in with some black-market porn, and send a little sexy-time video action to half their GOP target mailing.

      Ker-plunk---> straight in the trash. I wouldn't play something unsolicited on my computer anyway. Great way to invite corrupted files onto your hard drive.

  9. Anonymous2:50 PM

    My guess would be Pamala Geller has her hand in this.

    She did advertise for solicitations on her blog for the supposed 'film' that appears to be only a bad youtube video.

    Geller also won in Court to place 'hate' ads calling Muslims 'Savages' on Public Transit.

    1. Anonymous3:08 PM

      If you check her sources of funding, that's all you need to know. Geller is a shit-stirrer and the only agenda she has is the one that's given to her. She is not a player nor a primary source of anything; she has only an astro-turf "shell org" behind her which is funneling some dark money that is being passed around by the Supers.

  10. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Hey Gryph, you should know the answer to this - dna test on Barack Obama Sr. descendents. DNA test on President Obama. ---> defamation suit.

    1. Anonymous4:15 PM

      Like it really matters.

      Now, they are saying,

      "Forget the OLD STORY that we told you about him being born in Kenya to an black African anti-colonial Mau Mau".

      Their NEW AND IMPROVED story on Obama is:
      "His REAL father is an black American man who was a Communist".

      It's really a story about nothing, because the Communist DNA marker is as yet undetectable. Besides, who gives a shit?

      But there are some dumb people in this country that will fall for anything.

      What I really want to know is, "Who is Joel Gilbert's real father?" and, as Krusty would ask, "Is his Mother proud of Joel?"

    2. Anonymous5:10 PM

      This doesn't make sense. Why should the Obama descendents or the President himself submit to DNA testing? That is absolutely ridiculous. It would put him on the defensive, and President Obama does NOT do defensive, and would only lend credence to these despicable, desperate animals' fabrications and lies. President Obama would never dignify these lies with a response!

  11. Anonymous3:06 PM

    These Republicans are getting desperate. They know they are losing and it's going to get ugly, ugly, ugly...and more ugly.
    They have nothing to run on except: Obama's a Muslim...he a socialist...he'll take away all our guns..he's 'for abortion'...he hates America..he loves gays...
    Just listen to neanderthals like Ted Nugent, Hank Williams, Jr., Sarah Palin, Sean's all the same rhetoric.
    Folks. It's going to get extremely ugly in the closing weeks of this election. and all the ugliness will be coming from one side..I'm Joseph A. Banks, and I guarantee it!

  12. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Doubt many will actually watch this. The negatives like this about President Obama have been going on for four years now and people are truly sick and tired of it and don't believe it anyway!

    He's gonna win and it's driving them friggin' nuts!

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  13. vegaslib3:16 PM

    I guess the redneck, racist assholes didn't get their asses kicked well enough the last time. Bring it on, liberals are well armed too and certainly not afraid of their hollow threats.

    Just like a Romney ad, I'll bet there is no reference to where they get their facts other than an arrow pointing up their ass.

    1. Anonymous4:20 PM

      vegaslib, I wasn't ready for your punch line at the end, and the visual on that hit me squarely on my funny bone. Well done on the snark!

  14. Anonymous3:37 PM

    That is called campaigning. Obama knows all about how to deceive people. Just listen to his words and differing actions. Or listen to his contradicting words. OR just listen to his insults to 80% America.

    1. Anonymous4:38 PM


      Did Obama Fake the Moon Landing?

      Oh My!!! Did Obama kill JFK?

    2. Anonymous4:56 PM

      Deceive people? Seriously, dude? Have you not paid attention to the Romney flip-flop express in the last year??
      Can you match his $10,000 bet with Perry? Or is that $10,000 more than you've ever made in your pathetic life??
      Romney changes his positions more often than the wind changes direction, or you have changed the roll of toilet paper in your outhouse.. Please, dude. Get a grip, grab another Schlitz, wrap yourself around your NASCAR Dale Earnhardt, Sr. flag, jack off on it..wipe off the stains so your common-law wife and mother of your 4 children don't see it..gear up for tomorrow's work day of cutting other people's lawns and wiping their stench off of ya..put your yard sign out that says, "Obama is a Muslim and will take away my wright to own a gun!" sign...and go to bed, dude. You're done.

    3. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Stop with the garbage already, stupid troll. Name ONE, just ONE, instance where "President Obama" has lied, and cite one contradiction, or one insult! You can't, you insane troll.
      Speaking of insults, who was it again that insulted 47% of Americans--caught on video and broadcast ad infinitum all over the country-- calling them moochers and victims? Hint--it was NOT POTUS! Fucking delusional trolls!

    4. Anonymous5:38 PM

      You posted this shit on Malia's blog. Sorry, but your statistic that 80% of Amicans own their own business is beyond ridiculous.

    5. Olivia5:41 PM

      Oh, please, please, fill us in on exactly the words and differing actions and insults to which you are referring. I have been waiting so long for you to enlighten this group.

      What's that I hear....CRICKETS?

