Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Does anybody disagree with this?

I found this on Facebook and thought that it summed up the Republicans position quite well.

Don't you think?


  1. Anonymous2:53 AM

    gryphen-- a few months ago you posted video of Mitt Romney proudly talking about how much money could be obtained from the govt for use by businesses---in his instance, for use in the Olympics. Would it be relevant to re-post that?

  2. Anonymous2:59 AM

    Agggh, It makes me sick that it's so true.

  3. Anonymous2:59 AM

    I agree with it 100%. The author of it, is spot on target.

  4. Anonymous3:36 AM

    Absolutely true. And about time people woke up to what is really going on in DC. And by the way, he HAS eliminated our total dependence on foreign oil. We now export MORE than we import.

  5. Anonymous3:42 AM

    You can't argue with truth, and this meme just about sums it up!

  6. Leland4:02 AM

    Unfortunately, those people about whom this is speaking don't see it that way and most (at least, the ones I'm stuck dealing with here in the south) are too pig headed to even TRY to think for themselves and they react using only the sound bytes they get from the news. So I'd be willing to bet that while this is the truth, it changed no minds.

    1. Anonymous9:30 AM

      Negative Nelly.

    2. Anonymous2:49 PM


      It may be to you...

      Can you handle it?

      We need you.

  7. Sally in MI4:27 AM

    New bumper sticker idea:
    "Mitt Romney says half of Americans pay no taxes. Is he one of them?"

  8. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Totally agree with this. And it's not liberal propaganda. What is written there is demonstrated every day on the news by statements made by Republican spokespeople. The proof is there for all to see. The shocking allegations, the slander, the personal attacks, have gone way over the boundaries of civility. I don't think anyone has witnessed this ever.

    Considering what President Obama has had to endure, he's really really turned the other cheek, and that says a lot about the other Party, who are the mob mentality that seem to enjoy putting him down every chance they get. When all is said and done, President Obama has demonstrated true character. They can't take that away from him. And it's eating them alive.

  9. Anonymous6:38 AM

    You know, it's not enough to just get the president re-elected. We must get more Democrats than Republicans elected if we want to get the change we need in this country.
    The Republicans' stated agenda is to block and fight everything the president proposes. IF they keep the House and take back the Senate, we are all doomed.
    Obama/Biden 2012
    Democrats 2012!

    1. Anonymous9:32 AM

      When we vote for President Obama, we will be voting for the congressional Dems, too. That's a no brainer.

    2. Anonymous2:50 PM

      Not accurate, 9:32!!!!

    3. Anonymous4:06 PM

      Anon at 9:22 am. You have to vote for your representative and/or senator. Simplest way to do it is to vote a "straight Democratic ticket." It's what I do; at this point in my life, I could never find myself voting for a Republican for any office. I think that they are all traitors.

  10. Anonymous8:50 AM

    I saw evidence yesterday, of just what an uphill battle it will be, to turn around the thinking of the radical rightwingers.

    After describing a truly awful string of bad luck, this woman goes on to blame every bit of it on the President...including how her husband lost his job only a couple months after Obama took office.

    She concluded with this little rant, which I swear I could hear "God Bless America" playing in the background, about how once Romney becomes the President, everyone will get a job, the elderly and the very young will no longer need food stamps, the sky will turn much bluer, and we will get America back.

    My reply to her was to stop thinking ANY politician can deliver such a pie in the sky result. And that if by full employment, that includes military service, then I agree that nearly every mirror fogging young male will be removed from the unemployment roles, and shipped off to fight the new war in Iran.

    All this goes to show just how freaking stupid these people are...fueled by the constant lies and distortions of the Fox channel, the delusion has turned into a form of religion, with the "saviour" being a heartless piece of shit named Mitt Romney.

    Shame on those who are taking advantage of rubes like this.

  11. physicsmom12:35 PM

    Originally, I didn't see the last two words, so I read the last sentence as "Vote to remove the people who refuse to work." I think that states the case even better, given a Congress that has taken more breaks than a paid civil servant ever should. Not only will they not work with President Obama, they won't work, period.

    1. Anonymous4:09 PM

      "Vote to remove the people who refuse to work" means vote out any Republican member of Congress. They have not done a day's worth of work since took office following the inauguration in January 2009 or for those first timers in the House, since they took office after the November 2010 election. I'm all for removing them from office - permanently.


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