Monday, October 01, 2012

As a public service here is what I hope will be the last DWTS open thread that I ever have to post. Update!

I watched sporadically last week, but did manage to see Bristol clomping around the stage. (SO graceful that girl.)

I actually DID think that Pamela Anderson was a pretty bad dancer and deserved to get kicked off, but now we are down to a group consisting of MUCH better dancers than Bristol could ever hope to be, so let's see if this is going to be a rigged situation like the 2010, or if the obvious choice is kicked to the curb.

By the way, if these pictures are any indication, it appears that Bristol Boo Boo has overcome her "shyness."

Oh yeah, that is certainly a simple Christian girl who is not at all interested in being a celebrity. Give me a break!

If any of you are interested here is Bristol's ghostwritten blog post begging people to vote for her.

By the way if anybody comes across a video of "performance" tonight, send it my way and I will post it. Should be good for a laugh at least.

Update: Oh my God it is even worse than I imagined!

Here are the scores, which includes this dismal summation of Bristol's performance:

Bristol Palin and Mark Ballas Having been in the bottom three last week, Bristol needs to try to mix things up tonight and create some Palin fever. Unfortunately, what she musters is more like a cold. The duo do the quickstep, and Bristol struggles badly with the footwork. Despite giving Palin a very warm review, Len, Bruno, and Carrie condemn her with a lowly 18. Yipes.

In case you were wondering, yes THAT was the lowest score of the night.

And if THAT weren't bad enough!

Sabrina Bryan and Louis Van Amstel Everybody seems intent on beating the quickstep over Bristol's head tonight on Dancing With the Stars:All-Stars. Sabrina makes it the most painful yet, comparing her expert quickstep to Palin's would require removing the word "Star" as well as "Dancing" from the title of the show. Carrie goes as far as to call Sabrina's work "something I have never seen before in the history of Dancing with the Stars!" They score and EPIC 26. 

Yowch! Yeah if Bristol survives this week then there will be no doubt that the fix is in.


  1. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Here's tonight's video -- hint she scores an "18".

    Sarah, Todd, and Willow are in the audience -- in the front row and standing the whole time?!?

    1. Anonymous5:47 PM

      I saw that too! At 1st when the camera panned to the audience I just noticed 3 people standing up clapping and I thought "how RUDE!" and then when the camera went back....I saw that it was THEM! Where do they think they are? At some honky tonk? (nothing against honky tonks, I lived in Nashville 10 years!) But DAMN! These people have NO class whatsoever.

    2. vegaslib5:48 PM

      She looks like a hooker in that get up and she has absolutely no grace. She also didn't learn her lesson about scrunching up that fake ass chin of hers. Freaky looking that chin is.

    3. Anonymous5:53 PM

      Doncha know sp thought the whole audience would follow her lead and stand in support? Epic fail, sp!

    4. Were they trying to intimidate the judges? Kind of sounds that way. It would be normal for them.

      On second thought, 5:53 is correct.

    5. Anonymous7:04 PM

      "By the way, if these pictures are any indication, it appears that Bristol Boo Boo has overcome her "shyness."
      But not her cellulite! She is no dancer nor athlete her exercise is getting into her gas guzzling REDNECK idiot truck.

      Hahaha She is GONE! Last on the ticket!

    6. That is so weird - maybe they didn't like the folks sitting behind them?? I can remember the screams hurled at folks in the "good old days" when they stood up at the movies.

    7. Anonymous7:50 PM

      That was Rude! Last week she was trying to hide after her accusing email from SarahPac all pissed off at Juliette Moore for wining a Emmy!
      This week we see the FAMEHO family front and center!
      Did you forget what you wrote you Hypocrite?
      Dear SarahPAC Supporter,

      The Hollywood elite have already proven with the production of HBO's Game Change their willingness to distort reality to promote a biased, left-wing agenda.

      Despite multiple attempts by the Governor's top aides to share on-the-record insight from the 2008 campaign with the writers of Game Change, HBO chose to advance its own fictional, sensationalized fabrication instead.

      And last night, Hollywood spent an evening in smug self-congratulation for displaying courage and bravery in making the film—as if the slanderous portrayal was anything more than propaganda for Barack Obama and the Democrat Party.

      Hollywood is clearly out of touch with everyday Americans, and they will stop at nothing to re-elect Barack Obama and undermine our conservative values.

      We recently learned of Hollywood's plans to further its liberal indoctrination of America by creating an Obamacare reality show and writing pro-Obamacare messages into prominent television shows. Some of this will even take place at taxpayer expense—the state of California has hired a prominent public relations firm to ensure that residents buy into the flawed Obamacare legislation. With priorities like that, it's no wonder California is spending itself into bankruptcy.

      Do not let Hollywood liberals bankrupt America.
      We don't forget Bitch!

    8. Anonymous8:28 PM

      Please send me money. I paid RAM 8 thousand dollars to type this letter.

      Always Grifting,

      Sarah Lou Heath Palin

  2. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Poor Brisket, still fat after all those "rehearsals". Boo hoo!

    1. Anonymous5:51 PM

      Lookit that GUT

    2. Anonymous6:58 PM

      Bristol's too young to have cellulite on her legs like that after she's supposedly been working out for 4 or 5 weeks. Look at the bend of her knees. That's what couldn't be sucked out with lipo. It just collects there. And those shorts pushing out those fat rings on her legs is not attractive for any age, but most women who have that much cellulite on their legs know how to dress appropriately, instead of trying to look like a skinny-mini-model. And they know how to flatter their features, something Sarah still hasn't learned so she obviously hasn't taught those chunky daughters of hers.

