Monday, September 10, 2012

The race has shifted.

Here are the latest numbers from Nate Silver:

So currently, according to Nate Silver, the President has an 83% chance of victory while Romney has only 17% chance. Gotta love THOSE numbers.

Not only that but apparently the Obama campaign beat the Republican's three month winning streak by out fundraising them in August.

President Obama's campaign raised $114 million in August, edging Mitt Romney's haul of $111.6 million and ending the Republican's three month winning streak in the money race. 

"The key to fighting back against the special interests writing limitless checks to support Mitt Romney is growing our donor base, and we did that substantially in the month of August," said Jim Messina, Obama's campaign spokesman. 

The $114 million in August is a big spike for Obama, who had raised only $75 million in July.

Yep, it's starting off to be a pretty damn good Monday.


  1. Anonymous10:04 AM

    We didn't need to donate until now. We aleady had our candidate selected. In fact my husband and I just snet our donations in this week.

    1. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Our family and friends all waited until the conventions to donate. Once during Robme's pitiful speech and once Every Night of the Democratic convention. I look for him to beat out Robme in donations again for September.

      It seemed a good way to send a message.
      Obama/Biden 2012

    2. Anonymous5:24 PM

      I hit the end of summer sale for a T-shirt and very cool Obama scarf. Though I got a discount of the items I doubled the cost for a donation. There are some really cute T's by designers donating their talent.
      I usually avoid labels on my clothes but some of these are very subtle.

  2. Smirnonn10:08 AM

    Don't know about y'all but when the weatherman says there's an 83% chance of rain I take an umbrella :)

    That said, I can't believe rMoney has any chance whatsoever. Worst presidential candidate I've ever seen.

    1. Virginia Voter10:26 AM

      Agree 100%, but the lamestream media will try to keep this as much of a horse race as possible to enhance their bottom lines with hundreds of millions of campaign dollars. If it looks like its curtains for Mitt the Twit and Lyin Ryan, the superpacs and RNC will pull their dollars it state by state, and the greedy tee vee moguls will be having none of that. They've already lost PA and Michigan, and they don't want to lose anymore.

    2. SaLLY in MI10:38 AM

      I think the debates will seal the deal. Romney and Ryan are rank amateurs when confronted with facts, and confronted they wil be.

    3. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Sally, omg! the Debates!
      rMoney is going to look like a fool! Popcorn!
      And Joe, is not going to pull punches like he did for sister sarah, NOPE...LyinRyan is dead in the water!
      Can't wait to see the debates!

    4. Anita Winecooler7:51 PM

      Yes, the debates! After seeing Ryan with Norah Roberts and other interviews, my impression of him being a good debater went out the window. Mitt and Ryan are doing "dueling banjos" flip flopping and contradicting each other while being vague.

      Can you imagine them feet away from President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden?

      This is going to be great entertainment!!!

  3. By the way DON'T think that is not troubling the Republicans because it certainly IS!

    I just happened to hear a litte Rush Limbaugh as I went to the store and he was damn near hysterical.

    He kept calling these new numbers a " sugar high" and the bump as pedi aged on "mytholigal poll numbers."

    However try s he might he could not keep his voice calm, and at times reached almost Sarah Palin pitched octaves in his voice.

    In short he, and the GOP, are in a panic.

    1. SaLLY in MI10:41 AM

      Someone from the RNC used that :sugar high" thing first today. Funny how Romney got nothing at all from the Florida hatefest.
      Everyone is talking about a dozen stellar Democratic speeches, and no one can remember who spoke in Tampa except Clint. Poor babies. Karma's a beetch.

    2. Okay my comment looks like a six year old wrote because I typed it out on my I-Pad while I was working out.

      Supposed to say "predicated on mythological" poll numbers.

      That's what I get for being impatient.

    3. fromthediagonal11:38 AM

      It's OK, I think we all knew what you were trying to type.
      Or at least, we all knew what you were trying to say!

    4. Anonymous11:48 AM

      No worries, Gryphen. I always know what you are trying to say. I just would like to thank you for doing this blog. Great place to hang!

