Tuesday, September 25, 2012

President Obama addresses the UN. A must see speech in my opinion. Update!

The speech is incredibly far reaching in that it honored the memory of Ambassador Stevens, and addressed in a very adult and honest manner the violence that erupted recently in the Middle East.

I found the entire speech quite powerful (Romney might want to simply drop out of the race right about now.), however I found the portion below, where the President discusses how important free speech is to America, to be especially worthy of note.

I know there are some who ask why we don't just ban such a video. The answer is enshrined in our laws: our Constitution protects the right to practice free speech. Here in the United States, countless publications provoke offense. Like me, the majority of Americans are Christian, and yet we do not ban blasphemy against our most sacred beliefs. Moreover, as President of our country, and Commander-in-Chief of our military, I accept that people are going to call me awful things every day, and I will always defend their right to do so. Americans have fought and died around the globe to protect the right of all people to express their views – even views that we disagree with.

I think THAT pretty much says it all. 

I have heard that the GOP is attempting to create controversy over the fact that the President is not meeting privately with any of the visiting UN dignitaries, but personally I think he said just about everything he needs to say to all them in this speech.

Hopefully they will listen to, and understand the importance of, his words.

(P.S. If anybody finds the video of this speech, send it my way and I will embed it here for everybody to watch. Thanks ahead of time.)

Update: here is the video of the President's UN speech. (And as you know it is ALWAYS much better to hear the President speak, then to simply read what he said.)


  1. Anonymous10:04 AM

    "as President of our country, and Commander-in-Chief of our military, I accept that people are going to call me awful things every day, and I will always defend their right to do so."

    Your trolls are hard at work, mostly at Bristol threads, to demean regular American consumer television critics for having an opinion on tv personalities. These are must catty remarks also too, nothing that can take money out of their pockets or food off their table or create unsafe home environments. . .

    It isn't like we are saying the Palin's were born in the country of Africa, or that we want to see their birth certificates and college transcripts. . .oh wait.

  2. The video of the speech is here

  3. Anonymous10:16 AM

    president obama’s un general assembly address


  4. Anonymous10:28 AM


  5. Gryphen,

    His speech spoke to the depths of my being.

    That some people say he divides our country and our world, I have to ask: Are you listening to what he's saying?

    This is a man who wants to bring peace, not only to our nation, but nations around the world.

    No, I don't agree with every thing he's done, but he is my President and I'll be voting for him again in Nov.

    1. Perfect - President Obama cares about people - he shows it by the life he leads and by what he says. He is the American Dream - and he will fight for everyone's chance to live it.

      This was an amazing speech, delivered in a somber and serious way to make sure everyone understood the depths of his beliefs and his promise for the future.

      PS Romney is toast

  6. Anonymous10:42 AM


  7. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Courtesy of DU


  8. Anonymous10:54 AM

    This speech may be lost on the republican (teabagger) mind. They identify with bullying, forcing, tricking ideals onto others. His speech was much too subtle for their minds.

    But the President said a lot. There were accusations and challenges conveyed. He both defended free speech and scolded it for those that use it for less than honorable causes.

    Between the lines there was a lot said. I think the President would like them to think on it a bit. Let it roll around in their heads and grow a bit. Sort of a calming down period.

    Not something the current batch of republicans understand.

  9. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Strong & direct comments by our President.

    Obama has a brain.

    Rmoney has handlers.

    The video is here: http://bcove.me/7z1fhuvr

  10. Anonymous11:19 AM

    It was a wonderful speech. Strong, forceful and full of understanding of the diversity of human lives. No wonder I've felt so much more secure since President Obama took office.
    Obama/Biden/Democratic Congress 2012

  11. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Why Obama Matters


  12. We need people like him in the presidency… not hillbillies, snowbillies, pretenders or liars.

    Thanks Gryphen, GinaM, and all the Anonymous posters who call those people out. I would be very depressed without the assurance that most people are still truthful.

    1. Darlene...you are very welcome...don't sell yourself so short...you're a "truth talker" too!

  13. What a powerful speech. Thanks for posting, G.

  14. Anonymous12:20 PM

    First the GOP says he is too submissive to world leaders (by "bowing down" to them, for example)... now they say he isn't respectful enough.