      I know she must feel better than she did when she was fat AND knocked up all the time like she's spent most of the time since she turned 15, but she still has a long way to go for someone who is still SO young. I guess she figured she was only going to get a week or 2 more on the show so she better show off her puffy legs, her flat ass and her gut hidden under another hoodie sweat jacket, as always.

      There is nothing worse than for someone who doesn't understand that their lumpy legs would look better the more she covers, not the more she reveals! I don't know how many times she's been de-fatted with a lipo needle, but I see SEVERAL obvious entry points where she's been stuck and fatty tissue sucked out.

      It's going to keep coming back, Bristol, if you don't learn to eat much better NOW and continue exercising even after you're knocked out of this competition.

      Your legs and your gut look like you've put back on at least 5 lbs minimum in the last 2 weeks, and it will be lumpy all over, not smooth. Plus when you stretch the skin back out after your tummy tuck, it's not going to be elastic at all, and moisturizers will not help.

      If you think you had stretch marks before, wait until you stretch this "skin out". This stuff doesn't bounce back, it stretches and pulls and sags.

      Whatever. I know that the doctor emphasized to you about managing your diet and exercising regularly and staying well-hydrated, but you were thinking, "Bullshit! I'll just get another doctor to do it next time."

      But you are going to wish you had listened. Damn, girl, at 21 or 22, have you seen how good most women look at that age, NATURALLY, especially their healthy skin and complexions? You need to get your shit together, or you'll look like a 60 yr old woman physically before you're 30. Except your legs will look like a golf ball with all the dimples from the pock marks from the needle. You can wear all of the compression hose you want, but if you think you can hide it today, which you can't, wait until you're 28 or 35.

      Grow up.

    3. Anonymous7:32 PM

      Kristi Alley just kicked Barstools ass tonight. The judges know it too.
      They told her she was fantastic for her age! A slam at the young barstool.

      Go Kristy! I voted for her and Maks

    4. Anonymous8:43 PM

      me too. at registered thru Facebook.

      Damn, that was too easy. I'm gettin all hi-tech and shit. Look at Me. I'm like Sarah Palin except I'm not retarded and I have more hair on my head and just the right amount of meat on my ass! Unlike Sarah on all counts.

      Go Kirstie!

    5. Anonymous8:53 PM

      I voted for everybody but Bristol!!

    6. Anonymous9:51 PM

      Since only one is cut, I voted all my 12 votes for KIRSTIE since half of her score is from the voting. It would suck if Bristol's score is the worst by far, but she sticks around because all of her mother's fanbots are dead broke and can't afford to go anywhere, so they just stay home and vote all their votes for bar stool.

  3. She looks pregnant in that sideways shot!!!

    1. Anonymous9:30 PM

      I think she IS preggo! What she said " I am a redneck woman, I AWAYS have a baby on my hip"...

      There you go folks...straight from the cows mouth.
      She off the adderal b/c she is preggo and eating for two.

      When she gets voted off tomorrow, we won't see her for awhile...

  4. Anonymous5:08 PM

    The 'Vote for the Worst' folks have taken an interest in Bristol. I'll be surprised if she doesn't stay around for at least 3 more weeks.

  5. Anonymous5:12 PM

    I just watched it...they scored 3 6's. Hope she's gone next week. Sarah and-by the looks of it-her newly botoxed face were there as was Todd.

  6.'s a blurry copy from a Bot!

    WARNING! She was truly worse than what I read on the forum...and Baldy was there looking even more retarded than usual!

  7. Anonymous5:17 PM

    bristol/mark=18. lowest scores so far

    1. Anonymous7:53 PM

      they didn't even deserve that.

  8. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Well I am relieved that we didn't get to look at a frontal shot of her in those shorts. Good Lord. I had the show on in the background and heard her name come up so I watched. She really sucked this time around. Not that last week was GOOD, it was just better than Anderson's. The only way she'll stay in it this week is if she gets a massive amt. of votes from minions. I don't think there are enough anymore. She also looked REALLY pissed of when the judges gave her the scores. :)

  9. Anonymous5:21 PM


  10. Anonymous5:22 PM

    She did horrible tonight and the judges even let her know it. Sarah and Toad were in the audience standing during the whole time she was dancing. Disgusting! Hopefully, she will go home tomorrow night.

  11. Anonymous5:24 PM

    B's "dance" depicted a HO DOWN. Nuff said. Michele

    1. Anonymous5:56 PM

      Like she said, her "favorite" and where she feels most comfortable. Thanks for saying it yourself, bp!

    2. Anonymous7:42 PM

      Favorite? Most comfortable?

      That would have to be the dance Bristol can do lying on her back, with boots in the air.

    3. Anonymous8:05 PM

      And guzzling wine coolers and sucking on a meth pipe.

    4. Anonymous8:33 PM

      7:42..that would be the Boot Scooting Boogie also too Whose's Bed Have Your Boots Been Under, though I doubt she's used a bed, tents, pickups and hot tubs are more the style for Bristy the Red Neck Women.

    5. Anonymous8:46 PM

      Bristool needs to feed her crotch a happy meal or something... cuz it looks like it's eating those teeny tiny shorts she's got on getting into her truck.

