Sunday, September 09, 2012

Well, we KNEW it was coming.

Termination dust on the mountains.
Driving up Hatcher Pass.
Oh well I was just about tired of mowing the lawn anyhow.

I have a feeling that winter is going to arrive early in Anchorage this year as well.

By the way these pictures are from the September 6, there could very well be more snow by now.


  1. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Breathtaking! Otheworldly looking ('cept for the tire tracks!)...

  2. WakeUpAmerica6:35 PM

    I would relish some of that icing. We've been hovering at 100+ for quite awhile.

  3. Anonymous6:43 PM

    See. There's no global warming. And those mountains are pretty, but God gave them to Alaska so she could save America. When does the mountaintop removal start? There must be coal or gold or something under there.
    Just trying to get a jump on your former puppet Governor and her ruin America for our grandkids thugs.

  4. Anonymous6:50 PM

    As a woman suffering from EXTREME menopause, can I just say that those pictures of SNOW look like HEAVEN to me??? Especially since I'm living in the sweaty armpit of the country known as New Orleans??

    Tell you what Gryphen, you send some of the white stuff to me, and I'll send you some beignets...

  5. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Off the subject of this posting, but did you notice in Game Change when they first styling the LFLL, that the stylist gave her a scarf to try and she immediately removed it? I think this was a direct slam to her "scarfed" pregnancy and then all of a sudden after the baby was born she stopped wearing the hideous scarves.
    i watched Game Change again last night, just for fun...and to remember the bullet the USA dodged !!!!

  6. Termination dust? Wha dat.

    1. That is what Alaskans call the first light dusting of snow on the mountains.

      I think because it "terminates" summer for us.

      We don't really have much of an autumn.

  7. Damn, that is some pretty country!

  8. Anonymous7:53 PM

    538 Nowcast: 83% Chance Of Winning For Obama

  9. Ah, thanks for the lovely pictures.

    It's been in the high 80s for over a week in So. Cal. Previous we had a day or two break from more high 80s. Seems like it's been hot and sweaty for a month.

    It's finally dipped to a relieving 79 today. Those pictures of snow were just what I needed.

    Thank Dennis from me.

  10. Good catch. I'll bet that had to burn Sara's ass every time she watched it, too! And she'll be watching it many more times, especially if she's having a "good" day, so she can get back to her normal, miserable self. You betcha.

  11. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Yikes! Any berry picking happening up there?

  12. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Beautiful pictures! Thanks, Gryphen.

    FlipFlopper is already walking back his statements on ObamaCares.

  13. Anonymous8:31 PM

    I've always wanted to visit Alaska but not in the winter. I don't tolerate the cold well. Alaskans are a hearty stock of people to live in that cold.

  14. Anonymous8:56 PM

    The evening temps are already down to the middle 40's and high 30's here in Kenai. *shiver*.

    One really good thing about snow is that there are no BUGS!!!

    1. Anonymous12:10 AM

      Spent a few days in Jan-04 in Anchorage and Kenai and learned how good a cup of hot coffee feels in a wind chill of -37. I recall the bank sign said -23 but I'm using the wind chill number because that was what I was feeling as we were driving to the airport for an early flight.

      I couldn't believe the snowdrifts and that human beings would be doing their thing without hardly noticing the moose clogging along-side the truck at a pace a few steps faster than we were driving, until he turned and ran across someone's "lawn" which was at least 6' deep all of the way across. I laughed when he started sinking to his belly in the snow and the snow started flying, but the fact is he made it across that yard pretty quickly, it just wasn't all that graceful. And my graceful fat-ass would've sunk and stayed sunk under there until the spring thaw.

      Incredibly beautiful, just breath-taking views in every direction out on Cook Inlet, but just too few hours to enjoy the scenery because of the shorter days. One day it was pretty clear and the sunshine seemed so bright with everything covered in snow. I want to go back during Dec/Jan again and stay 10 days or maybe 2 weeks, but the next trip will be for the kings. Don't mention my itinerary to the mosquitoes. I'm just going to hope they have a fully belly by the time I get there. They seem to like the taste of the lower-48 people more. Sweeter, maybe.

