Monday, September 24, 2012

Ted Koppel: Fox News "Bad for America."

Koppel: "Bill what is it you think I have said about the network, or written about the network?"

O'Reilly: "You think that we have corrupted the sanctity of fair news coverage."


But I would go further. I think that Fox News has virtually destroyed journalism in this country.

I also think that they are the SOLE reason that we had George W. Bush, and therefore TWO completely unnecessary wars, which cost thousands of American lives, and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi and Afghan lives.

(Remember the 2000 election was called a Gore win by NBC and MSNBC first, which was then followed by the other networks, including Fox. That is until Fox got a call from their corporate masters and suddenly changed their minds and decided that Bush had won, which essentially called the election results into question until the Supreme Court called it in Bush's favor. In truth Gore most likely won that state, and if Fox had not made their erroneous claim, which sent over 20,0000 voters home without voting since they believed their candidate had lost, he ABSOLUTELY would have won.)

Fox News also almost single handily started the Tea party movement which is now causing unbelievable  gridlock in the American political system, essentially derailing it from within.

And then of course there's Sarah Palin. Need I say more?

So yes Fox News is indeed "bad for America" in fact I think they are guilty of treason and that both Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch should be led in front of a firing squad and executed.

But hey, that's just me.


  1. Beldar J. Conehead6:40 AM

    President Barack Hussein Obama: Good for America

    Lengthy Vanity Fair profile. Eye opening.


    1. Anonymous11:23 AM

      Thanks for the link Beldar.


    2. Anonymous2:08 PM

      Excellent article.

  2. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Fox News is cancer. We're approaching Stage 4.

  3. Anonymous7:11 AM

    You know, I do believe that this election will to some degree, comprise a referendum on the viability of FOX News itself.

  4. hedgewytch7:25 AM

    I think Fox News, Roger Ailes, etc. are guilty of sedition, not treason.

    The definition of sedition is:
    1.speech or behavior directed against the peace of a state, 2. an offense that tends to undermine the authority of a state, 3. An incitement to public disorder

    The definition of treason is: 1,the betrayal of a trust : treachery, 2, the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family

    You can see that Fox news has participated in disrupting the peace of the state, has attempted to undermine the government's authority, and incited the pubic to disorder; but has not directly acted to overthrow the government or harm government officials. (They just try to get others to do it for them). Examples you might ask? Continually bringing up non-issues and pumping them up with emotion - ex: President is a Muslim, not American, etc. Ramping up Tea Party rehtoric.

    Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck are the worst and should be brought up on charges of sedition, but in all actuality it would only serve to inflame the dumb masses to believe such charges as proof of their own persecution.

    Our very own Schaeffer Cox and his band of Merry Militia probably wouldn't have gotten to the point he was without the prodding of folks like the above.

  5. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Fox News .... brainwashing folks since the channel was launched on October 7, 1996.

  6. Anonymous7:35 AM


    This may require smelling salts by some!!! Love it!

    Bill Kristol rejects Romney's entire campaign rationale on FOX!!

    "I've thought this for months. If this election's just about the last four years, that's a muddy verdict. Bush was president during the financial meltdown. The OBAMA TEAM HAS TURNED THAT AROUND PRETTY WELL. The Clinton speech at the convention was very important in that way. How horrible was it four years ago? [Romney's] got to make it a referendum on the choice about the next four years."

    (quoted from the blog post):
    Consider that quote again: "Bush was president during the financial meltdown. The Obama team has turned that around pretty well." If I were to tell you, without any additional information, that this quote was repeated on one of the Sunday shows, would you think it came from an Obama surrogate or a Romney ally?

    The link includes the 19 second video which is Kristol's 'pink slip' from the Rethug party!!!

    Smelling salts in Aisle 3!!!!

    1. Anonymous9:02 AM

      Looks like the blood from Kristol's Sarah-Palin-hard-on has finally returned to his head.

    2. Kristol's playing good-cop. That's not always a good sign because he trades political capital for some I believe are enemies of the state whenever there's a conflict between our country's best interests and those allies whose leverage improves as conflicts arise.

