Thursday, September 06, 2012

President Obama accepts the Democratic nomination. And blows the convention hall doors off!

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Oh damn! I swear this convention feels like it is a contest to see WHO is the best speaker in America.

It seemed like every single speaker was giving the best speech of their lives, and you keep thinking, "Well nobody is going to beat that!" and then they do.

But this President may be the greatest speaker this country has ever produced, and he proved that yet again tonight!

Does he deserve another term? Abso-fucking-lutely!


  1. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Steve Schmidt said the DNC hit a home run with the Convention and I agree. I loved all the speeches!

  2. Anonymous8:07 PM

    BREAKING--#NewPoliticalRecord Set On #Twitter: @BarackObama's speech drove 52,757 Tweets-Per-Minute. @MittRomney's TPM was just 14,289

  3. angela8:09 PM

    Very excited about the President's speech. How good was it? There is a serious troll attack at HP (tread lightly if at all.) Love it!

    1. Anonymous8:40 PM

      It is always easy to see if a nerve was struck on HP. The trolls go into a frenzy. I wonder how many are paid and how many are just brainwashed Fox watchers. I just sit back and watch. It is an endless stream of idiocy and ignorance.

    2. angela8:09 PM

      They're pissed off because the Obama/Biden campaign made the right call to move the President's speeches indoors. The DNC and the weather gave them a big shit sandwich, which they deserved.

      They're pissed off because Gabby Gifford was a hit. As was FLOTUS, Sandra Fluke, Emanuel Cleaver, Elizabeth Warren, the Big Dog, John Perez, Villarosa and Castro (Mayors of LA & San Antonio) and many others I probably omitted due to brain cells killed drinking and having too much fun years ago.

      And they're also pissed off because Crossroads and Americans for Prosperity have both thrown in the towel on running TV ads in Michigan and PA! Smart money waving white flags! Woo hoo!

      And of course, the haters are so pissed because Barack Hussein Obama tore the cover off the ball.

      But they're mostly pissed because they have R&R and they hate them because they're both liars and big-gov't spenders and after the bump from the DNC, the haters will be sniping at one another and ankle-biting and bitching and griping and complaining. And you know what, I'm loving it!

      Obama/Biden 2012

  4. If I had even the tiniest shred of humanity left inside me I would be supporting this man for re-election.

    But I don't.

    And that is why I have endorsed Mittens Rmoney and That Other Guy for President and Vice President of Amercia in 2012.

    (awesome convention.

    waiting for Nate Silver to update his 538 forecast.

    So far his graph looks like two solid rocker boosters separating from the space shuttle.)

    1. I looked out my window and I think I see smoke coming from the red capsule that has broken off and it appears headed towards the ocean.

      Meanwhile, the blue one is steadily gaining altitude.

      "Hit that accelerator, Joe, will ya?."

      "Aye-aye, Cap'n Hussein."

  5. I think Michelle gave the best speech, but he was a close second. :) And he absolutely deserves another term!

    1. Anita Winecooler8:37 PM

      I agree!

      Lovey Romney, on the other hand, gives the Flotus a lesson in how speeches by candidates wives SHOULD be done! (Bless her off shore blind trust accounts and hobby horse)

  6. Anonymous8:20 PM

    I thought Jennifer Granholme (who was absolutely on fire) was going to do a Howard Dean Scream! Love VP Joe Biden's speech, his wife Jill, Kerry, and of course President Obama. They combined their efforts in describing a great man and President, along with describing the Republican stalling techniques, and brutal truthfulness of the last 4 years. Love that verse, "where there is no vision, the people perish".

    Yes, Sarah, that hopey-changey thing is in the Bible. Even if POTUS can't deliver all his promises, he asks the people to believe it's still possible, and that he won't give up, and he gets my thumbs up, as that verse proves how true it is that people need hope and a vision for improvement. What hope have Republicans offered? Hope in Mitt's offshore investments?

