Sunday, September 09, 2012

Paul Ryan, "I did not vote, for the vote, that I voted for!"

Courtesy of Think Progress:

O’DONNELL: Now you’re criticizing the President for those same defense cuts you’re voting for and called a victory. 

RYAN: No, no — I have to correct on you this, Norah. I voted for a mechanism that says the sequester will occur if we don’t cut $1.2 trillion in government. … We can get into this nomenclature; I voted for the Budget Control Act. But the Obama Administration proposed $478 billion in defense cuts. We don’t agree with that, our budget rejected that, and then on top of that is another $500 billion in defense cuts in the sequester. 

O’DONNELL: Right. A trillion dollars in defense spending, and you voted for it! 

RYAN: No, Norah. I voted for the Budget Control Act. 

O’DONNELL: That included defense spending! 

RYAN: Norah, you’re mistaken. 

O’Donnell is, in fact, not mistaken. The Budget Control Act, as passed, included both the roughly $600 billion in “sequestration” cuts that will happen if there’s no compromise on the budget by December as well as the $487 billion of military-supported cuts that will take place regardless. The fact that Ryan may have wished that the bill didn’t contain said defense cuts does not absolve him of the fact that he and 201 other Republicans voted for the bill as-passed. 

Moreover, Ryan’s statement after voting for the bill contained not a single word of criticism about the defense cuts. As O’Donnell correctly noted, Ryan said the bill “represents a victory for those committed to controlling government spending and growing our economy” and that “The agreement – while far from perfect – underscores the extent to which the new House majority has successfully changed Washington’s culture of spending.” It’s at best misleading, and at worst an outright lie, for Ryan to assert that voting for the Budget Control Act did not mean voting for defense cuts.

You know I have often used Sarah Palin as the barometer for determining just how big of a liar somebody is, but I have to say that Paul Ryan may have surpassed her in outright bullshit.

And at it turns out NEITHER of them can hold a candle to Mitt the Twit who has managed to tell 616 lies in 33 weeks.

If the team of Romney and Ryan were actually able to win this election it would literally mean that honesty was no longer of ANY importance in choosing our leaders, and that the only thing that mattered was how much money they had to finance their campaign, and how many lies they could jam down the throats of the American people.

And wouldn't THAT suck for the future of our democracy?


  1. Anonymous3:59 PM

    So, Paul Ryan voted for it, but didn't really vote for it?!

    Mitt, you really picked a winner here...LMAO!

    "Eddie, brush your fangs and go to bed without any supper!"

    Aw, mom!

  2. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Lying for the lord

    Lying for the Lord refers to the practice of lying to protect the image of and belief in the Mormon religion, a practice which Mormonism itself fosters in various ways. From Joseph Smith's denial of having more than one wife, to polygamous Mormon missionaries telling European investigators that reports about polygamy in Utah were lies put out by "anti-Mormons" and disgruntled ex-members, to Gordon B. Hinckley's dishonest equivocation on national television over Mormon doctrine, Mormonism's history seems replete with examples of lying. Common members see such examples as situations where lying is justified. For the Mormon, loyalty and the welfare of the church are more important than the principle of honesty, and plausible denials and deception by omission are warranted by an opportunity to have the Mormon organization seen in the best possible light. This is part of the larger package of things that lead many to describe Mormonism as a cult. "Lying for the lord" is part of Mormonism's larger deceptive mainstreaming tactics, and conversion numbers would drastically lower if important Mormon beliefs were fully disclosed to investigators.

    1. lwtjb8:13 PM

      Paul Ryan is not Mormon. He is Catholic.

    2. Anonymous9:05 PM

      Uh, I think that 3:59 is talking about the Mittster but it seems that maybe Ryan is trying to keep up with the man at the top of the ticket. Catholics aren't above lying either, it seems. It's imperative that we keep state and religion separate.

  3. angela4:03 PM

    Lyin Ryan should never have said "yes" to Mittens. He was able to pull this bullshit undercover in the House all these years. But now he's out in the open for everybody to see his lying ass.