    6. Anonymous9:55 PM

      Anonymous8:33 PM

      Bone shockin' coochie.

  12. Oh lawd she looks dirtier and skanker than her insufferable mother. I think she had more clothes on when levi "raped" her

    I see palin passed her legacy down...a flat ass and cellulite.

  13. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Kirstie Alley, almost three times Bristol's age, got a higher score tonight.

  14. Anonymous5:43 PM


  15. Anonymous5:44 PM

    I see she inherited her mother's keen fashion sense.
    I literally Laughed out loud when I saw that pic. Apparently she's being dressed by a democrat or the palins don't believe in mirrors.

  16. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Why wasn't Tri dash G there? Where's Trig???

    1. Anonymous7:47 PM

      Tri-G's with his birth mother and real family most of the time these days except whenever there's a photo-op.

      I wonder if Sarah ever remembers to send a text to her youngest daughter every now and then? Perhaps on Piper's birthday, they'll all say Hi to her, as long as RAM reminds Sarah 5 times that same day.

    2. Anonymous8:49 PM

      "wonder if Sarah ever remembers to send a text to her youngest daughter every now and then?"

      Probably not. That Piper is going to be an angry young lady soon. I mean she's all ready pissed at Sarah. But once she gets a little older, say when she gets her driver's license, look out!

  17. Anonymous5:47 PM

    NOTHING she's wearing matches. Not even her purse. WTF? Is this some new trend?

  18. Anonymous5:51 PM

    can't follow rule s- and this time it'll bite her. typical product of bad parenting:

  19. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Bristol is a great example of why you shouldn't do drugs while pregnant. Look how badly she turned out! I'm starting to think her retardation is more sever than "mild". No wonder she hates Sarah!

  20. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Her steps were really off, way off.
    And I did notice that this Good Christian girl was simulating f#cking with her dance partner.

    I had really thought she would do much better this time since she isn't 7 months pregnant, but I guess not.

    1. Anonymous7:52 PM

      Simulation is a positive step for Bris-tool. Usually, she doesn't stop at that point. What I really mean to say is, "Abstinence, My Ass!"

    2. Anonymous7:54 PM

      simulating fucking is what she does best.

    3. Anonymous8:54 PM

      I'd still wear a condom, keep my pants on and wear my london fog raincoat with gloves and goggles, even if Bristol's "simulating" nearby.

      Just in case that family's "stupid" was contracted through sexual contact with one another. Whatever they got, I don't need.

  21. That was awkward, embarrassing, and kind of disgusting.

  22. Anonymous5:59 PM

    She dances like a cow.

    1. Anonymous7:53 PM

      Yes, but slower.

  23. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Same old, same old. Brisket was pretty bad though she did manage to fit a fake intercourse scene in like most good Christian girls do.
    Sarah and Tawd acted like the hicks they are with horrible manners by standing all the time.

  24. Anonymous6:01 PM

    After Bitchstol finishes tonight play Scarah's reaction in slow motion. She knows B did horrible and her nostrils flare like "How the hell am I gonna spin this one?" Pure psycho at work!

  25. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Bristol was in last place. She was smacking on gum during the entire time even at the end of the show. No class whatsoever.

    1. Anonymous6:15 PM

      That was so gross. She's leaning over the railing chewing with her mouth open like some low class tramp. And that is about what the dance looked know,when I watch the real dancers, I marvel at their doing steps I could never dream of mastering. I see Bristol and think, "yeah that looks really easy." Some star.

    2. Anonymous6:21 PM

      So Carrie Ann thinks she's 'come so far?' Doesn't say much about where she began is this is a huge improvement for Carrie. Time to leave Bristol, before you get really embarrassed by the real dancers and real stars. Mark can't save you this time.

    3. Anonymous6:51 PM

      1/2 step up from a barn floor line dance. Bitchtol lookin' rode hard and put back wet.

  26. Anonymous6:03 PM

    HOOCHIE MAMA...I've seen people dance better than that at local country bars. She totally sucks! Was that Willow next to "hair school" over already? LOL What "hair school"????

    1. Anonymous6:43 PM

      My daughter started ballet and jazz in 3nd grade, and by 4th/5th grade was doing little performances with kiddie dance troupes in local fairs as well as the dance competition circuit. We aren't talking Joffrey apprenticeships; we're talking moderately talented kids who spent several hours a week learning how to dance, and had some talent for it. The least talented of the kids in those troupes were better than Brisdull by a country mile. And they weren't skank ho's neither.

    2. Anonymous7:15 PM

      My granddaughter is six, and showed more talent last spring at her ballet and tap recital than Bristol. Anna was focused, light on her feet, totally into her characters already, and will never be taken for some deluded person who wanted to be homecoming queen but couldn't because she was having babies.

    3. Anonymous8:56 PM

      Good for Anna. And for you, too for encouraging her!

      Don't let her watch Bristol until she's old enough to be able to laugh at that girls obvious laziness.

  27. Anonymous6:06 PM

    yikes! can't watch those trashy family anymore

  28. Anonymous6:08 PM

    At the very end, when all the dancers are standing out on the floor, the dancers were animated and smiling wildly but not Bristol. She was smacking on some gum and barely managed to smile. What's up with that??

    1. Anonymous6:29 PM

      Entitlement. It's an improvement over her last appearance when she cried and wanted to go home. She doesn't want to be there. Stage Mama Sarah is promoting Bristol, and pushing her into a world that she is unsuited for.

