Sunday, September 30, 2012

Reporter has shocking encounter with Romney supporter in Virginia. Question: should we be shocked by this, or is this the new norm in the GOP?

Romney in Virginia on September 8th.
So an admittedly liberal reporter decides to visit Republican operatives in southern Virginia. Here is his experience courtesy of The Progressive:

I stand there quietly absorbing as much Romney talk as I can, until my patience and soul begin to wilt. I fully expect what I get at first: the standard mantras about Obama's economic and social policy failings. The deficit, "out-of-control spending," and the great GOP boogeyman, “Obamacare,” which Clifford calls “the final vestige of socialism.” Here he gets more full-throated: “That healthcare socialism was the final straw, more big government telling us how to live our lives, just controlling everything.” 

I ask him to elaborate and he complies, vigorously. 

"What's killing us is all these entitlements, we've got to get rid of all of them. All this welfare, food stamps, Medicare, and then big government health care on top of it, it's all just too much! When do we say enough is enough?” 

What do you mean, exactly, I ask him. You say people are suffering under Obama, don't they need some help? 

“No. No more help, enough is enough. People have to pick themselves up, take some responsibility. Why should we be paying for people’s mistakes and bad choices? All these illegitimate families just adding to the population, making all these bad decisions, then asking us to pay for it? It's time to cut them off." 

I ask for some clarification: what do you mean, just starve them out? What if people can't find work? Let them starve? 

"Look, there's always something you can do. You telling me people can't make a choice for a better life? We have to help all of them? No. I'll tell you what really need to do with these illegitimate families on welfare—give all the kids up for adoption and execute the parents." 

I stare at him and blink in a glaze of shock. 

Just to be sure I heard him right, I ask him to repeat it, twice. 

"Yes, I mean it. Get rid of all of them, give the kids up for adoption, execute the parents, and you get rid of the problem.” (When I call him back to revisit the issue, he elaborates: “put the children up for adoption and execute the parents, and word would get out soon” that poor people shouldn’t have kids.) This is a local Romney headquarters in swing-state Virginia, not some far-right Tea Party fringe group (or maybe that’s what the GOP has become). This is, at least in growing part, today's mainstream GOP. 

By the way you just KNOW this guy has a pro-life bumper sticker on his car, don't you?

Now let's first admit that there are lunatics on both side of the ideological chasm in this country, but THIS was somebody working as a representative of the Republican party trying to attract more voters for Mitt Romney. You would think that THEY would be screened more carefully, or at least told to keep their more controversial view points to themselves. Yet this guy repeated them (And much worse if you read the rest of the article) multiple times.

He did not seem to be worried that he was not representing the typical Mitt Romney supporter in Virginia. And perhaps that is because he WAS supporting the typical Mitt Romney supporter in Virginia.

And this comes on the heels of yesterday's post about phone solicitors claiming that President Obama is a Muslim who is trying to turn America into a Socialist country.

So the question, I believe, should be, is this reporter right, and THIS is who the Republican party has become? Or  are these simply outliers who have spent too much time being indoctrinated by Fox News, and not representative of the average Republican voter in this country?

I have to say that I am almost too afraid to ask this question, because if this IS an appropriate representation of the GOP in this country then that talk of a new civil war may not be too far off the mark.


  1. Anonymous10:17 AM

    A civil war? Because their candidate didn't win the Presidential election? It would be them against the Pentagon. I'm not too worried.

    1. Anonymous12:58 PM

      America is weary of war. Our returning soldiers are committing suicide at an historical rate. There is no light at the end of the tunnel for them. Our volunteer military is at stake.

      Look to your left. Look to your right. No one is there.

      We are behind you.


  2. Anonymous10:31 AM

    My position is that all Republicans are traitors. They simply reject the Constitution of the United States. Although I have never voted for a Republican (and I've been eligible to vote since 1966), I have vowed that I will never cast a ballot for a Republican as long as I live.

    1. Anonymous11:19 AM

      I am with you Beaglemom. I have voted republican in the past, the distant past, but I will never forget how they have acted toward President Obama and the propaganda that they have spread. They are evil to me.

    2. Anonymous12:59 PM

      I've been a registered Republican since 1977 and actually campaigned for McCain in 2000 when he lost primary to Bush. Since then, they have veered into fear and hatred and they will never, ever have my vote again.

      I was raised to respect the office of the President no matter which party held it and these arseholes that inhabit my former party now... make me sick. They are traitors to our country and our Constitution. If they like the idea of a theocracy so much, move to fucking Iran and leave the US to those of us who actually act like Christians.