    I don't say this often but Ryan is a douche. A real douche. We know this especially because he's always inappropriately trying to get up into American women's reproductive parts.

    1. Anonymous6:08 PM

      My hope is that R&R will lose the election and Ryan will lose his seat when he is up for reelection. Will it teach him a lesson? Who knows. He needs to go to confession, STAT. I wonder what his Penance would be? I know he will be spending a lot of time in Purgatory! LOL.

    2. Anonymous9:10 PM

      In case you weren't aware, 6:08, Ryan has a challenger as we speak for his seat in the House. Wisconsin law allows him to run for both offices and as you say it would be sweet if he lost both elections.

    3. Anonymous10:19 PM

      Eddie Munster better hedge his bets by spending a little more time lying to his local constituents in person so they don't have to hear in the news everyday how dumb they've been for voting for this pathological liar in for 7 terms. Seven! lol

    4. Anonymous3:24 AM

      Romney is just like McCain, he had to put a bagger type on his ticket to get that base of voters. Sadly, as in the case of McCain, very little vetting was done. I mean the deep kind that would have ferreted out votes like this, hard interviews by people who know how to get the real information out of people, and inquisitive canvasing of those who know him.
      If McCain and Romney had done those three things, neither Palin nor Ryan would have been in the top 50 candidates for VP (and potential President).
      Everything else aside, Romney deserves to be defeated for the decision to choose this lying sack of shit.

  4. Anonymous4:06 PM

    I cannot believe these two guys! Do they really think the American people are so stupid that they'd vote for them in mass?

    They are worse than the McCain/Palin ticket!!!

    Thank God we have President Obama and VP Joe Biden are our leaders! I can hardly wait to vote for them AGAIN!!!

    1. Anonymous10:25 PM

      You are right. Because at this stage of the campaign 4 years ago, Palin's handlers still had no clue just how much of a dumb, thin-skinned, conniving twit she would prove she was a couple of weeks later.

      Ryan has already established himself to be a consistent liar. Look for the R&R nerds to finish easily in a distant, yet expensive 2nd place in November.

    2. Anonymous4:07 PM

      Yes a very, very and ridiculously "expensive 2nd place in November!"

      Too bad, not sad, but they've had it coming for too long now!

    3. Yes, they believe we are this stupid. If you only digest Fox News, you believe Ryan. You are what you eat and Fox News is shit.

  5. Anonymous4:30 PM

    First Lady Michelle Obama delivered a beautiful speech at the Democratic National Convention this week, which was very well received. There were a few phrases in particular, though, that seemed to strike a chord.

    Referencing her and President Obama's families, she said, almost in passing, "We learned about honesty and integrity -- that the truth matters, that you don't take shortcuts or play by your own set of rules, and success doesn't count unless you earn it fair and square."

    Those three words -- "the truth matters" -- drew a hearty response. In context, the First Lady wasn't going after anyone in particular, and she didn't accuse anyone, even indirectly, of dishonesty. But I suspect people applauded not just because it's worthwhile maxim, but because this year, it seems clear there are some who believe the truth doesn't matter.

    Consider, for example, the 33rd installment of my weekly series, chronicling Mitt's mendacity. This week's list is considerably shorter than usual because Mitt Romney spent several days out of the public eye, preparing for next month's debates. It does not include the media availability he did this morning (I haven't seen the transcript yet).

    1. Mitt Romney told Fox News this week, "You know, no one in the [Democratic] convention so far has had the temerity to say that people are better off in America, because they realize it's not the case."

    Actually, it is the case, and nearly every speaker at the Democratic convention has said so.

    2. In the same interview, Romney said he rejects "the decision of the president to slash our military by a trillion dollars over this decade."

    That's demonstrably false.

    3. Romney went on to say "there's no question" President Obama took "work out of welfare" and "waived the work requirement in welfare."

    I continue to believe this is as blatant a lie as any modern presidential candidate has told. It simply has no connection to our plane of reality, but Romney keeps repeating it.