    2. Anonymous7:15 PM

      sp SO wants to be out there on the dance floor herself!! I'm surprised she hasn't busted loose and run out there before now.

    3. Anonymous7:57 PM

      She's embarrassed about the score. Well below the next lowest score.

  29. Anonymous6:08 PM

    The only thing missing on Bristol's nasty shorts is the lettering


    1. Anonymous6:31 PM


    2. Anonymous8:04 PM

      Bristol's can open up Wasilla's first bar & card room combo and wear her skanky shorts as the hostess... then all she'd need to complete her outfit is a t-shirt that says:

      Liquor Up Front.
      Poker in the Rear.

  30. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Well, I want to be fair, so I have to say her dancing and confidence have improved since her chin implant, but that isn't saying much. She's just not in the same league as the other dancers, period. And Sarah is such a pitifully obvious attention seeker -- it's really nauseating to watch her when she knows the camera's on her. Please, let this be the last week...

    1. Byaka7:33 PM

      Honestly, she (bristol) looks better than last time. Not that that is saying much...

    2. Anonymous8:56 PM

      So, if the insufferable bitch is voted off this week, does she still stick around to do her insufferable "blog"? This is a rhetorical question, I don't really want to know.

    3. Anonymous9:02 PM

      Yeah, relating that to doing the limbo dance, the stick is 5 feet high and she's 4'11". She doesn't have to duck, she just had to remember not to jump when she was right under the stick.

  31. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Oh mommy I got Most Improved again!!!!!

    1. Anonymous7:12 PM

      Oh goody. We can put the trophy next to me Miss Alaska Miss Congeniality trophy in Grandpee's trophy room.

  32. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Boy Willow sure didn't look enthused about her sister dancing..The outfit she wore in that picture with Gino was better than this but I think she was thinner then also too.

    1. Anonymous8:05 PM

      Yeppers, she's filling out again.

    2. Anonymous8:57 PM

      Willow doesn't do enthusiasm, as far as I've ever seen.

    3. Anonymous9:58 PM

      Enthusiasm causes too much stress when there's no personality to reflect the emotion, so Willow just gets agitated and then breaks into somebody's house and destroys shit.

  33. Anonymous6:13 PM

    "I LIKE THE HOE DOWN!" Len Goodman


    1. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Yea, Bristy's had a lot of experience doing the HoeDown. I anyone in this world as conceited as Sarah when the camera's on her..Jeebus I just saw an ad for DWTS on The Insider and they were showing all the dancers and of course the only one person from audience SARAH..don't be to sure sucky Bristy will be off tonight.

    2. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Hoe down?

      Dems fighting words.....

    3. Anonymous8:09 PM

      Down? On her knees and elbows?

      This ain't no Creepy Chucky Sr & Jr book signing, now. You REALLY need to take a number to get a be sure you have a spot in line for this Ho-down.

  34. Anonymous6:14 PM

    6 6 6...weren't your scores the mark if the beast, Bristol? Yep, that fits!

  35. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Why hasn't she gained weight yet?
    Oh right because she was pregnant last time. CONFIRMED.
    The only question left is what happened to the baby? Aborted in Arizona??

  36. Anonymous6:15 PM

    OMG did you see Sarah's face in that clip? She looked like a ventriloquist dummy! Wheres the lower jaw? WTF

  37. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Did anyone notice how she just left laying on the ground? The gut in the balcony were laughing about it. It looks like is really pissed at him. Poor Mark!

  38. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Palease tell me that Mark Ballas didn't vertically dry hump-poked Bristol right in front of her parents!

    At least go into your canvas tent.

    1. Anonymous8:11 PM

      Todd was hoping to see a money shot!

      Those Palin girls sure make their Momma and Daddy proud, don't they?

    2. Anonymous9:41 PM

      Did you see Todd's face when Mark went to "kiss her" Frozen anger. hahahah That is a protective father. No wonder Bristol had to date a boy who's mother didn't care that they were in his room.

  39. Anonymous6:19 PM

    did ya see the rat's nest in the back of the mama grizzley's head? I'd love to know what the person behind her was thinking!
    bubayyyyyyyyyeeeee. White trash family... your extended 15 minute of fame is over. no more reality shows for this trailer trash. the palin show has finally run out of steam.

    1. I suspect the people behind the Palins were also Palins/Heaths/McCanns, etc. An entourage of only 3 is uncharacteristic.

      There's so many of the extended Palin/etc. brood, though, they're practically anonymous. Trust me, though, there weren't just 3 Palins there.

    2. Anonymous9:07 PM

      "Trust me, though, there weren't just 3 Palins there."

      Oh, I trust you. When you invite one, it's one "dozen" in Palin terms.

      Not just 3 Palins are gonna be there when there's possible ABC and DWTS logo swag merchandise to be had.

      Sarah needs to get a couple of t-shirts and at least one pair of shorts. She'll wear those mother fuckers for the next 4 years, too, also.

      Maybe she'll get two pairs of shorts and smell half as bad between now and 2015 when she runs her next fake campaign.

    3. Anonymous9:15 PM

      The why wasn't the rest of the family standing up?

