Friday, September 28, 2012

Todd and Sarah Palin in Las Vegas last weekend. You know what to do.

There is just so much about this clip that is ripe for ridicule that I really did not know where to begin.

So I thought, "Why bother?" The IM gang will make short work of this.

(BTW if you have trouble telling them apart, Todd is the one that sounds the most feminine.)


  1. I lasted a minute and a half. Movin' on....

    1. Me, too. I watched 10 seconds before I realized it was the same one I watched yesterday and already commented on.

      Gee, I hate to repeat myself by saying again that Bobble-Head Granny Grifter's nappy head is STILL too damn big for her withering old body and once again, she's wearing the same old dirty weekend clothes that she hasn't washed in ages.

      So from me, Sarah gets no pass for having no class. Here she is again wearing old shorts on her shriveled, stretchy-skinned, bony ass.

      Todd, while it looks like he is wearing a new, clean t-shirt he sponged off someone, sounds like a goofy, preadolescent 12-yr old boy whose voice hasn't changed yet and he looks like he's scared to speak without permission from his big boss wifey.

      Sarah, whose Meth/Adderall cocktail has just kicked in, sounds like she could strangle a rattlesnake and then bite it's head off if it crossed her path. She's wired for sound.

      Sarah's constant stress and the rush from her diet pills/speed makes her sweat gland push out some smelly funk. I know if she's out in the sun or hell, even outside just standing around in the shade out there in the desert, Baldy smells like she hasn't bathed in a week after a half hour.

    2. lasted longer than I did, I admire that. :) She just repeats the same old tired lines over and over again. But gee....she's so "outdoorsy" doncha know der eh? You betcha! Good grief.

    3. Anonymous11:12 AM

      I made it through the whole video, but I can tell those who didn't, you didn't miss anything. It was all the same thing all of the way through. Sarah was just doing what she usually does, being a cheer leader to her depressed followers who can't understand today's political environment and the economy. Sarah simply makes her undereducated followers feel happy inside and are comforted by believing she's intelligent and knows what she is talking about. Wrong! Nothing could be further from the truth, but don't forget Sarah's supporters also put all their faith in their religion, because that explains to them what they fail to understand in our world today. Being ignorant, and having a strong belief in the supernatural, is all they need to know to help explain what they don't understand.

    4. sounds like she could strangle a rattlesnake and then bite it's head off if it crossed her path

      @Not Bristolz DWTS Baby ~

      $arah ain't no HoneyBadger! haha

    5. Anonymous12:28 PM

      It was one huge commercial for that oil company...
      So you know they got paid to do it.

      Fuck, who would want those crack heads to represent them?

    6. Anonymous1:34 PM

      She's headed for well-publicized rehab soon:

      I'm a victim!!!! Send money.

    7. Anonymous1:39 PM

      Winston Churchill should have copyrighted "blood, sweat and tears." He used it when England was in dire danger of being invaded.
      She left out the "toil" part.
      To demean him by using his prose for her stupid stock=car race gig. I'll bet she doesn't even know who said it, and why.

  2. Well, I was just honored to watch that!

    No, wait. I mixed up "honored" and "HA HA HA HA HA HA oh my hell these people are shit-taculous!"

    Also too- I bet Kristy sees this post and red-eyes it to Vegas, then tries to stow away in the luggage compartment.

  3. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Were they there for the Playa of the Year Awards?

    I found him creepy before. Now he's immensely creepy.

  4. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Is pimping considered an exteme sport?

  5. Anonymous7:15 AM

    I only made it a few seconds. That screeching inanity is unbearable to anyone with a brain. It's kind of opposite of a dog whistle. In one case only the intended audience can hear it and in the other only the intended audience can stand it. God, she is so stupid.

  6. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Overheard on the plane:

    Sarah: "Todd, why is Honey Boo Boo show getting such high ratings?"

    Todd: "because they are a total white trash family"

    Sarah: "we are trashier, we should have the best rated reality show."

    Todd: "Yes Juicy, but Honey Boo Boo is smarter than out kids"

    1. Honey Boo Boo is more intelligent and a better public speaker that Todd and Sarah, also, too.

    2. haha! That's what $arah gets for faking class...

      ... overlooked.

  7. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Then Lynne you missed Sarah using the word "defining" instead of "defying"

    But if it is such a family event where the heck is their toddler Trig? What kind of mother leaves her child, especially a special needs child for weeks at a time?

    1. Anonymous11:48 AM

      Trig is not a toddler any more.

    2. Oh and "[L]ogistically," "defying the laws of physics..." It's to weep.

    3. Anonymous2:34 PM

      I listened twice because I thought she said “defining" too. But, no she did say “defying” at least once. Her accent is so weird. It is a strange mix of southern and midwest and then there is the Valley Girl aspect. When is this woman ever going to behave like an adult?

      Also, is this a dirt bike convention or a stock car convention? I could not figure out what they are advertising. In any event, whatever it is only is of interest to a very narrow group of people.

    4. Anonymous3:34 PM

      WEEKS? Trig travels to AZ/SW when they do. He also has his schedule Im sure. Remember, Tripp was with them at a race near san diego just before dwts.

  8. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Can that woman speak without screeching?

    1. Anonymous8:13 AM

      No: She's half condor.

  9. Anonymous7:18 AM

    They'll do anything for a pay check.

    1. Anonymous9:24 AM

      Anything except speaking proper English. She is one long, mother-fucking run-on sentence-screechin', slutacious bobble-headed bitch.

