Tuesday, September 04, 2012

The First Lady's biggest fans.

Here is a picture of the President and his two daughters sitting in the White House watching Michelle Obama give her convention speech tonight.

It was a GREAT speech and I will put it up tomorrow, along with Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick's incredibly inspiring speech from earlier in the evening.

So far THIS convention is blowing the doors off of that bumbling GOP convention.

I'm just saying.

(H/T to TPM)


  1. angela8:15 PM

    All the speakers tonight were great. But Michelle O rocked the place!

    1. Anonymous6:41 AM

      OMG, she was awesome. her speech was full of passion, love, warmth, sincerity, inspiration, and much more. I could not love this lady more. I simply adore her.

      I am not surprised at all, at her great speech, I knew it would be great.

      Now we await our President's great acceptance speech.

  2. Missed Duval Patrick but I'll catch him tomorrow. LOVED Harry Reid. Cried so hard at the Ted Kennedy tribute (in between cackling at how Kennedy p0wned Romney in that Mass debate footage). I swear my eyeballs were on the floor. ADORED Julian Castro and shouted "right on! " so many times the cats took cover. SOBBED and screamed and wailed in determination for JUSTICE in our country during Michelle Obama's amazing testimony.

    Couldn't wait to donate.

    Yeah, I'm fired up!

    1. Ditto to what Liz I. said...except for the cats part...uh...I don't have cats!

      Wanted to share with my IM family that two weeks ago I received a letter from the President. I wrote him last October and told him how his policies had affected my entire family...from my oldest son...to my youngest daughter and that I wanted to tell him what a great job he was doing for OUR COUNTRY!

      I found out later how LUCKY I was to get an actual answer from the President considering the screening process. The real crazy part about this...my daughters wrote to the First Daughters after the Inauguration and received a letter from the First Lady along with a picture too! Both of these letters are FRAMED and hanging in my living room today!


    2. Anita Winecooler8:59 PM

      I had the same exact reaction! We watched it as a family, and my OFA friends had a conference call on speakerphone. You'd think it was the superbowl!

      The Kennedy Tribute really got to me. He worked tirelessly for health care reform, the ending scene with Teddy walking with a cane beside our President - Wow!

      But they saved the best for last! FLOTUS Michelle owned the night.

    3. Anonymous11:44 PM

      Loved all the speeches. Those of us who live in Texas are glad that those outside Texas got to see Julian Castro as proof that there are actually kind, caring, human Democrats living in TX.

    4. Cracklin Charlie5:32 AM

      I missed a few words on first reading your comment, and thought that your cats were sobbing, screaming and wailing in determination for justice!

      For a second there, I was thinking...that's some damned well trained cats.

      Obama/Biden (Barack and Joe) 2012!
      Obama/Biden (Michelle and Jill) 2016!

    5. GinaM, that's wonderful! When President Obama first took office, my then-9yo daughter wrote him a very heartfelt letter begging him to quit smoking. It was the sweetest letter, and I remember thinking to myself how sad she would be when she never heard back from him - of course I never even thought it a remote possibility, yk? Well..about 3 weeks later, she got a letter from the White House. Fully expecting it to be a form letter or something, I handed it to her and walked away. She came FLYING into the kitchen screaming "It's from HIM, Mom, it's from HIM! HE wrote this, Mom!" and sure enough, it was a handwritten letter that was very personal and in no way was it a form letter. He wished her luck in her gymnastics and school and promised NOT to promise to quit, but to try to be healthier because his girls matter so much to him and he owes them a healthier dad. She has it framed in her room. She's one lucky kid, no? And we are so lucky he's our president. 4 MORE YEARS!!!!!

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Michelle Obama killed it! She was absolutely on point, on message, so brilliant! Such a contrast between her and marieAnntoinette Romney! I am so proud of my First Lady of the United States.

    1. Anonymous8:38 PM

      I thought Ann Romney did a fine job in her speech. The FLOTUS came across as a bigger person with gratitude and humility.

