Monday, September 10, 2012

A Vagina Monologue: Vagina, Interrupted.

Could you even imagine how men would respond if women suddenly became powerful enough to pass legislation telling them if and when they could take Viagra? Or that they had to always wear a condom? Or that they were no longer allowed to watch porn?

Yeah fellas, think about THAT for a moment!

(A grateful hat tip to Frozen Justice.)


  1. Anonymous6:19 AM

    We are powerful enough, we just haven't realized it.

    We can Intorduce legislation in all 50 States and territories testing male reproductive rights, from mandatory chemical castration of pre-teen boys to Viagra dispensing. Producing a valid marriage certificate to a woman of child bearing age will get you your little swimmers back in working order.

    Viagra only dispensed to ideal father-figures legally accountable for siring

  2. That was fabulous!

    I mean, yes- I spent 95% of it being jealous of her skinny thighs. But still! Loved it.

    What's kind of sad? I know there are a LOT of republican men who actually would hiss "LANGUAGE!" if you said the word "vagina". Hell- I know some of them freak out of you say "penis". Theirs is a world of hoo-has and schwing-schwangs.

    But this video is absolutely on target- whether you're a hoo-ha OR a schwing-schwang- you have to get your "bits" to the voting booth in November.

  3. I will never see any correlation between viagra and birth control. Missing out on a 5 second thrill compared to it being compulsory to raise children - no contest.

    Also too - the majority of men between the ages of 15 and 50 don't need viagra to get their kicks - they need a woman. What viagra is doing as part of any health care plan is sexist in the extreme.

  4. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Another win for PBO and for humankind.

    Study: 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Repeal Had No Negative Effects On Military

    One year later, the first academic study of the military's new open-service policy has found there have been no negative consequences whatsoever.

    The study, published Monday by the Palm Center, a research branch of the Williams Institute at University of California Los Angeles Law School, found that there has been no overall negative impact on military readiness, unit cohesion, recruitment, retention or morale.

    The authors of the study, who included professors at U.S. Military Academy, U.S. Naval Academy, U.S. Air Force Academy and U.S. Marine Corps War College, arrived at this conclusion after conducting interviews with 553 generals and admirals who predicted that repeal would undermine the military, as well as with expert opponents of DADT repeal, a number of watchdog organizations and more than 60 active-duty heterosexual, lesbian, gay and bisexual troops from every service branch.

    They also observed several military units and administered several surveys, analyzed relevant media articles published during the research period and conducted secondary source analysis of surveys independently administered by outside groups.

    "For almost twenty years, experts predicted that allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly would harm the military," said Aaron Belkin, the founding director of the Palm Center and lead author of the study. "Now the evidence is in, and the conclusion is clear: repealing 'don't ask, don't tell' did not harm the military, and if anything made it easier for the Pentagon to pursue its mission."

    The authors described their effort to collect data from opponents of DADT repeal as "vigorous" and predicted that it would "sustain confidence in the validity and impartiality of our findings."

  5. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Well I truly think that if you are a deadbeat Dad at any age, or after you have fathered 2 children there should be a forced vasectomy.

    But in all seriousness I don't think I know a man that doesn't want birth control available to their partner.

  6. hedgewytch7:22 AM

    I have confronted men with the question of why it is o.k. for men to use Viagra and such drugs, get vasectomies, etc. And they tell me it just not the same thing at all! Men can't have babies! Men aren't "sacred vessels" charged with the continuation of the human race, i.e. "God's children". Men are responsible and don't go throwing their Vajayjay's all around where God knows what could happen to them!

    This isn't about religious morals of caring for unborn children. This isn't about caring for the best interests of woman. It is about controlling the reproductive health care of an individual. Controlling an individuals CHOICE. CONTROL.

    And if its o.k. to question my use of condoms, bc pills, hormone therapy, and try to control my behavior, then I'm gonna question a man's use of similar products and behaviors. And I'm gonna do it as loudly and often as I can.

  7. Anonymous9:19 AM

    They should have remembered to include transvaginal ultrasounds (cause we have no say in what goes in, apparently) and a moral observant agent of the government in her OBGYN appointments.

    But well done. I'm a V.

  8. Anonymous11:01 AM

    My dau and have been saying this to each other for months. Most men who use virgra are misusing this prescribtion. They should have to prove that they have a problem, not just telling the doctor that they need it. By the way we don't want to pay for men to be sluts either. But men aren't called sluts they get to be called studs, see the difference.

    1. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Actually very few men that are physically able to have sex can't achieve an erection.
      TO the great detriment of the medical community who it reflects on, most viagra users should not be using it because they are not healthy enough to have sex.

  9. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Love, love, love this! Thanks for posting it. I'm going to send it to all my vagina friends.


  10. Thanks for helping to pass this video around. I am so happy to see young people fighting for their rights in so many creative ways.

  11. Anita Winecooler7:41 PM

    I like the video because it drives home the point that we're much more than any of our parts. I'm glad that there are men who value and respect the entire woman.

    Isn't it ironic that there's so much focus on Vaginas because of uber conservative pro life vagina nazis?

    Speaking of which, another asshat is assaulting Sandra Fluke.

    Within 48 hours, the attack had jumped from the conservative media sphere to electoral politics. Campaigning in Addison, Wisconsin, Republican congressional candidate Joe Walsh erupted: "Think about this, a 31-, 32-year-old law student who has been a student for life, who gets up there in front of a national audience and tells the American people, 'I want America to pay for my contraceptives.' You're kidding me. Go get a job. Go get a job, Sandra Fluke."

    More here:

    Yeah, Joe Walsh "erupted" - nice choice of words, cnn!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.