  10. angela7:21 AM

    Sorry Gryphen . . .I could only get to the part where she was babbling about stuff they lived for. Then her voice made me nauseous and her fake boobs made me think they might fall off and accidentally be stepped on by the guy interviewing them.

    She's a hot mess.

  11. ThanksABunchJohn7:21 AM

    OT: Gryphen, I think I smell a baby-whisperer compare and contrast post coming! Check out the Rombot in VA on 9/27!!


    1. Anonymous8:20 AM

      Here are more pics of Rmoney and babies LOL

    2. Anonymous9:14 AM

      Romney is just a very awkward humanoid. He's much like Sarah, in that regard. No personal warmth exhibited, just wanting to hurry up and get the random fucking photo op over and done. These are facts.

  12. Anonymous7:22 AM

    I love Todd the pimp's T-shirt... "legends are made one win at a time". Thank gawd his wife will never be a legend. She'll never win anything ever again.

  13. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Again with those out of date shorts!! And..doesn't she realize when you have ears the size of Dumbo, you don't expose them! Maybe she think because Obama has done so well with his ears, we will think she is as smart as him? is not a good look. Where are the Belmont babes these days?

    Like Lynne, I was ready to quit almost immediately but I hung in there, as I wanted to hear the same thing over and over and over and over. She obviously was told to mention the "sponsors" and she did it repeatedly. I wonder how much they paid them to attend..must have been a lot. LOL..and Todd getting his "jonesies" up..whatever the hell that means..glad something can get it up, Todd. I am sure being married to that freak beside you, you need all the help you can get!

    What a lucky thing that voters saw through this faker 4 years ago. Thanks to people like you Gryphen, who helped show us what an idiot she is.

    1. abbafan2:20 PM

      Anon@7:24 A.M.- "...I am sure being being married to that freak beside you, you need all the help you can get." No shit! That's why the Toad conscripted Ms. Tripp to be his personal piece of tail, as well as pimping a whole harem of women to the highest bidder(s)!

  14. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Audition for their next reality show, something to rival Honey Boo Boo?

    1. Anonymous8:27 AM

      They already have a name for it - Juicy BoomBoom

    2. Er...8:27AM...I don't think "Juicy" has been juicy for awhile! Baldy looks like a dried up...scrawny neck...twig!

      Somebody needs to get that woMAN some HELP!!

  15. Anonymous7:32 AM


    'nuff said

  16. jcinco7:38 AM

    she has a herpes sore on her lip again...

    1. Anonymous9:08 AM

      That's a crack pipe burn.

  17. (BTW if you have trouble telling them apart, Todd is the one that sounds the most feminine.) NO KIDDING! SP was really "jonesing" for the "behind" the scenes mechanics and guys and gals also too. Gee, what "tool" sponsor and/or mechanic is she trying to impress. Double YUK!

    1. Here's a pic of Todd doing his new EXTREME SPORT in the desert. He gets a surge of adrenaline just thinking about it.

      By the way, you look really nice, Todd. Is that your Easter dress?

  18. I watched that, and I can see how she got as far as she did. She’s a high energy (drugs?) motor mouth, and I’ve been amazed time and again at how far society will let a high energy motor mouth go. They’re seen as leaders, even if their knowledge is (usually) cursory. They can be men or women; I think it’s about fifty-fifty. People may mock them behind their backs, but stopping them is messy, so they’re allowed to run on endlessly. I saw it in church as a kid, I saw it in school, I saw it in the workplace, and I ran into it in my personal life. Motor mouths beat other people into submission with a never-ending flood of words. It’s a form of bullying; browbeating. It was on display between Sarah and Steve at the end of Game Change.

    No matter how hard the rest of the family pulls for Bristol, she’s not her mother; she’ll never have the Gift of Gab. She actually is Todd’s daughter.

    BTW, the guy with the mike seemed more impressed with Todd than Sarah, lol.

    1. Anonymous8:30 AM

      A rabid motor mouth that says the same things over and over. Her speeches and interviews are interchangeable, even the same hand movements. She really has a limited vocabulary, and sounds so insincere.

  19. Anonymous7:47 AM

    What happened to the Belmont Babies?

    Don't you need them to go to the races?

  20. Anonymous7:52 AM

    OT, or maybe not -

    New article out of a study that reveals that GOP men are far more feminine in their facial features than Democratic men.

    1. Willard possesses not one single manly trait. Not sure I could adequately define the word 'manly' but whatever it is, he ain't got it!!! All those years in his preferred 'quiet' rooms has sucked any trace of life out of him and turned him into a condescending, patronizing out-of-it wuss. Worse, he prefers it that way.

    2. Anonymous1:29 PM

      Hmmm. Let's see if that's true:

      Rush Limbaugh vs. Sen. Sherrod Brown
      Sean Hannity vs. Bill Clinton
      Bill O'Reilly vs. Sen. Al Franken
      Mitch McConnell vs. Lyndon Johnson

      Smart always beats dumb. Smart is manly; dumb is like a little kid. Not fetching.

  21. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Mitt Romney's Crocodile Tears

  22. Anonymous8:13 AM

    So, I'm just guessing they were 'pain' to make an appearance there? Free this, free that...Is that their motorhome that was shown?
    Sounds like a publicity stunt by the sponsor(s) of the event.
    Todd Palin does not have a speaker's voice. It's so oh, what's the word to describe Todd...yeah, limp. But he's avaialble now to give motivational speeches? Seriously?