  7. Anonymous8:27 PM

    I agree 100%!

    And today was a frustrating day, and now even more so because I HAD to ask any and all Republican friends and family members I communicated with this question:
    "Will you be watching the DNC tonight?" Every single one of these people said "ABSOLUTELY NOT!".

    And they are the voters that need to more than anyone.
    I asked "why not?" The answer shocked me...and I even had to Google it to find the video. They ALL said "Because Mitt said on TV today that he would not watch it!" WTH? I confessed to these ignorant morons (sorry Auntie EM & Uncle Herb)that I watch BOTH conventions, I always HAVE even though I am a registered Democrat, but I feel I need to. I need to be informed. I feel it's my duty as a Patriotic American. (Uncle Herb said if I was a Dem I am not a Patriot) They stay in their bubble, in their living rooms watching FOX "NEWS" and wander around the community like sheeple with "I HATE ZERO" bumper stickers on their cars. These SAME friends, and of course my relatives have not changed over the years, never used to be like this. Not so filled with hate and ignorance.

    I asked them all how they even make a decision as to who to vote for if you do not even KNOW the facts? Answer? "Because THEY said so!" Who? "Fox News of course! They're the ONLY real media that tells the truth!"

    I am going to go throw up now and re-write my living will.

    1. angela8:45 PM

      I feel bad for you---having no republicans in my family (except one who married in, but that union made in hell is not working) I love being able to talk politics without everyone's head exploding or them going into a trench of denial.

      Maybe the families of those brainwashed by FAUX will be able to sue in a decade or so. My advice to you is to pat them on the head and smile.
      It calms them and makes them think the world is a fifties place.

    2. Anonymous8:59 PM

      I have those people in my family too. I'm sorry for both of us, but we don't get to pick our relatives. It's not our fault.

    3. Anonymous9:34 PM

      But I and many people know didn't watch any of the RNC.

    4. Anonymous10:59 PM

      I watched both. My sister was shocked that I watched the RNC. I believe it is important to hear both sides. I am glad I did to also compare the two conventions. The DNC was united in a cooperative finely tuned effort. The RNC and their ticket do not have their act together.

    5. fromthediagonal6:02 AM

      @anon 8:27...
      As always, the major difference in brain function between progressive and regressive voters is that regressives follow authoritarians, because they are bound to the principle of "Lead, Follow or Get the Hell out of the Way".

      As for the progressive brain? "Explain to me your intentions, your philosophies, and I shall decide whether I can follow you in Good Conscience".

      This is why those who identify with the GOP/TP unquestioningly follow their leaders and speak in a unified mode. They do not use much, if any critical thought and reflexively follow the authoritarians who lead them.

      There is a dichotomy between their vocal assertions of "my individual rights" and their unquestioning submission to whatever authority figures they have selected.

      Contrast that to the progressives of the Democratic Party who speak in a multitude of voices.

      We Think Before we Follow!

    6. Olivia6:14 AM

      That is my experience with most Republicans in my life at this point. They have a candidate and they have closed their teeny brains to anything they don't want to know or hear about either side. The picture in my head is them sitting on the floor in a corner with their eyes closed and their fingers in their ears while screaming over and over "I can't HEAR you!"
      Another thing I am seeing is people who don't like Democratic anything but can see quite clearly what R/R are offering and they don't like that either. These ones are whining that they hate all politicians because they ALL lie and all you hear is lies from everyone in politics. I am hoping this group is so disgusted that they don't bother to vote.

    7. Anita Winecooler8:57 PM

      I've ALWAYS watched both conventions and all the debates, because that's where the rubber hits the road for me. How a person carries themselves, their body language, what they say and what they refuse to say tell me all I need to know about their character.

      A fully informed voter is key to a strong democracy. I don't know which is worse, apathy or willful ignorance.

  8. I have wept more the last three days than I have in the last three years. Have felt more compassion and more conviction and more love and more admiration for the diversity that gives our nation its strength and its hope. And I have yelled my determination at the top of my lungs to do my part to work for a healthy and educated and just and caring society.