    6. Anita Winecooler8:46 PM

      Oh, dear, I sense you may have been prescribed analgesics for your headache. Is it Obama's fault you stuffed two up your butt? IT must be, or they'd be called "oralgesics", Right?

    7. and he warned us about it in his U.N. speech.

      they are going to say awful, terrible things about me.

  15. lostinmn3:40 PM

    The good news is these guys just shot the birthers in their nuts. If Obama was sired by this Chicago commie then he's definitely 100% American

    The stench of desperation and sadly, it's gonna backfire on them. It further hardens the racist part of the 47% but will push independents away.

    1. Anonymous4:49 PM

      That's one of the main reasons it's so easy to tell when TeaBaggers are lying... they can't remember which fucking lie they told last!

      Anybody who listens to those idiots needs to be in their bunker on November 6th anyway. That's the day the alien space ships are set to land in TX,AR,LA,MS,TN,MO,AL,GA,FL,KY,SC,NC,VA. Probably Idaho and Utah as well. Maybe Alaska, also, too, if they still have time to go by and say hello to Santa Claus and Sarah.

  16. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Look, the Republicans' only hope is to steal this election. That's why they have feverishly enacted voter suppression laws all across the nation in the last 3 years.
    Please, people, help your elderly neighbors get their sufficient voter ID cards. Tell your younger neighbors how important this election is. Get involved. Do not get complacent. It's going to be really, really tough in the next coming weeks. Yeah, Obama will obliterate Romney in the debates. Everyone knows that. The Republicans know that. That's why they are so keen on stealing this election as only they know how.
    Get involved. Get your elderly neighbors their proper ID and volunteer to drive them to the precinct where they are registered. Help. Get involved. Do not take anything, or any poll, for granted. Nothing is a shoo in. Proceed like it is an uphill battle!

    1. Anita Winecooler8:48 PM

      What 3:45 said.

    2. Anonymous9:15 PM

      Will do and done.

  17. Anonymous3:56 PM

    OK, I have to ask this, and please, those of you IM regulars that are more astute and smarter than me can you help answer this, but: Why isn't Sarah Palin out there on the campaign trail for Romney, rallying that base, stirring up the conservative voters, etc.? (like she and many conservative pundits think she is soooo good at) Is it that she: 1: hasn't been asked to, or 2: secretly hopes that Obama wins so she can 'stay relevant and on FOX news spouting her hatred and ignorance??

    1. Anonymous4:29 PM

      My guess is that they don't like each other. Sarah never really came out and endorsed Mitt Romney except for her "Anybody But Obama."

    2. Anonymous4:36 PM

      Did you miss the GOP convention? She was not invited, plain and simple. If the Romney camp wanted anything from her she'd have been invited to be a spokesperson at the actual Convention, HELLO!!! I mean, Romney is stupid, but I guess he sees Palin as even more TOXIC than he and Ann have been on the campaign trail, and that's really saying something.

    3. Anonymous5:18 PM

      Answer: All of them, Katie.

    4. Olivia5:46 PM

      If Sarah had half a brain and had any interest in anyone's existence and well being but her own, she would be campaigning like crazy for Barack Obama.

      EVERYONE knows that anyone she supports or campaigns for will lose and disappear from the political scene.

      If she cared at all about all the shit she professes to be passionate about, she would be the President's biggest supporter and then he would lose the election.

      We all know the only one Sarah supports is Sarah!

    5. Anonymous7:56 PM

      It really doesn't matter one way or another how the out come of the election plays for scary. I believe that most people, ceptin morons, are totally over quittypants. She will fade into obscurity. Ex Cat

    6. Anita Winecooler8:59 PM

      You obviously don't know Sarah Palin too well.

      I never thought I'd say this, but Sarah knows more (nothing) about campaigning than Romney (less than nothing).

      But here's the difference. Romney will fade away into the woodwork, never to be seen or heard from again. He's a liar and a bad one at that.

  18. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Darned..I live in Ohio and I didn't get this DVD.

    I read about this on TPM and according to them, the Chair of the GOP in Alabama says that he has personally "verified" that everything shown on this video is the truth (as though he would know what that word means).

    The thing what? Even if every word of the DVD is the god's truth...I don't think politics is a genetic trait passed down through the sperm. If so, my husband would a Republican..which he is NOT.

    But the story is even wilder....according to this GOP Chair, Obama's grandfather was a CIA agent and his daughter was "secretly impregnated" by this Communist..and then they forced Barack Obama Sr. to marry the teenager. I guess that a woman's body doesn't shut down when she is secretly impregnated?

    Unbelievable in the day and age that crazy people like this hold such a high office!

    1. Anonymous9:25 PM

      I went to the TeaParty meeting 2 years ago and that's where I learnt that you have to be mighty slick to do that in-vitro spermification insertion very carefully while they's asleep, or it won't be a secret.

      That's what's so good about being in the CIA. They teach them boys how to do some shit, I tell ya. And lots of them CIA fellows is stationed in Howahyou out there with Don Ho and Tony Orlando and Magnum PI. Cuz there's lotsa furrunners out there so the CIA has to spy on em. They's commies, I believe out there. Or Japs or Nips. Ain't sure which.