  23. Cracklin Charlie8:14 AM

    Sarah's wearing a shirt that says "Skinny raven".

    Isn't that what Levi called her in his book?

    1. Anonymous8:33 AM

      Skinny Raven is a running store in Anchorage.

    2. Anonymous8:44 AM

      It's a store in Anchorage that specializes in running shoes and gear.

    3. Anonymous8:53 AM

      She's a skinny vulture now and the pickins are getting slim....

    4. Anonymous10:35 AM

      She wore that same t-shirt when she was in Haiti. Wasn't that like 3 years ago? What a idiot.

    5. Cracklin Charlie11:33 AM

      Levi referred to Sarah as a raven in two chapters of his book. Ravens are thieves.

      Sarah stole something from Levi.

    6. Anonymous11:57 AM

      "She's a skinny vulture now and the pickins are getting slim...."


  24. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Gravelly-voiced Sarah, with some kind of t-shirt with a logo on it (is it sponsoring something or someone?). Are the Palins now working for some race car driver or promoting race car parts or motor oil?

    Sarah, dear servant's heart Sarah, dear advocate Sarah, so so concerned about her beloved country and her Tea Party, (tea party which is being relegated to the trash heap). 5 Weeks before the election she's now on some other seeming bandwagon, racecar/love those emissions/advocate.

    Where is Trig?

    1. Anonymous8:44 AM

      TriG lives with Britta's family.

    2. Anonymous9:43 AM

      8:44 AM

      So much for the Hanson's as nice a Christian family. (if true Trig lives with them) They are in the thick of the baby cover ups. May all the criminals and false Christians get what they have coming. SOON.

      They must also know their daughter is a beard and that it is all false narrative to cater to the criminal life of the grifting family. The Hanson's must be paid a handsome sum to lie and cover for America's criminal family.

    3. Anonymous10:18 AM

      Something I hadn't thought about before. Is it possible that instead of being Bristol's child, TriG is actually Britta's? We never saw pictures of her before, just were told she worked in Sarah's office (with absolutely no previous experience). That would explain why the Hanson's now have him. I can't imagine why else they would.

      Does anyone know, did Britta and Track ever get married, other than that fake one that we all saw in People magazine? I know that people said no one has been able to find record of a marriage license issued to them.

      I truly don't blame Track...I would chose to go to Afghanistan before I would stay anywhere near that crazy family!

    4. Cracklin Charlie11:30 AM


      Are there are any other small children living with the Hanson's?

      What a sad, sad situation. Maybe the Hansons just felt sorry for Trig, and took him in so that he could get the care he requires. Could be the best thing that ever happened to him, bless his heart.

    5. Anonymous12:59 PM

      Nice people helping criminals are complicit. Not truly nice if they serve as fronts for a fraudulent scam. Much worse if they too use their God as an excuse to be in the middle of the scam.

      If there is no record of a marriage, there is no legal marriage. They may be married in the eyes of Bael or what fits them best.

      People are wondering why Demi Moore and Ashton are not divorcing. They had some kind of ceremony. The guess is they were never officially married. Married in a religious ceremony only. Not legal by the state or federal standards.

      Britta's father is a pastor or something like that. If his church says they don't need a legal marriage then they can do it however they want. Perhaps the Hansons are part of an adoption ring. They would make a perfect front. So nice on the surface.

    6. Anonymous3:38 PM

      WOW, someone's playing games. Trig does not live with the Hansons. Just because the two families share good friends doesn't mean they're Sarah's babysitter. Trig travels with Sarah and has a babysitter when Sarah needs one for him.

      It's not that difficult.

      People need to chill with the weird and stupid theories.

      Britta and TRack have a house. At least I believe the one Im thinking of is their because of the pictures of Sarah and Todd on the wall as well as pictures of Kyla etc.

  25. She was a babbling... lobster claw hand waving fool! Hyped up on some "coke"tail of drugs and booze! And that insane GRIN! Thank god we couldn't see her eyes behind those knock off Hollywood shades! They were probably bloodshot and whizzing around...especially that wonky one! LOL!!

    Her pimp stood there looking at his top stable ho and she performed just like she was suppose to...Gee...I hope Todd doesn't beat her with coat hangars off camera (H/T to Donald Goines)!

    No mention of any of the know why...because they were being paid to talk up "WTFOil" people! She looks like she smells! Those shorts need to be burned and the ashes buried! Why does she have to look like she just fell out of bed and shoved in front of a camera? The nest on her head looked like a bird just flew off before the taping!

    Baldy's not even a hot mess anymore...she's just a straight up.....MESS! Her ears look abnormal...too big for her big head! Something ain't right with that woMAN! LOL!!!

    You almost want to feel sorry for the nuts at the Asylum...what does this have to do with of them babbled over there yesterday....answer....not a fucking thing! These are grifters...grifters are always on the look out for their next grift!

    And today at the Asylum...they've posted another BaldyPac begging looks like the nuts are being used to cover Baldy's "shorts" expenses!

    Nasty....the whole lot of them!

    1. Anonymous9:35 AM

      Some of her deformities are due to inbreeding.
      Wonky eye
      Giant bobble head
      Huge ears
      Some are due to heavy drug use.

    2. "Nasty, the whole lot of them"??? I deeply resemble that remark.

  26. Anonymous8:26 AM

    What stuns me the most is that there are people that thought and still think, this woman is presidential material. Unbelievable.

  27. Anonymous8:27 AM

    My God, she is still wearing those shorts. What a sense of style Sarah Palin does not have!

