Sunday, September 16, 2012

Well it's finally happened. Sarah Palin has devolved into an online pimp for a business self help symposium.

Wow those are some impressive production values there.

Simply have the ex-Queen of the Teabaggers sit in her kitchen with the sun blinding one eye, and have her beg people to buy tickets to this sad little business sleep-away-camp. Nailed it! (Hey is THAT a dent in the right hand side door of that refrigerator?)

Apparently this booze fueled tax write off also features such luminaries as Rudy "9-11" Giuliani, Steve "Still living off daddy's money" Forbes, a bunch of people we have never heard of, and one "Surprise Special Guest." (You know what THAT means, don't you kids? Clint Eastwood is coming!)

I thought it was hilarious that even Palin seems to realize that she is scraping the bottom of the barrel with this one.  This is as enthusiastic as she could get while hawking this thing:

"We are going to have a good day on October 17th. Rudy Giuliani, Steve Forbes.....others will be there up that next chapter of your life, again one day, being able to change your life. Let it be that day, don't miss this. I look forward to collecting my money for this bullshit being there with you. Thanks Idaho."

Jesus, I think our vet was more excited than this when he told us we had to put down our beloved family dog.

So what's next for Palin? QVC? Late night infomercials for Sham0Wow, or the Shake weight?

Hell why doesn't she just cut to the chase and stand on an Anchorage street corner with a tin cup and a sign that say "Will insult the President or say an incredibly stupid thing for a dollar?" Really not THAT much different from what she is doing now in my opinion.

P.S. Who else was struck by the irony of the fact that the first place we learned of this internet infomercial was off of a site called Palin-4-President 2016. If you want to talk sad, does NOT come much sadder than that.


  1. Oh yeah...I saw this shit yesterday! Here's her bio that RAM sent them along with my REWRITE!

    Sarah Palin

    Inspiring Lives: A Message of Resilience and Hope

    Capturing the hearts and minds of millions of Americans as the 2008 Republican Vice Presidential candidate, Sarah Palin continues to use her voice to inspire and connect with others from all walks of life. Holding steadfast to her convictions while in the midst of personal and professional challenges—including her landmark political career—Palin lets her values be her compass as she navigates her role on the global stage with grace. The many roles she has embraced in her life—devoted wife, military mom, public servant and champion for children with special needs—have given her a far-reaching perspective into the struggles we all face. Meeting with people from around the world since coming onto the national stage in 2008 has further enriched her life and given her a unique vantage point from which she shares the importance of looking for the best in everyone. Attracting record-breaking crowds, Palin’s inspirational message of resilience and hope, combined with her warm personality, will touch the spirit of each audience member and remind them that the best possible life is never out of reach.


    Baldy Palin

    Insipid Life: A Message of Retardness and Hoeing

    Capturing the nickel and dimes and the twisted minds of millions of Teabaggers as the 2008 Republican Vice Presidential candidate mistake, Baldy Palin continues to use her screechy voice to assualt and scare all walks of life. Holding steadfast to word salads while in the midst of grifting a personal fortune---including quitting her political career---Palin lets her grifting be her compass as she fucks up her role on the global stage with stupidity. The many voices she hears in her head guides her life---devoted cheater, fake military mom, publicity whore and stealer of children with special needs---have given her more than she deserves. Meeting with paid people from around world since clawing and crawling on the national stage in 2008 has further enriched her bank account and given her a unique vantage point from which she screeches out the importance of looking like a man. Attracting record-breaking KKK crowds, Palin's awful speeches of the same shit different day, combined with her narcissistic personality, will scare the shit out of each paid sucker and remind them the best possible escape is never pay to see this fool again.

    1. Anonymous10:43 AM


    2. Anonymous10:44 AM

      W.C. Fields said it best. "There's a sucker born every minute." Anyone who pays good money to see this freak show is a natural born sucker.

    3. angela11:35 AM


    4. Anonymous12:05 PM

      You hit it out of the park with this one GinaM. Funny!


    5. Anonymous12:34 PM

      "Landmark" political career? She may have been the first female Governor of Alaska, but she was not the first female Governor in the USA, and she was NOT the first female Vice Presidential candidate (that "landmark" status goes to Geraldine Fitzgerald).

      What a joke. Just pathetic lies from start to finish. Yeah, Sarah Palin quit her Governorship half way through because she couldn't hack it, was such a fraud, cheat, and grifter that her unethical behavior and the entire farce of her alleged competency was finally catching up to her, and she decided she'd rather just make a ton of money off mentally challenged people - not continue "public service" - so let's get HER to come to this snake-oil "seminar" hosted by complete losers to give advice about LEADERSHIP.

    6. Anonymous12:45 PM

      palin's fukin' done

      all that's left is for the IRS to do their freakin' job

      though i would like to see her standin' on a street corner here in anchorage, particularly today, as i'd drive laps around the block just to splash the skank repeatedly

      thing is $he's too much of a fukin' coward to show that wonkey eyed, herpes infected, botoxed face in public

    7. GINA, your rewrite is fabulous, boo! If Balderella sends you an $8,500 check- you should DEFINITELY cash it instead of holding onto it!

    8. Anonymous1:13 PM

      The most interesting thing is, she is the typical woman in the working world. From the beginning, she was constantly criticized for things NO man would ever be criticized about. A man in DC (Rahm) has a reputation for acting in physical ways when he's in a highly emotional state. A woman does it and it certifiable. The Alaskan media never gave her a chance since before the ainauguration. I know people like Lyda and her minions are Murkowski loyalists so you expected the nastiness from them (I mean, what asshole looks down upon a mother going to watch her son graduate boot camp)

    9. PalinsHoax2:19 PM

      Anonymous1:13 PM
      "From the beginning, she was constantly criticized for things NO man would ever be criticized about."

      - - - - -
      Hmmm. I wonder how many MEN wore a push-up bra, like Ol' $cary did, so that votes would go their way.

    10. Nyah1:11 PM

      "Balderella"....BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...except she didn't get invited to the big Ball so she could leave behind one of her funky ass shoes and have her dreams come true!