    4. Asked about the president's rescue of the American auto industry, Romney told Fox, "Well, my view from the beginning was that the auto companies needed to go through a managed bankruptcy. And ultimately, that's what the president did."

    Romney can take credit for Obama's policy, or he can condemn Obama's policy, but to do both is obviously dishonest (and more than a little ridiculous).

    5. In his weekly podcast, Romney boasted, "I have a plan to create 12 million new jobs."

    Putting aside the pesky detail that Romney doesn't actually have a specific jobs plan, the fact remains that if we do nothing, we're on track to create 12 million new American jobs over the next four years anyway.

    6. In the same podcast, Romney vowed he'll be able to "cut the deficit and put America on track to a balanced budget."

    Actually, Romney says his plan "can't be scored," but independent budget analysts have found his agenda would make the deficit bigger, not smaller, and add trillions to the national debt.

    7. Romney added, "[W]e must rein in the skyrocketing cost of healthcare by repealing and replacing Obamacare."

    That's plainly false, and the Romney campaign has never even tried to defend it.


    1. Anonymous6:15 PM

      The way I figure it with both these guys is -- "if their mouth is open a lie is coming out."

      Just wish that the rank-and-file non Tea Party Republicans could see that.

  6. You know, here I was thinking that this was gonna be a boring election LOL

  7. Eddie Munster lies.

    If I have to throw down something cheap and dirty, because of time constraints, I’ll fall back on that. It’s a perfect sound bite… three words. And then, I’ll walk away.

  8. lostinmn4:56 PM

    You know I wasn't going to watch this interview today but then I saw that Norah was conducting the interview. I'm not a huge fan but I watched her a couple of weeks ago dismantle someone so I watched and sure enough, she went for his throat and caught him time and again in an outright lie. It would have been embarrassing except he kept doubling down on the lie. Watching her face you could see the contempt and disgust at the man and his continued lies and attempts to deny his role. I'm sure she was waiting for him to attack her and I suspect she actually left some words in her throat that would have come forward fast and easy had he made the mistake of trying to blame her or claim she was asking "gotcha" questions. Could you imagine if Norah got a shot at Sara? Now that would be precious beyond belief.

  9. Gryphen, I really hope you keep posting things like this. Naturally I come here for the Palin (Sarah, Bristol, Todd- any of 'em/all of 'em) Throwdown but as the election draws nigh I think stuff like this MUST be circulated far and wide.

    Right now as it stands, the race is close. I can't believe half this country hates our president THAT much. It's unbelievable. But because it IS so close, I fear the republican faction who vowed to fight President Obama on EVERYTHING, no matter how good for the country- will just steal the win.

    I mean it's not like they haven't already gotten away with it once.

    Rombot & Lyan's deceit toward the American people has to be pointed out constantly.

  10. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Check out Syrin's Blog. She was at the grocery store and spotted Sarah with Trig! Syrin says she talked to her. Too funny!!

  11. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Here's a rundown of the first few stories on Think Progress tonight:
    1. Romney tells David Gregory on MTP this morning that he would keep the provisions of Obamacare that prevent insurance companies from refusing to cover people with pre-existing conditions and allow children to stay on their parents plan until 26. This afternoon his campaign told a conservative website that he would NOT support these provisions.

    2. A female GOP candidate for Congress from Utah said on Fox this morning that restricting women's access to reproductive services actually gives them MORE "free choice and more liberties".

    3. Rand Paul insists that government jobs increased under President Obama even though all the statistics say the complete opposite.

    4. Ryan's 'I voted for it but I didn't vote for it' absurdity.

    5. On MTP this morning Romney claimed that reducing the tax rate on the wealthy isn't really giving them a tax cut.

    Clearly, to the GOP, lying isn't really lying.

    They've all gone completely batsh!t C R A Z Y !!!!!