    1. Anonymous8:31 AM

      Imagine the smell! BARF! What a disgusting woman!

    2. Cracklin Charlie11:24 AM

      I'm at work, so I can't watch the video yet. But you say she's still wearing those shorts that Glen Rice left in the dorm room? They must have had a real good time together.

      Glen really dodged a bullet there.

    3. Anonymous1:00 PM

      The story those shorts can tell would be worth a bundle.

  28. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Even Todd looked uncomfortable at the end when Sarah would not shut up....

    1. How bout the way Baldy was looking at the Toad when he was "speaking"! She was either going for the Nancy Reagan look or the trained monkey look! LOL!!

    2. Anonymous8:48 AM

      Oh, he definitely was flinching at her yapping. He understood that the interview was over, but Sarah had to repeat a bunch of stuff she already said once or twice.

      I can't stand Toad, but, really, I absolutely can't imagine being married to Sarah Palin and listening to her day in and day out. I'd shoot myself.

    3. Anonymous9:21 AM

      He's still stewing over her cleaning out his stash while he was still sleeping.

    4. Anonymous10:18 AM

      There are reasons why Sarah would do that Nancy Reagan look to someone like Todd.
      Do you think Todd Palin is only a useless purse carrying eunuch?
      Trail Mix... mixture of assorted powdered drugs. May include meth, coke, crushed ecstasy tablets, and K - if its been prepared by a circuit boi, probably contains Viagra as well.

    5. Anonymous12:53 PM

      I'd have to watch again (GAH! no way) to be sure, but I think I saw Sarah's lips moving, while the Toad's yammerin' away. One FINE gene pool there.

  29. Wow. Couldn't watch the entire thing but I scanned portions. Screech didn't bash Obama while she had a mic in her face? I bet after the interview she ran into the bathroom and screamed, "SOCIALIST! MUSLIM! FELLED POLICIES!!" and then smashed her cell phone against a wall.

  30. Anonymous8:30 AM

    WHERE'S TRI-G???

  31. Anonymous8:31 AM

    "I'm not Mitt Romney, I LOVE the little people!"

  32. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Who wants to speculate on just which pharmaceuticals "Our Sarah" is all wee wee'd up on?

    1. Anonymous9:46 AM

      It looks like we will find out more before too long

    2. Anonymous10:14 AM

      Judging by that glass pipe blister on her lip I'd say meth or crack.

  33. Anonymous8:32 AM

    What happened to her BLACK hair and Romney Tan?
    Oh right it was a wig. PROVEN.
    How many does she have? Hahahahahaha!

    1. Anonymous1:47 PM

      She thinks she looks less like a dope addict with the librarian look. No spray Romney and those BIG FAKE BOOBS draw attention to her and the slut looks stoned.

      This is her Americana look and everyone will want to hire her to shill for them.

  34. Anonymous8:34 AM

    She's obviously coked up. Thanks for supporting Sarah's "postage" errr I mean drug habit SarahPAC.

    1. Anonymous9:58 AM

      Be sure to thank whoever watches Trig and Piper. If she had to care for her children it would mess up her time with the family crack pipe.

    2. Anonymous3:32 PM

      Trig travels with her the few times she's down here. Notice she's typically in Wasilla though.

  35. Anonymous8:38 AM

    My opinions...

    You are right....Toad's voice is so feminine, I can't even listen.

    Her lower lip...on HER right side is sagging. Botox gone wrong?

    Her ears are so shiny, red and huge....and her head is extremely

    Her tongue is out and flapping for the interviewer and the audience. She thinks it is cute....I think it is disgusting.

    Her Belmont girls seem to be non existent. They, what there is of them, seem to sag as low as her elbows. Does she even have a bra on?

    Her word salad is extremely horrible. I have known quite a few meth users and she shows classic signs of it. Her words, her flailing arms, and the emaciated way she and Bristol look is completely meth-like. Emaciated with large heads. Knowing how rampant meth usage is in Wasilla, it makes sense.

  36. Does anyone else thinks Baldy reminds them of Woodstock from the Peanuts?

    You know how scrawny the poor thing was...and he couldn't fly straight...always upside down and bumping into shit!

    I swear Baldy is morphing into some kind of scrawny bird lady! Even her bones look brittle! She is not a well woMAN! LOL!!!

    1. Anonymous9:20 AM

      good one!

    2. Her head-shape is very similar to Woodstock, but everything else, including her putrid smell and hairstyle, reminds me more of Pigpen.

    3. Anonymous1:21 PM

      Stage two or whatever of the metamorphosis of Sarah Palin:

      she has to go to the hospital for "exhaustion,"maybe even fesses up and goes to rehab. Then she gets lots of attention from the tabloids, a la Britney, Lindsay and the rest of them. Doesn't matter the reason why she gets publicity -- this will be her next step toward infamy. "I'm a victim!"
      You can write her screechy script yourself.

  37. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Gryphen, when can we look forward to reading your review of "Our Sarah, Made in Alaska"??

  38. Anonymous8:45 AM

    While President Obama is trying to hold the country together, Sister Sarah is oh so amazed at the law of physics, maneuvering those vehicles in such difficulty, making people be attracted to this kind of competition, blood, sweat and tears, and oh oh oh oh, Sarah is SO honored happy to be there, LIVES for that stuff, and she gives her advice to the young people: Young people really getting engaged in the sport, young people appreciating team members, sponsors, get's so much to get a CAR out there. And Sarah went for a ride with Walker Evans!! Imagine!! It defies the laws of physics. She'd do that one again.

