Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Ladies if you get raped and impregnated "that is something God intended to happen." So says Indiana Republican Senate candidate Richard Mourdock. God, not a another one! Update!

Courtesy of CNN Politics:  

Richard Mourdock, running for U.S. Senate in Indiana, said at a debate Tuesday that pregnancies resulting from rape are intended by God. 

The Republican candidate was explaining his opposition to abortion in cases of rape or incest when he made the remark. 

"I struggled with it myself for a long time, and I realized that life is a gift from God, and I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something God intended to happen," Mourdock said, explaining that he would allow for exceptions to an abortion ban when a mother's life is in danger.

So, to be clear, what this guy is saying is that if a woman is impregnated during while being raped she no longer has any rights over her body, because God wants her to have a baby. WTF is wrong with these people?

Now this was not just a statement said in front of a small gathering of like minded supporters, this guy actually blurted this out during a DEBATE! So there is little doubt this is a firmly held belief of this ignorant asshole.

Gee I wonder if he considers it a legitimate rape? After all if God wants you to be a mommy, then he certainly wanted you to a get a good "legitimate" raping don't you think?

Now afterward Mourdock tried to walk his statement back:

"God does not want rape, and by no means was I suggesting that He does. Rape is a horrible thing, and for anyone to twist my words otherwise is absurd and sick," he continued.

Yes apparently "twist my words" is code for "quote what I said accurately." (P.S. There is video of him saying this in the debate at the link above. So much for "twisting.")

Let's face it, THIS is what the modern GOP thinks. Mourdock may be the latest Troglodyte to say it out loud, but he is certainly not the only knuckle dragger in the Republican party by a long shot.

Remember they also have Todd "Legitimate rape" Akin, and his pal Paul Ryan who joined him in authoring a "personhood" amendment, which essentially says that once a woman has a cluster of cells growing within her the government is allowed to take control of what she does with her body.

And let's not forget that the day BEFORE Mourdock made these statements Mitt Romney eagerly endorsed him in an ad:

"As senator, Richard will be the 51st vote to repeal and replace government-run health care," Romney says in the ad. "With so much at stake, I hope you'll join me in supporting Richard Mourdock for U.S. Senate." 

Once again, can somebody PLEASE tell me how Republicans get ANY votes from women? I simply don't get it.

Update: And of course this douchebag was also supported by SarahPAC to he tune of $5000.00.  So exactly WHY does Sarah Palin hate women so much?


  1. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Why anyone would vote Republican is beyond me. Mixing religion and government is so common place today that it makes me sick to my stomach!

    The Republican party (Romney, folks!) is anti women - in thought, word and deed.

    I've grown to abhore anything religion as well during the past four years! America is becoming less and less a christian nation and I'm in that category there is no doubt. I don't trust them and assuredly do not trust ANYONE that says they are Republican!

    Get out there folks and vote for Obama and Biden!

    1. Anonymous8:20 AM

      I have gotten to feel the same way! i just can't stand them. Lies just roll off their tounges. Since when has this become okay? but your such a christian warrior? My voting place is a penticostal church, in protest and voiced we opted to vote early at the election office.

    2. Anonymous9:45 AM

      Mixing religion and government is so common place today that it makes me sick to my stomach!

      Shannyn Moore writes about an event that took place last week in Alaska: Note that the state governor is directly involved.

      Last week an unholy alliance between church and state had a party. Gov. Sean Parnell headlined a benefit for a shape-shifting “religious” organization that spends most of its time obsessing over free-range uteruses and “curing” the gays. The melding of Alaska’s “religious right” with its “fiscal conservatives” is now a done deal. …

      A poster of the Koch brothers greeted attendees. Jim Minnery of the Alaska Family Council and its new overtly political arm, Alaska Family Action, explained that the two organizations had identical boards and were both run by Minnery. Now, with a flip of the light switch they can go from “religious” group to “political” group.

      Tricky! Hey, 38 other states had figured it out and now ours has too.

      The event was to raise money to buy access to a new database sold by the reactionary Koch Brothers. The database actually marries church records and Internet shopping histories to better target voters likely to oppose — in the present case — the Alaska Senate Bipartisan Working Group. Minnery explained that this little invasion of privacy was for “the Glory of God and to get conservatives in power.”

    3. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Hoosier here. realize that this guy primaried Richard Lugar. Whie RL wasn't my favorite, and I did have a problem with him not having an in-state residence. at least he was sane. The old style Republican that was about compromise and making government work. And he was intelligent and knowledgeable about foreign policy. I believe he and Biden were able to work together with some mutual respect.

