Sunday, September 30, 2012

Your early Sunday morning, "moment of geek."

Special brownie points if you recognize which movie this image is from.
Here is an absolutely INCREDIBLE timeline dedicated to science fiction.

Even if you are not a fan of Sci Fi, you simply have to check it out.

P.S. By the way I am pretty sure I have seen virtually ALL of the movies and television shows that make up the timeline. And not ONE of the hundreds of hours spent doing so were wasted in my opinion either.


  1. The image looks like it's from Fritz Lang's Metropolis, otherwise known as the Republican Party's vision of America's future.

  2. GrannyMe3:37 AM

    Fritz Lang's Metropolis. Mitt & friends idea of the perfect worker situation. And can I just have the brownies instead?

  3. Anonymous3:39 AM


    Although I can't take credit - the new (new to me at least) ability to drag and drop an image into the google search bar makes me look smarter than I really am!

    Actually my first impression was Outer Limits -

  4. Sally in MI3:47 AM

    Totally O/T, except for the science fiction that is Palin's life, but Amazon has an excerpt from the Chuckies' book, and I saw this:
    "For her and for us, life is sacred and it begins at conception. She believed that then, when she was young and the prospect of a full career lay before her, and she believed it in December of 2007 when, at the age of 43, she learned she was pregnant with a child with Downs Syndrome." OK, so a woman who was not yet menopausal doesn't have a period for 5 months and doesn't figure out she is pregnant until then? Not buying it. I think Chuck just put another nail in the "I didn't bith that" coffin. Is this when SHE said she found out?
    By the way, the excerpt I read is extremely well-written. So if Chuck Jr. wrote this, he is the one edcuated person in the family. Sarah couldn't write this fluently WITH a ghostwriter.

    1. Anonymous12:19 PM

      3:47 I think maybe it means she knew she was pregnant but didn't realize it was a Downs baby until then.

      However we all know it is lies, lies, lies so maybe your interpretation is what Chuckie meant.

    2. Anonymous2:26 PM

      the book was not written by either chuckie

  5. Anonymous4:32 AM

    That image is from the groundbreaking film, METROPOLIS, by Fritz Lang, which is available on DVD with its original score intact! I highly recommend it!

  6. Anonymous6:05 AM

    i loved Metropolis, even tho' one of my biggest memories is of that girl running, terrified, and i mean, Terrified, away from the evil scientist.
    i also loved the scene where the rich people play.

  7. An European viewpoint10:49 AM

    Metropolis, of course...

  8. Anita Winecooler7:12 PM

    The timeline is pretty cool. We watched the planet of the apes series, and were amazed at how the characters and special effects "evolved" (excuse the pun) since the first three were released.

    Speaking of science fiction, did anyone catch the interview with Arnold Schwartzenphillanderer? What a Republican. His wife gave up her career, defended him against the many groping allegations, and has taken the high road through all this, and Arnold is fine with compartmentalizing and not realizing the devistation it caused his family.

    1. Arnold is a schmuck.

      Not on the level of Mel Gibson. Give him time.

  9. It's from Metropolis and I have the most recent restoration on DVD.

    That was really cool but a lot of movies were missing.


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