      In the US, we take care of each other. If these reichwing traitors don't like that, they are free to leave our borders.

  3. Anonymous10:37 AM

    I cannot believe the level of hate in this GOP personified in this person. How anyone can live with this level of hate for others is beyond me. And this person is well-educated, but certainly has no moral compass when he can believe it is good to destroy families and murder parents! Unfingbelievable!

    1. Anonymous12:02 PM

      This is exactly the same kind of asshole who killed his whole family because he was afraid President Obama would get re-elected.

  4. I'm sick of paying for the bad decisions of others.

    1. Anonymous11:32 AM

      Oh please...

    2. Anonymous11:35 AM

      I am sick of paying for wars and their profiteers. Also, all the subsidies that go to corporations that don't need them and then don't pay a cent in taxes.

    3. Anonymous12:00 PM

      Are you supporting this guy. Bad decisions should be remedied with executing people? All these republicans want to outlaw Sharia Law, but want their own form of Christian Law. What's next stoning?

      Not all people on welfare, food stamps etc. are there because they made bad decisions. Educate yourself. Mitt Romney fired thousands of "innocent" workers & taking their pensions, many of whom ended up on welfare and food stamps through no fault of their own. He's responsible for growing the welfare rolls and would further condemn these people by cutting services.

      Republicans don't want Obamacare because of "death panels" but would be more than happy with government death panels for poor people. WTF?

    4. Anonymous12:01 PM

      Move to your own private island then. This is the "United" States of America and we care for our own.

    5. Blue States Pay more than they take in entitlement1:04 PM

      And I'm sick of the red states taking more in entitlements than they pay about bad choices!

      Signed Blue State America

    6. Anonymous5:55 PM

      Me too Mona..the bad decision to go to war in Afghanistan and Iraq. The awful decision to win votes by cutting taxes and then pretending to care about kids with NCLB which was never funded. The bad decision to keep thos tax cuts in place. The awfully bad and illegal decision to torture other human beings. The bad decision to put money into outdated military equipment instead of into schools and jobs. And the really insane decision by Republicans to give House control over to the GOP, which has blocked every good program in sight, and will keep doing it until we are just like Greece. But social programs? Those are American, Christian, and worth every penny, most of which has been paid by workers and companies, not by taxpayers.

  5. Sorry to say that this is an appropriate representation of the Republican party - to a very vulnerable segment of our society. My cousin has struggled with mental illness for most of her 64 years and depends on SSI, Medicaid/Medicare and food stamps. My family and I try to help her as much as we can, but she does not want to depend on us. She is now suffering from severe panic attacks, that require hospitalization, and all center around her fear that if Romney is elected she will then be homeless and starving.
    Extreme paranoia?
    Probably, but as they say, perception is 9/10ths of reality...

    1. Anonymous3:10 PM

      And, you know, we are our brother's keeper. It is not just a Christian motto. It is basic to our system of government. My mother used to say to me when I would criticize or make fun of someone who had much less that we did (and we did not have much), "Just remember 'There but for the grace of God go I.'" What she meant, and I only understood later, was that we all are vulnerable to misfortune so it behooves us all to help those in trouble. We could easily be in their shoes one day.

    2. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Oh please, let Mitt be in those shoes one day.

  6. These comments should be made into an ad and blasted all over the country.

    1. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Right -- or at least sent around with 'Twitter'. I do not use Twitter, but there a lot who do, and what a quick way to get these awful GOP remarks out and viral.

      Go get 'em, Tweeters. ♥

  7. Anonymous10:50 AM

    This is the old "people like us" stance. People like us deserve services, help, SS, all of it -- at taxpayer expense. But people who are NOT like us (however one wishes to define it) should fend for themselves, pull bootstraps, tighten belts, etc.

    Dominick Dunne's novels use NOCD ("not our class, dear" to mark the separation between the 1% and the great unwashed 99%).

    In "Driving Miss Daisy," we see Miss Daisy speaking about all the "extra people," the ones not like her. Ironically, although she means blacks, she says this to her wonderful driver, who is black.

    NIMBY (not in my back yard) is another way of saying that dangerous, disgusting, unappealing, or high-risk structures or operations should be situated away from "us" -- near to those other people, who won't mind, don't deserve a nice neighborhood, or are not able to protest.

    An old issue.

    Educated (whether formally or via life experience), compassionate people understand this issue and rise above it, seeking fair solutions. The new GOP exploits it for political gain. Just like they used the Sarah Palin BabyHoax for political gain.

    1. Anonymous12:53 PM

      People Like 'Everyone' pay into Social Security, lets not further muddy the issue.