    Yes, I value intelligence, compassion and humility and no, I am not afraid of complexity and challenge and reality, and yes, I thought our President's speech was terrific.

    We are all in this together.

    Forward! Together!

    1. Anonymous9:21 PM

      Liz, I totally agree with what you said here. I too have cried with compassion, much hope and love for our dear President and our delegates. I have clapped my hands so much they turned red. With severe arthritis in both of them it was hard. I'm so proud to be a Democrat!

  9. Anonymous8:42 PM

    I liked ALL the speeches and watched as much as I could today starting with James Taylor singing and I've been tearing up all day long. Compare the 2 conventions and compare Obama's to the extreme right wing fringe one with no solutions to offer for anything! They HAVE NO PLAN for you but they DO HAVE secret plans for themselves and their buddies to steal the taxpayers money - OUR money and give themselves a whole bunch of corporate welfare and greedy golden parachutes.

    I bet Sarah is just so butt hurt right now. She wasn't invited to the party, is not the star of anything, she's no kingmaker and has no power to harm our country any longer. She is now officially a footnote. Sarah over-played her cards and exposed herself for what she really is - a shill for sale to the highest bidder with the most money - in other words a political whore.

    Since she, Bristol & Todd have made their decision long ago to follow in the footsteps of Kate Gosselin & Octomom that is the realm they are now forever relegated to - reality tee vee shows and celebrity gossip columns. No one else to blame. The dollar sign came first and they will always be paying for that selfish decision instead of doing things to actually help other people. It must really suck right about now to be a Palin who has now gone down in the annals of infamy and known as America's greatest grifters.

  10. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Spot on. I remember when my family was glued to the TV during the election year! We watched it all!

    Obama did blow the doors off the building! Yeah!

  11. All I can say about the President is this (H/T to some talented person on HP)


    OBAMA 2012!!!!

    1. Is that a diagram of Sarah's bubble-bobble-head with the grid showing where she gets her weekly botox injections, Gino?

      Oh yeah, you still tappin', er, dating Beefy? Look, I understand, man, it's a paycheck, huh? Well, that's why they call it work.

  12. Okay this is going to sound shallow, but I just have to ask it.

    Does anybody think that if the average American Independent were to sit down and watch these two conventions in their ENTIRETY, that even ONE of them would vote for the Republicans?

    I mean would there even be contest anymore?

    1. "I mean would there even be contest anymore?"

      Shit no, not unless Rasmussen is polling, and in the last 30 days of the campaign, they'll start to play it straight or begin moving rapidly toward real numbers, so they don't look like outliers when the final tally comes in. Right now, Rasmussen has 5-6 points of GOP bias built in, just like 2008.

      I'm an Indy (former R until Bush43 screwed the pooch in the lead-up to Iraq), and while I might've been less enthusiastic in 2008 because I was on the Hillary bandwagon, there's no way in hell I'd vote for R/R.

      I still have some local candidates that are R that I'll support, but most of them don't even want to mention the POTUS race, because only the baggers are running full-tilt on anti-Obama, and some of those won't be able to hold their nose and vote for Mittens.

      There are a lot of us here - moderate Dems, Reps and Indies - that will drop support of local moderate (GOP & Dem) candidates if they even breathe any of the bagger bullshit or try to stump for Romney. Some of them tip-toe around the POTUS race, and that's fine. But anyone that panders to the bagger bullshit like R/R is crossed off the list, because no thinking person believes all of their lies.

    2. Anonymous10:17 PM

      Dear Gryphen,

      There is no contest, viewed from our side...but neither is there one viewed from theirs...that is what is costing me my Hope...

      there is an organic, fundamental difference in how each side views the issues. Those of us who are acknowledged as Independent are at the crux of this option...