  15. Beldar J Conehead8:58 PM

    Cheerfully O/T: Good news from Team Rmoney!! If elected, they promise they will NOT - repeat: NOT - be removing the word "God" from Amercian currency!!! YAY!!! Jeebus is saved!!!

    Other things the GOP promises NOT to do if they are elected:

    1) Heat the White House by burning the bodies of cute little kittens and puppies in a furnace.
    2) Conscript the first born son of every caucasian family at age 12 for 6 unpaid years in the merchant marines.
    3) Force people with brand new cars to exchange them for very old broken-down cars.
    4) Force gun-owners and hunters to pay a $100 tax per bullet.
    5) Force every household in Amercia to display a Muslim Ramadan Tree in their homes.
    6) Drop nuclear bombs on Paraguay. Or Uraguay. One of Guays, anyways.

    Remember, these are things the GOP has promised NOT to do. Why haven't the Democratics made the same promises???

    Vote for Mittens Rmoney for presdient on Republican Voting Day, Wednesday, November 7. Do it for the kittens and puppies!

    1. Anita Winecooler10:22 PM

      LOL We all know their "Guay" policy already, anti anti anti!!

      Well Done, Mr Conehead (if that's your real name, which I doubt!)

    2. Anita Winecooler10:33 PM

      I love the autumn, especially seeing the trees change color, then relaxing by the window with a cup of coffee while I watch my husband rake and bag up leaves.

      If I moved to Alaska, I'd miss out on all that fun, but I love watching him shovel snow, too.

  16. emrysa10:32 PM

    september 6? dag, man I am sorry. still wearing shorts and sandals here. altho the non-snow pics are beautiful.

    1. Anonymous10:08 AM

      Shorts and sandals here too; 34 is still shorts and sandals weather up here :-)

  17. It was a balmy 24 degrees F here this morning!! Glad I brought the flowers in. And honestly, we would much welcome the white stuff as the fire danger remains high. I am usually morosely melancholy at the first of September as our summers are fleeting here. And fall brings cold and snow usually. And winter, well, winter is brutal. But this year, snow will be welcome. I know you guys got buried last year daughter kept asking if Alaska could send us some snow!! We still had about 3 1/2 feet on the ground--just not enough!! I am torn--needing the moisture so very badly and tired of the anxiety about fires, but not wanting to give up what little summer we had. What to do, what to do...

  18. Pretty, but we went swimming that day in our pool.
    We live about 20 miles south of the Canadian border.
    it was 79 that day.

    But I am sick of tomatoes!!!!

  19. Not What You Want to Hear4:16 AM

    What a beautiful series of pictures! Thanks for posting. I've wanted to visit Alaska for years. Until I do, I always enjoy the great pictures of this breathtaking state posted here on IM and also the Mudflats.

  20. Kimosabe5:41 AM

    WTF?? When did they pave the road to Hatcher Pass? Wimps! (for would-be visitors to Alaska, one of the easy and must-see places to go in the Anchorage area ... and don't even need to go thru Wasilla!)

    1. Hatcher Pass is not in Anchorage.

      And in fact is much closer to both Wasilla and Palmer.

      But yes it is quite accessible and well worth the drive up there.

  21. Anonymous10:04 AM

    26 in Wasilla this morning at 9am. Plants are all done! Partial relief and partial sadness that another season is over. Only forgot to bring in one plant last night and it seems to have made it somehow....

  22. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Was one of these roads where Sarah Palin threw Track his Wasilla Hill Billy Trailer Park roadside wedding shindig to the pregnant preacher's daughter?

    Or is this where Bristol dumped off her sniveling trial husband Gino?

    Or is this where Bristol conceived Tripp and Tri-G?

    Or are these the roads traveled by Willow when she dropped out of school in her Junior year of high school to pick up snowmachines with her boyfriend and step father Todd?

    Or are these the roads where Track was hoping the school buses would crash? You know the school buses where he did something to the brake lines?

    Or are these the roads traveled by Pimp Daddy Todd when he was out recruiting single Alaskan mothers of handicap children for his stable?

    Wow! I didn't know there were so many Palin memories in Alaska just by looking at some pictures of Alaskan roads?


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