Sunday, September 30, 2012

Obama campaign ad uses Mitt Romney's words against him to devastating effect. Update!

I saw this ad on Meet the Press this morning and was blown away by how powerful, and potentially damaging to the Romney campaign, it was.

The new attack against the President by the Romney campaign is that he is a liar. That of course is projection on their part and in NO way supported by the evidence.

All of that of course makes me wonder how the Republicans will deal with this ad, which does nothing but use Romney's own unedited words against him. Let's watch how quickly they abandon the truth to defend their candidate.

Update: Here is another version featuring Bruno Mars.


  1. Anonymous1:14 PM

    The truth was on hiatus in the Caymans long before this ad came out. Except for the truth that the current president is, heaven forbid, a blah. Thats all the truth the low information voters need. Ex Cat

  2. Anonymous1:33 PM

    My sister the rightwing nut, believes every word told to her on Fox, Rush, and read in the far wingnut blogs. Did you know the President plans to replace the American flag in November? And his next administration will be full of Muslim Brotherhood members, who are already infiltrating, as evidenced by Michele Bachmann's horror at the anti-American Congress.
    Whew. I can hardly keep up with the viciousness aimed at our President.
    Nice that the DNC is getting actual facts out there. Some people will listen.

    1. Leland2:02 PM

      MAYBE! The ones I have to deal with are as bad as your sister except more openly racist.

    2. Anonymous3:10 PM

      Leland, It was funny. My mom (who is behind Obama 1000 per cent) lives with her, and read a FB rant she wrote about the "free cell phones that the lazy people get from Obama." I of course, being a well-informed but cautious liberal, looked up those phones and sent her a page about Lifeline, which has been in effect since 1986, and has nothing to do with Obama, of course. In return, I get a scathing letter telling ME to factcheck, because the poor people think Obama is going to give them cash and feed them and pay their mortgages and she doesn't want them getting free phones with ehr tax dollars. THEN at the end, she told me to stop calling her racist (I was very nice, and did not call her any names, though 'stupid' came to mind.) So I responded with facts to refute her every charge, and of course, have not heard back. I'm sure there was some ugly rant on FB about her libtard sister..conservatives even hate family who disagree with them..very very sad.

    3. My brother, the right wing nut, told me today that people need assault weapons and 100 bullet clips to defend against martial law which will be called if President Obama wins. He lives in AZ - I think the sun has baked his brain too much. He loves Jan Brewer and Sheriff Joe A. I do not go to visit him much.

  3. Blue Girl Liz1:44 PM

    You husband and I are both unemployed by circumstances that are not President Obama's fault. My husband had the same job with the same company for 30 years, I had mine for 17.

    We've been looking for work for quite some time now, and have not been successful. We exhausted our benefits..we now get nothing, nothing. Do I blame the president? Not at all. It's not his fault. My husband makes a tiny bit once in a while working odd jobs, construction, etc.

    We went from comfortable middle-class to poverty-level. We are proud people. We are long-time Democrats, and we will continue to be. We get NO help from the government. We never will apply for that help. We also never lived on credit.. We own our home, it's very small, tiny - but we own it. We don't have health insurance, or food stamps. We get by. But we do not blame the president for our predicament.

    We are, I suppose, the people that Mitt Romney will never care about, but will 'blame' for supposedly being the 'entitlement' class. Folks, we aren't entitled. We are just average American citizens who care about this country and what happens to it.

    We do not blame the president for what has happened to us. It's hard to admit this, and yes, I am afraid of the future. I'm closing in on 56 years-old. But many of us '47 percenters' are proud, hard-working Americans who have fell on some hard times.

    But we will pull out of it. We feel, and I think many of those Americans that are in the same boat as we are, that we right now have a president that actually cares about us and will work to make sure something is better for us in the future.

    I honestly believe that.

    Blue Girl Liz

    1. Anonymous1:57 PM

      Blue Girl Liz1:44 PM

      God bless you. Things will turn around for you and your husband.

    2. that another ad fot TeamObama

    3. Leland2:12 PM

      You go girl! I'm sorry to hear about your predicament.

      I think the reasons idiots like Rmoney keep saying things like his 47% speech is they are afraid THEY will have to take responsibility for the recession if they do anything except blame the poor and other garbage like that.

      They refuse to accept that their slow but steady erosion of the government regulations which began in the Reagan Presidency (culminating in the repeal of the Glas-Steagl Act which I believe occurred in 1999, coupled with the changeover to a destruction system of business exemplified by Bain Capitol, are the responsible parties for our current situation. (I am being nice and leaving out the stupidity of Bush Jr.)

      I would love the opportunity to hear what George Romney would call his son if he knew Mitt the Twit was ripping businesses apart rather than building them as HE did!

    4. Anonymous2:43 PM


      I've noticed in this area, at least, that the people who are actually taking advantage of full government programs are most likely to vote Republican, believe all the propaganda, and that people who are on food stamps and welfare are lazy "welfare queen".

      But when you point out the hypocrisy- "I'm different. I need it! I'm working, and trying, and am barely making it! I NEED the help!"

    5. Anonymous3:11 PM

      Stay strong Liz, and don;t be too proud to take advantage of food stamps or whatever you need. You paid for those programs while you were working, and you deserve to eat. I am glad your home is paid for (ours too!) I wonder how many people who are underwater on their homes are GOP...anyway, take care, and we're all thinking good thoughts.

    6. Blue Girl Liz, I just wanted to say I hope things turn around for you and your husband.

      I understand and support your decision not to live on credit- I also choose not to use credit cards.

