Saturday, September 22, 2012

Yet more rioting in Libya. Wait, WHO are they rioting against?

Courtesy of the Daily Mail:  

Hundreds of protesters in Libya have launched an attack on the jihadist militia responsible for killing the U.S. ambassador last week. 

The pro-American backlash on Friday night saw the Ansar al-Sharia Brigade driven out of its base in the city of Benghazi, where Chris Stevens and three other U.S. officials were murdered in an attack on the local consulate. 

The unprecedented movement suggests that ordinary Libyans are rising up against Al Qaeda fighters who seek to hijack the democratic reforms of the Arab Spring. 

Ansar al-Sharia militants initially fired in the air to disperse the crowd, but eventually abandoned the site with their weapons and vehicles after it was overrun by waves of protesters shouting 'No to militias.' 

'I don't want to see armed men wearing Afghani-style clothes stopping me in the street to give me orders, I only want to see people in uniform,' said Omar Mohammed, a college student who took part in the takeover of the site. 

No deaths were reported in the incident, which came after tens of thousands marched in Benghazi against armed militias. One vehicle was also burned at the compound. 

Wow! So perhaps it is time for Americans to realize that not ALL Muslims are radical Jihadists determined to spread violent and disharmony among the people o the Middle East.

Gee didn't Sean Hannity and Latino Sarah Palin rip into our President just a few days ago for trusting these people to make the right choice on their own instead of having a prefabricated, by America of course, government foisted upon them? Yeah, I kind of think we did.

Well I wonder what their response to this might be? Oh never mind, if they can't somehow fault President Obama in some way they will simply ignore it.

P.S. By the way these protests have openly spread since this  incident and protestors have now seized a raft of other paramilitary bases as well.


  1. Anonymous11:05 AM

    What's that sound we hear: CRICKETS

  2. Anonymous11:14 AM

    What people rarely think about is that it's harder to stand up for what is 'right' when the outcome can be a bullet, torture, threats on your family and so forth, which makes these people standing up and fighting for what is right, amazing, couragous and heart-warming. Hats off to them.

  3. Anonymous11:16 AM

    This is such a refreshing turn of events. I'm glad the Libyans, and others, are taking back their countries from the religious zealots, although I suspect less religion and more power plays by Al Queda.

    Kudos to the Libyans who recognize that not all Americans are infidels also, too.

  4. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Univision & Romney had some issues!!!

    Romney's campaign I hope will hit freefall again on Monday as I hope the MSM picks up the story about his Univision appearance and once again forced off message.

    Everyday Mitt and Ann are campaigning, is another day for hoof 'n mouth disease!!!

    Not only could they not fill the place with students -- Romney's campaign 'demanded' to bring people in -- Romney according to a 'Republican' called it a temper tantrum!!!

    "Univision says that during his townhall with them, not only did the Romney campaign packed the hall with non-students because they couldn’t find enough supporters on campus, but when the anchor gave an introduction to Mitt that he didn’t like, he refused to go on until they re-taped it. A Republican present called it a “temper tantrum”.

    1. Anonymous11:32 AM

      Everyday Mitt and Ann are campaigning, is another day for hoof 'n mouth disease!!!

      Even when the subject isn't one of ArrogANNt's $200K dancing horses.

  5. Anonymous11:25 AM

    And yet another example where everything that Palin touches turns to shit. Sarah, please "touch" Michele Bachmann, Eric Cantor, John Bohner, Richard Mourdock, Joe Walsh, Mike Pence, Scott Brown, Tommy Thompson, Todd Akin, Todd Rokita, Steve King, and Alan West. IM readers, feel free to add to the above list. It's important that Obama has a House and Senate that will work WITH him to pass all of the important legislation to get this country on the road to recovery that has been severely impeded the last 3 years by the feckless Republican Party of "NO!".

    1. Anonymous12:41 PM

      Kurt Bills (running against incumbent Amy Klobuchar for MN US Senate)

  6. Balzafiar11:47 AM

    I have met Libyans, among many other Muslims, and never found any of them to be anything other than normal people, just like most of us.

    "Most of us" does NOT include the American assholes who are constantly trying to stir up trouble by falsely claiming that Muslim assholes are the cause of all the world's problems. It just isn't true.

  7. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Mitt Romney to suspend campaign next week due to complications from his electile dysfunction.

    1. Anonymous12:19 PM

      ROFL!! Hilarious!!

      That's a keeper.

      Please, please -- Someone needs to do a pic with the wording or graphic or something.

      That's priceless!!!

    2. Faaaaaaabulous! Thanks for the laugh. So appropriate, also too!

    3. Anita Winecooler8:46 PM

      Thanks for the laugh, electile dysfunction kind of explains the "Romney Robot Clenched Cheek Walk".

  8. Anonymous12:10 PM

    More proof of the RWNJ's arrested mental and social development. They can only see bad/good like in an old Western film. They don't have enough confidence in themselves to recognize or evaluate bad/good/ right/wrong, the want visible cues (white hats/black hats or infinitely worse white people/people of color).

    So something like this doesn't compute with them (watch the smoke coming from $carah and $ean's ears.) How? how? how? can a people not US be complex and nuanced and INDIVIDUALS? she will rage. And somehow, that Libyans or other middle-easterners aren't of monolithic mind will be turned into an attack on HER, into making her make a fool of herself. Just watch.

  9. Anonymous2:04 PM

    I think this has entirely gone past idiots on Faux News and frauds like Palin. If only they would actually go to these countries that are in the fight for democracy as if their citizens' lives depended on it. The right-wing GOP is entirely brainwashed and unable to hear these voices! It is as if the Taliban and the most twisted fundamentalist faction of the American evangelical movement are having their own little hate fest and the rest of us are watching terrified on the sidelines.I dare Sarah Palin to go to Libya! Our ambassador no doubt found her type of hate-mongering just the match to set off the militant factions and was horrified as well. She is a bully and a coward. Hell, she didn’t get out of her limo in Jerusalem! Coward!

  10. I'd say this backlash is proof that our policies in the Middle East are promoting democracy, that the Obama presidency is having a positive effect and that Muslims will no longer tolerate thugs ruling over them, be they Muslim thugs or American thugs.

    Good for them. I think Stevens would be pleased.

  11. Anonymous2:41 PM

    I'm so glad to see the media (almost) covering this. Only once in the 11 years since 9/11 did I see that the people of Iran spontaneously took to the streets for a candlelight vigil horrified of the actions of fanatics.

    From that moment on the Iranian people became compassionate humans to me. I watch, hoped and cried for them when they protested their election results.

    If we can just get rid of those in power that do their own bidding rather than that of the peoples, I think we can become great friends.

    I am also moved by those in Libya that took to the streets for our ambassador and now taking things even further. I don't know I would be so brave.

    We need to make sure all Americans see this.

  12. Anita Winecooler8:57 PM

    Thanks for posting this! I saw a small clip on current tv and bbc news earlier and thought it was fantastic, shame that the bubble gum news on regular tv never airs the truth.

    We have a Muslim community center in our area, and people have brought flowers in memory of those who died while their flag is at half mast. This same community center donated hilal meats to a local food bank, who immediately doused it in bleach and threw it out. That was the last day my daughter worked for them. For the uninformed, hilal meats and fowl are raised free range organic on large farms, then slaughtered much the same as Kosher meat, it's far better nutritionally than the crap they sell in supermarkets.

    Destroying it out of ignorance was a slap in the face to the generous spirit of our fellow Americans, at a time when food pantries are serving larger numbers of hungry people.


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