Friday, September 07, 2012

Perhaps NOBODY explains the important differences between the Democrats and the Republicans better than President Clinton.

Courtesy of Think Progress:  

For nearly 50 minutes, Clinton reminded voters of the challenges Obama inherited in 2009, and highlighted the ways in which the administration and Democrats in congress helped put the economy on a path towards recovery. 

To drive home the point, Clinton employed a running tally of both the Obama White House’s and the Republican party’s record on private sector jobs over the last 50 years:

I have now listened to Bill Clinton's speech about three times, and it LITERALLY gets better very time you hear it. And the points he made were spot on!

P.S. Here is a picture of the Secretary of State watching her husband bring the house down.


  1. Randall3:19 AM

    Even Fox News had to admit that
    Clinton burned down the house with that speech!

    He IS "the Big Dog"

  2. Anonymous3:33 AM


    We ARE talking about the Clintons here. Though it is NO ONES place to judge anyone in regards to their personal life.

    1. [eye roll for the bed pan lady's consistency in bad grammar]

      What's it like to have the overpowering stench of urine in all of the clothes in your closet, your carpet, your bedding,your HAIR. and your FOOD that you insist on eating in your room?

      Do YOU just not notice it after awhile, or do you just enjoy the aroma?

    2. And yet you just did.

    3. Olivia5:28 AM

      "Though it is NO ONES place to judge anyone in regards to their personal life."

      Why are you making the judgement then, you fucking hypocrite?

      Look at the woman's face. It's obvious she hates his guts and is ready to dump him...NOT!

    4. Anita Winecooler10:02 PM

      Can someone translate that? My dog ate my "WTF to English" Dictionary and he crapped "America by Heart".

  3. Anonymous4:00 AM

    "And the points he made were spot!"
    You might want to add "on" to that sentence.

    1. Fuck you,.Mccain!5:28 AM

      Get your own fucking blog and see how easy it is, smuggy.

  4. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Here's a huge difference between Democrats and Republicans: a 16-year-old Teatard has tweeted begging for the assassination of our President:

    I'm sure she hears this stuff at home all the time.

    1. Fuck you,.Mccain!5:31 AM

      Think she'll have the guts to tweet that she shit her pants when the Secret Service shows up on her door?

      So much for Twitter Bravado.

  5. Anonymous5:47 AM

    This is what happens when morons scream, "Second amendment solutions!" and "Don't retreat, reload!" I hope she sees jail time for this stupid stunt.

  6. Anonymous6:14 AM

    And THAT is a public servant who deserves the honorarium title after having left the office in which they served.

    That is all.

  7. Anonymous8:07 AM

    I like the photo of Hilary. She was working hard for all of us in East Timor of all difficult places. All summer long the tabloid headlines (the ones you see in the grocery store check-out line) were full of a feud between Michelle Obama and Hilary Clinton. Good grief! The GOP has tried hard over the last two or three months to create mayhem where there is none. First between the Clintons and the Obamas and then between President Obama and Vice President Biden. What fools!

  8. dlbvet8:45 AM

    I think I posted this somewhere else (but now sadly, am having difficulty remembering where...could have been here for all I know...sorry all if it was), but I thought President Clinton's speech was out of this world fantastic. And the important point there is that I don't even like the guy. Never did. That whole itty bitty thing about the intern just turned my stomach. And then his pettiness during the primary.
    But last night changed my view and he's now got my respect (well, mostly...).
    It was simply amazing and...well, got to run as the munchkin just collapsed the little "log cabin" she and her daddy built the other night from dead wood dragged down from the mountain.
    Now I've got to go be a repair-type person and put it all back together. Luckily no tears yet. Sheesh. Like I know anything about building cabins.

  9. Tania9:20 AM

    Wow, doesn't Hillary look awfully young and good in that photo? She looks like a schoolgirl with a crush if you squint!

    I really wish ThinkProgress had shown more of that graph, and had it cover the whole width and show the pattern from Bush, with Bush clearly coloured in red for contrast. Because that is easily the most powerful graph around at the moment. The turnaround is so marked its amazing. No one can continue to argue that Repubs are good for the economy and Dems are bad after being shown that graph unless they are deeply deceptive. Which yes they are, but independents need to see it! Gryphen, why don't you post it here at least?

    1. Anonymous5:45 PM

      I remember when Bill first ran. He was the first president I actually thought of as a "crush" object. What I mean by that is a "my generation" guy, a possible, unattainable but possible, romantic interest. Those who came before, and even GWBush after him, would have been like crushing on your grandfather. Rmoney also fits that mold - too old and moribund to ever think about having a heart to heart conversation with. Strangely, Ryan is way too young - it'd feel like pondering stat rape with the neighbor's obnoxious teen next door.

  10. Sharon9:44 AM

    Clinton was nothing short of awesome, he didn't miss a trick going over all the GOP blatant lies. I don't think the fact he is the one that overturned Glass-Steagall escapes his memory, he remembers what it was like trying to work with the GOP. That fact alone was the major cause of what happened with Wall Street...letting those greedy bastards loose with our money. He is only a man with faults just like the rest of us, but look at what he chose to do with his life after...the Clinton Global Initiative has saved thousands of lives and he is a true believer in "global" just like Obama. I believe Obama will have an afterlife just like Clinton because that is who they are...and Hillary, she is my hero. I know in my heart she will be the first female president in my lifetime. There wasn't any comparison between conventions, the only way Robme wins will be voter fraud, I don't think this country will recover...the world will know that our so called democracy is a joke.

    1. Anonymous5:45 PM

      Did you see Julian Castro's speech? He's the next, I think.

  11. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Obama/Biden 2012

    Clinton/Warren 2016
    with a side of Bill for SCOTUS

  12. Anita Winecooler10:30 PM

    I agree, President Clinton's speech was superb! He is an amazing man. I remember how he railed against Candidate Obama when his wife was campaigning, but he followed his wife's lead and put country first.
    I loved when President Obama came out on stage to thank him personally. Pure Class, both of them!


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