    So that "Don't need a title thing" isn't working out so well politically for Sarah, Her "Titlelessness" is finding out that she can't have it both ways. Her Party and her base have dropped her - they know she has absolutely no interest in improving and working toward the conservative goals.

    1. Anonymous10:27 AM

      it's not "..defies the laws of physics".

      it's ;.. "define" the laws of physics..

      pay attention 8)

  39. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Actually, I think this is perfect for them. The NASCAR crowd, relegated to TNN and the like. As long as she's out of the political discourse, let her have at it. She was NEVER fit for office of any kind and NEVER will be.

  40. Hmmmm, wonder where she got the inspiration for the grey nail polish. Hmmm. She was flailin' those claws around to make sure we all were aware that she is now a fashionista, also too.

    Worked so well for Michelle Obama that ol' griz just had to try to get some of that adulation for herself. I hope she finally figures out that NOTHING is working and decides to put her tail up her butt and runs home to hide.

    1. Maddies_Mom11:07 AM

      I noticed that immediately, also too! Such a fraud, that one...

  41. JESUS. I got about 30 seconds in. Can't take that manic hag. SHUT.THE.FUCK.UP you bobbleheaded hopped up WHORE. Put your claws DOWN, and the BOTH of you, shut the FUCK up. GO AWAY.

    1. Anonymous9:56 AM

      Sarah's a coked-up Koch whore who can't shut the fuck up. Maybe Samuel L. Jackson can make her a YouTube video.

  42. Slightly off topic SarahPAC is asking for money - top and center at the C of P - Funds must be running down.

    1. Anonymous1:04 PM

      Bristol will be running for Mayor or Governor soon. Don't they have her PAC set up yet?

  43. Anonymous9:07 AM

    i love how the emaciated crack addled shut-in sporting her retirement community shades says she lives for outdoor activity.

    1. Anonymous11:10 AM

      She is looking rather underfed.

  44. Virginia Voter9:09 AM

    Yeah, uh, what can I say that hasn't already been said....I truly don't know where to begin...the nasty shorts, ratty tshirt, the motor mouth, and I guess Sarah and Todd's appearance fee was contingent on how many times they mentioned Lucas oil.

    It is truly frightening that this hillbilly trailer trash was almost one 72 yearl old heartbeat away from the Presidency of the United States. I shudder.

  45. Anonymous9:09 AM

    All Americana? WTF. Shut up Sarah.

    1. Logistically, it's to weep. Really, really weep.

  46. Anonymous9:10 AM

    There is no way that woman is not amped up on something.

    HEY SARAH, Speed Kills

  47. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Did she say "Define physics," "Define the Laws of Gravity?"

    Why would that surprise her anyway (God be Glorified) he'll bend these things for motorsports gods.

  48. Anonymous9:11 AM

    OMG Todd. Remain a mystery, keep your mouth shut - you sound like a chipmunk. Let Sarah's well known screeching define you both.

  49. Anonymous9:12 AM

    How many times can she cram the same words into the same interview in just 3 minutes?

  50. Anonymous9:16 AM

    You know what? I'm okay with them shifting to this genre. Let them stay there, it's more fitting. Stay out of social legislation Sarah. Be happy in you and Todd's new gig as emission-loving shills.

    1. Anonymous9:59 AM

      I'm fine with Sarah having cable TV while she is instutionalized.

  51. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Ron Reagan said in the republican green room there is a giant crack pipe that they're all hitting on constantly.

    I think Sarah has one in her RV too. In this interview she looks and sounds like she spent most of that morning with it. Yakity yak yak. What's she weigh now, 89lbs? You could slice pastrami on those shoulder blades! The woman needs an intervention.

  52. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Sarah Palin Lawsuit Struck Down By Federal Judge

  53. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Actually, this kind of mindless, small time racing circuit stuff is perfect for Sarah and Todd. Other than the fact that Sarah felt the need to repeat her points 5-6 times, she looked better and more relaxed than she does "commentating" on Fox.
    This is a great example of someone not knowing their limitations. Sarah should have stuck with promoting and shilling for outdoor sports equipment and left politics for those who are actually smart and informed.

    1. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Yep, shilling recreational stuff to redneck motorheads is much more her level of ability.

      These days, she is lucky to even get that kind of work, and she sure looks excited to be interviewed. Must be getting boring after all the brights lights of '08 to be a forgotten wallflower this time around.

    2. Anonymous11:04 AM

      I'm thinking Catherine O'Hara shilling catheters at the end of A Mighty Wind...

  54. Anonymous9:39 AM

    She is what she is. Her fans will love her even if she murdered Todd.

    1. Anonymous1:08 PM

      Yea well their wet dreams would be closer to coming true in their little pointy heads. She would be single and on the hunt for a "man".

  55. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Outdoor activity
    Full of energy
    All- Americana

    Where's Tri-G if this family oriented?

    Family oriented?

    Sarah and Todd act like all their kids are grown and out of the house. Maybe that's true since Piper is on her own in Wasilla and Tri-G is not Sarah's birth child and their other child who is suppose to be a Senior in a Alaska high school is out on her own only God knows where.

    As always this is about Sarah and Todd wanting to get in front of cameras.

    The question is who is doing Piper since she is by herself and we know what happens to Palins when there is no adult supervision?

