Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Jon Stewart calls out Republican hypocrites on Middle East policies. Also features some lady wrapped in a shower curtain.

So funny how the same Middle East policies that were "bringing democracy to the Middle East" under George Bush, are now terribly naive stumbles when the skinny black guy is in charge of them.


  1. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Last night- Colbert takes on Mitt and slams Lego hair:


    Then, Colbert continued, came the barrage of attacks from the liberal media, cleverly disguised as the conservative media. This included former top Bush strategist Matthew Dowd’s quip that it “almost feels like Sarah Palin is [Romney's] foreign policy adviser.”

    “Oh come on,” said Colbert. “Sarah Palin would be a great foreign policy adviser. To her, all policy is foreign.”

  2. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Sarah Palin will say anything to attack President Obama and the Democrats. The desperation is palpable. Reasoning and facts have no place in the vitriol she spews. Other members in her club include, of course, Limbaugh, Hannity, Malkin, Morris, the three couch dummies on Fox and Friends, O'Reilly, et al. So much hate and all such ugly personalities.

    Thank goodness most of the voting public sees through their propaganda and double speak.

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

    I am so looking forward to November 6th!!!

  3. physicsmom12:45 PM

    The side-by-side pictures of the Twit, oops, that's someone else now; of the Lunatic from Lake Lucille are priceless. You can clearly see how much she has deteriorated since 2008. I've never given much credence to all the wig talk here, but in this photo even I can clearly see the demarcation between her wig and her real hair. She looks atrocious and that bathrobe cum shower curtain is something that shouldn't be worn outside the house.

    On the other hand, Stewart's diatribe was kind of convoluted because the dates didn't always match the audio and made it confusing. He's making a valid point, but I've seen him do better.

    1. Anonymous2:20 PM

      And a black cami or bra under it? WTF?

    2. Anonymous6:04 PM

      'FACES OF METH"!

      GO TO http://www.facesofmeth.us/main.htm
      We need to tell them to add stoopid.

  4. Anonymous12:57 PM

    That was AWESOME! This off topic but 10,000 people came out in the rain to see Michelle Obama...take that you dimwit (Sarah)!

    1. Anonymous2:21 PM

      I wouldn't cross the kitchen to see $carah, unless it as to spit in her face. Any farther and eve to do that, she's just not worth it.

  5. Anonymous5:59 PM

    jon shows these guys just plain lie. they have no long lasting convictions other than IOKIYAR.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.