    And they wonder why Americans aren't attracted to their message. They have no message!

  15. Personally, I prefer a grown-up in the White House! It is nice to know that I'm going to hear a speech that appeals to my better nature, not one that stirs anger, fear and hatred.

    1. Anonymous1:15 PM

      Is it any wonder Queen Esther despises him! He outshines her in every way, just like Maryline Blackburn in the Miss Alaska pageant.

  16. Anonymous1:17 PM



  17. fromthediagonal1:44 PM

    I agree with all of you, the President's speech was calmly confident and caring about the human condition. Don't know if you saw his address a couple of hours later at the Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting, but that also is worth an in-depth analysis, as he deals with the human trafficking issues of the world.
    Please look at it!

    1. And if you heard Mitt Romney speak to the same group - "Private Enterprise" will save the world. Pfffffft - Romney is done.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:32 PM

      From the Diagonal and TS, yes, both speeches by our Commander in Chief let the humanity in this man's soul for every human being on the planet shine through. These two were for the history books.

      And Romney just doesn't get it, never has, and never will.

  18. Leland1:50 PM


    First, I have to say that I am honored to FINALLY have a President who can SPEAK! For a large portion of our recent history - say the past sixty years, with a few exceptions - we have been embarrassed by people who either couldn't speak or had ignorant accents or had vocabularies that any ten year old could have surpassed, or all three. Good ole George W comes to mind.

    I noticed that during that entire speech, not once did the President say "uh" or "um" or "ah" or a long list of other things talkers use today. President Obama is as close to an orator as any President I personally recall - and at 64 I remember quite a few.

    One of the things that amazed more than anything else about his speech was the reaction from the other delegates. I don't recall too many times in the UN where delegates interrupted a speech with applause. Oh it happens, certainly. But with the divisions - such as those about which he was speaking - that currently are running almost rampant, it was amazing.

    Further, I don't recall someone calling out, by name, culprits who are actually DOING those things he was arguing against - like al-Assad - or deliberately calling out a country for its international support of terrorism. Too many in the past have held back and HINTED at those who were performing despicable acts.

    Of course, I may have missed quite a bit, too, in the past, and not heard these things when said, but it used to be that a bold speech was actually newsworthy and disseminated by an honest press and a hard working press. Not so today, of course, but I am hoping that the Murdock empire will come crashing down so crappy stations like Fox can stop the destruction of an honest and fair press.

    I kept wondering while listening to this speech how Rmoney would have said things which would have enflamed things around the world. Threats and insults are too common from that man. If that man is elected, I, for one, am staying home and not traveling because our citizens overseas will be even greater targets after he opens his fat trap!

    GOOD JOB!!!!!!!!!

  19. His speech gave me goosebumps & made me tear up.

    I know he was addressing the world, but much of what he said can be applied right here in the United States.

    I watched the President right after I read about a Republican State Representative call for a Civil War if the President is re-elected. We've all heard words like that or similar before by the Right Wing. And, we know there have been arrests of militia members whose plans were to harm our country, law makers and our citizens. These people are scary.

    Anyway, I couldn't help think how President Obama's UN speech is very much applicable to the very serious crazies in this country.


  20. President Obama inspires me to be a better citizen.

  21. Anita Winecooler6:45 PM

    The President outdid himself with both the UN speech and the Clinton Global Initiative. Essentially, he's raised the bar for generations to come. I was never more moved by any political speech since he was elected and when he showed his true humility while accepting the nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize.
    I loved how he included the importance of the role of women in the World, that our girls deserve the same rights as our sons, that we're all citizens of the world, his vision is one of acceptance and inclusion.

    Romney, otoh, failed miserably at the Clinton Global Initiative.

    1. I agree, Anita, and I was very pleased to hear the world leaders applaud the President about the rights of girls.

  22. Anonymous8:40 PM

    It was incredible. Obama is slowly but surely uniting the world, he's proving to be a great world leader. Soon there will be no borders as long as we follow this inspirational man and swear allegiance to him

  23. Ellie8:50 AM

    That was AMAZING. I love to listen to our President speak. I frequently get chills during his important moment speeches. *shiver*


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