      As I ponder this, I think that the original function of philosophy was to give each 'party' a common language in which to discuss and resolve differences. Then (and I am speaking historically, here) religion evolved; and, over time, the fundamental differences became encoded in our politics.

      This is so huge, and yet we must acknowledge and then resolve our differences; come to common ground and then move forward.

      oh, my...
      love to you, dear man...and to all the I.M. community...


    3. Gryphen ~

      It's NO contest!

      And i found this article from the January 2005 Columbia College news letter about Barack Obama '83:

      An excerpt:
      ~*~“He’s a rare package of brains, values and personality,” says John Bouman, an advocate who has worked with Obama on policy issues. “What you see is the real deal. It’s a good break for all of us that he chose politics.”

      A year ago, Obama was a little-known state senator from Illinois elbowing a half-dozen other candidates for the Democratic nomination to run for the U.S. Senate. Few people outside of his home state had any reason to know of, or care about, “the skinny kid with the funny name,” as he likes to describe himself.

      Then, last March, he won the nomination, and national press coverage soon followed. Early articles included a feature in The New Yorker, and a long essay about him written by his friend, novelist Scott Turow, heralding “The new face of the Democratic Party — and America.” ~*~

    4. Gryphen,

      The short answer? NO! I truly, seriously, with all my heart believe that not ONE would vote against Obama after watching both conventions.

      And make no mistake- that is what the republicans are doing. . . not trying to get people to vote FOR Romney, but trying to get people to vote AGAINST President Obama.

    5. fromthediagonal7:06 AM

      @ Aurora 10:17:
      You make some solid arguments for the evolution (devolution?) of party structures.

      To be an Independent used to mean something entirely different than what it has become in the Ron Paul movement we are seeing now.

      In the past, Independents were the swing voters,the ones in the middle of the spectrum, who would vote after studying the different party lines and the voting upon their preferences from either party.

      They were individualists who worked for the betterment of the nation.

      Now they have joined the Me, Myself and the Rest Be Damned cranky faux individualism of Ron Paul in ways that bears little resemblance of the responsible individualism of the past.

      Oh, don't get me started, but feel free to correct me with logical reasonings if I am wrong.

    6. Anita Winecooler9:17 PM

      I don't see any "contest" between the two. The GOP convention wasn't a fully throated pitch FOR Romney, it was more like the speakers simply tolerated him and were positioning themselves for the next election. It was a rally against President Obama, projecting the effects of their obstruction as an argument against Obama, facts be damned.

      The Democratic Convention was the convergence of diverse people voicing their support for President Obama, the man, his record, his vision for taking our country forward, tackling the social and political issues seldom, if ever before addressed in any convention speech. Marriage Equality, Women's Rights, Fair Pay, Alternative Energy, Universal Health Care, Education Reform, climate change, terrorism, advancing the economy, world peace and Veteran's issues.

  13. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Thanks so much for posting! We had to attend our son's open house @ Houston Middle school (shout out to Houston, Alaska!). We rushed home to watch the video, but couldn't find it anywhere...until we turned to Uncle Gryphen. Feeling very positive tonight. Thank you!

  14. Anonymous10:03 PM

    I was talking with my caretaker today; sharing with her the story of how the research regarding the physiological differences between the liberal brain and the conservative brain was first designed. It was a British talk show that suggested it, basically as a joke.

    Then it was proved...and, for me, hope was lost. Hope that reasonable people, from both persuasions, could sit down and create a compromise...the liberal dream...

    and Rep Mitch McConnell, when he stated that their goal was to limit Pres-elect Obama to one term...well, he kind of fulfilled my worst nightmare.

    If it is a scientific fact, that liberal brains and conservative brains are physiologically different, then how can the twain meet? it requires an effort of will...

    Think back to that moment in 2008, when we all tuned in to hear the new VP nominee speak; an Alaskan governor, a mom, cool was that? and within about three minutes the die was cast: liberals heard the voice of ignorant evil and conservatives heard their 'Queen Esther'...

    and 'so it goes' (Kurt Vonnegut).