    2. Anonymous5:49 PM

      Who used Babygate for any kind of gain? I doubt Obama even knows about it; the man is pretty busy, and to my knowledge, has never utteres her name in public, which really pisses her off. Who has used it for anything other than trying to get to the truth?

  8. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Gobsmacking ignorance served with unbridled hate.Frightening.

    1. Anonymous7:18 PM

      You said it! That was so disturbing.
      I used to wonder how something like the Holocaust could happen...what sort of mindset is required and how people could be 'brainwashed' to think a useful way for people with certain, dark ambitions. I don't wonder anymore...sad to say.
      M. from MD

  9. Anonymous11:03 AM

    The Republicans have catered to these people and created a "monster" because they need their votes. (tea party, far right, anti-choice, etc).

    They don't even want Romney, but are driven by fear and hatred of Pres. Obama. Fox News has sadly had a huge part in indoctrinating many who, if you leave out politics, would seem to be fairly nice folks.

    I predict that if Romney loses in November, the Republican party will have much soul searching and perhaps will re-center itself. But I will never trust the party since Bush-Cheney, these attitudes are too strong through the party. The attempt to control voting and boss women around are deal-breakers for me.

  10. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Unbelievable! He wants mothers executed? These people are sick with hatred.

    1. eclecticsandra1:29 PM

      He probably has no idea of how difficult it is to find adoptive parents. Maybe he would institutionalize the orphans. Probably that would cost much more than helping the families. At least a lot of jobs would be created in the funeral and orphanage industries. I also wonder what he means by "illegitimate" families. This poor man is demented and has no business giving any information on the Romney campaign.

    2. Anonymous5:47 PM

      I'm surprised he didn't make a push for orphanages and workouses. You know, you don't work, we'll make you work. And let's take kids from their stable homes and raise them to know how really bad and lazy their parents were, who the state killed. My God, what is wrong with the GOP?

  11. Anonymous11:10 AM

    This scares the bejabbers out of me ... And, if this is the nature of the beast we are in trouble.

    As to Sarah, she has devolved into a slutty looking hyperactive (god know what she is using) infomercial touting shill for whomever will hire her. Good riddance.

    The way to avoid crap her is to demand our cable companies remove infomercial channels from their lineups as we don’t need to pay for other people’s shopping addictions.

  12. I just drove through that part of the country while on vacation this past week. Beautiful scenery somewhat ruined by the "I built that" signs and the anti Obama signs. What I did not see a lot of are actual VOTE ROMNEY signs. Only noticed one bumper sticker during a 1500 mile round trip (NC to CT), in 2008 there were McCain/Palin bumper stickers everywhere I looked. I laughed at the road signes because, the companies showing the signs were located right of the interstate, these businesses derive a great deal of profit from the traffic off these federally maintained roads which, thanks to some stimulus funds, are currently being repaired in a few of these republican strongholds.

    As for the retired Romneybot? I just want to know what he's going to do when he does loose his SSI and Medicare. I'm sure he's collecting both, as are the nice couple from California. After all, he said all entitlements are bad, all government is bad and all regulations are bad. Good thing he retired from the nuclear power plant before those regulations disappear.

  13. One quibble with your post.

    You write: "Now let's first admit that there are lunatics on both side of the ideological chasm in this country,"

    There are a LOT more lunatics on the right, and their lunacy is a lot more intense. Can we please stop all of this "both sides" nonsense?

    1. Anonymous12:01 PM

      I totally agree with you. If you made a list of all the corrupt politicians and the dirty tricks the list on the republican side would be much longer.

    2. Martha12:31 PM

      I"m with you on the balance of lunacy. One reason is that the right is more supportive of individual rights, while the left is more supportive of collective rights. Take the Second Amendment, for instance. A lefty will have to consider the effects of excessive amounts of guns on the wellbeing of the whole society. Someone on the right just goes and gets as many as possible. There's left thinking necessary on the right.

    3. Anonymous1:52 PM

      I agree that there are MORE loonies on the right but there are definitely loonies on the left.

      A coworker of mine, a former friend, used to be a Democrat and loved he's allllll about Occupy Chicago and has become nuts. He constantly spreads lies and distortions about Obama that are, imo, on the same level as the ones spread by Teabaggers. These people....ugh! They used to be for Wall Street reform and income equality. Now, they talk about revolution and anarchy. But what they really care about is NDAA and -- of course, pot. Oh, the president is AWFUL because he's cracking down on medicinal marijuana. Yeah, let's forget about the fact that he totally turned around the economy. Let's focus on the ganja!