      Protect your wallet and watch your back at all times when your enemies start praising you. I do agree with much of his screed, but I am wary of the messenger because he does not shoot from the hip about what his intentions are. He never has, and we have trillions of debt on the back of our country because previous administrations that Kristol served as a cheerleader when it involved national security.

      Kristol's a power-broker for the neocons, not all of whom are Republican other than for practical purposes, and not all of whom are Americans. In fact, more of them are dual-nationalists than we would ever elect in this country. But they hold many positions of power which are not chosen by the people.

      So sure having Kristol's support is great, but he reads poll numbers the same way we do and if he's flipping, it's to try to gain leverage for his main clients. And that's fine that he does that, as long as we keep him at arms length and realize that he is playing both sides of a fence that isn't always necessarily dictated by political party one belongs to.

      Anyone who has read Kristol's work and that of his associates, and analyzed the chasm between their words and actions will be skeptical as well.

      Bill won't poison the well for the Republicans unless he thinks he can sway more support to the war-hawks in both parties by appealing to a more centrist candidate who will be less partisan on international affairs, where Obama is very strong at present, and happens to be way ahead in the polls here in the US.

      I hate to be a debbie-downer, but he might've wanted to fuck Sarah, sure, but he was mainly interested in her as a charismatic personality that could serve as a mouthpiece that could be controlled by stroking her ego, appealing to her easily recognizable quest for personal relevance, and her desire to be praised in public for her special "skills" and "experience".

      I don't believe for one second that Bill Kristol thought Sarah was anything more than what she proved herself to be in the first interview with Katie Couric. She's been only reinforcing it since then: Sarah is dumb, not smart. She's fearless in a way that she can be led down the wrong path easily and compromised, because she thinks she is in control. Bill Kristol wasn't calling all of the shots, but he knew that Sarah would be shut out of the convention completely. He's know that she would never be a factor in national politics since he tipped his hand and became lukewarm and then cool on the subject of Sarah Palin.

    3. Anonymous11:51 AM

      @Not Bristolz DWTS Baby,
      Funny picture and name. Great analysis of Bill Kristol. Looking forward to reading some more of your insight.

  7. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Love the very end of the vid!! :)

    1. Anonymous6:00 PM

      I almost fell off my chair! I so did not expect that but it was perfect! Kiss-off O'Reilly!

  8. Anonymous8:07 AM

    I liked the kiss-off Koppel blew him at the end of his questioning. He wasn't going to back down on his indictment of Fox failing its responsibilities as a news channel. O'Reilly actually said that Fox wouldn't be so successful if it wasn't doing its job so well. That's like saying that people who feed candy to babies or carrion to vultures are nutritionists. Okay, the vultures do get their nutrition that way. Point taken But O'R thinks that feeding people proven to be non-factual crap and heavily edited junk that appeals to their preconceptions and biases is worthy of being called news reporting. Audiences will watch anything that appeals to them, whether it is soap operas, shopping, sex, gossip, racing, including the weather channel (I once became quite addicted to watching the satellite channel--seeing Earth from above through the clouds with musical accompaniment was quite lovely). The fact that we do it does not make Fox schmooz rise to its duty as a self-described new channel, much less hard news, as O'R claims. I call BS on the entire network with a big raspberry kiss for Bill, a la Mr. Koppel. Well, done, Ted.

    1. The tape was cut a few seconds too quickly. I'd like to have seen O'Reilly's reaction to hear what he said to Ted after the little smoochy-smooch. I'll bet it began with an "F" and ended with a "...You, Ted Koppell."

  9. Anonymous8:16 AM

    O/T: Interesting read here about how Mitt Romney is richer than people think...

  10. I agree with you 100% Griffin!!

  11. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Yep, the majority of Americans are now imbeciles. Good job freckin' Elites!

  12. Anonymous8:58 AM

    The media should dig into the 'vault' of the 2008 and 2010 elections and start re-run those pictures of the Baggers at rallies and protests with signs:

    "Don't Touch My MEDICARE"

  13. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Oh dear god, not Romney wants airplanes to have opening windows for more oxygen to get in if there is a fire in the plane.,0,2317962.story
    7th paragraph down.
    This is not quite as stupid as his 60 Minutes spewage in regards to poor people not needing health care since they can always go to the Er for care. My god how is Obama not running away with this thing?
    Of yeah Fox, Koch, and Rove.