    1. Anonymous9:48 AM

      I hope Sarah left Piper with a sufficient supply of Bristol's cramp (birth control) pills.

    2. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Don't worry Piper can't get pregnant.

      Sarah left the baby child gate at the bottom of the stairs in her house like she had in Sarah Palin's Alaska with instructions that no boys are allowed passed the gate. The only problem was that Willow's lover hopped the two foot child's baby gate which means it is not boy proof.

      When's the baby shower?

  56. Anonymous9:45 AM

    John McCain should be forced to watch this over and over for hours. He can NEVER make amends for choosing her. I know it's terrible to torture him again after his years in North Vietnam but he DESERVES it for this - putting that dope on a national ticket. Only took four years for her to sink back down to her natural level though - great country or what?

  57. Anonymous9:45 AM

    After watching both the over animated Sarah, arms flailing like a dodo bird and the effeminate Todd trying desperately to be of any substance, my reaction was the same as Joe Scarborough.. a two handed face palm with "Oh jesus"..

  58. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Sarah Palin is wearing a new pair of designer sunglasses?

    How come Sarah is not wearing her prescription glasses?

    I'm starting to think that the prescription glasses Sarah wears are poser glasses with just clear non prescription glass in them so people don't look at her wonkie eyes. Sarah thinks those fake glasses makes her look intelligent.

  59. Anonymous9:54 AM

    This will be Sarah, Bristol (Willow, Piper?) one day.

  60. Anonymous10:03 AM

    This suppose to be impromptu interview sounds like Todd is reading lines for a commercial while standing in front of the Lucas Oil trailer.

    Something funny is going on.

    Do the Palins have stock in Lucas Oil?

    Or do the Palins have monetary interest in that race team with Lucas Oil as their sponsors?

    The Palins were asked "WHY ARE YOU HERE?"

    Hmmm? Did Lucas Oil or Walker Evans pay Todd and Sarah to appear or pay for their expenses to be at the Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Event?

    Tell the truth... God is listening!

  61. ROTFLMAO - Can't listen to her salad.

    Oh lawdy, she's advertising for that athletic store again. And again she is wearing those dirty disgusting shorts. her little titties are lopsided and slightly appear and disappear when she makes one of her many tic movements. she looks like the dirty skank that she is.

    The nail polish is just plain juvenile and silly. The woman is bi-polar like a muthafuck and one of her multiple personalities is called snooki (none of them are intelligent enough to be compared to the Kardashians.)

    Finally I got a side look at that ratty hair. The front view was bad enough but the side view is worth watching the vid. Now that is funny and scary. Is she serious? HAHAHA ~holding my stomach~hahaha I have to capture that mess.

    The woman is in full melt-down mode. GOOD! I love it!

    1. Anonymous1:11 PM

      She looks like there is no more hiding the damage done by illicit drug use. Fox may have better luck if they can keep her in that studio thing they set up for her.

    2. Anonymous1:54 PM

      I think it's time that Fox begins mandatory drug testing of all employees.

    3. Anonymous2:18 PM

      Give her a break. She may have a pipe burn on her lip but at least she hasn't lit up on camera yet. Her employers will keep paying her as long as she goes off camera for a hit.

  62. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Why is Todd and Sarah Palin at an off road event in Las Vegas?

    Sarah said:
    Outdoor activity
    Full of energy
    All- Americana

    Bull Shit Sarah!

    Could it be that Walker Evans also owns:
    Snowmobile Products - Walker Evans Racing Evans Racing Shocks - Home Walker Evans Racing Shocks - Company Walker Evans Racing Shocks?

    Smells like somebody is being compensated or employed by Walker Evans or Lucas Oil?

    The Palins don't endorse anybody or anything unless there is something in it for them!

    1. Anonymous10:22 AM


      Nothing gets past the Immoral Minority family.

    2. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Very interesting - I didn't know that but during the interview I was wondering if they were looking for a sponsor for Todd - how many times did she say thank you to the sponsors, great job etc ???
      So I was not too far for the truth !
      What a bunch of disgusting grifter ...

    3. Anonymous3:25 PM

      Walker is their good friend. He was in Alaska this summer with them

  63. Anonymous10:19 AM

    I don't think I have ever heard Todd speak. What a shock! At first I thought that someone must have altered the audio. His voice is almost a falsetto.

    I am surprised that anyone takes him seriously as the register of his voice is so high that it is completely distracting. Surprising that he never considered getting vocal coaching to learn to speak in a lower register.

    Sarah: How Sarah ever got ahead is a real mystery to me. Clearly she called in some favors ...

    1. Anonymous1:05 PM

      Sarah put his balls in a vice years ago and now they're locked up in her purse. They are hard to find though because they are the size of little bitty peanuts.

  64. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Hey Sarah when were you at DWTS All Stars?

    Wasn't that in California?

    Now you're in Las Vegas.

    Hey nasty, you are a multi-millionaire, how long do you plan on keeping that same nail polish on?

    1. Anonymous1:37 PM

      Calif to LV is nothing on a private jet. Even a little Piper Cub. The Palins have no family left to be thinking about, they can fly about and it is not a problem.

    2. Anonymous1:47 PM

      The Palins have no family left to be thinking about?

      What about Trig and Piper? Or is that Alaska's Children's Protective Services problem?

    3. Hey! Now I'm getting vexed...

  65. Anonymous10:31 AM

    All the free $ they have been collecting a vocal cord surgery he needs.

  66. I betcha the guys at skinny raven wish she'd stop wearing that tshirt. She's disgusting.

  67. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Interesting connection between the Palins and Walker Evans!