      Their numbers have dwindled but they piggyback on there, bigger protests. During the teachers' strike, they showed up with their signs saying things like -- Get rid of the school board, but don't stop there.

      I was with Occupy when it first started, now I hate them. If Obama loses, it's going to be on these assholes who spend allllll day spreading lies.

    4. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Anon at 1:52 pm. The local branch of the Occupy movement members held their signs on Saturday morning blocking the cross walk and entrance to a perfectly reasonable, and fairly liberal, independent bookstore. Their real target was a bank building but they did not want to block the entrance! When I suggested that at least some of them should move down the street and stand in front of Republican House member, Dave Camp, Chair of House Ways and Means, they said they could not because they were non-partisan! Camp, a devoted right-wing GOP nutcase is in one of the most important positions in the House, responsible for choosing which legislation to move forward and which to bury. The Occupiers here might have had their hearts in the right place but their brains were left at home! I lump them with the phony "progressives" who won't deign to call themselves Democrats. Too good for party politics or something.
      Obama/Biden and a Democratic Congress 2012!

  14. Anonymous11:29 AM

    I think these are middle to lower middle class people all their lives; folks that never really see poor people and cannot relate. They are undereducated but can feed their families and afford a few toys. They're bored because life isn't too hard to force them to struggle daily, but perceived as hard because they can't attain the that bullshit American dream of two story house with a picket fence, fancy cars and fancy vacations. The statement that "there is always something one can do" and that poor people are poor because they made bad decisions says it all. This guy starts off his argument as if we all have the same opportunities and the poor have just pissed theirs away... and should be killed for it! Wow! This guy does not have any clue on how to live a happy life but is panicked to a frenzy that his view of success, the Romney lifestyle, is slipping from his grubby little mits. He needs to be stripped of his cushy little life and tossed into a third world country. I'd like to see how he'd handle that little wake-up call. Sheez, better yet, color his skin, change his gender, and plop him down into one of those Virgina backwater towns- see if he can even reach his bootstraps over that bloated gut. Damn, talk about feeling entitled!

  15. Anonymous11:30 AM

    That is what the modern gop has become. A bunch of xenophobic, close-minded, greedy hypicrites. They're all just sucking off the teat of faux and thumping their bibles. I agree, when Obama wins they're going to go berzerk. I've no doubt there wil be violence.

  16. Anonymous11:31 AM

    What I wonder about these people and their beliefs--do they think that if all the safety nets were gone, that their taxes would be reduced? If so, that's funny because the rich would only take more tax breaks for themselves. The middle class would still have to pay more or less what we pay now. The joke is on them that they don't realize this.

  17. Anonymous11:42 AM

    PLEASE let's get this to go viral, it's AWESOME and I don't even like rap. But I love Bruno.

    47 Percent - Ft. BIG LOU & BRUNO MARS

  18. Anonymous12:08 PM

    What that Romney supporter doesn't seem to realize is that economics are relative.
    If he gets rid of all the "poor" people, he may be the new poor.
    Markets and economies are like rubber bands.
    They stretch at both ends.

    1. Anonymous12:53 PM

      oops. Lecassit.
      Gotta be careful with thoe furriners.

  19. Martha12:26 PM

    This is so outrageous that I am not sure I believe it. I googled The Progressive and its editor, and they seem above board, but if this story is true, it needs to get to the Main Stream pronto. Thank you for finding and publishing it!

  20. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Reid: Romney’s 47 Percent Comment Is A Window Into His Character

    Romney’s offensive comments raise doubts

    We learn the most about someone’s character not from what he does when he knows others are watching but from what he does when he thinks they aren’t.

    We’ve learned an awful lot of troubling things about Mitt Romney recently. First, his sweeping, closed-door condemnation of President Barack Obama’s supporters revealed the disdain he has for half the population he hopes to serve. Then, the limited tax returns Romney selectively released confirmed that he’s willing to share information about the time he’s been in the public eye and running for president, but not the time he was running the corporation he touts as his sole qualifying credential for the highest office in the land.

    When he thought no one was listening, Romney accused 47 percent of Americans of not taking responsibility for their lives, painting them as lounging in government dependency — a conclusion he reached because, for various legitimate reasons, they are exempt from paying federal income taxes.

    Romney stands not only on shaky ethical grounds in making that indiscriminate generalization — he’s also on flimsy factual footing. The 47 percent Romney derides as self-pitying “victims” includes seniors who live on a fixed income thanks to the Social Security they paid into and earned over a lifetime of hard work, our troops in combat zones and veterans who have fought for our country. It includes students studying to get the skills that will win them the jobs of the future and decent Americans actively looking for work because their jobs were outsourced by companies such as those Romney specialized in developing. Most of them pay plenty of payroll, property, local and state taxes.