      A clip I saw of Anne Romney on the campaign trail speaking to women struck me as condescending and ill advice for women to give trust to Mitt who will take care if us. That felt icky for she sounded like a yenta arranging a marriage. Women have needs like males for education, jobs, respect etc.

      I do not doubt Mitt provided for his family and took care of Anne Romney. She has a tough sell to convince the people to "trust" Mitt given he ppanders, lies, flip flops, gives nonanswers, speaks out of both sides of his mouth and chose Ryan who tells blatant lies.

      When they need to CONvince us "trust me" instead of acting trust worthy, Houston we have a problem!

  4. ann romney's speech may have been about selling the concept or idea of love, michelle obama's actually showed love.

    the difference is profound and inescapable.

    and the latter's was a brilliant and well delivered speech about what it means to be an american, in an HONEST tone that neither attacked nor excluded ANY individual americans.

    michelle could run for office in her own right and win!

    1. Anonymous3:50 AM

      I live in Illinois and I would LOVE for her to run for the Senate in 2016. That's Barack's old seat, that the GOP took back in 2010 -- I was angry about it, but, really, Mark Kirk is pretty okay, for a Republican. The thing is, he had a stroke, and he has been absent for most of the year. I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up NOT running in 2016. But even if he did -- Michelle would have NO PROBLEM winning. I don't think she wants to, though. I don't think she's into the idea of raising $$$$.

  5. Cracklin Charlie8:32 PM

    He looks so proud of ALL his girls tonight!

    Michelle gave a fantastic, heartfelt speech, and the President got to spend the evening with his beautiful daughters.

    What a man, what a man, what a mighty good man!!!

  6. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Check out the Obama Diary website for videos of the speeches.

  7. Anonymous8:42 PM

    The president and the two first daughters do look so proud. It's very heartwarming.
    Hey, Sarah? How's that tearing down the president and his obviously loving family working out for ya?

    1. Anonymous11:09 PM

      Although I don't know them personally, I'll bet they're mature and happy, too.

    2. Anonymous1:29 AM

      Funny you should mention it... the crazies at the peepond are literally seething with jealousy.

      How sad for them that their Dear Grifter, Sarah, decided it was more lucrative for her to spew her nonsense and thrust her family into reality shows, rather than actually work for "the people". I think they've confused "prophet" with "profit".

      I would recommend that they turn off "The Undefeated" for a few minutes and watch "Billionaires' Tea Party" (free on Netflix), but that documentary is full of genuine facts and big words... I think it would go over their heads.

    3. Anonymous7:14 AM

      Sarah who?

  8. Anonymous8:52 PM

    I was so impressed with the line up of all the speakers and every word they uttered were truthful unlike the lies from the RNC convention. Deval Patrick was also terrific in his speech. Listening to him I thought he could someday be our next African-American POTUS and Julian Castro our first Hispanic POTUS! Michelle really knocked it out of the ball field with her very heartfelt speech. ALso she looked classy in her dress!

    1. Anonymous10:35 PM

      loved Julian Castro too

  9. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Clinton (H) / Obama (M) 2016!
    Obama (M) / Clinton (H) 2016!

    1. That would be a DREAM COME TRUE either way! OMG what a ticket!!!! YES!

  10. Anonymous9:01 PM

    I LOVE my First Family! If you don't think Mrs. Obama hit it out of the park, travel over to the pee pond and their absolute meltdown.

    There IS no comparison. Who are the Christians here? 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue. Not Mitt and Ann, not Paul, and certainly a tribe on Lake Lucille.

    1. Anonymous3:51 AM

      uh....it's 1600 Penn

  11. Anonymous9:02 PM

    I loved that she started with "honesty and truth are important." I think there were several very subtle digs at the GOP. Compare that to Palin, who hasn't a subtle bone in her skinny body.
    By the way, Michelle looked absolutely stunning tonight. She is one gorgeous woman. And smart as a whip. I love this family..so real, so humble, so loving.