    If you look at Walker Evans Racing facebook page, August 1st, there is a picture on it with the caption:

    2013 ARCTIC CAT Wildcat's are here! Fully equipped with Walker Evans Racing shocks! Go check em out at
    The 2013 Arctic Cat Wildcat's are HERE! Be the first to see them at! Go HERE for the full line-up:

    So is Sarah Palin lying about going to Las Vegas Lucas Oil Outdoor activity, Full of energy, FAMILY ORIENTED, All- Americana?

    Does this interview and Palin appearance at the Lucas Oil Off Road Racing event in Las Vegas have anything to do with Arctic Cat AND Walker Evans AND a paycheck?

    Immoral Minority readers wants to know?

    1. Anonymous10:48 AM

      Those Palin$ are so transparent.

    2. Anonymous10:52 AM

      This poor fake acting job by Sarah and Todd won't win them any Emmys.

      Walker Evans should of hired Emmy Award winner Julianne Moore to play Sarah Palin.

    3. Anonymous1:11 PM

      I'll bet they got $2,000 and all the bendy straws they wanted.

    4. Anonymous2:26 PM

      Were the bendy straws served on a 55-gallon drum?

  68. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Where are Sarah Palin's Wonder Woman bracelet, Christian and Jewish bling blings, Alaskan and American flag broaches and combat trinkets.

    1. Cracklin Charlie11:11 AM

      I watched some movie where a girl was a casual dining waitress, and kept getting crap from her manager about wearing a certain number of pieces of "flair".

      Has Sarah lost her "flair"?

    2. Anonymous1:10 PM

      The trouble is, she doesn't know the difference between "flair" (style and fun) and tacky costume jewelry that shouts out some message or another. Then she just looks cheap.

      In a dirty t-shirt without either flair or tacky accessories, she just looks sloppy and pointless. Her look broadcasts her inner self.

  69. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Besides looking for a sponsor for Todd Palin or getting paid to speak for Arctic Cat and Walker Evans, you people forgot what Las Vegas is famous for?


    HEY Las Vegas, Pimp Daddy Todd is home!

    Is Todd legally expanding and franchising the Palin family business?

    1. Anonymous3:23 PM

      If Todd were still in it, he'd consider joining Bill CLinton's escapades.

  70. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Not to hijack, but wtf is this?

    If I had never met anyone like this, I'd think she was playacting. But this is very real.

    1. Anonymous3:22 PM

      I so meant to leave a link here. lol

  71. Anonymous11:05 AM

    I'll never go to Skinny Raven Sports again.

    The Quitter represents too much hatred.

    I'm not a supporter of the Palin Brand of Hatred.

    Goodbye Skinny Raven Sports, I can got online and get the same products for less. Your one local shop I will no longer support.

  72. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Wow she is SO obviously amped up how can her remaining cult NOT see it? High as a kite and repulsive also too.

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      Only a few of the most impaired don't know. Most of them do know. Some also amp up. Others just do not care. They see it as the way of the world. Everybody they know is high on something.

    2. Anonymous3:21 PM

      She's a naturally cheerful person.

    3. Anonymous3:56 PM

      3:21 PM

      That is the beauty of speed for some. The "natural cheer" ruse.

  73. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Interviewer: "Sarah and Todd Palin what a pleasure it is to have you at one of our events, it of course begs to question why are you here?"

    WTF? Sarah: "OMG We so are honored and happy to get to be here"

    So Christian Sarah does that logo on Todd's shirt have anything to do with you and Todd being in Las Vegas? Don't lie, tell the truth, THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE!

    Todd's t-shirt:

  74. jcinco11:17 AM

    her neck looks like a pipe cleaner with an volleyball stuck on top of it...

  75. slowhand11:36 AM

    The phony Minnesota accent she used in 2008 seems to have disappeared.

  76. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Is anybody really surprised that the Palins are there? The interviewer just happen to have that picture of Iron Dog Todd kissing and hugging then Alaska Governor Sarah Palin while they are both wearing Arctic Cat clothes, gear and logos which kinda gives it away why they are really in Las Vegas. It appears that Arctic Cat and Walker Evans are invested in each other. Nice Walker Evans t-shirt Todd.

    1. Anonymous3:20 PM

      They've attended at least a dozen races this year for fun. It's their hobby. Somepeople like the theatre (though apparently Tripp loves it), some enjoyboxing, some like professional racing. They have god friends in pro racing.

  77. Anonymous11:44 AM

    The Palins should take their grifting money and get acting lessons for Sarah and Todd. They are terrible and horrible playing like they just walked up for an interview. While they are at it, get Bristol some acting and paid dance lessons too. Bristol is a terrible actor but Todd really sucks - no pun intended.

    1. Anonymous3:43 PM

      11:44 You get the Great Last Line Award for

      Bristol is a terrible actor but Todd really sucks -- no pun intended.

      Thanks for the laugh.

  78. 45 seconds.I can't stand her yapping any longer.

    1. I listened to the whole thing, and noticed toward the end when she was waving her hands in front of the camera that her nails were covered with steel-gray metallic nail polish.

      An attempt to look "industrial chic"?

  79. Anonymous12:02 PM

    "At church they asked us why our kids turned out fairly decently and we said No. 1 is faith that got them through a lot and No. 2 would be sports.

    "In basketball, her teammates came first — she had no ego," he said. "She obeyed her coach without question and she learned a lot of humility."