      I am so happy this campaign is going so well and believe it's karma biting R&R in the ass for all their lying. I can't wait for this to be over and hopefully, never have to see those two again. Also, I hope Ryan loses his seat when he is up for reelection. Weasel.


    5. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Well, if they are in a panic, they should just kill themselves now.

      All of 'em any of 'em! We have work to do and don't need them in the way crying.

      Just saw on twitter AnnrMoney is crying!

      Ann Romney is claiming the media is "demonizing" Mitt. Talk to me when your husband gets called a Kenyan Muslim Marxist Commie by the media.

      Take that bitch! Geeze those RWNJ whine, whine, whine.

    6. Anita Winecooler8:00 PM

      Spelling is highly over rated. I had no problem following what you were saying. Reminds me of my son's bumper sticker

      "Dyslexics Untie!"

  4. jcinco10:14 AM

    :):):):):) Nate Silver be the man!

  5. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Lord and Lady Romney meet the press

    Love the titles Lord and lady Romney LOL

    1. SaLLY in MI10:39 AM

      Yeah, and Gregory lobbed them softballs per usual. When will someone with brass take over that show..I think Bill would be awesome!!!

    2. Anita Winecooler8:02 PM

      What a let down! I was expecting something like the Beatle's playing on the rooftop, and there's Gregory, Mr Roboto and Angry Ann!

  6. Anonymous10:51 AM

    I don't understand how anyone would vote for Romney and Ryan! I'm really tired of their lies and constant changing of their stories and how Ryan did or did not vote! They are an appalling twosome!

    We don't even know how Romney would govern because he changes his stories about specifics so many times (now we are on the subject of Obamacare in the news!).

    I want to see his tax returns because I don't trust him as far as I can throw him. He is just slimy to me! I truly believe he is hiding things!
    Get a kick out of everyone referring to his wife as "Queen Ann" - they assuredly come across as being entitled. I love the 'down to earth' way of President and First Lady Obama! The Bidens are pretty darned neat too!

    Get the Republicans out of office across the nation in November!!! They are not doing us any favors beginning w/Congress - specifically the House.

    Be sure and talk to your friends and family members about President Obama and VP Biden...they loaded us with all kinds of 'facts' via the Democratic Convention. I so loved President Clinton's speech! It's all about 'arithmetic'!

    1. Anonymous12:18 PM

      I don't know why anyone would vote for them either. I do know that the people I know that are, are low info voters. And don't try and challenge their low info, they are proud of it.

    2. Anonymous6:41 PM

      This has been driving me crazy so I just jumped into the deep end and am in confrontation mode. Most people, I'm finding, are just clueless. They are so unhappy in their lives and are just believing the crap they hear from FOX, etc. It's just too much to question and think for themselves. We libs are too damn polite and don't want to challenge anyone- live and let live. There is too much at stake so I'm getting pushy. Though I'm trying really hard not to be judgmental and insulting. Really, the people I know voting republican, what I know about their lives, they really need some good will. The anger and lack of empathy, the me first and screw the rest of you comes from unhappy people. I believe a lot of the uber-rich are very unhappy as well. My strategy: a kind gesture; a hug if they let me in and then a smack upside the head with some facts if they'll listen. Get out there people!

  7. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Mitt Romney is in full "I'll say and do anything if you vote for me" panic mode. He's even saying he won't repeal all of Obamacare, because he actually likes some parts of it.

    The numbers are encouraging, but we have to back them up by voting. We can not let this election fall into the hands of the Supreme Court!

    Obama/Biden 2012!

    1. Boscoe12:00 PM

      "Mitt Romney is in full "I'll say and do anything if you vote for me" panic mode."

      Has he ever had any other mode? ;))

  8. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Bristol Boo Boo will be on DWTS .. this will move the polls and make Mitt a winner, just like Sarah won it for McCain.

    1. Anonymous11:43 AM

      Actually this is totally random but there's an agreement in the works that lovable little man Tripp will start dating Honey Boo Boo soon.