      And any check I receive from BaldyPac will go directly to President Obama's campaign! LOL!!

      PS...1:13PM...STFU Krusty...grown and sane folks are talking here...beat it Stalker!

    11. Vice Cmdr Beldar J. Conehead, RN (ret), MBE, OBE, KBE3:22 PM

      Gina, your rewrite is a vast improvement over the original. But I'm puzzled by the omission in the original text of the line reading: "The Screechy Wretch(tm) courageously served as Secret Vice President of America for several months in 2008 and subsequently received by anonymous acclaim the coveted Second Annual Montgomery Burns Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence."

      It's not fair to focus solely on her countless failures without acknowledging her occasional illusory successes, also, too.

    12. comeonpeople3:49 PM


    13. Anonymous3:49 PM

      Champion of kid's with special needs?
      Did we miss something?

    14. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Uhm that would not be hoeing - as that's what I do in my garden, and a perfectly respectable (and organic!) weed control method.

      Ho'ing? uh, no as Santa does that (well OK, he ho ho's but too close a smear to the jolly old elf..

      So just say it... "whoring." There's no longer any doubt so we don't need euphemisms.

    15. Anonymous5:27 PM

      By mistreating Trig, shoeless and jacketless in the cold weather, she raised awareness of the special needs of children. People nationwide saw her neglect, and decided to get involved with children's issues. So, therefore, she IS a champion.

    16. Anita Winecooler7:23 PM

      Gina, You've done us proud! Especially with your "Mona RAM" avatar!

      @1:13 Bless Your White Cotton Socks! I think you've been on your sit and spin in the sun too long, give it a break!

  2. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Shilla from whinesilla

    1. Anonymous11:01 AM

      You read my mind! Good job!

    2. Anonymous11:06 AM

      Give your money instead to a worthy cause of your choice. However, if you're a true Palinbot and must give her your money, just mail her a check. You'll hate yourself if you waste your time listening to these SHILLS talk about leadership and THEMSELVES. Good luck.

    3. Anonymous1:14 PM

      That is why I don't donate to politicians. Michelle O just asked for money by saying don't go out on that fancy dinner date this week. Send us that money instead.


      They're all the same. Though at least Sarah uses her PAc money to spread the word about how to change things for good.

    4. Anonymous1:55 PM

      Name one thing Sarah is spreading for good.

    5. Anonymous1:14 PM

      They're all the same. Though at least Sarah uses her PAc money to spread the word about how to change things for good.

      LOL!..Yeah...sure Krusty...the only "good" BaldyPac is doing is keeping Baldy in dirty wigs and plastic surgery...WhoTF benefits from that??

    6. Anonymous1:14 PM
      That is why I don't donate to politicians. Michelle O just asked for money by saying don't go out on that fancy dinner date this week. Send us that money instead.Sad.
      They're all the same. Though at least Sarah uses her PAc money to spread the word about how to change things for good.
      1) What is sad about a political campaign asking for donations?
      2) No, they're not all the same. There would be a huge difference between an Obama presidency and a Romney presidency. Anyone, of whatever political persuasion, who thinks that it makes no difference who is elected is a damn fool. There is a long list of legislation signed by President Obama that would never, ever, be signed by a Republican.
      3) Read SarahPAC financial reports. Saarah uses the PAC as private income for herself, friends, and family. She donates very little to candidates or causes, and of course, she makes no effort to change things for the better because she is to obsessed by her anger and looking for every opportunity to spread purposeful lies about the president. She is a sick, vicious person and is also stupid, ignorant, and lazy. A combination which has done great damage to our country.

    7. Anonymous5:29 PM

      Name ONE good idea Palin has put forward to help the country. Just ONE.

    8. Anonymous6:59 PM

      Oh, 1:13, puh-leeze. There is nothing interesting about her except why no one's done an intervention yet. MONEY. If you think she gives a tinker's DAMN about our country...........

    9. Anita Winecooler7:26 PM

      Yeah, Sarah's spreading something, alright! You'd have to go to a brothel to find a woman of her stature.

  3. 855 power sarah? What the?

  4. Anonymous10:24 AM


    Black Koch down, lesson 1
    ( self explanatory)

    Winky wonka and the chocolate factory. Lesson 2
    How to expand your business in a dorm room.

    1. Anonymous10:53 AM

      Winky wonka... love it!

    2. I think I'm in love with "scam-wow". Or maybe it's "Black Koch Down".

  5. Anonymous10:26 AM

    She's a rock star! Lol

  6. VIP - Lunch with Opening Remarks and Photo with Sarah Palin - $1,000.00

    Yep, pimpin' really has become The Palin Family Business. You betcha!

    1. Anonymous11:42 AM

      Please tell me you're kidding. Please. Or I will throw up. I swear I will.

    2. Sally in MI1:04 PM

      Remember..they haven't sold any tickets for this 'power lunch with power mouth.' And if they don't, she may just keep her hiney in Wasilly, or wherever else she is hiding out now that the reality TV shows are done (I bet she shows up in LA for sweet Bristol's debut, a tight tee and a short skirt and funky boots.) She's been charging for photos ever since her first non-book. Wonder how you account for that with the IRS?
      Did anyone else catch this? "Learn how to take what you;ve been given and use it to make more and help those around you." Now, I get that she has been GIVEN every cent she has, and used her mouth to make more, but what the heck has she ever done for anyone else? Krusty?

    3. Anonymous1:16 PM

      Obviously Anon 11:42. Each family member is living their lives individually and maturely. Notice they're staying out of your hair and not using their celebrity. (minus Bristol for the next 2 months)

      These people don't give a crap about celebrity.

    4. emrysa1:54 PM

      "These people don't give a crap about celebrity."

      lol that's why they have been involved in 3 "reality" shows, a dance show, pose for magazine covers, and call tmz every month with their latest updates. oh yeah, they don't give a crap about celebrity!

    5. Hey "Sally in MI" Krusty answered your question @ 1:16PM...she said that Baldy has no hair and is not a celebrity...and that Beefy is still a fame whore but only for "2 months"!

      Congrats Sally! LOL!!