    Her brother added that she doesn't drink, that he has never seen her "tipsy" and that she celebrated her high-school graduation by going to a bowling alley with her church group.,0,7757189.story

    I don't know, what's worse drinking alcohol or snorting cocaine off of a 55 gallon drum?

    I would of preferred that my sister drink alcohol.
    Oh wait, maybe not. Look what happened to Bristol when she went camping and had a few wine coolers.

    1. Anonymous1:33 PM

      Her brother needs to see some of her public performances. She has that "tipsy" look on Faux news as well.

      I guess the family has been lying so long about these things they won't stop now.

  80. Anonymous12:11 PM

    It was a paid appearance. No doubt about that.

    I can't imagine why else she was overselling with every word she said.

    1. Anonymous1:31 PM

      Is there a letter writing campaign to the morons who would pay her? They can't possibly think that ppl are so dumb as not to see she is loaded. Who buys products from companies that support obvious druggies? Sorry Walker Evans you are now known as promoting the public appearances of a drugged up skank family.

      Wait until Bristol's movie comes out.

  81. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Clearly, Lucan Oil paid them to spew their typical bullshit. Oh, how far the "mighty" have fallen. Tee hee!

  82. Anonymous12:30 PM

    That's our Sarah- all Americana! She can't even speak proper English to some dipshit who's drooling all over her and hanging on to her every word. And if it's family time, where's the family??? Oh, right- poor little Trig doesn't make these kind of appearances (not good for the image), Piper the Diaper is too ornery and doesn't smile, Willow and Bristol are busy with their CAREERS (sic) and Track is who knows where. Phonies!!!

    1. Anonymous1:05 PM

      Maybe Tri-G is not cute anymore in Sarah's eyes. He has served his purpose and stays behind in Wasilla with his nanny.

  83. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Defying the laws of physics? Really?

  84. When is she going hunting with Dick Cheney ??

    1. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Don't you mean hunting for dick?

    2. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Not soon enough.

  85. Anonymous1:20 PM

    jcinco7:38 AM
    she has a herpes sore on her lip again...

    Oh my I better get my tally whacker checked!

  86. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Todd has his hands on his girly hips. How sweet.

    He is either trying to look like a teapot or a super hero "Super Pimp Daddy Todd".

    1. Anonymous1:48 PM

      I'm so disappointed in Todd. I was waiting for Todd to say heelieecopter.

  87. Anonymous1:40 PM

    How come Sarah Palin is in Las Vegas instead of being with Margaret Thatcher in the UK or throwing a big royal wedding celebration for Track in Alaska like she said she was going to do or did I misplace my invitation?

    "The couple will have a larger wedding celebration this winter at Alaska's Alyeska Ski Resort "when extended family and friends from the Lower 48 can travel north for a long ski weekend," says the statement from Sarah and Todd Palin"

    "Larger wedding reception"? Was Sarah talking out of her ass again? Making promises and statements she can't deliver just like her endorsements?

    Whatever happened to Bristol's trial wedding and trial marriage?

    Whatever happened to Willow's engagement?

    1. Anonymous2:53 PM

      Briskets trial marriage was called off when her show wasn't renewed.

    2. Anonymous2:56 PM

      She'll look into that and get back to you.

    3. Anonymous3:15 PM

      Track was deployed just after Thanksgiving. Willow has never been engaged.

  88. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Has anyone pointed out to her that the most definitive sign of an anorectic is that the head (not the hair)is TOO LARGE when compared to the body?

    Keeping the big boobs doesn't hide that fact, Sarah.

  89. Anonymous2:08 PM

    1983 Americana

  90. How many times can these two say the word sponsors? Definitely a paid gig.

  91. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Why does she stick her boobs like that?
    We all know she has no boobs and whatever that is its fake, why force 'those things' on others?

  92. Anonymous2:30 PM

    She was high on something - maybe the smell of gas fumes?

    I think this venue is where she is most comfortable - she can let it all hang out, dirty clothes, frazzled hair, can't see my pupils all dilated glam glasses, the Ho of Babble ON. Of course they were paid to be there.

  93. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Todd reminds me of this guest named Valair on this Danish show Boomerang, a Danish SNL. They both have the same voice and I can't stop laughing every time I hear Todd's voice.

    1. Anonymous3:19 PM

      Wrong link. Just search YouTube for "host can't stop laughing". Select the one with english translations. This show is so funny and Valair sounds exactly like Todd!!!! My stomach is still cramped from laughing so much!

  94. I notice tawd is mimicking her syntax, dropping pronouns and such. He really has no identity does he? Since he can't really promote being a pimp, he just shadows that sad excuse of the woman he still pretends is his wife.

    And what was with stressing mechanics??? SOOOOO weird.

  95. Anonymous3:18 PM

    $arah simply doesn't know when to STFU. She keeps on ramblin' and spewin' and saladin' ... has to make sure $he gets in all the right buzz words, including God - amazingly she didn't toss in 'the troops.'

    The Quitter is sure lookin' like a plucked turkey neck, almost tippin' over with her big fake boobs on her scrawny body. $he is delu$ional.

    Todd has such a girly voice and he kept looking to $arah for approval to talk.

  96. Anonymous3:39 PM

    I will stop going to Skinny Raven in Anchorage also too.

    I will stay away from any place that $arah Palin patronizes.

  97. jcinco3:46 PM

    I'm a small woman, 5'4" 110 lbs, but I swear my upper arm is bigger around than her neck...


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.