    It is so important that we re-elect Pres Obama this time; going forward we will all have to figure out how to live together...but it is only under the Democratic 'tent' that consensus is possible.

    (I apologize if this is not clear; I think we are all trying to create a new Woodstock, in 1969, we took a moment out of the anger and chaos of the Vietnam War years to create harmony; we need to make the same effort, again...)


  15. Anonymous10:08 PM

    If this man doesn't win by a landslide, I would be very surprised.

  16. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Great summary of highlights of speech

  17. Nate Silver @ NYT has probability of Obama win up to 77.3% to 22.7%, up 5.3% since Aug 30th. Obama has stretched the lead in percentage of total votes to 51.3% to 47.6%, up .5% since 8/30.

    If you need a little "pick-me-upper", it's worth going to the link below and clicking on the state-by-state percentages (on right-hand side of page) in the swing states VA, FL, CO, WI, NH, IA and OH.

    The next 60 days are going to be ugly as they fight to get a high turnout for the GOP down-ticket races, but PBO is smokin' Mittens big-tie right now. And it will be better next week, because as the time window shrinks, the percentages will go up as there's less time to make a major move. PA and MI are now DARK BLUE. WI will be next. I'll betcha.

    My opinions only, but I'll gladly accept any razzing from the baggers (post-election) if I'm wrong, if they will let me stick my finger in their eye if I'm right. Hell, I'll do it anyway. Obama/Biden 2012, in an electoral rout!

    1. fromthediagonal7:16 AM

      Yes, we must remember the down-ticket races and work as hard to win them as we are working for the President's reelection, because if he is gridlocked by a Republican Congress and, let's face it, a regressive judiciary, as well as regressive states, counties and localities, no amount of persuasion will get us into a more enlightened 21st Century.

      And yes, Aurora in her comment above has it right in that regressives and progressives work from different parts of the brain. Compromise is difficult, and in order to bring this nation forward, we must have enough strength in the legislatures and the judiciary to do so.

  18. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Remember that moment during the RNC last week, when the brokered convention occurred and all the delegates switched to Sarah Palin -- just as the crazies4palin predicted?! That was awesome!

    1. valleytrash on the road to nowhere11:40 PM

      lol no chit! I've been sending extra money to sarahpak to celebrate! It must have been that park your car on the shoulder demonstration that turned the tide! Or was that honk your ass in the car? Well it worked!@!!

    2. valleytrash on the road to nowhere11:45 PM

      Bristol Palin's blog now asks the question "Can’t we have at least some dignity in our politics" with a picture of a button saying "sluts vote". The title of the post is "Where's the Dignity Democrats?"

      Bristol want's some of Bill Maher's love. Hope she gets it.

      Sarah should have already said something stupid or offensive to make it all about her also too.

    3. Anonymous5:13 AM

      "Bristol Palin's blog now asks the question "Can’t we have at least some dignity in our politics" with a picture of a button saying "sluts vote". The title of the post is "Where's the Dignity Democrats?"

      More double standard from Brancy. Weren't there buttons at the 2008 RNC that stated "The hottest governor from the coldest state"? That's classy and dignified, right, Brancy?

      We "women" who use contraception were called sluts by Rush Limbaugh. So I believe that's were the "sluts vote" button comes into play.

      Keep practicing the Fox Trot, Bristol maybe you'll win this time around on DWTS.

    4. Anonymous5:17 AM

      Sarah already did. On morning Joe they played a clip of her saying Biden diminished himself taking a pot shot at her referencing her claims of foreign policy experience able to see Russia from Alaska. Did anyone hear her second comment that Joe Biden not know her name? I missed part of it. The panel all laughed at her remarks.

    5. Anonymous6:36 AM

      @5:17- It was Kerry, not Biden.

    6. Anonymous6:36 AM

      Thanks for sharing your wisdom, Brancy "haha, i'm a slut" Palin.