    6. Anita Winecooler7:42 PM

      Yeah, she'll shake her groove thang for two months lol

      Then whine about hollywood and the evil people who didn't vote for her for years.

      Like Mother, Like Daughter.

      Awesome, huh?

  7. What is with this "living vibrantly" moose poo?

    Also, I noticed she said "GRADUATED" rather than "attended".

    Guess her diploma is probably framed right next to Trig's birth certificate.

    1. Anonymous11:57 AM

      "What is living vibrantly?"

      Walking around with a battery-op dildo shoved up her ass in the HIGH setting. Todd loves to live vibrantly too, also.

    2. Anonymous1:22 PM

      Why would she say attended when she graduated?

      I think most people are living life "vibrantly" nowadays. Notice how more and more people take that extended road trip or vacation and notice how more and more high schools takes study abroads.

      Life is no longer a kid getting out of school ,running home and grabbing a cookie only to end up on the couch watchning some tv before dinner, then it's homework and bed.

      Life is more interactive and active. Mothers are less and less criticized for having their own jobs and hobbies (thought liberals tend to attack conservative ladies for this) and people are accepting the more unconventional lifestyle.

    3. Anonymous1:22 PM

      Uh Krusty...WTF are you talking about?? Please dump the bedpan...the fumes must be getting to you! LOL!!!

    4. Gina, how sad is it that most of Kristy's rants are so delusional now- I sometimes literally cannot tell if it's her or a satirist!

      A grown ass woman, I mean who talks like that!

      Kristy, you better maturely go live your individual life or you'll never be without a straitjacket and a padded room.

    5. Anonymous4:49 PM

      "living Vibrantly" = crystal Meth!

      There is NO way in fucking HELL she will live politics out of a speechifyin' Oct 17 just days before the election!
      This is a secret Kockfucker event.

  8. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Lesson 3

    Pshchobable 101 say what you mean Aand meanly say you mean it. While really meaning what it is what pundits really mean, no what I mean.

  9. a) I'll bet that 10% off on tickets will end soon. Hold out and you'll get 50% off.

    b) They went all out for a professional crew to write and film this ad. I especially noticed the lighting expertise and the superb writing. (/snark)

    c) She really did have such a lackluster sound to her with this. Just strung together old phrases, talking points, catch phrases, but it was as if she rummaged in a box for phrases, tacked them on a board, and read them in random order.

    There was no skillfully written build up, no "but wait, there's more", no building up the sale until the listener couldn't help but get out their wallet.

    I think she's getting a flat fee regardless of attendance, and she let her boredom with Boise and Boiseans show through. She'll yammer along on some set of catchphrases about how wonderful she is in the face of adversity and it won't matter if the topic is leadership or how to de-feather a duck.

    1. Anonymous11:14 AM

      Organizers will take a bath on sales to this thing. Live and learn, boys and girls. Sarah's gonna get. HERS on the front end.

      All that's left on the back end.. well, by the time you get to the back end, you'll find signs that Todd has been there, also, too. We'll leave it at that.

    2. Anonymous11:17 AM

      A Jennifer Granholm, she ain't.

    3. Anonymous11:23 AM

      I wonder if this thing she is promoting is beginning to have its intended effect. Not only do I not want to go see her in Boise, but I've decided if my boss makes us go because he got cornered into buying tickets at the Chamber of Commerce meeting to Support Greater Boise Business, I think I'm going to slash both wrists and call in sick instead.

    4. Anonymous11:27 AM

      I wonder which leadership shoes she will wear. Which wig? Will she bother to take a shower and wash her wig in the days leading up go the event?

      I'm not buying my ticket until the last minute when they're giving those suckers away when you buy $10 worth of groceries.

    5. Anonymous11:58 AM

      If there's no build-up, I'm not buying a sham-wow from that man or tran or whatever.

  10. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Palin and Giuliani look like twins.

    1. Anonymous10:54 AM

      How are they going to tell them apart?

    2. Anonymous11:16 AM

      They've turned into skulls from being skull-fucked so much.

      Just a bunch of fucking grifters.

    3. Anonymous1:22 PM

      Rudy is a wonderful leader.

    4. A noun, a verb and nine-eleven. Priceless!

    5. Anonymous1:22 PM
      Rudy is a wonderful leader.

      Oh dear...somebody alert the Internets that Krazy Krusty may have found her next online crush! LOL!!

    6. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Maybe Rudy will give $carah makeup tips and fashion tips??

    7. Anonymous5:37 PM

      Well Gina, you know how well he did during 911!
      Tearing up the check donated from a Prince from UAE. The "prince" that is half owner of "Fox news". Oh yea, krusty we know what kind of a leader he was...the kind that knew the towers were coming down and did nothing!

  11. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Wow...this is truly sad. She's reduced to being a carnival barker.."Step right up folks...Sarah Palin here to tell you how to become the nation's No. 1 grifter.. Yes, you too can have absolutely no clue about politics or world events but, if you follow my advise, you can become a multi-millionaire and have people literally sending you their hard-earned cash.."
    She says 'set the politics aside'. Yeah, who believes that? She'll use the opportunity to bash Obama, oh, probably 20 seconds into her side-show freak act.
    And the word 'vibrantly.' Where have we heard that before?? Several weeks ago, didn't she claim that her family was on reality TV so much because they lived life 'vibrantly?'..

    1. She could take some lessons on delivery from a carnival barker. That was awful.

    2. Anonymous3:41 PM

      Her self-consciousness and insecurity continue to battle it out with that Cadillac sized ego.

      The only thing she'll be doing at 3 a.m. are infomercials. And Bristol will be doing online college endorsements like Shannon Doherty.

  12. Remember those old commercials for giving your family haircuts? She could do that with some of them, all of them.

    1. Anonymous12:01 PM

      The Flow-Bee! Just attach it to your vacuum cleaner hose. No mess!

    2. Oh, my God! My mom bought a FLOW BEE! When I was in grad school, I think. Trying to remember when my short lived "natural hair" phase was. She tried to use it on me and I said Ma, there's a reason they don't have any black folks in those commercials!

      My poor mom made herself look like Eddie Murphy as Alfalfa.