    1. I guess he never saw "Jaws" the movie or Myth Busters on Discovery Network either.

      Mitt gets an aisle seat only on his complimentary flight back to Massachusetts or wherever he plans to live after losing this election. And not in the emergency exit row, either.

      He's not smart enough to know what he doesn't know but he thinks he does. Just like Sarah. That's what makes them dangerous---They know EVERYTHING.

    2. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Hey Mitt!
      Go ahead, open the airplane window. You think your campaign sucks now?
      What a tool.

  14. Anonymous9:15 AM

    "LED", not lead. As in led down the garden path. Not as in 'lead pipe'or as in lead is opposite to follow. Yes, I know I'm being a spelling nazi but three letter words aren't all that difficult. O.K? You owe us that much at least!

    1. Anonymous9:48 AM

      Life must be hell being so perfect.

      Oh my, you didn't hit the 'spacebar' between the apostrophe after pipe and the word 'or'.

      He owes 'YOU' nothing. Also note, that when you assume you're speaking on behalf of 'us', you are assuming 'all' -- you'd be sadly mistaken.

    2. Grammar/spelling nazi is in full effect on IM's today! LOL!!

    3. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Who cares right? Its just the internet, let it all hang out, be crass stupid and half literate. You should know "Gina"

    4. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Awww...did we hurt the "grammar/spelling nazi's" feelings? GOOD! LOL!!!

      Pssst...."Its"...should be "It's"...hehe...just trying to help you out! LOL!!!

  15. Sharon9:51 AM

    I wish these real journalists like Koppel, Rather and a few others would do a documentary about the "dumbing down" in America. How are all those awful reality shows and TLC garbage so popular? I totally agree with Gryphen on his analogy, Fox has been this not so subliminal message to the sheep of this country, undermining truth with fear and stoking racial hatred making millions while doing it. I hate to admit it, but my general circle of friends can't be bothered by the real's easier to just complain. Obama is right about making changes from is WE THE PEOPLE that have to stop electing this assholes over and over, money controls government now, we have to change that. The GOP/Robme supporters are the 47% he hates, low information sheep too stupid to realize how they are being used, it truly is sad.

  16. JenniferinVA9:51 AM

    Not only did Fox call Florida for Bush, thus ensuring the other networks would follow suit, the election desk at Fox News - where the various races across the country were being called - was manned by Bush's first cousin, John Ellis. Bush's first cousin called the race for Bush knowing the numbers were not adding up. I guess he figured that the republican governor of Florida - JEB BUSH - would make sure the votes added up to a win for his brother.
    The whole Florida 2000 debacle is so full of corruption it makes me sick to think about it. I take it seriously when elections are stolen, and Fox News had a huge hand in creating the perception that Gore was trying to take away something from the rightful winner, Dubya. No worries, when Jeb and Fox fucked up, the Supreme Court was there to hand it to Junior.

  17. Ted gave BillO what he needs the most--- a little love. BillO doesn't agree with Ted that respect for one's own word and integrity might be more important to a real newsman than cum. ratings. Next Bill will show his paycheck stub to PROVE how GOOD a newsman he is and how RIGHT he is.

    No, BillO, you're part of a propaganda operation. You don't receive a bonus for getting the facts out. You are paid to deliver the same talking points in a little different format than the rest of the programs aired each day. "Truth" is not a factor on "The O'Reilly Factor". It never has been.

  18. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Rupert Murdoch and his Fox lies are bad for the earth.

  19. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Gpyphen, after just watching, Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism, last night how appropriate that you made this post. I agree with everything you wrote. It makes me sick for our country.


  20. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Obama needs to push the fairness doctrine, we don't need opposing views from racist liars like Fox news and talk speech should have its limits especially when you don't agree with our president

  21. Anonymous3:34 PM

    I lost my high school president election cuz of a lying racist kid named Fox Newsom who told everyone I lost even though the count showed I won

  22. Very accurate I think and also sad, because so many get their information from Fox, or should I say misinformation. Keep it up!



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