    2. Boscoe12:02 PM

      Maybe that'll happen in their foster homes after CPS removes them from their horrible parents... ;))

    3. Anita Winecooler8:07 PM

      Hey! Honey Boo Boo's Mom is a rocket scientist compared to the Palins! She's not trying to be anything than stupid, give her at least that! lol

  9. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Good news and good bump from the convention - but we need to keep nose to the grind and hammering the Republicans with the FACTS !!!! The repubs can still still the election unfortunately - voting machines that can be changed with remote controllers are out there, voter intimidation is out there and on the rise, voter id laws, etc etc etc -- we need every single person to vote, but especially in just a "few" key spots where the repubs could get away with dirty tricks and steal another election - doesn't matter what the popular vote is in the end at all.

    1. fromthediagonal11:43 AM

      @anon 10:55...
      You are sooo right!
      Vigilance and dedication is all that matters.

  10. Anonymous11:01 AM

    R/R have SuperPACs with BILLIONS of dollars being spent on advertising -lies. lies. lies. brainwashing. - and voter suppression and ballot box tricks. - We need to stay vigilant and get out the landslide vote!

  11. Anonymous11:04 AM

    In one of the primary races Romney out spent Santorum ten to one.

    Ten to one.

    Santorum, who can´t win his own state, still won.

    The absolute minimum requirements for victory: Credible + Likable = Electable.

    Romney/Ryan never had a chance.

    1. fromthediagonal11:44 AM

      @anon 11:04...
      Hope you are right!

  12. Anonymous11:33 AM


    I just want to take a moment to thank you. I first found your blog years ago when a certain mentally ill woman came on the scene.

    I come back regulary because not only were you instrumental in getting the truth out on her, you have a very informative format on a wide range of issues/people.

    I find that refreshing and thank you.

  13. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Hallelujah - I still won't sleep til November, but this is encouraging!

  14. Anonymous11:35 AM

    We cannot get complacent..Now is the time to make sure those in our communities that are threatened with voter ID laws have the means to vote. Check on your elderly neighbors who may not have proper photo IDs and help them obtain the necessary IDs. Volunteer to drive them, assist them in any way possible. Don't let the Republicans steal this away from us. They have intentionally hindered voting in many, many areas in this country for the sole purpose of suppressing Democrats' voting rights.

    1. Anonymous2:18 PM

      You are so right! We must get out the vote!! Especially as the Republicans will stop at nothing to keep as many people from the polls as possible. VOTE!!! Take people with you to the polls!

      Obama/Biden 2012
      Robme/Lyin Ryan NEVER!

    2. Anita Winecooler8:15 PM

      Everything Anon 11:35 and 2:18 said!

      It's good news, but we've got to do our part to make sure every voice gets heard.

  15. Anonymous11:40 AM

    But Sarah was supposed to cause an earthquake at the convention. What happened? I thought her voice was powerful and affected people. All her hateful venom spewed at Obama did absolutely nothing. Another defeat for the quitter.

  16. cuppajava12:00 PM

    I am worried about how the Gee Oh Pee will steal the election.

    A new book is coming out next week, Billionaires & Ballot Bandits: How to Steal an Election in 9 Easy Steps. It addresses how something like 6 million votes were lost, unfairly purged, not counted, thrown away, eligible voters prevented from voting, etc., in the last presidential election.

    And now that the Diebold machines are so commonly used, they can be hacked off-premises with no tracking of said chicanery, as well as offering no backup to re-count questionable results. And in many states, only Republicans are handling the voting results, so there's no oversight when the voting machines are set up, and later, when the counting is done.

    Karl Rove is giggling with glee about how he's figured out what it takes to defeat Obama and negatively affect election results just like he did in 2000 and 2004.

    I'm extremely nervous about the chicanery of the Republican Party to go to any lengths to steal the election right out from under our president.

    1. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Me too! But my theory is that they won't DARE try the diebold thing if the margin is more than a few percentage points. Its one hung to steal a few thousand voted its another to steal 100,000.
      And Obama, right now is up ALOT in OH!