    1. Anonymous6:45 AM

      I agree our First Lady Michelle is gorgeous, with a personality to match. Full of love, intelligence, inspiration, warmth. WE love her SO much.

  12. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Thanks Gryph and I hope you find a video link too. I had to work late and missed it! Looking forward to this post. Must go to bed - dog tired.


  13. Dinty9:05 PM

    My bet is that those two girls will be doing more with their lives than appearing in reality shows.

    1. Anonymous6:49 AM

      The Palin's are illiterate trash. They are not intelligent enough to do anything but appear in reality shows to make a living. They are to illiterate and lazy to make a living, so they can only go on reality shows, in stead of working.

  14. Anita Winecooler9:06 PM

    "This Sofa is Taken"- what a night!!!!! How proud did she make her girls? And her relaying of their early struggles really connected. Her speech was an inspiration.

    Rience Prebus can rot in hell, what a vile creature.

    Obama Biden 2012!!

    1. Anonymous7:12 AM

      The the entire RNP (Republican Nazi Party), can go rot in Hell, along with their fascist leader Karl Rove.

  15. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Tammy Duckworth, very compelling:

    she is running against and being targeted by Joe Walsh.

  16. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Watching Tammy Duckworth and Michelle Obama, I am so proud to be an American woman. And I truly am unable to fathom the phenomena of Sarah Palin.

    One thing stood out so clearly; no screen shot of these two speakers today would result in the twisted, snarling, smirking visage we have all come to recognize from the former governor.

    I just wish she would go back to Alaska and raise her family and leave the rest of us to get on with the job of working together for America in the 21st century.


    1. Anonymous6:59 AM

      We don't want her back in Alaska!! She is an embarrassment to our state as are Toad and Bristol.

  17. Michelle owned this night. She laid bare her heart, took a risk in opening up like that- and got a huge payout in the form of every mother, father, grandparent, student, patient. . .every person who has ever truly worked for something- felt embraced and remembered by Michelle.

    I am SO truly proud and honored she is MY first lady.

  18. and, as i already commented on how her speech was awesome and "rang true" with the people of america, i also want to say that i've never seen michelle look SO beautiful!

    it brought to my mind that nasty (in heart and soul) RNC lady who said "I just - I don't like him. Can't stand to look at him. I don't like his wife. She's far from the first lady. It's about time we get a first lady in there that acts like a first lady and looks like a first lady." -BOBBIE LUCIER, quoted here:


    well, whomever bobbie lucier may be, she is just some out of touch BIGOT, because i'm 32 years old and have never seen a first lady "look the part" more than michelle did tonight!

  19. if you or those you know were a part of the almost mythical "undecided" that we keep hearing about, well, your choice should now be very clear:

    do you want to be a part of the party of honesty and hope? or do you want to be a part of the party of lying and hate?

    it's a simple choice.....

  20. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Did you notice the incredible diversity in the audience? Did not see that at the RNC.

  21. Anonymous10:16 PM

    I haven't gotten to MO yet,but am totally blown away with Gov. Deval Patrick- my new favorite gov!


  22. Well well crap we are having a huge windstorm and our electricity just went out.

  23. sorry for your electric out G! hope it will come back on before it affects your fridge/freezer! be well!

  24. wait, how could you post after the power-outage? even if you have laptop battery wouldn't your internet depend on the local power grid?

    anyway, look forward to you and these comments getting back online

  25. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Our First Lady was tremedous as always.
    But I hope a few IMers caught Julian Castro, mayor of San Antonio ( one of those towns with more people than Alaska) speak. He is a rising star in the democratic party, an honest and selfless man that will continue to rise.

  26. p.s.

    hope you are back to blog with us asap gryph!

  27. Anonymous11:03 PM


  28. Anonymous11:58 PM

    Here's the video of Michelle's speech: http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=7420528n

  29. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Also here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STl3u6aGN44&feature=player_embedded

  30. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Agree. It was an amazing speech. I'm so impressed with the DNC so far. Bill Clinton will be amazing tonight!