  19. Anonymous4:20 PM

    If I got this in the mail, I'd look at it and know that I wasn't interested. Reason? I already know who I'm voting for (President Obama and VP Joe Biden) - have researched everything thoroughly about both candidates and am set in my mind as to who I think will do the best job. There will be no changing my mind at this point. Absentee ballot ordered and I can hardly wait to vote!

    1. Anonymous9:28 PM

      Probably make a pretty good coaster in a pinch. Or something for Junior to draw on with a sharpie that's better than drawing mustaches on the baby.

  20. Anonymous4:26 PM

    It will all be decided November 6 2012. Until then it's "he said, she said". This kind of tripe does nothing for us that are already SO FUCKING TIRED OF THE POLITICAL DRAMA. I don't even vote for POTUS in AK as we always go for the Republican candidate for Pres. I only vote for local issues here, but damn, I wish this thing would just be over sooner than later as it's just getting so ugly!

  21. So they have decided Pres. Obama is NOT a Kenyan Muslim? But now he's a commie? Idiots!

    1. Anonymous9:30 PM

      Those commies that are bred in secret by the CIA are the worst ones, or so they said at my TeaBagger local meeting.

  22. Anonymous5:26 PM

    If Gilbert thinks that guy is Obama's father he is suffering from a huge case of "They All Look Alike To Me" syndrome.

    Take a break from deciphering ear ruffles and compare Davis's facial features to O's: different eyebrows, different nose and nostrils, different jaw line; mouth, ears and shape of head all different.

    The only feature that looks like it could have been handed down is the hair. But if you go by that, then Davis must have about 20 million kids running around.

    Anyone who thinks these two guys are remotely related really needs to find some black folks to hang out with!

  23. Well that's wiped out the birthers - no-one else would give a s--t

  24. Okay. Let me get this straight.

    They're giving up the birther born in Kenya thing because now they claim his father is an African-American.

    And since they're not claiming he's a communist and communists are atheists, they're also giving up on the Obama is a Muslim thing.

    Do I have that right?

    Anyone watched this Sci-Fi fantasy yet?

    My Mother is a registered Republican. I wonder if she'll get one?

    1. That should read NOW a communist.


  25. Anonymous8:37 PM

    So if anyone gets this crap just write on it return to sender.I believe they will get stuck paying for the return postage.Enough of this crap gets mailed back to them it ought to wipe out their profits.And a tip of the hat to Elvis Presly.

    1. Anonymous9:33 PM

      "Thank ya very much. I have now left the building, but I'll be back at the next tea party meeting along with Sarah Palin "
      TCB Baby

  26. Anonymous9:02 PM

    So I guess the dribble who will believe this shit have to abandon their other retarded dogma that he isn't a real American citizen....
    Just a bastard child of a commie..

    You know, I am very glad that the President's mother and grandmother aren't here to hear this utter bullshit. The people who put out this stuff should be ASHAMED of themselves, but since they have no sense of shame or self, then that is just idiotic to assume. Those two women, his mother and grandmother are the people who instilled in our President his morality and heart. They probably told this child who grew up poor, of a single mother, half-white, half-black...that someday he could be President.
    To throw crap like this around just is a slap in the face to the mother of our President. Why not put out a pamphlet saying she would just screw any black dude. I am sure glad our President has class and grace....and I thank his mother and grandmother for bringing him up right. Damn you GOP assholes to hell.

  27. Anita Winecooler9:05 PM

    Desperate times call for desperate acts. This dvd is literally "the shiny object" to distract from the abject failure Romney and Ryan have proven themselves to be.

    Citizens United has backfired, the law of diminishing returns has rendered the ads to little else than "white noise". Saturate the airwaves with lies long enough, and people just tune it out.

    Keep your eyes on the prize and do what you can to get out the vote. We need a landslide to capture the house and senate.

  28. Randall3:03 AM

    It is a perfect example of Republican thinking:

    elect US - there's nothing too low for us to stoop, nothing too slimy for us to jump right in and slop around.

    Vote Republican - we're willing to CHEAT!

    Vote Republican - we're willing to do anything to win, including LIE! (But will we lie to you after we're elected... nahhhhh - TRUST us!)

  29. Anonymous3:23 AM

    No one who is going to vote for Obama is going to bother with this trash, The only people who will waste their time watching it would never have voted for him anyway. All this did was take money out of one asshole's pocket and shove it in another.

  30. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Before the Clinton/Bush election, someone went around my town and put KKK-type newspapers on our lawns. Nothing since. I can't imagine this stuff converting anyone. It isn't like we haven't seen Obama as President and don't know what he is up to. The people who lap this stuff up would believe signs that say "Obama is a half breed muslin." It isn't like "John McCain's black daughter" because that was aimed at republicans trying to choose a republican, and it was pandering to the base.

    I am never undecided, I have NEVER voted for a single republican. I ALWAYS vote on election day. I may vote early this time, in case I drop dead, or something.

  31. Anonymous1:40 PM

    That state by state voting missing Wisconsin!!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.