  17. angela12:19 PM

    The most important thing to do in this election is to VOTE!

  18. Anonymous12:20 PM

    They have the money but in this country we all have an equal voice - rich or poor

    It is IMPERATIVE that we all vote. If you have to drive people to the polls please do so. If you have to encourage people to register please do so.


    Obama/Biden 2012

  19. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Even Screech has to admit she is better off financially now than she was 4 years ago. You betcha!

    1. Caroll Thompson3:02 PM

      I never thought of it that way..... Priceless.

  20. Anonymous12:30 PM

    The repubs will stoop to any depths.

    Bear-Hug Pizza Man Attacked On YELP By Republicans

    Decent Americans are fighting back.

    1. Anonymous1:01 PM

      Good decent people in his area need to support him and his business. I would if I lived there. If they have to stand in lines around the corner for hours, support his business!

  21. imnofred12:41 PM

    I REALLY hope Nate is correct. A Romney presidency would be more like a dictatorship.

    I live in Jacksonville, FL, which is a conservative city. My wife and I walk a lot through the different subdivisions within a 4 mile or so radius of where we live. We have seen very few Romney signs in peoples yards. In fact, we have seen more signs for local elections than Romney signs. I remember seeing far many George Bush signs during that time. Hopefully, this means a lack of enthusiasm for Romney.

    1. Caroll Thompson3:01 PM

      This good news indeed. If Romney doesn't win Florida, he is probably toast. Thanks for sharing.

  22. Anonymous12:53 PM

    I don't understand, one of those things is not like the other but other than the line charts and the numbers what is the difference?

  23. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Nine things we learned from CNN's latest poll

  24. Anonymous1:47 PM

    CNN Poll: Obama up six points over Romney

  25. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Prepare for this election's "Swift Boat" attacks. Should be along any time now.

    1. Anonymous4:48 PM

      The GOP won't be able to "swift boat" President Obama. He fights back and calls them out on their "brass."

  26. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Barack Obama is winning

  27. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Pizza Shop Owner Who Bear-Hugged Obama: ‘It Seemed Like I’d Known Him For Years’

  28. Caroll Thompson3:00 PM

    Obama got a nice bump from the convention. Hope the bump lasts all the way to November.

    1. Anonymous4:49 PM

      A bump is nice, but votes are better!

      Obama/Biden 2012!

    2. Anonymous5:35 PM

      anonymous 4:49: damn straight! get out and help those in your community get out and vote. volunteer to drive people who can't to their precincts. help, help, help. don't be complacent. this isn't going to be easy, folks, but it is doable...

  29. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Listen to that crowd!

    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      WOW! Wish I could have been there in person!

      ~~* OBAMA/BIDEN 2012! *~~

  30. Anonymous6:36 PM

    You might want to read Nates articles and numbers a bit more carefully. It's good news sort of. You were looking at the now-cast, not the forecast. And he explained that the numbers aren't totally accurate now. Take a look so you know how he does forecasts.

  31. Beldar J Conehead7:05 PM

    Hey, Gryphen dude, don't jinx it! The nearly unbroken upward trend of the last 2-3 weeks slipped a bit tonight. Let's not get cocky. There will be ample time to celebrate after November 7, Republican Voting Day.

    Remember, this year, Tuesday, November 6th is ONLY for Obama supporters and Wednesday is ONLY for Mittens supporters. (Thursday is for athletic supporters, but that's another story altogether)

    Vote Mittens for a Mittier Amercia!!
    Wednesday, November 7.
    Republican Voting Day.
    Don't forget! Tell all your teabaggy friends!
    Tell 'em Beldar sent ya!

  32. Anita Winecooler8:34 PM

    You know it's good when Joe Scarborough waxes poetic about the old GOP and how embarrassed he is of the party. I haven't seen him this crestfallen since Pat Buchannen left. The chart guy said that in all probability, Obama will get Ohio, and Romney would need to get all the other states and over half of the few undecideds, something that's never been done.

    But hey, keep firing people up, get out the vote, send a few bucks to the campaign. We're standing our ground!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.