    On another topic: it's definitely no time to get cocky, but The Grate Nate Silver has something to tell us this morning.


    1. Anonymous5:08 PM

      Can you believe how grown up and mature they both look now?

      Two beautiful young ladies - no more cute little girls in the Obama family. I suspect the Secret Service has their hands full keeping the boys away!

  32. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Our First Lady provided us a great speech last night!! I was very impressed. I think the Convention is well organized, has great speakers, great speech writers and is so uplifting!

    I reviewed a lot of the Republican Convention and there is no comparison...the Dems are doing a much, much better job. I'm very eager to watch both President Obama and President Clinton today.
    The Dem Convention appears to be much better attended too than that of the Republicans.

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

    1. Anonymous6:11 AM

      The First Lady wrote her own speech word for word, and so did most of the speakers.

  33. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Gina, wow! I'd frame a letter from President Obama if I had one also - I have a Obama Xmas family picture received in 2010 that I have framed on my fireplace. I always say that the Obamas are my other side of the family when it is noticed :) I am a huge Obama fan! Love this family.

  34. Anonymous7:59 AM

    WHat a sweet picture! Michele's speech was as awesome as she is. It was an evening of stirring speeches from Lilly Ledbetter on. I don't think that the commentators gave Gov. Patrick enough credit for his speech ... he really rocked in. And Castro was as charming as heart warming story. Great way to start the convention!

  35. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Our first lady was wonderful. I did get a chuckle out of her community organizer defense. It was a direct slap at the grizzled mama,i.e. he helped more people than reside in Alaska!

  36. Anonymous9:37 AM

    These Obama girls has a bright future ahead of them. No hair school or dancing for dollars and votes for the Obama children.

  37. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Awesome Michelle - I am so proud of her; she is a great first lady. She is MY first lady! The pic of the POTUS and First Daughters brought big smiles to my face.

  38. Anonymous1:25 PM

    You all are huge ass kissers It's funny and sickening at the same time! Oh.. GinaM what the Hell are you?

    1. Anonymous1:25 PM
      Oh.. GinaM what the Hell are you?

      Your worst nightmare troll..an INFORMED VOTER!

      WTF are YOU?

    2. Anonymous6:37 PM

      I agree, you are a nightmare!

    3. Anonymous6:37 PM

      Oh dear...it's the picture huh!

      Sorry...I know folks who see my avatar before going to sleep tend to have "nightmares" of RAM trying to steal their food and whatnot! My bad! LOL!!!

  39. The dent in the pillow on the right of the photo?? That's Clint...

  40. Anonymous6:05 AM

    It was a GREAT speech and I will put it up tomorrow, along with Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick's incredibly inspiring speech from earlier in the evening.'''

    I was just blown away by Gov Patrick's speech. He was on fire, it was dynamic!

  41. Anonymous9:40 AM

    I assume Gryphen's power is still out.

    I agree as some pundits made the distinction the Dems made their points without malice. Blatant lies and a convention theme of a lie was not wise IMO for the Republican party. I find it distasteful and juvenile to make fun of someine for what he did not say nor mean. The repubs built a convention and
    ticket like the three little pigs One house of straw.

    Clinton presented two parties with distinct differences factually. Clinton took blatant lies, presented fact incinerating the lies and I enjoyed each moment. Yet he did not villify them.

    Given selling Palin as the choice as best loving poster family it seems they did not learn from that mistake either. Citizens expect more then we liove each other so pick me!

    Of course the Repubs avoided foreign policy after Romney offended foreigners. Their offense was to attack Europeans as the other. Another stroke of destructive genius.

    In contrast to both parties's speakers Palin is a viscious lying most stupid idiot. She achieved extraordinary hatred inciting fear to terror in people. I hope her money is enough for her and people cease paying for her uncival and destructive malice.

    I look forward to hearing more policy tonight.


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