    7. Anita Winecooler9:34 PM

      Ruh Roh! Looks like Beefy's ready to debut on the political stage. "Sluts Vote" is right up her alley! If Beefy had a shred of dignity, she'd never have ghostpenned a memoir about her gold medal worthy premarital horizontal belly bumping in a tent while sloshed on hard liquor and beer. How about a "Dignified Conservative" sex tape, you know, so uncle Rush can, you know, tweedle dee.

      I'm sure Sandra Fluke is shaking in her boots at the mere thought of debating Beefy on the fine points of abstinence, the rhythm method and single motherhood.

  19. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Watching this speech tonight I felt overcome that our president giving the speech is the first black president elected! Therefore there is hope for our country!
    There are exceptions like Palin dressing like Peg Bundy to leech the teabaggers. Lol

  20. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Palin responds to Kerry's quip at her at the DNC:

    She's got to be the dumbest person on the planet to acknowledge what EVERYONE thinks already. "Diminishing himself." Ha! And then she tried to play it off with the "little old me shtick."

    I bet she's heard Todd sarcastically say that Obama doesn't want to diminish himself by responding to her, so now that's on her mind and that's all she can think of.

    You could probably have a field day with making a post about this, Gryphen. No one else on Earth would respond that way. In a way that basically diminishes their own stature. She's so stupid!

    Btw, I agree with you about the two conventions. I want to burn Bill's speech on to DVDs and hand them out. I'm so afraid, because Romney's about to carpetbomb the airwaves. If all people see are those welfare ad lies, without seeing Bill's rebuttal, it could really hurt. The media is so useless. THEY should be doing full-force rebuttals of untruths.

    1. Anonymous5:38 AM

      I thought I heard Mika say someone needs to remind her (Palin) that she ran for VP.

      Palin's response is a crazy attempt to portray Biden as bullying/picking on average Joe citizen.

      The next time (second time for me) I witness someone constantly orchestrating conflict, loathing and hatred I shall know with certainty it is self serving. Paul Lyin Ryan is another one.

  21. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Gryphen, lmao, you have to do a post about Governor Jennifer Granholm's speech:

    I don't know if she was drunk, or just decided to say the hell with it and act wacky. But it was hilarious, and very WTF?!, and she got the audience going big time.

    She was apparently criticized in '08 for being too tense and dull, so I'm thinking maybe that was due to nerves, and she took a few (too many) drinks this time to loosen her up?

    It's kind of funny to see a politician totally let loose though, be it due to outside influences, or just genuinely, natural, wacky behavior.

    1. Anonymous6:23 AM

      Man, that was a great motivating and entertaining speech. Thanks for sharing it.

    2. Damning with faint praise?

      If you've seen her on her own program at Current TV, you'd realize how idiotic your comment is. But, then, it wasn't actually about the speech, was it? It was a dig at one fantastic woman. Like Brisdull attacking Mercede, mebbe?

      If JG hadn't been born in Canada, she'd be on a short list for future POTUSs.

    3. Shades of "Annie, Get Your Gun"!

      Any speech you can give, I can give one better.

      Sandra Fluke and Zach Wahls, two young Americans I don't mind leaving the world to.

      If Jennifer Granholm had not been born in Canada, she'd be on a short list of future POTUSs.

      And on and on!

    4. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Jennifer Granholm was wonderful last night. She had eight difficult years as Michigan's governor with a recalcitrant GOP State Senate and the auto industry in an eight-year downward spiral. Remember that the Bush administration's idea of helping the auto industry in 2002 or 2003 was to offer a tax credit for buying Hummers. What an insult that was! Almost as bad as the Bush administration's bungling of the Katrina disaster. Jennifer Granholm has a great sense of humor but she is also passionate about Michigan's economy. I am proud to say that she was governor of my state, my home for over forty years.

  22. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Pres. Obama's speech was awesome in no small part due to the entire convention. Every single speech before his led to his moment. It was beautifully organized to give more meaning to his words.