      However, you should feel NO shame in applying for temporary benefits you are entitled to. If you and your husband are in your mid 50s and each of you has been working since the age of 20, you have more than sixty years of "paying into the system". You certainly could not be faulted for receiving a small monthly stipend for food.

      I understand you are proud and do not want to feel like you are dependent on government. The truth is, government is dependent on people like YOU and your husband. You have worked your whole adult lives I am guessing- and now it's time for you to get a hand up- not a hand out.

      It is your decision of course and I respect both of you tremendously. I just hate to think of you doing without because you feel you don't "deserve" the benefits and programs which are in place for people in exactly your situation.

      Whatever happens, I sincerely hope you both find fulfilling and well paying employment very soon.

    7. Blue Girl Liz5:32 PM

      Hey, ya'll. Thank you for the positive comments! I sure never meant it to be a pity party.. I guess my heart and frustration just overtook my mind.

      Yes, my husband and I are frustrated. As are a whole lot of people that are unemployed and feeling disenfranchised, forgotten and lost. But we keep our heads up and we keep thinking that things will get better, evenutally.

      I thank Mr. Gryphen for giving us a voice and I encourgage everyone to donate to him to keep this thread open for all of us.

      Let's remember, folks, we are all in this together. My husband and I are down on our luck, right now, but we know there are others who are worse off than we are. Let's keep those people in our thoughts.

      Love to you all..

      Blue Girl in a red state :)

    8. Blue Girl Liz: you said it, "we're all in this together" so please, if you truly need help take it. Its your turn. I had mine when my Granddaughter was born under Medicaid. My daughter had a pregnancy from hell that would have bankrupted us all, but that was our turn to be helped. Now is yours. I sure don't mind paying my share of the taxes. I wish you peace and our love.

  4. Anonymous1:51 PM

    OMG, the video that Bruno Mars/Big Lou did is addictive. I've now listened/viewed it 10 times and I'm not a rap fan at all, but it is POWERFUL! I hope it goes massively viral before the week is over.

    If anyone can Tweet or Facebook please do your best to get it out there. ObamaDiary has it up now, and I'm starting to see it around the net. It should become a classic. Thank you for posting it Gryphen.

    1. I'm with you. Finally something addictive that is good for everyone! Posted it on my FB also a couple friends and now intend to email it to a few who don't have pages. Loving it!

      Always the best finds at IM!! TYVM Mr G!

  5. Anonymous2:09 PM

    47%Remix based on this:

    Big Lou & Bruno Mars - We Are Fighters

  6. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Meet the Press Loses Credibility by Letting David Gregory Misquote Obama

  7. I was raised Republican and voted that way for years. But, when Ken Starr and the rest of them wasted our tax money going after the Clintons for years and could only come up with his lying about Monica -- not good, but hardly putting the nation at risk -- I was disgusted. Hillary was right when she said there was a right wing conspiracy. After that fiasco I have never again voted with them and never will.

    Now I am well into retirement and after working steady for 45 years (with one month on unemployment when I was fired for calling out my cheating/thieving boss). Now I live mostly on Social Security, which is NOT an entitlement. I paid into it all the years I worked. It is my money as is my medicare insurance. How dare they say we feel "entitled to this" as if it were bad. We are entitled because we paid for it with our hard earned money.

    How abpit "government entitlements" Romney and his rich pals have taken advantage of? How much have they NOT paid in taxes because of all the write-offs they took advantage of? Those "tax benefits" they take advantage of are just as much government "help" as anything like food stamps or welfare. I wish someone would put together some numbers to show how much Government Assistance has gone to those at the top of our "food chain."

    Oh, by the way, I read recently about the states with highest and lowest incomes. Guess what -- the lowest states are red and the highest are blue. So, I guess that means many of his "base" are probably living off the government. Hopefully at least some of them will be upset by his attitudes toward them.

  8. WakeUpAmerica3:10 PM

    That ad was great, especially the Bruno Mars version, but I think this one is even better:

  9. Anonymous3:19 PM


    Reverse the
    Victim and the

    "As I’ve noted previously, psychologists have an acronym to describe a very common behavioral strategy used by abusers and bullies, and every day I see examples of this strategy being employed by the Mitt Romney campaign and by the right wing in general."

  10. Anita Winecooler9:29 PM

    I like both versions, the Bruno Mars one was very clever- it shows the military, many of whom are in the 47 percent, from a man who got a deferrment from the Vietnam War for religious reasons, and toured France "Missionary", while sending "I love Ann" photos on the beach pictures to his waiting girlfriend. I'm sure he pulled some strings in his cul- church. Think "Battle of Normandy" and those who died on the same beach.

    And he wants to be commander in chief?

    Chris Christie was on the same show, claiming Romney's first debate will be a "game changer" and the polls will bump in his favor. But hey, consider the source!

  11. I couldn't be angrier about the 47%. All my career in education, I worked with the lower income folk. Entitled? Expecting a handout? Expecting government to support them? Lazy? maybe a handful in all those years. Mr. Romney is more entitled, expecting tax breaks, government bailouts, and special treatment than these folks. Ann talks about how they have struggled and suffered. She hasn't a clue! On the whole these people are hard working even if they don't have a job, many are volunteering. They are juggling low paying jobs, household chores, and kids. They are the first to take in "one more". The poor are generally far more generous than Romney could ever be. He writes a check that he can easily afford; they give of what little they have. I could tell hundreds of stories, but then I would just be angrier at the way these people have been put down by the system and now insulted by one who thinks he should be their leader.


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