Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Ben Stein does the unthinkable and tells the truth on Fox News. Fears he won't get out of studio alive.

Essentially Stein all but embraces the President's entire economic plan.

There you go, NOW will the viewers of Fox news understand that they are being lied to by the Republican party and their Fox News propagandists?

Yeah probably not.

Gee I wonder what Ben Stein will do now that he is going to be persona non grata at Fox?


  1. Anonymous6:25 AM

    "Gee I wonder what Ben Stein will do now that he is going to be persona non grata at Fox?"

    I dunno, live a happier and more truthful life?

  2. Anonymous6:48 AM

    I'm surprised Fox didn't go to a commercial break and come back with a different guest.

  3. Anonymous6:55 AM

    WOW! Great clip. I'm glad that Stein threw in the part of not wanting his grandchildren to face a bankrupt America. If viewers can't comprehend the historical and budget facts, maybe this comment will make them think on an emotional level.

  4. I love the looks on the couch dwellers' faces.

    "Hmmm, very interesting (what do we do? what do we do? what do we do?)"

  5. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Here he is saying the exact same thing last year on Fox:

    He seems to be their whipping boy on this topic.

  6. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Oh, they were so uncomfortable! Literally squirming. (Collectively, is that a squrimish??)

  7. Anonymous7:19 AM

    The fact that he first says that he hopes he gets out alive, and then has to apologize to the hosts, not for the content of his remarks but for the fact that they don't want to hear what he has to say, is what is truly remarkable.

    And the point will be lost on their entire audience.

  8. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Ben Stein is weird.

  9. eclecticsandra7:36 AM

    He was just giving the facts. Economists seem to agree that there is not a correlation between taxation rates and productivity. There are many other factors to consider, especially history.

  10. Not sure where to put this tidbit so I will do it here. Has anyone else heard that Scarah Palin Re-tweeted Ann Coulters remark calling the President "Retarted". I have a screen cap of the evidence.

  11. Anonymous9:11 AM

    O/T. A shining moment in all the dreck:

  12. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Yeah I wonder if the Vanderbuilts and the Rockefellars felt like they went without paying those tax rates?

  13. Anonymous2:06 PM

    He'll be able to walk out as his leisure, because most of the Foxes are gripping their heads, unable to loose that feeling of logic although it conflicts with God's Voice.

  14. Paul - Minnesota5:08 AM

    Good. Now I can watch Ferris Bueller and not gag at Stein's cameo scene. (snark).

    I still don't like him (his other economic rants again the President and progressives), though he told the truth on Fox. Which is the one thing I'll admire about him.


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