    3. Nyah, is it wrong for me to have laughed clear out loud at your comment?

      Your Mom sounds totally awesome, BTW.

    4. Nyah1:19 PM

      OH TAY!

    5. Anonymous4:25 PM

      I had long hair before the vacuum cleaner broke and then it was easier for me to become a Hari Krishna with long hair in that one spot. I would've rather been Bucwheat. Times were hard without a vacuum after that.

    6. Anonymous6:29 PM

      OMG! I'm crying (laughing so hard), snort. Killing me Nyah!

  13. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Wow! Just Wow! What's next? Tent Revivals?

  14. lostinmn10:45 AM

    She'll be hawking step in tubs with Pat Boone sooner than later. Her career as a pol is OVER.

  15. Anonymous10:45 AM

    What's that around her neck? I see a cross and something else i can't quite make out. Her hair is stuck in the chain of her necklace.

  16. Tom Joad10:47 AM

    The wig is set to high and far back on your head Sarah. The lower camera angle, means that you should adjust your wig down and front.

    It is gross to see your bald head. Especially with sunlight shining on that bald dome of yours.

    Does anybody in that house help Sarah work her money maker?
    Sarah is just fuckin crazy and the rest of that household is worthless and lazy.

    1. Anonymous12:55 PM

      Paging Beauty School Drop-out

  17. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Not only did I notice the dent in the refrigerator right away, but it looks like a sticker on the refrigerator right above the dent. So is it a brand-new refrigerator that already has a dent?

  18. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Thanks for main-posting this, Gryph. I simply had to mention it yesterday. Idaho has one of the biggest Aryan pockets in the states. SURE, she's going to talk "business."

    Sarah, you KNOW you're all about HATE. How's that working for you? We see it in your ever dilapidating body. You reap what you sow.....

  19. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Oh, I get it. I de hoe! Yes, you are Sarry, yes you are.

    1. Anonymous12:11 PM

      That rite. She da HO cuz when I go to her crib, I say, "I need some poonie. Where I go?" And she say "I da ho". So's I give her $3.50. (Tree-fitty).

    2. Anonymous12:57 PM

      And you get $3.00 in change.

    3. Anonymous2:34 PM

      Git off the table Sarah.... those two bucks are for the beer!

    4. Anonymous4:27 PM

      lol. I hate when she does that.

  20. Anonymous10:57 AM

    That bio is a crock!

  21. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Sarah's advice about how to succeed: Have your Teen Girls become Unwed Mothers, then Grift for a Reality
    Show. The Palin PIMP DADDY Vagina 'Mono'logues.Don't
    worry about the 'YOUNGINS' they will be kept in secret places with no Health Records Exposed. Teach your Husband to carry your Purse, and call him an employee.

    1. Anonymous1:24 PM

      I thought Chelsea Clinton could get a talk show discussing what it's like having a father like Bill.

      Too far? No different than what you write?

      You need to separate personal from political.

      Because with you intertwine them, you prevent qualified people from running for office for fear of personal attacks and slander.

    2. Anonymous1:24 PM


      What the blue blazes are your babbling about Krust? truly need to air out your funky ass room...go take a shower and brush your damn teeth! And after that...take your prescribed medicine...the CORRECT dosage this time and once the medicine kicks in...CALL YOUR DAMN DOCTOR!

    3. Anonymous1:24 PM
      I thought Chelsea Clinton could get a talk show discussing what it's like having a father like Bill.
      Too far? No different than what you write?
      You need to separate personal from political.
      What an asinine comparison. The Clintons always shielded their daughter from the limelight, and Chelsea herself has spent most of her adult life getting an education and minding her own business.

      Poor untalented, unintelligent, uneducated, unaccomplished Bristol is riding mama's gravy train for everything she can. Stick a camera or a microphone in front of her face and she will whine and complain and blame and insult others on cue.

      You said "I thought Chelsea Clinton could get a talk show discussing what it's like having a father like Bill."

      Here's the difference between Chelsea and Bristol. Bristol would be jumping at the chance to do a show like that. In fact, she has taken every opportunity possible from books, to interviews, to reality shows to detail her sleazy sexcapades and disparage her child's father.

      Chelsea would never do such a thing because Chelsea, unlike any of the Palins, has class and dignity.

      And speaking of separating the personal from the professional, perhaps you should have a word with Sarah Palin about exposing her sexual obsessions and dysfunctions to the light of day with her frequent crass references to male performance or deviance (in her mind).

    4. Anonymous6:19 PM

      well written put down!

  22. Anonymous10:58 AM

    OK, 'Palin for President 2016'..Hmm. So they acknowledge that Romney has no chance of being elected??

    1. Anonymous12:13 PM

      She's planning a primary challenge already against a candidate she supports in this fall? lol

    2. Anonymous12:46 PM

      It's also on Palin4America, the site where ex-c4peers went after being banned for having more brain cells than the others. They still love their $arah Paylin but they at least can put a whole sentence together.

    3. Sally in MI1:08 PM

      Romney has already said he would be one know, because if he can't destroy the world in 4 years, the Mormons will disown him and he'll have to live on one of those islands he owns. I hope the water's polluted by an oil rig.

  23. Anonymous10:59 AM

    So the wicked witch from Wasilla is now a motivational speaker?? Does this mean she knows her days on Fox News as a 'pundit' are about to be over??

    1. Anonymous12:54 PM

      I guess that means that there aren't any book deals or reality shows in the works right now.

    2. Anonymous1:25 PM

      Where have YOU been? This is the exact kind of gig she's had for 2 full years now.

    3. Anonymous1:25 PM

      Krusty...see my comment below.

    4. Anonymous4:31 PM

      That's "pundint." LOL

  24. Paul - Minnesota11:01 AM

    I won't watch the video or check links, yet did she say the president of what?

    Could be? The current president of the Sarah Palin fan club. She'll also be the same in 2016. Only presidential as in president of her fan club.

    Also by then she might be the only member?

  25. Anonymous11:01 AM

    I think she stood there so the sunlight would shine on her and detract from her wonky eye. Last time I saw Rudy advertised for a speech here in Illinois, the prices ended up being $5.00 in very short order!!There was a group of about 6 "speakers" also, too. $carah really is scraping the bottom of the barrel, isn't she.?

