Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Hubble telescope discovers ancient galaxy that should not exist, but does.

Courtesy of i09: 

This galaxy is so large, so fully-formed, astronomers say it shouldn't exist at all. It's called a "grand-design" spiral galaxy, and unlike most galaxies of its kind, this one is old. Like, really, really old. According to a new study conducted by researchers using NASA's Hubble Telescope, it dates back roughly 10.7-billion years — and that makes it the most ancient spiral galaxy we've ever discovered. 

"The vast majority of old galaxies look like train wrecks," said UCLA astrophysicist Alice Shapley in a press release. "Our first thought was, why is this one so different, and so beautiful?" 

Shapley is co-author of the paper describing the discovery, which is published in the latest issue of Nature. She and her colleagues had been using Hubble to investigate some of our Universe's most distant cosmic entities, but the discovery of BX442 — which is what they've dubbed the newfound galaxy — came as a huge surprise. 

"The fact that this galaxy exists is astounding," said University of Toronto's David Law, lead author of the study. "Current wisdom holds that such ‘grand-design' spiral galaxies simply didn't exist at such an early time in the history of the universe." 

The hallmark of a grand design galaxy is its well-formed spiral arms, but getting into this conformation takes time. When astronomers look at most galaxies as they appeared billions and billions of years ago, they look clumpy and irregular. A 10.7-billion-year-old entity, BX442 came into existence a mere 3-billion years after the Big Bang. That's not a lot of time on a cosmic time scale, and yet BX442 looks surprisingly put together. So much so, in fact, that astronomers didn't believe it at first, chalking their unusual observation up to the accidental alignment of two separate galaxies. But further investigations, conducted at the W.M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii, revealed BX442 to be the real thing.

You know for me this is the beauty of science, and why I prefer it over faith.

Here is a situation where a bunch of scientists are confronted with evidence that their presuppositions are incorrect, but rather than deny the existence of the new data and cling to the faith that they were right all along, they simply turn to the other astronomers and say. "Hey guess what guys? We were wrong! Now let's study the crap out of this new evidence."

And forward we go.


  1. Anonymous4:11 AM

    WOW!!! AWESOME!!!

  2. WakeUpAmerica4:14 AM

    Science and Christianity don't have to be mutually exclusive unless a person is a complete moron(pronounced with Reba McIntire accent "MO-ron").

    1. Randall7:12 AM

      Actually? Yes... yes they do.

      Adam and Eve? Talking snake?
      Worldwide flood? All the animals on one boat?
      Ten plagues?
      Parting of the Red Sea?
      Giants? Unicorns? Cockatrice? Leviathan? Behemoth?
      Stopping the rotation of the Earth?
      Virgin birth?
      Walking on the water?
      Raising the dead?
      Healing by touching the hem of his robe?
      Science and Christianity compatible?

      I don't think so.

  3. That’s the right attitude, and I’d be looking to push the Big Bang farther back.

  4. Anonymous5:06 AM

    Here's hoping you bet your mortgage on that CNN poll that over samples Dems and pretends independent voters don't exist.

    1. Anonymous5:17 AM

      Don't you have a letter to Levi to write or something?

    2. Anonymous5:30 AM

      Independent donating to and voting for Obama here. Suck it Sarah. Your bitterness is pathetic. Repub party must adapt or die. R.I.P. Tea Party 2009-2012

    3. Sally in MI7:14 AM

      I am independent, but have not found one sane Republican in MI this year to vote for. And just keep listening to Rush and Hannity spew their lies. The truth will be told on Nov. 7 when Obama wins re-election. And come back here after the debates and tell us why Obama made Mitt look like the fool he is (or will that be someone else's fault too?)

    4. Anita Winecooler6:34 PM

      Hey, your idol's on O'Reilly, giving advice to Mitt Romney about campaignin', pageant waving and stuff! O'Reilly's adding to her word salad rant by saying Romney needs to call President Obama a "Socialist".

      She's in full on panic mode, gasping like a fish out of water !!!!!

  5. Anonymous5:07 AM

    aren't we super glad that we live now, when we are finding out so much, and learning so many new things?
    i personally think that this is the century when we really begin our human adventure!
    thank you, gryphen, for sharing this beautiful image and reality!

  6. Anonymous5:32 AM

    If you believe what scientists say from their discoveries and training, G., then that's faith. Even though it's documented and their photo evidence shows us these new discoveries, we have to have a bit of "faith" in them and their training, knowledge, experience to know what they are seeing out there. And we have to trust them that they are telling the truth and this isn't some kind of hoax.

    Faith is hope in things that we can't 100% see, but yield our hope to others who we trust. Some also trust in the author and creator of BX442.

    1. You're kidding right?

      Please tell me you're kidding.

    2. Anonymous5:57 AM

      to 5:32 - the way you talk, "faith" is trusting that the can of corn you open for dinner is not unsafe to eat. is the person who filled the can "God"? evidence is there to show that the corn shown on the label is the corn in the can, and that it is edible. do you need faith/trust in "God" before you consume it?

    3. Anonymous6:33 AM

      5:32 whoever taught you what the word faith means is a moron. Let me guess...your parents? Your parents are idiots and they raised an idiot. Sad.

    4. Anonymous7:10 AM

      LOL@ Anon 5:32, lack of java maybe? Drink a cup or ten and try your post again.

    5. Anonymous6:18 PM

      wow the people who lurch to G's defense are pretty damn crass. Just sayin!

  7. Anonymous5:40 AM

    O/T and sorry to ruin the beautiful post, but did you see this @ Pat Robertson - and remember, he was invited onto the same platform as Mittens last week. Bastards, both.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:49 PM

      Seriously, where are the real Christians voicing their outrage? OK, I'll settle for Faux Christians.

      And all you need to know about Mitt is that speech he gave with Roberson in the front row.

  8. Beldar T.K. Conehead7:42 AM

    "Here is a situation where a bunch of scientists are confronted with evidence that their presuppositions are incorrect, but rather than deny the existence of the new data and cling to the faith that they were right all along, they simply turn to the other astronomers and say. "Hey guess what guys? We were wrong! Now let's study the crap out of this new evidence.""


  9. Anonymous10:48 AM

    And dolts like you get a jolt of lightning up their asses because they are still fighting against their religious indoctrination. Face it jesse, you're still not there yet and that's why you have to keep posting about the absurdity of religion as opposed to science. That's o.k. though as long as you understand why you do it.

    Sadly, for you it will never get much better and it will never be settled. Such is the power of childhood indoctrination into sky fairy beliefs.

    1. Anonymous11:33 AM

      I get the same jolt up my ass but I had rather little religious indoctrination as a child. So...any ideas on what else might cause fascination and awe about the universe?

    2. Anonymous6:20 PM

      its like the SP gossip is to be a launchpad to some sort of pundit who specializes in television scientist fanjobs.

  10. Looks sorta like the Triskelion of Sicily.


    (also Füssen and the Isle of Man)

  11. Anita Winecooler7:02 PM

    I love how scientists from different countries collaborate and share their data and resources to prove their discoveries. I also like that one of the participants is female.

    My first impression was the complex structure of this galaxy seems similar to that of a DNA molecule, and in a way, that's how they came to the conclusion it is one galaxy.

  12. God creates magnificent galaxies. Jesus will be here soon.


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