  40. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Poor Bristol with the botched chin job. She is still doing Sarah's bidding. While she is certainly an ignorant hillbilly, I doubt the old ass song "Redneck Woman" is her favorite. That bullshit along with the gun shooting facade were strictly for Mommy Dearests's sad little followers, if there are any left. Didn't the lady who originally sang that song perform at one of the Grifter rallies back in the day? How pathetic. Equally pathetic is the idea that Bristol being on DWTS could rescue $arah from her rapid descent into obscurity. Sarah looks so desperate and I feel embarrassed for Bristol because I don't think she has the sense to be embarrassed herself.

  41. Anonymous6:20 PM

    "Bristol has come so far" - Carrie Anne

    Bristol: Mommy Carrie Anne loved me!


    1. Anonymous6:30 PM

      How will Mark spin that belittling remark from Carrie Ann?

  42. I don’t think she’s capable of family/home/job like the rest of us have had to juggle. What you see right there is all she can do.

  43. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Somebody needs to tell Sarah don't have that "DUH!" look at 2:15. She looks ridiculous.

  44. Anonymous6:26 PM

    I have seen better line dancing in a Texas bar, and none of those people claim to be stars. That was pathetic. That must be the best that Bristol can do, given her strenuous schedule of practice. Please put that gal out of her misery!

  45. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Better dancing at any southern pub. Heavy on feet as always,Slow on footwork,no musicality,no rhythm,too much slow hoochie posing. OUT! She is HO Down girl,by her choice. And she IS. Michele

  46. Anonymous6:29 PM

    This week Carrie Ann thinks Bristol come so far.

    Last week Carrie Ann said Bristol is the most improved.

    Tell me, is this DWTS All Star Contest or give the Borderline Retard Some Hope Contest?

    1. Anonymous7:10 PM

      Gotta build up her self-esteem, evidently. Someone should tell ehr to keep her mouth closed when she's chewing gum, or was that tobacco?

    2. Anonymous8:03 PM

      I don"t know how far Bitchtol's come, but with Tripp as proof, we know she's gone too far.

    3. Anonymous10:00 PM

      "...we know she's gone too far."

      A many a time, ever day and twice on Sunday.

  47. Anonymous6:31 PM

    I thought that was supposed to be a QUICK step. It looked like a Western Waltz. That must be the limit of Bristol's ability. She has no business being on that show. Some of the other dancers are miles and miles ahead of her. If she survives, it is definitely fixed.

  48. Anonymous6:31 PM

    I hope Willow didn't pay for that hair style.

    1. Anonymous7:35 PM

      They give those hair styles with a bowl of soup and a slice of bread in the penitentiary.

  49. Anonymous6:35 PM

    I watched it with the sound off which I recommend before watching it with sound. It's official - Bristol still CAN NOT dance whatsoever! She has no natural rhythm. Can't lift her legs up. She just goes through the motions and the steps kind of like a jr. high school cheerleader would but worse. When she swivels and thrusts her hips even that is bad. Whatever she's doing, it's certainly not called dancing.

    1. Anonymous7:09 PM

      I liked when they turned and Mark did a huge arched back and Bristol just kept shuffling. And her knees were never as high as his. She has no clue what it means to dance with a partner, but she sure has the hands over head hip swivel going for her. That and a box of popcorn won't even get you another fake TV show, Bristol. Get an education. Where are your children? I think Willow was there because even Sarah might see the writing on this wall, or the door that is about to be slammed in Bristol's fake face.

  50. lostinmn6:37 PM

    Based on the amount of camera time they give Sara I'm guessing the fix is in for her to keep coming back. DWTS doesn't give a shit about credibility as long as the ratings are good. Since the mouthbreathers can only see her occasionally on Fox I'm guessing she'll get voted back on until the serious pushback starts coming in from people who take the show seriously. Egad, she's a dry humping machine, no wonder she's had three kids and how many other pregnancies. Her hips just start gyrating when she gets within two feet of a penis.

  51. JKarov6:38 PM

    This is utterly painful to watch, never mind that the entire puerile show is idiocy personified.

  52. That was some very bad dancing. Lead footed, our Bristol is. Three-year-olds in a dance recital are more proficient than Bristol. Not a lick of talent in those hooves.

    Sarah, FAUX News is calling. They want their wigs back.

    Hopefully, Bristol will be eliminated and Sarah can go back to spewing hatred on FAUX. Can't wait to hear her opinion of the debates. (Not really.)

    1. Anonymous7:06 PM

      You mean, no one asked Sarah to moderate a debate? She is a professional debater you know. Won tournaments in high school.

      And who wears boots and teeny tiny knit shorts in LA in October?
      Why, fashion maven Bristol, and the hookers on Hollywood Blvd. Bet they don't have the tunny pooch going on. It's almost a shame Brissy is done tomorrow..we won't be able to watch this pregnancy progress.

    2. Anonymous7:33 PM

      Sarah is a Master De-Bater?

    3. Anonymous8:05 PM

      A Master-bater, maybe. In both senses/spellings of that term.

    4. Anonymous8:19 PM

      Bristol thinks that's a cute "redneck" look.

      I'm sorry, but that's just her not knowing the difference between a flattering look for a dance contest and a slutty look that will get carloads of boys lined up on main street on Saturday night for her to do $10 blow-jobs specials.

    5. Anonymous8:48 PM

      It is interesting that she's in shorts in October, when in the heat of summer she was dressed like it was winter. What was she hiding under those sweat pants and sweat shirts that summer?

  53. Anonymous6:43 PM

    I think tonight proves that Sarah Palin reads Immoral Minority comments.

    Last week there were comments that even Sarah and Todd didn't stand up when Bristol pointed and shimmied.