  26. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Ha ha. Idahoans (like me) say Boi-see, not Boi-zee. Way to be one of us, Sarah!

    1. Anonymous4:39 PM

      Way to call her out, Boy Si.

      A few did the same in when she did her Sarah Steelman BBQ in west MO where she said mi-zoo-REE instead of pronouncing it as "rah" in the last syllable. Stupid bitch doesn't even know how to pander to the locals without making them roll their eyes and snicker at her. When she uses her nasal sounding baby-talk, I start having pre-migraine symptoms even if she pronounces something correctly.

  27. Caroll Thompson11:08 AM

    How the mighty have fallen. Sarah is not packing the room the way she used to. Hopefully the fine folks in Boise will have better things to do.

    1. Sally in MI1:09 PM

      And this is not even a weekend event: it's a Wednesday. Who goes to a conference on a Wed.?

    2. Anonymous4:53 PM

      You'd be surprised how many tickets are sold for offices and state and local workers because it is sold as "leadership" training, which is a crock of shit, but when state funds are cut to the bone and there's $0 in a training budget, people try to give their people SOMETHING. At one of these, tickets were 4.95 each, or $10 for "the whole office". It's a way to get warm bodies in chairs and subject them to some intermittent hard sales pitches between "motivational speakers". I've been to a couple of these with great speakers, but it just drains you because it's all day and you see people buying classes ans seminars because they are amped up with all of this hype. They see some people buying some of the seminars and decide "I want some of that" but they don't know what the ho they're buying. It's sad. They want to buy a short-cut to wealth and freedom but they end up setting themselves back even further. It's predatory selling for stupid people. It's a good deal for those who know what they need, but a lot buy something they don't and that's how these things make money, selling FUTURE classes and training today that you pay for today. There's nothing wrong with paying for personal improvement, but if someone doesn't know how ro self-assws their abilities, they shouldn't buy something like this based on emotion during a "pep rally". But they do and it's a very high margin sale.

  28. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Ha ha. I like how they got a bicyclist named Armstrong...

  29. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Did you notice... "We're gonna leave politics aside, and just talk about leadership... about what REAL Hope is..." such an obvious swipe at the President. Yeah, sure... leave politics aside. RIIIIIGHT, bitch.

  30. Mary Barbour11:11 AM

    I'm sorry this is off topic, but you haven't posted anything on Mitt the Sh*t lately. Please check out this new-ish website:

    The article about gay marriage, posted on Sept. 15, is especially revealing. It's entitled "What Mitt Does When He Has the Power to Do It".

  31. ManxMamma11:12 AM

    It'd amazing that she still manages to appear angry in a promo piece.

  32. Anonymous11:14 AM

    How does she manage to sneer and snarl when she's trying to inspire? She comes across as scolding, i.e. "Live your life vibrantly, like we tell you, dammit!"

    1. Sally in MI1:10 PM

      She'd be a perfect Scientologist, if they didn't see women as sex slaves.

  33. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Uh, um, yeah, like she has been SUCH a successful business woman. NOT!
    This whole thing is ridiculous. The "mystery" shadow looks like W.
    Yep a really successful group of business people there. Hurry and get tickets before they are all gone.

  34. Anonymous11:22 AM

    She is hitting the bottom of the barrel that is for sure!!! I'll wager the tickets drop in price substantially. Sarah Palin is a fraud and is not even worthy to run for dog catcher of Wasilla, AK!!!

    Poor baby! She still hasn't figured out how much she is disliked throughout the US. She still thinks her shit doesn't stink...yea, so, so qualified for NOTHING except bullshit (that truly is stinky!) and lies.

    1. Anonymous1:26 PM

      She needs to realize to pick yourself from rock bottom and continue having a career, you need to be a man. ie Blll Clinton, Spitzer

      Need I say more?

      Liberals are quite possibly the most hypocritical people on earth.

    2. Anonymous1:26 PM

      Er...Krusty...I've noticed that you seem to have Bill Clinton on the okay or are you living "vibrantly" under your covers with thoughts of Bubba? LOL!!!

    3. PalinsHoax3:10 PM

      Anonymous1:26 PM
      "She needs to realize to pick yourself from rock bottom and continue having a career, you need to be a man. ie Bill Clinton, Spitzer.

      Need I say more?

      Liberals are quite possibly the most hypocritical people on earth.

      Pick yourself up from rock bottom hey? Gee I wonder what the following bottom rocks are now doing:

      - Newt Gingrich
      - Mark Sanford
      - John Ensign
      - Mike Duvall
      - Larry Craig
      - David Vitter
      - Mark Foley
      - Ted Haggard
      - Randy Hopper
      - and what's his name? oh yeah, Rush Limbaugh.

      Oh wait, there's also Clint Eastwood, Paul Ryan and Willard Rmoney.

    4. abbafan5:46 PM

      GinaM, I think you have Krusty squirmishing under those covers, while she fantasizes about smoking some cigars with Bubba(wink wink)! I especially LOVED your re-wording of $arah's ghost-written "curriculum vitae"! She must have a hard time shitting every time you rip her a new asshole! Give her hell kiddo!

  35. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Think of it! If you spend the big bucks for a VIP ticket, one of your perks is:

    Lunch with Remarks and Photo with Sarah Palin
    Spend your lunch in a private setting with the movers and shakers of Boise as you get to both meet and hear from one of the most influential women in America give a message that will leave you inspired and fill you with hope

    Not made clear is whether you have to buy "just" the VIP ticket or the "all access VIP" ticket to attend this lunch. The "beginning" price for tickets is $29 but the arena plan shows those to be perhaps on the roof or its edge.

    Do people really buy these tickets and attend these things?

    1. Anonymous12:16 PM

      That's right, she's SO influential the GOP would not let her speak at their convention, nor did they want her anywhere near Tampa.

    2. Anonymous5:44 PM

      Is that word "message" or "massage"??

    3. 11:26AM....REWRITE!!

