Friday, September 28, 2012

Here is the President behind the scenes.

Just to get the taste out of our mouths from that last post, which points out how some are attempting to paint our President as some kind of Satan worshiper, here is a video that I believe provides a more realistic look into his character.

I think it would be beneficial for the voters to see much more of THAT GUY, because THAT GUY is completely genuine and accessible to even people who are predisposed to dislike him.

Well at least in my opinion.


  1. Anonymous4:16 AM

    That was lovely and a very good way to start the day. Thanks!

  2. Anonymous4:26 AM

    There are a couple boys there with kind of long hair. President Romney would never let them get away with that. He'd be calling to the Secret Service to bring him some scissors.

  3. Anonymous5:10 AM

    I love our President Obama SO much. Thank you for posting this video. It uplifted by spirits.

  4. Anonymous5:14 AM

    You mean he isn't constantly squealing about how God must be glorified? Or how grounded he is? Or how hard working he is? Or how patriotic of our exceptional country shining on that hill not waiving a white flag of surrender?

    Refreshing. Authentic. Leadership. Forward.

  5. angela5:23 AM

    Yes. The President Obama the republicans have made up in their diseased minds has nothing to do with the real man. We are indeed lucky to have him.


  6. Anonymous6:04 AM

    My sister in Ohio believes every warped lie from Fox, altho she 'thinks for herself. " I called her out on the "free phones" Program that she thinks Obama started in 1985, and got back a diatribe about Libya, the Muslim Brotherhood, how Obama redesigned the flag with his face on it and bloody swirls for the stripes, and how can I be so dumb? I looked up her 'flag,' and it's an artist's drawing of the Obama sun and some wavy lines depicting the unity of the nation. No no no Obama the Muslim wants to turn over the nation to the lazy worthless people and take her money. The sky is falling!!! Chicken Little is still wrong, conservatives.

    1. Anonymous6:36 AM

      I have a sister like that too. I'm just happy to not be her. :)

  7. Anonymous6:11 AM

    President Obama will spend the weekend reading the new best seller, "Our Sarah"

    Currently, the book is #1 on NYT's list.


  8. Anonymous6:45 AM

    So refreshing to see sincere, caring human interaction. And doubly refreshing that it's from our President and the Misses. Michelle and the President make me so proud and keep me grounded and bring hope and normalcy. They are indeed a breathe of fresh air from all the mental midgets posing as the GOP leadership and from all the American Taliban that have been given a media platform to impose hatred, unrest and turmoil amongst us. Thanks for sharing this, Gryph.

  9. Why do I wish those clips were longer, and that there were more of them?

  10. I'll never understand how someone like him got to be president. Know what I mean?

    1. Maddies_Mom9:39 AM

      I do know what you mean!

    2. I don't. Care to explain?

    3. Maddies_Mom11:14 AM

      What I mean, and I was assuming TheNastyLiberal meant, is that he is too normal and good to have made it to the oval office... get it?

    4. That's exactly it, Maddie's Mom... also too, he's actually intelligent and generally knowledgeable as well (which of course is what we should expect). I'm making sly allusion to the wicked-minded nonsense of his adversaries too, naturally... President Obama really being a foreigner to that type in more ways than they wish to acknowledge (I'm looking at you, Sweet Sarah Palin)!

  11. Anonymous7:41 AM

    love this!

  12. Anonymous7:57 AM

    To put it simply...I love this man!

  13. A nice moment of comic relief, a chuckle, re: the election:

  14. I'm with you at 7:33 am! I have been an American for a LONG time. I have never seen our country make a decision that worked this well. I honestly believe he is the best President in history. I don't enjoy being right all the time, it just works out that way!

  15. I am happy he's my president. I would even be happier if I knew him personally.

    Imagine how much fun and how interesting it would be if he came over for dinner.

    < sigh >

  16. Grey Lensman12:20 PM

    The difference between our president and the Pretender is stark.

  17. Anita Winecooler8:18 PM

    Thanks for the pallette refresher. I'm sure there's a montage of clips just like these of the awesome connection Mitt has when engaging with the commoners and the help. Mitt's got a special affinity for bringing out the beaming smiles in infants as well.

    But he's just too humble to show them off!



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