    LOL.... Tonight they stood up which forced the other people behind them to stand up too.

    Don't you hate it when somebody in front of you stands up for no reason?

    1. Anonymous8:20 PM

      Sometimes it's impossible to sit that ho-down.

    2. Anonymous9:37 PM


  54. Anonymous6:44 PM

    They sure have strange Christian family values..hahahaha..they are a backwoods, hoe down joke!!

  55. Anonymous6:44 PM

    What is Willow doing at DWTS? Isn't Willow suppose to be in high school?

    Oh I forgot, Willow dropped out in her Sophomore year. Was that her breaking and entering years?

  56. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Who was sitting on Willow's left side?

    Her probation officer?

    1. Anonymous6:49 PM

      My guess according to Willow's new hairstyle, her lover?

    2. Anonymous7:53 PM

      Maybe Bristol needs a lover companion too? She seems to have problems keeping guys around.

    3. Anonymous9:37 PM

      She's hates needy guys, nort that she's had that many boyfriends. 4 total.

  57. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Why can't she even TRY to dance?? I mean seriously?!?!

  58. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Bristol Palin and Mark Ballas

    Having been in the bottom three last week, Bristol needs to try to mix things up tonight and create some Palin fever. Unfortunately, what she musters is more like a cold. The duo do the quickstep, and Bristol struggles badly with the footwork. Despite giving Palin a very warm review, Len, Bruno, and Carrie condemn her with a lowly 18. Yipes.


    Lowly 18? Those were high scores for what Bristol did.

    I expected "0s" for the Hoe doing the Hoe Down.

  59. WakeUpAmerica6:55 PM

    OMG! That was awful!
    And those first two pictures? Seriously, WHO wears boots with spandex winker shorts? Geez, I didn't know poor taste was genetic. Holy crap that was a disaster!

  60. Anonymous6:57 PM

    DWTS hair stylists are very good, except for tonight.

    Bristol's hair style just emphasizes her big bulbous forehead. They need to camouflage it.

    1. Anonymous8:23 PM

      With a ski mask.

    2. Anonymous9:51 PM

      Your obsession with bulbous foreheads is ludicrous.

  61. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Ouch!! that was so painful to watch..awful.

  62. Anonymous7:06 PM

    I don't mean to be ugly about this, Jesse, but that's not shyness protruding from Bristol's legs where the legs of her shorts are cutting off the circulation. That just fat.

    She looks bigger than she did in the publicity photos of her and Mark that were first released. And her legs look lumpier.

    She must be the laziest person ever to show no muscle ton in the backs of her legs at all. Look at the top of her "calf". There's no definition.

    I'm not saying she doesn't have the tone of a professional dancer or even a fit, active 21 year old. I'm saying she doesn't look as fit as she did supposedly 100+ hours of strenuous exercise a month or do ago.

    1. Anonymous7:31 PM

      Bristol has to wear boots because she doesn't have ankles. Her legs goes straight to her feet.

    2. Anonymous9:17 PM


      Same behind her knees. There's no convergence between the muscles and joint. It's just flesh packed in there where you should see a hamstring and other tendons with some definition in the muscles.

      That's one reason she doesn't lift her feet off the ground and she's so slow. She hasn't worked to develop strength and agility. That's why she moves like our old mule right before they took it to the glue factory.

  63. Anonymous7:07 PM

    6 6 6
    Mark of the beast!
    Palins are Satan!
    I knew it!

  64. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Wasn't that Gino dancing with her? Where's Mark?

    1. Anonymous7:30 PM

      The question is where is Gino? Has the Alaska State Troopers checked all the highways or bear dung where Gino was last seen when Bristol threw him out on the lonely highway?

    2. Anonymous9:36 PM

      That is not your business.

  65. Anonymous7:12 PM

    As usual, Bristol and Mark have to cover up her lack of talent with props. Meanwhile, other couples just dance.

  66. Anonymous7:13 PM

    She is the laziest of lazies.

  67. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Bristol has NO personality..even when she talks her voice is BORING. But she thinks she's so hot and awesomely cool.

    1. Anonymous9:35 PM

      She's not a celebrity and doesn't identify with all that.

  68. Anonymous7:28 PM

    This is just my opinion but I think Sarah should take Willow to go see a kidney doctor. It looks like Willow has way too much edema in her legs which could mean something serious.

    1. Anonymous8:25 PM

      Like pregnancy?

    2. Anonymous9:31 PM

      Or she inherited Sarahs big legs.

  69. G-man, did you notice in the practice dance Brisket said that she is a red-neck lady & HAS A BABY ON HER HIP ALL THE TIME. Isn't Tripp a little too big to be on her hip all the time. Maybe her DWTS's baby ??


    1. Anonymous9:20 PM

      Good catch. I was too busy wincing at the pride in her voice as she was describing herself with that "baby" on her hip.

    2. Anonymous9:31 PM

      She's been referring to Tripp as a baby for years now, despite him doing things a 6 yr old does.

  70. Anonymous7:37 PM

    What did Mark tweet out before the competition? Something about Bristol being enthused and excited?

    About what?

    1. Anonymous7:55 PM

      Don't be so cruel. The girl is retarded.

    2. Anonymous9:22 PM

      She saw a fire truck. On TV. She sure did.
      And she liked that fire truck.