      Lunchable™ with Word Salad and Blurry Photo with Baldy Palin

      Eat your Lunchable™ standing up with the losers and has-beens of Boise as you get to both smell and stare at the most unintelligent woman in America give a massage (H/T to 5:44PM) that will leave you unsatisfied and wishing you had never "came" (wink wink).

      There...all fixed now! LOL!!!

  36. Anonymous11:29 AM

    1) Guess Sarah can't use her Fox-funded studio for private gain;
    2) Her bangs are swinging like aspens in the fall. She needs the help of a hair school graduate, stat.
    3) Guiliani hasn't led anything for eleven years; Steve Forbes has done nothing but sink millions into failed campaigns. Sarah Palin: well, we know about her leadership. Will she advise people to quit when the going gets tough, as she did?
    4) Who in their right mind (well, okay) will show up in Idaho on a Wednesday and put down good money to hear moth-eaten has-beens pretend to advise them on leadership?

  37. Hi I'm Sarah Palin,
    welcoming you to Im-a-Hoe on Oct 17th... we will be powering-up my fake boobies and askin' for cash!

    1. Anonymous12:44 PM

      ... and I'll be puking up your favorite word salad for your listening pleasure. Since you are dumber than even me, I won't have to use ril English nor even a teleprompter. NICE! In addition to my aquaboobs, I'll be modeling the latest in Jewish jewelry- them Jews sure know their gems, I gotta tell you. Fil free to bring your Social Security checks to sign over to yours truly. Also, too, refreshments will be served: elk cevice (whatever the hell that is), crunchy elephant-shaped tacos (get it?) and maybe, for drinks, some champagne from a premier Arizona vineyard... on the rocks! Your very welcome to join us (bring $$$) providing your white, ignorant, gullible and horny. See you then.

  38. Anonymous11:34 AM

    "Navigates her way on the global stage with grace."

    $creech has as much grace as a buzzard on a shit wagon.

    1. Sally in MI1:12 PM

      Grace? Grace? Michelle Obama has grace. Laura Bush, much as I despise her hisband, has grace. Sarah can't even spell that word, let alone define it. RAM got paid well for that page of crap.

  39. Anonymous11:39 AM

    I'll betcha $10 that Sarah will be selling autographed books and photos there to the shut-ins who already bought 6 copies of each book but will buy another since they have a few dollars left over that they didn't send to the TV preacher this month. They can wait until next month to buy their groceries. Besides, missing a few meals this month won't kill anybody, will it? After all, it's for a good cause---> Helping Sarah, so she doesn't ever have to worry about getting a job again.

  40. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Silly Rabbit, tricks are for HOES ! Next, she will be selling Amway. Hurry Hurry, step right up suckers, get your tickets here, you dumb asses.

  41. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Come on Paylin bots, tithe to your queen.

    1. Anonymous12:41 PM

      That's exactly what it sounded like to me too. Hardly subtle.

    2. Anonymous5:04 PM

      Plus, a PAC fundraising letter just went out on Friday for SARAH PAC. She really has a bunch of suckers on her hit list. I guess between Sarah and Pat Robertson, somebody out there isnt going to see an ineritance left at all. Sad.

  42. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Sarah is a lousy salesperson.

    I wouldn´t buy a hotdog from her at a baseball game.

    1. Anonymous5:05 PM

      If Sarah touched it I'd call the health department.

  43. Apparently the Palin minions suffer from neurological deficits that prevent them perceiving anything to the right of Mrs. Palin. See, for example, the turkey slaughter tape.

    Here, my favorite part is the demon ear of corn, In a kind of middle finger gesture, which appears as if it wants to fuck her ear.

    Actually, II think Sarah Palin filmed herself.

    1. Anonymous1:06 PM

      So, if you say sane truthspeakers suffer from neurological deficits, what does the average reader here who lives to tell lies suffer from?

    2. Anonymous1:49 PM

      I confess! I LIVE to tell lies! It's my sole purpose in life; my entire being reverberates with each lie I tell!

    3. Anonymous1:06 PM
      So, if you say sane truthspeakers suffer from neurological deficits, what does the average reader here who lives to tell lies suffer from?

      Oh dear...Krusty as one of the "sane truthspeakers"... I really think you shouldn't be telling us what your doctor has told you what you "suffer from"...I mean "neurological deficits" is a diagnosis that should only be discussed with a trained professional.

      I know you feel comfortable enough to share all your "issues" but I REALLY think you've gone to far with this one! HeHe!

  44. AJ Billings12:05 PM

    That piece of tape and her self promoting huckster pitch was as pathetic as any of the Couric or Gibson interviews.

    $arah you are a complete and utter failure. Your defeat is so obvious, and you are now blatantly showing your true and vibrant colors: Shit brindle brown!

  45. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Her kitchen's ugly.

    1. Anonymous1:05 PM

      Bristol's is also the same setup, with different coloring. I notice she took down the pictures that line the cabinets tops.

    2. Anonymous1:49 PM

      Troll wants us to think she has coffee with Sarah in the Palin kitchen, when the truth is she gleans information by scrutinizing every fucking frame of SPA.

    3. Anonymous1:05 PM
      Bristol's is also the same setup,

      Did you see this when you were virtually peeping through Beefy's window Krusty or did you get this info from the pictures you STOLE off of Beefy private FB page?

  46. LOL, that is totally a dent in the refrigerator.

    Whose revelation was that? Media insider? Me Again?

  47. Isn't Kristin Armstrong the EX-wife of Lance? Why would she be speaking? And about what, Lance's doping routine?

    If I was Lance, I'd be really pissed off that my ex-wife was making money off me. And hasn't anyone told Kristin about Lance's medals being taken away?

    1. Sally in MI1:15 PM

      No one took his medals away. France is is bit more into PROOF than the US is, and since they administered the tests he passed, they have not stripped him. Plus, it looks like naming winners for all those years would be a nightmare: the people who finished after him are all banned for drug use.

  48. OOps, I apologise. The "Kristin Armstrong" speaking at this pathetic event is NOT Lance's ex-wife, but rather a gold medalist cycling in her own right.