    Remember the mom who spoke with great emotion about her daughter needing heart surgery that she would be able to have because of Obama Cares? And then in his speech, he mentions a little girl who can have heart surgery. This convention was brilliantly organized and on message from start to finish. They spoke with a single voice, and it was powerful.

  23. Anonymous4:35 AM

    I am so proud to be a Democrat! I watched all of the speakers from Caroline Kennedy to the benediction at the end last night. My emotions mirrored Joe Biden's when he spoke of the sacrifices made by soldiers and their families. And it just got better and better.

    We have been so fortunate in this country to have Barack Obama and Joe Biden as president and vice president for the past four years and I hope and pray that they will serve with us again for another four-year term. There was heart and soul and compassion and passion in the speeches I heard last night. And there was truth.

    I wish my parents, both long gone, had been able to watch and listen last night. They would also have been so proud too. The party of Franklin D. Roosevelt is alive and well! I am so glad that my son, despite the many complications in his life, watched each evening of the convention after coming home from work and was as proud and as thrilled as my husband and I were of our Democratic Party.

    Now I'm going to make yet another small contribution to the Obama campaign as a grateful citizen.
    Obama/Biden 2012

  24. Anonymous4:55 AM

    To your updated question, G., I think those working-class who've been lulled into the tea party cult or into the leader-worship thinking, are finally finding out that on Nov. 6, the talk ends, and their common sense takes hold. These are probably the people who know their present jobs aren't secure. They worry about tomorrow's possible health issues, and job security.

    The stress of not knowing that anytime a business or institution might fold quickly because it's profitable only to the company Heads - should bring em' back to their senses. There are few solid loyal small town independently-owned companies that provide the town with employment. But in cases we've seen now, they eventually sell out and leave town, letting the big fish swallow up the smaller for profits. There won't be any 'small-town America' left, if they don't come to their senses.

    I don't understand what Republicans see when this seems to be happening in many States. Small businesses, and one-town manufacturing plants, mills, etc. sell to the highest bidder, which is the Romney/Bain way. How can the 'people' live in that kind of fear and believe the republican hype of Country First?

    It's not 'big government' that the GOP knows people should be afraid of, it's the wealthy corporations that lurk, waiting to pounce on any struggling company. These are what people should be afraid of. The GOP are are psychologically pivoting. They try to reassure the people that it's 'government policies' that intrude in business practices that are keeping the economy down, but in reality, it's GOP politicians who are in the pockets of their elite wealthy friends who own stock in the big fish corporations that are the real danger.

    The GOP candidates are SO trying to pull the wool over people's eyes, and it's sad that it takes root, but I get a sense that voters are seeing the light. Last night definitely will have an influence on that.

  25. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Opinions are out that the speech was not very good. I disagree.

  26. Anonymous5:54 AM

    One of those tweets was by a "second amendment solution", "don't retreat--reload" Teatard calling for the President's assassination. Always classy, these republicans!

  27. Cracklin Charlie11:07 AM

    Jennifer was "warming up" the crowd. Something that was desperately lacking from the Republican convention.

    It was the Republicans who were guilty of drunk speech making. Contrast Granholm's performance with that of John Boehner at the RNC.

  28. Anita Winecooler9:55 PM

    Every speech was good in it's own right, but how the DNC orchestrated the entire event was genius! President Obama, among other things, is the first Democratic incumbent in my lifetime with a solid record on foreign policy. His speech was among the best I've ever seen. What few topics he may have missed, I'm sure he'll address handily in the debates.
    This convention was the most diverse, most progressive focused and all encompassing events. He finally got to toot his own horn on his accomplishments while exposing Romney's weakness, arrogance, and lack of international tact and a vision for America that tackles the debt responsibly, ends one war, gets terrorists, raises the poor and middle class, admits things aren't yet where he wants, yet argues effectively his plan is trending in the right direction.

    We have to give him four more years. This is one for the history books.


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