  12. So let me be sure I understand correctly, Congressman Ryan, I guess it was that OTHER congressman from Wisconsin with the last name of RYAN who was listed in the ayes (see link below), because you did not vote in favor of the bill, is that correct?

    I wouldn't hand Eddie Munster the keys to my car. He can't tell the truth to save his life, it appears. What a weaselly, lying little fucker---

  13. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Now Team Romney are saying that he is NOT on favor of overturning the ban on discriminating against people with pre-existing condition and that what he MEANT was that the marketplace would take care of those people.

    Uh huh.
    So, he says this on national TV in a much hyped interview, from which this was the ONLY news and now...after getting attention for this, they're backtracking? And the media are going to let him get away with this?

    1. Anonymous10:30 PM

      Hey, there's almost two months left in his election. So Mitt has plenty of time to "tweak" his position a few times until he decides what stand to take or lie about.

      Perhaps Mr Obama might be making a few mental notes to bring to the debates...

  14. Beldar T.K. Conehead7:15 PM

    Gryphen, I hope you're really pleased with yourself. You're starting to make me almost regret that I ever officially endorsed Williard Milliard Mittens "Mittens" Rmoney and That Other Guy for presdient and vice presdient of Amercia in 2012. Had I known then all the horrible facts I now know about these two douchebag losers I might have stuck with one of my first choices: either Mr. Herb "I Said No Anchovies, DAMN IT!" Cain, Rick "GOOGLE ME NOW!!!" Santorum or Michelle "Crayzeeize" Bachmann.

    Heh heh... I'm just kidding. I'm gonna stick with Mittens. All the way thru his concession speech on Wednesday November 7, National Republican Voting Day. (Remember: Obama supporters vote Tuesday, Mittens supporters vote Wednesday. It's not just a good idea: it's the law!)

  15. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Well, at least they ask him questions and he answers. No one got the opportunity to ask Sarah anything because of course she wouldn't have been able to answer.

  16. Anonymous7:21 PM

    I just showed my teen-age son and two of his friends the Ryan video, and asked if they had an opinion without all the details. I understand most of this is way off their radar screen, but here are the responses:

    "I don't know, but it sounds like he voted for something that she knows he voted for and he knows she knows, but still doesn't want to tell the truth."

    "He can't be lying, because his vote will be in the records somewhere."

    "No, he voted for something and he admitted it like really quickly and then spent the rest of the time denying it. Sounds like he's trying to have it both ways"

    So I showed them this link...

    "Ouch, why would anybody vote for somebody who tries that hard to lie about something that can be proven so easy?"

    "Because he's stupid."

    "Yeah, definitely DF."

    DF? I knew better than to ask, but after looking it up, I'm assuming its definition #1 or #2.

    Bright kids, all three. They'll be voting in the 2014 mid-term elections.

  17. Anonymous7:55 PM

    I don't know about anybody else but telling the truth means a lots to me. When did it become acceptable for all these so called christians to lie? . That's a sin,according to their bible. They talk so much about the founding fathers. They conducted business by handshak, being as good as a contract. Heck today contracts ddon't mean anything but we're exceptionism personified. gag gag. My dau was lookin into faster internet and we are supstand to the rest of the world. Korea is getting internet spped 200 hundred times faster than us and only goinh to be charges 27.00 a month. How come ppk in this country are not screaming for the same rates? i bet we are funding the world just like the drtugs. Capitolism gone wild the rich making money off of dumb americans.

    1. Anonymous9:36 PM

      I'm proud of myself, 7:55, I actually was able to read your post. Wow! Spell much? Maybe we "dumb americans" don't have fast internet but we can spell. Jeesh! Go to keyboarding school for cripe's sake!!!

    2. Anita Winecooler10:06 PM

      I know, Right?

    3. Anonymous10:59 PM

      "How come ppk in this country are not screaming for the same rates? i bet we are funding the world just like the drtugs. Capitolism gone wild the rich making money off of dumb americans. "

      I have some empathy for shitty typists because my thumbs keep getting fatter and the buttons and screen smaller on this little piece-of-shit phone that everybody said that I just "had" to buy. Takes me a fuckin hour to do 2 sentences and then I can't even edit the msg. But I have little patience with dumb people who type dumb shit in a dumb message in broken Czech-Pole-Greek gibberish.