  49. Anonymous12:27 PM

    OT but good info for liberals and progressives and something to keep in mind when people criticize the prez for not doing enough about Libya:

  50. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Willow should burn those clip on bangs!!!!!!!

  51. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Maybe the surprise guest will be Bristles - the STAR of the family!! Maybe she will even bring ALL her kids. What an inspiration SHE would be, talking about her failed reality show and whatnot. Her failed trial marriage and whatnot. Maybe even her gruelling rehersals for DWTS and whatnot.

    1. Anonymous1:03 PM

      Bristol's never been married? Now has she lived with someone. How can she have had a trial marriage?

    2. Anonymous1:03 PM

      Gibberish...pure gibberish...please take your meds and try again Krusty!

    3. Anonymous5:49 PM

      She lived with Ben Barber in Anchorage, but they didn't call it a "trial marriage" It was just shacking up.

  52. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Gryphen must watch:

    The Academy of Sarah Palin Look-Alikes

  53. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn12:30 PM

    ShamWow?? one can replace the fabulous Vince. I think Honey Boob Boob will end up shilling for a signature line of sex toys.

    1. Anonymous2:22 PM

      She'd go for S and M I think.

  54. Anonymous12:35 PM

    I'm sure this is a one time deal (or "dil") for Sarah for who could possibly expect her to commit to something that pays peanuts... or that would take a bit of effort. She is SUCH a joke yet she keeps reinventing herself. Please, please make her go away.

    1. Anonymous1:03 PM

      How is she reinventing herself? She's been doing gigs like these since early 2010.

    2. Anonymous1:03 PM

      Excuse me Krusty...hate to interrupt...but you already SAID might want to turn the page in your "How to Defend the Worst Family in the World Online" book...otherwise your BaldyPac check will be shorted a couple of're welcome! LOL!!!

  55. Anonymous12:36 PM

    She LOVES that camera! Everything she said could have been said in half the time, but she repeated it all at least once.

    1. I don't think she was bothering to keep track of what she had said. There was no continuity or flow. She just rambled. It must have pissed her off that she didn't get a separate fee for doing the promo.

  56. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Well, she can't run for any political office because the skeletons (Trig Trig Trig) would fall out of her closet... And we all know her purse carrying pimp of a husband ain't working any 40 hour a week job...SOMEBODY has to make some money!

    Scrambling for cash on a second rate lecture circuit seems just about right for her.

    1. Sally in MI1:17 PM

      And I somehow don't think the reality shows will ever be in reruns, so no residuals fact, I see LOTS of old "America's Next Top Model" from 5 or 6 years ago, but no SPA or Tripp's a Pain, or even Bridull on DWTS anywhere. Poor Palins. Hope you saved some of those millions and invested wisely. Bet it's all under the bed though..Levi probably knows where tehy stash cash.

  57. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Leadership?? Gullianni, Forbes and Palin?? They're all has-beens who haven't done anything but money-grab for years now.

    How inspiring.

  58. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Body languages shows a woman shaking her head, no no no, while trying to drum up enthusiasm for whatever snake oil these guys are peddling. Sarah's right eye needs some help, too, maybe a strong prescription in those glam glasses.

    Gryphen asked what's next? Supermarket openings, info-mercials, if only Sarah could land a spot selling stuff on one of the shopping channels.

    Hint to Sarah: Don't broadcast out of your kitchen again. I don't care if you blew a fuse in the studio, the natural light is not worth the tiny sound and echo. Did Fox start collecting their equipment already-- or maybe they won't let you use it for anything except broadcasting on Fox. I've got it, hand-held video from a cell phone. Really.

  59. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Wait a minute, here! Does any else see the irony of a governor who quit mid-term talking about leadership? Sarah had other chances to show her leadership qualities. As Mayor of Wasilla, a town of thousands, she had to hire a city manager and she still managed to leave the place at least $20 million in debt. Leadership as a VP candidate? She wanted to campaign in Michigan when McCain saw that it was lost and he need to focus on states that he still might win. Leadership as a VP candidate? Sarah used personal attacks against Obama, even when McCain was taking the high road. Leadership as a VP candidate? When she lost, Sarah was focused on giving her own concession speech when that was never down. She didn't take "no" for an answer. She had her speech loaded into the teleprompter anyway. That's not leading. That's selfish self-interest. That's not leading her party. That's self-promotion.

    Let me say it again. What kind of leader quits halfway through the job?

  60. Anonymous1:07 PM


    President Obama is on Letterman on Tuesday!!

    1. Anonymous6:53 PM

      AND he'll show up! McCain didn't!

  61. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Sarah is, in a nutshell, begging for money now. Every cosmetic company and every fashion house ignored her inquiries. What´s left? Not much.

    I wouldn´t be surprised to see her flaunting her new boobies as a professional wrestler some day. Sarah will always win, per her contract, and she would be called ¨The Vice President of Pain.¨

  62. Anonymous1:24 PM


  63. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Hard to believe, but it was a year ago that we awaited to hear about the film by Nick at TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival).

    I just realized this as I just read the TIFF 2012 ended today.

  64. Anonymous1:37 PM

    @ Anon 12:34: Just a comment,if I may, Geraldine Ferraro was the first female VP candidate (with Walter Mondale), not Geraldine Fitzgerald (an actress).
    Vero Guy

  65. Anonymous1:41 PM

    My gosh, she just repeats herself over an over... She just doesn't know when to SHUT UP! This woman just likes to hear her own voice!!!
    Did she really GRADUATE College?

    1. Anonymous4:33 PM

      No one remembers her at the University of Idaho and, again, ask John Bitney what a great place that is to graduate from IF she did.

    2. Anonymous5:53 PM

      Does anyone know if she was in any of the areas where flocks of birds fell dead from the sky? Her voice makes my ears bleed, imagine what the birds must hear when she starts her screeching.

  66. You know, I always wondered if she graduated college, and I believed she didn't. And now I KNOW she didn't- because Sarah lies so often by bringing up the completely irrelevant detail. It's her tell.