    None of these Americans is looking for a handout or shortcut. That Romney waited until he thought all the cameras and microphones were off before insulting the millions he belittled as “those people” unworthy of his concern calls into question his judgment, leadership and fitness for the public trust. If you’re not willing to fight for every American, you don’t deserve to represent any of them.

    The second lesson we learned came at another time Romney thought no one was looking: He released his 2011 tax returns late on a Friday afternoon in the hopes of making the smallest news splash possible.

    What was he trying to hide? Perhaps that, despite his tough talk on China, he profited from investments in a state-owned Chinese oil company and a video company known for pirating copyrighted content. Or that, despite calling Russia our “No. 1 geopolitical foe” and his fiery rhetoric against Iran, he invested in Russia’s state-owned oil giant, which does business with Iran. Or that the candidate with the slogan “Believe in America” has been betting against the U.S. dollar by buying foreign currencies and keeping his investments in the Caymans and Bermuda. Or maybe he was hoping no one would notice that he paid just 14 percent of his $14 million income, a rate lower than many middle-class families pay.

    Romney’s pre-weekend release was one big head fake...

  21. Anonymous12:51 PM

    0/t wader over in the cpond for the first time in months, and see they've adopted a Scottish fighting phrase as their motto: Nemo me impune lacesset.

    Sarah wouldn't know what language is was written; her fellow pee-ers won't know what it means.

    But, boiled down, it's fancy talk for "Don't retreat,

    I hope they have all their blunderbusses at the ready when a stalk of brocolli shows up at their Early-Bird All You Can Eat buffet.

    1. Anonymous11:31 PM

      Scottish? fitting? (wtf??)

      Pee-ers, how do you say:

      Shove your Earthquake up your ass!!

      in Scottish?

  22. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Oh my look at these videos:

    Romney looks as bad as Sarah Palin

  23. Beldar J Conehead1:09 PM

    TIL: Mittens is believed to be the fulfillment of an ancient prediction - but only if 150 years is considered ancient - whereby a cunning descendant of one of the early investors in the "religion" would rise to power as US President and help other co-religionists profit from the election (hence the term "White House proficy'). Even a skeptic like myself is pretty convinced that this is what the Almighty Creator & Master of Puppets has in store for mankind (and some womenkind, too, but the future of 'the ladies' is always fuzzy in such matters...)

    Not surprisingly, there are alternative predictions. Even in Mormonism. (True story: the original name was supposed to be "Normanism" after the founder's beloved beagle/irish setter mix, Norman, but his typewriter had a misfiring capital N so, what the hell, they went with the other spelling. Better than the third choice "Scamarama".) But I digress.

    It turns out that Rafalca, the Mormon goddess of venture capital and urinary tract infections, predicted thru her official oracle "Androgena, The Manly", that the Chosen One would appear, not to become the senior occupant of the White House, but rather to be assistant manager of the White House motor pool. Still an important position, but clearly nowhere near the magnitude of Commander in Chief. Perhaps there would be advancement opportunities from the motor pool upon which Rafalca is, as yet, silent.

    I'll have more on this important topic very soon - but only if 150 years is considered 'very soon'.

    1. beautifully written, thank you.

    2. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:33 PM

      I'd rather The Chosen One be head of the White House Motor Court on Route 1 in East Rafalca, New Jersey. Color TV, private bath and phones in room!

    3. Anonymous4:14 PM

      It's all about the profit, see?

    4. I am spreading the Normanism story far & wide! It makes as much sense as any of the rest of their story

  24. Anonymous5:06 PM

    There by the grace of God go I...and I'm an atheist

  25. Anita Winecooler9:03 PM

    It's the logical culmination of the illogical and undefendable lies constantly repeated by Romney, the GOP and the Tea Party Patriots.

    Where are the sane voices of the GOP speaking out against these tactics? Execute people and adopting out their kids is the solution? I suppose Romney supports debtors prisons and "die quicker" as solutions to the "welfare princesses", people on Social Security (which is NOT entitlement, it's a promise people paid into all their lives to ensure).

    This is the new GOP.

    Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I'm sending a link to all the shows on MSNBC, passing it on to my OFA people, and posting it on facebook and twitter.

    What these idiots don't realize is they're one paycheck, one catastrophic illness, or one cruel twist of fate from needing safety nets, food stamps, and SSI.

    We judge a society by how it treats the weakest among them.

    Obama/Biden and a hammer for Pelosi by a landslide.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.