  71. Anonymous7:39 PM


    Anonymous3:59 PM
    You haters prepare to have your socks blown off tonight on DWTS. Bristol will be dancing to her favorite song tonight and she has been working hard at it all week. I would be terribly surprised, upset and shocked if Bristol wasn't asked to perform the encore dance the next day. Bristol will be a Maverick tonight doing steps that no one has ever seen before.

    "And this second week will be a blast!! We’ll be doing the quick step, which is supposed to be fast and powerful. But we won’t be doing just any quick step!"

    "Mark had to tweak our moves a bit, because I get to use my favorite song… I doubt anyone’s ever done to the quick step to this. Though I can’t tell you what it is just yet, I know you’ll love it. It’s my anthem, the type of song I sing around the house."

    "Will my love for the song make me move a little better? We’ll see!"

    1. Dang, I was so hoping my socks would be blown off so I wouldn't have to bend over and peel them off my sweaty feet. It was over 100 here today and I could have used some help. Thx for nothing, as usual, lil miss Bristly.

    2. Anonymous9:28 PM

      Anonymous3:59 PM
      "You haters prepare to have your socks blown off tonight..."

      So Bristol now has a foot fetish, or is it just the socks that she blows? Shit, I'm not a hater but I'm still putting my work boots on, the steel-toed ones. I always use protection.

      These things don't usually pass for a phallic symbol, but I don't want to lose a couple of toes by taking unnecessary chances after I've been warned about Bristol's threats to blow us all feet, er socks first.

  72. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Ha! Bristol is at the bottom of the barrel, both with the judges and the public. It remains to be seen if Sarah's "bots" will game the system AGAIN. I hope Bristol is gone gone gone tomorrow. Then I will watch DWTS to see some real dancing. Bristol is a heffalump - doing the Texas stomp. She sure has that hip gyration going though....

    PS rumors that Mark Ballas and Bristol are now an item. Sorry Gino, you really did get kicked out of the car. Better get your promise ring back if Bristol hasn't already hocked it.

    PPS I thought Willow was some 40 year old dame in the audience.

    1. Anonymous8:17 PM

      I do not believe that rumor. Mark is in a serious relationship with a beautiful blonde CA girl that lives with him. He is a CA liberal that loves to party.

    2. Anonymous8:22 PM

      G, I wish you would post what happened to Gino? Also, Levi seems to be satisfied with his visitation with Tripp as he told Inside Edition that it was better. Give us folks in the lower 48 the scoope on what's happening with Bristol and her X's.

    3. Anonymous9:28 PM

      Bristol dumped Gino long ago.

    4. Anonymous9:52 PM

      @7:41 pm hmmmm, he just broke up with his GF...was out partying with some starlet.
      @8:17 pm oh shit, Krusty has shown up.
      Hey krusty, couldn't vote enough times? They got IP locks on the computer voting?

  73. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Sarah and Todd, when you look at that picture of Bristol in those tight grey shorts, can you imagine how many guys got in there?

    Just mind boggling!

    1. Anonymous7:51 PM

      Where's Bristol's panty lines? Cochina!

    2. Anonymous7:54 PM

      Levi is smiling because he didn't get anybody's sloppy seconds.

    3. Anonymous9:27 PM

      im gonna say 2.

    4. Anonymous9:27 PM

      That is something you , Gryphen and no one outside Bristol will ever know.

    5. Anonymous9:37 PM

      Anonymous7:41 PM
      "...can you imagine how many guys got in there?"

      At one time, now THAT would be an interesting story. But as far as one at a time, a bunch. I mean a whole damn bunch.

      In fact, I don't have to imagine when I can count about 15 right off hand from memory because they admitted to it. You don't hear them bragging though, do you?

      Lots of sighs of relief when Bristol's (ahem) autobiography came out and lots of names were omitted. We figure she might've been too drunk to remember each one of em because she did a many a hoe-down when she was out jonesing for a bonesing.

  74. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Brisdull is in way over her head. Not in the same league as any of these contestants. That was supposed to be a quick step my dau said looked more like a waltz. Goofed up dance steps. leg kicks, and as usually the judges said she was so improved. and harder on the other dancers. Everyone other dancers had way more steps in their dances and len had the nerve to tell Shawn she to do more with that snappy good preformance. i thought they were all good except Brisdull. She was BAD. The fix is on if she stays.Maybe ppl will get so mad the show will be over !

  75. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Bristol and Mark are definitely no Pita and Donald compared to the Finals last year.

  76. Anonymous7:44 PM

    I hope she is gone tomorrow. She can't dance and she is not a star. And I hope she takes Mark Ballas with her. I have no more respect for him than I do for Bristol.

    1. Anonymous9:26 PM

      Theres no reason to disrespect Mark. You're despicable. And Im sure Bristol thinking shell leave tomorrow. Not that she cares. This is fun for her. She knows she doesnt deserve to win which is hwy shes chosen a favorite to win

    2. Anonymous9:42 PM

      Yeah, plus she's got a shit load of books left to sell, and maybe the Creepy Chucks will help her sell some if she just goes on the road with them for a few days.

      Hell, they probably get tired of just talking only to one another because nobody's coming in to buy that piece of shit they call "OUR SARAH". Bristol can do some of that hoe-downing for them and pick up some change in the tip jar.

  77. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Bristol Palin is like the last place little league team that get a trophy for the effort. Now haul your untalented ass back to Wasilla.

    1. Anonymous8:03 PM

      Gino and his puppy are waiting for you Bristol.