      Anon 7:55, to answer your "How come ppk ...?" question, the reason is that the ppk in this country is more affluent than the kkk. That's it, strictly more disposable income, so less price-sensitivity.

      But, regarding your statement about the good dr, if you could arrange a rendezvous, anon 7:55, I would love to meet "drtugs" who is funding the world. I hope she has some hi-heel FM shoes like Serra and maybe some nice store-bought hooties, also, too. "Capit-O-lism gone wild", that would be a pretty cool theme to get wrapped on a bus and ride around in the red states with all of the budding home-grown starlets making some drtugs videos.

      dr tugs? Careful, doc. Remember this is my third physical since yesterday. I'm gonna be pretty tender by Wednesday at this rate of "preventative medicine".

    4. Anonymous12:29 AM

      Since we are on the internet,we can't see the person typing at their keyboard.It's always possible they have had stroke,have severe Rheumatoid arthritis,nerve damage,Parkinsons,or any number of things.A little compassion and the benefit of the doubt goes a long way.Until proven otherwise,of course.In the mean time,She is absolutely correct,we have the slowest internet of all developed nations.Also the most expensive.

    5. Leland2:54 AM

      Still, 7:55 DOES have a point. We DO have some of the most expensive and slowest speeds available and courts DO fail to slam people for not following contracts (and I am NOT talking about clauses that are illegal or shady) and lying IS a constant thing today.

      Look at R&R for goodness sakes!

    6. Anonymous3:33 AM

      Anon and Anita, play nice please.

  18. lwtjb8:43 PM

    This has to be one of the biggest loads of bullshit I have ever heard. Considering I once worked in the juvenile justice system that's saying a lot.

  19. Ratfish9:32 PM

    I get it...Lyin' Ryan was for it before he was against it.

  20. Anita Winecooler10:02 PM

    Oh, he says that NOW, but just wait till next week, he'll find some excuse... his brother called him to remind him... it was xx years ago.... I thought I was mistaken, but I was wrong... If I said it, I stand by what it is I said, whatever it was I said I said....

    1. Anonymous11:20 PM

      At dinner his brother informed that that he actually did not vote for that bill 20 years ago, so he was technically telling most of the whole truth. He actually just voted for it 404 days ago, according to CNN, and 404 is a big number that many smart people might not realize is one year, one month and 8 days ago so he took a pretty good ribbing for not voting for it until August 1, 2011. So obviously since he didn't support it for 19 of the past 20 years, the liberal media might contend that he "voted" for it if they insist on parsing words, although he definitely did not support the bill in any manner by only "voting" for it. Because he said he didn't, so anyone who says he supported it is just misinformed, so he'll just keep talking without taking a breath until the next commercial break, he who was admittedly fast while in college running the type of marathons that do not disclose either the runners or their times because they are so fast, those who support the common-sense conservative time-tested and true races that do not disclose their locations either to the lamestream media.

  21. DetroitSam10:42 PM

    FOR SOME FUN: Read some of the puff ball questions twitter users think D Gregory will asked Mittens on MTP: search for:


  22. Anonymous12:27 AM

    His eyes freaks me.

  23. Anonymous4:44 AM

    Both Romney and Ryan should be tripping over their Pinocchio noses by now. Every time either one of them opens his mouth he is telling a lie. Yesterday Romney flip-flopped repeatedly on Obamacare and Ryan got caught in lying about his voting record. How dumb is that! As if no one can check either statements made on television or voting records. They are both like three year-olds who do something naughty and simply turn their backs on the deed and say "I didn't do it" despite the telltale evidence on their hands or faces. Imagine being a foreign official trying to negotiate with either of them. The foreigner would never know what to believe. The GOP is simply one giant disaster.


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