    Most people would say, "I was born there... went to school there..." etc. Nope, not Sarah. "I was born there, graduated college there..." making sure you hear the "graduated college" part. Sarah's irrelevent asides are a dead giveaway for her lies. :::amused:::

    1. Anonymous3:42 PM

      If she did attend college, she didn't learn anything.

  67. Anonymous2:00 PM

    The Rethugican that appeared on Maher's panel on Friday night said Palin wrote her own speech for the RNC in 2008.

    I almost missed the rest of the show cause I was laughing so hard I couldn't hear what was said after. If anyone had seen me, they would have thought I was having a seizure.

  68. emrysa2:02 PM

    (channeling nelson)

    HA HA!

    and I agree with one of the previous commenters - what kind of LEADER quits halfway though their term? Also quit their previous job before their term was up (oil and gas)? and people are going to take leadership advice from a quitter? freakin unreal.

  69. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Next week Sarah Palin will be pushing the Wasilla Laundromat Grand Reopening.

    1. Anonymous3:20 PM

      Maybe Viagra? The Peg Bundy Collection of Fashion?

  70. Anonymous2:26 PM

    I know this borders on the ultimate of pickiness, but I was taught a long time ago that a person doesn't
    "graduate" college, but that a college "graduates" the student.
    Thus, Sarah says she "graduated" from the University of Idaho, but, in fact (or in her fantasy), the University graduated her.
    I think she shouldn't get too close to this subject, either way, since someone might take to looking up the University's records and find a certain Sarah Heath's name absent from its graduates.

    1. Anonymous7:37 PM

      NO ONE remembers her. NO ONE. Show us the sheepskin, Sarah, as well as all your kids' that you flaunt they have. While you're at it, throw in Trig's birth certificate.

      2016. HAH!

  71. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Gryphen, why aren't you talking about Todd's interview about SES when he said Trig's brother was teasing him. He is talking about Tripp being Trig's older brother. Not in age mind you, but Tripp is bigger and mentally older. So, it is like it's his big brother. This speaks volumes to me. I don't know why no one is catching on to this freudian slip.

  72. PalinsHoax2:36 PM

    I see a bright future for Ol' $cary - selling a personl line of washcloths called: Tawdry's Towels. These washcloths would be small and two-toned. And for a nominal extra charge you could also purchase a colour coordinated condom.

    Oh $carah, the washcloth possibilities are endless.

  73. Anonymous3:03 PM

    The Academy of Sarah Palin Look-Alikes

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

      When will RuPaul Drag Queens have a special on Sarah Palin. That I'd love to see! No one can accentuate the obvious more than Drag Queens!

  74. Anonymous3:05 PM

    well, she said it: "get out there and get more..." pretty much the Grifter Gospel.

    No sense of self-awareness; breathtakingly oblivious.

  75. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Yeah, how to live life vibrating with anger but with a vibrator that help you have good vibrations, even if you're a RWNJ crazy bitch.

  76. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Maybe I'll fly in and ask her about her tight abs and Tri-G 's fake birth on 4/18/08 and her fake pregnancy. Can't wait. See ya Sarah!!

  77. Anonymous4:13 PM

    In four years, Sarah's repeated the same basic warm-ed over bowl of shit so many times, the only difference is when she reads your blog, Jesse, and learns a new word every now and then and interjects it a half dozen times into her next 3 minute segment on Hannity or Greta's shows. I wouldnt get in traffic and pay for arena parking to sit on my ass for 8 hours to wait to hear the Screech if it was 40 degrees and raining cats and dogs outside and it was the only way place to get out if the rain.

    My ass would be cold and wet. but better that than in the same building having to listen to Baldy.

  78. I haven't read through all the comments yet so I apologize if I'm late to the game, but it just occurred to me who the "special guest" is- it's that dead wet rat headed blowhard TRUMP, I bet you anything. He has those "business symposiums" where for the low low price of ehrhgm hundred dollars, you can listen to DONALD TRUMP (junior) wax poetic about working your way to the top! Sure, he had a tiny, barely worthy of mentioning $13 million trust fund as a stepping stone for his investments but after you listen to this magic business talk while eating a stale piece of boiled chicken- you would not take $13 mil if someone threw it at you. You won't need it after Trump (junior) tells you all daddy's see-krits!

  79. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Well, where else WOULD she show up? If you're talking ebonics, I DEE HO and she certainly is, now isn't she?

    She works hard for the money. With ALL due respect to Donna Summer(RIP) that actually DID have talent. Queen Esther? If she can get out of bed in the morning, it's a good day.

  80. Anonymous5:09 PM

    So is this one those get togethers where they pray away the witch (or was the word bitch)?

  81. Anonymous5:18 PM

    All this thing needs is a free set of steak knives...

  82. Anonymous5:39 PM

    All the Palins are a bunch of idiots except for Trig. He seems to have the most brains in the Palin family. The rest of them are whores, high school dropouts, uneducated grifters who sole purpose in life is to milk the Alaskan Film Tax Credit for all they can get and to be on a reality shows.

  83. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Just checking in, and there she goes again! So now she wants to be some kind of positive thinking guru? How can Sarah help us to live vibrantly when all SHE does is yell and scream and verbally attack? She isn't exactly a great demonstration of living the vibrant life.

    What does that mean? She's desperate to keep the steady stream of income pouring in for doing nothing but opening her maw.

    Her bangs are flailing around and their roots start from the top middle of her head. Looks like her wig was pulled too far back. And her performance in that ad was sad.

    1. Anonymous7:15 PM

      The female Billy (RIP) Mays. I feel for those who are so DUMB to buy into this crap.

      A FOOL and his money are soon parted.

  84. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Someone is saying that the PowerUp Live is the same as the "Get Motivated! Tour.


  85. emrysa7:00 PM

    Anonymous @ 5:29 PM sez:

    "Name ONE good idea Palin has put forward to help the country. Just ONE."

    yeah! deserved a repost.

    how about it palin fans? any answers? or just more "they're living private lives and don't care about celebrity and they love appleby's blah blah blah"

  86. Anonymous7:07 PM

    If this is the big red house..are those kitchen cabinets different? They look lighter and the doors are totally different.

  87. Anonymous7:43 PM

    DANCE, puppet Sarah, DANCE!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.