    2. Anonymous8:04 PM

      Wasilla doesn't want Bristol.

      That's why Sarah is always roaming the lower 48, they don't want her in Alaska either.

  78. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Hey Bristol, it's week two Hun. How much weight have you gained?

  79. Who dresses Bristol for this show? No other contestant has EVER looked so awful - Part of the wonder of such shows are the clothes and Bristol gives that away via cheap and tawdry - horrible.

    1. Anonymous8:13 PM

      Mark and Bristol have a say in what they wear. Bristol wanted to look like a true redneck tonight.

  80. Anonymous7:50 PM

    If I were Sarah I would be pissed that they penalized Bristol for letting go.

    The last time Bristol held on and didn't let go she had a 9 month case of mono - missed high school- was sent away to live at her auntie's house and then there was the time Bristol didn't let go and gained weight during her last DWTS appearance and then she disappeared right after the finals and missed the DWTS traveling show for the finalists. I forgot, Bristol didn't let go when she was with Levi in her canvas tent.

  81. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Bristol took FIRST PLACE in the list! Way to go girl!

    Bristol Palin and Mark Ballas 18
    Kirstie Alley and Maksim Chmerkovskiy 21
    Kelly Monaco and Val Chmerkovskiy 22
    Emmitt Smith and Cheryl Burke 22.5
    Drew Lachey and Anna Trebunskaya 22.5
    Joey Fatone and Kym Johnson 22.5
    Helio Castroneves and Chelsie Hightower 23
    Melissa Rycroft and Tony Dovolani 23.5
    Apolo Anton Ohno and Karina Smirnoff 24.5
    Shawn Johnson and Derek Hough 25
    Gilles Marini and Peta Murgatroyd 25.5
    Sabrina Bryan and Louis Van Amstel 26

    1. Anonymous9:44 PM

      This ain't golf. This is hoe-downin'. More points is good. Low points mean you suck. Bristol sucks. I know, I know, tell you something you don't already know...

  82. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Her purse is so large, the shorts so small. Nothing matches, her hair looks dirty. Does she dress this way on purpose? I have no idea.

    The shape of her legs has definitely changed, unless the photo by the car is photoshopped. After my FIRST child, my tummy went back flat. After my SECOND child, my tummy went back flat. I only gained a protruding tummy through the years and middle age; probably too much eating our or poor choice of foods.

    I'm glad she's getting the appropriate scores now; hope that continues. Why don't Sarah, Todd, et all support good mothering, rather than supposedly "good dancing"? I feel so sorry for Tripp & Trig, not to mention Piper and Willow.

    1. Anonymous9:24 PM

      Because one dresses up to rehearse a dance. pshAnd she does hike constantly and do yoga.

  83. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Deja Vu!

    Seeing Bristol in those grey shorts reminds me of the Warrior Within statue that used to be in front of Wasilla High School.

    Uncanny resemblance.

  84. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Do you think Bristol is so depressed and embarrassed about tonight's performance that she ran off to the Cheese Cake Factory?

    Get the "To Go" bags, Bristol is a comin' to the factory!

  85. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Mark wrote the dance knowing he was teaching Bristol to break the rules. I think he is tired of having to be nice to her in public. He lives in LA & is building his own singing career from there. Bristol has him in AZ for practice. I think he wants out now and the 3 judges are helping him by making sure they give her the lowest scores of the night.

    1. Anonymous9:23 PM

      Mark's broken the rules with many partners.

  86. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Mark sure is all lovey dovey with Bristol. Squeezes, hugs, and kisses, and she doesn't seem very receptive, at least when the cameras are rolling. Is Mark Ballas the "better daddy" she is looking for for Tripp?

    1. Anonymous9:22 PM

      BRistols a prude.

  87. Anonymous8:14 PM

    I wonder if Brisket is jealous of June and her family. It seems the Honey Boo Boo family has been handed a raise without even asking gor one for season two.
    Brisket must feel very badly that they thought June was prettier than her and had a better vocabulary.

    Oh, yeah and Honey Boo Boo doesn't say faggot either.
    She says everyones a little gay and loves her openly gay uncle.

  88. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Hey, wholesome Christain girl, are those shorts painted on?

    1. Anonymous9:22 PM

      They're shorts. Remember, she'd need to wear something like her actual costume.

  89. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Didn't see Piper. Did Sarah finally send her back to school?

    1. Anonymous9:22 PM

      Molly, McKinley, Piper, Nancy, and some blond girl were there as well.

  90. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Hey..Kelly and Val found Sarah's water

  91. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Bristol said that she just wanted to make it past the first week. She got her wish. Now it's time for Sarah to start planning Bristol's next career move. It's hard trying to think of something for Bristol to do that puts her in the spotlight, while she doesn't have any talent and doesn't seem to work too hard. Ah, politician! I think that I can spot the next Mayor of Wasilla!

  92. She can actually move a little this time, not being pregnant.

    Not that she's very good; still has no rhythm.

    Better than I could do, but I'm quite a bit older than her.

  93. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Bristol thought she'd go home last week. I doubt shell care if sh eleaves tomorrow. She's already said who shes rooting for.

  94. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Compared to the other dancers that was horribly pathetic!! This is the product of a week's practice? No rhythm, no gracefulness, no fluidity between moves and absolutely no talent whatsoever. I hope she gets tossed out. What a waste of time.

  95. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Pl. do you have to review and write abt her stupid moves? She does not anymore publicty.


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