      Mourdork is a TEabagger through and through.

  2. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Any wealthy woman can get an abortion at will. Even if the law required a pregnancy test at the airport going and coming, a woman returning non-pregnant can claim the baby was naturally rejected by her body. So US law and inside the US abortion availability are not relevant. There is always Sweden, Canada, ....

    The "gift of god" idiots want to CONTROL women. ANY woman can claim rape. She needs no proof because there is no possible absolute proof she said NO. Even a video of her saying "bring it on" doesn't preclude the existence of another rapist.

    Because "I was raped" is every woman's path to an uncontested abortion, the CONTROL freaks are trying to find a way to FORCE women to have the baby. And that means make laws so "raped" women have to have the baby. And that will be the financially challenged women, the poor women and the very young women.

    Mr. Mourdock wants your 12 year old daughter raped by her father to endure a pregnancy and birth. And although he says it's because his God wants it, the truth is that Mourdock WANTS to force a 12 year old to do what Mourdock WANTS. Mourdock is evil. None of the gods humanity has invented would claim Mourdock.

  3. Dinty7:31 AM

    And the winner of the Soupy Sales lookalike contest is....

  4. Anonymous7:31 AM

    I'm so relieved that Mourdock "struggled" with this issue. Hmmm. And what about the woman who is viciously attacked and raped. She doesn't matter; her "struggle" should be ignored because he (a man) came to a ludicrous conclusion after struggling. If a woman becomes pregnant as a result of rape, the decision to go forward with the pregnancy or to end it should be ENTIRELY HERS. it is her "struggle" to overcome what has happened to her, what a man did to her. It may be that the only way she can put the experience behind her is to end the pregnancy. No one else can make that decision. All of us, men and women, should support a woman who finds herself in the pregnant-as-a result-of-rape situation no matter what her decision is.

  5. Anonymous7:31 AM

    "Once again, can somebody PLEASE tell me how Republicans get ANY votes from women? I simply don't get it."

    Not only votes but endorsements and money... don't forget this guy was endorsed by Sarah Palin. Her PAC wrote a check to his campaign for $5000 on 10/15.

    1. Anonymous8:07 AM

      She must REALLY like Richard...

      SarahPAC gave another $5000 to Mourdock's campaign on 4/27/12.

    2. Anonymous5:26 PM

      There's a Mourdork office near me. I plan to go there tomorrow and ask the women I find inside.

  6. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Mourdock doesn't know that MY god gives gifts of testicular cancer. And the penalty for attempting to stop the cancer growth is 30 years in jail, general population, lots of group showers with men that are much larger, stronger and horny as MY god can make them.

    Enjoy your "gift", Mourdock.

  7. Fred "the slacktivist" Clark has a related post today in which he wonders about the fact that:
    "Due to hormone imbalances, genetic anomalies, and a number of unknown factors, between 50 percent and 75 percent of embryos fail to implant in the uterus and are passed with the monthly menstrual flow. If we agree with pro-life advocates that every embryo is as morally valuable as an adult human, this means that more than half of humans immediately die."

    Presumably they are all part of God's plan, too.

  8. lostinmn7:38 AM

    Any women who votes for Mitt hates herself and other women - that's all I have ever been able to figure out.

    1. Anonymous9:17 AM

      And any man who allows these Republican men to be elected, thus putting in danger the lives of their wives and daughters, mothers, friends, and co-workers: what are they thinking? That somehow it won't apply to them?

  9. Anonymous7:51 AM

    If pregnancy resulting from rape is a gift from God, then rapists must be His special delivery men, seeing's those "gifts" would have never arrived otherwise.

    Question: Why would an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent deity speak almost exclusively to nutjobs and idiots? If you ask me, that indicates a lack of good judgment on the deity's part.

    1. Anonymous8:42 AM


      Have you seen that vicious moron Palin's latest RAM-charged grab for attention? Says the President is "shucking and jiving". No lie. Is she mental?

    2. shucking? like shucking corn?
      and jiving like... I dunno, gangnam style???

      If my theory of poor Thesaurus use is correct.... shucking is to mean "cheat" and jive is to mean "bluff."

      Oh Sarah, it's so nice you're taking advice and trying to at least make the appearance of having extended your vocabulary.... but you might want to put a little more effort into it. People generally don't want to scroll down to definition number four, five, and six. Because shucking actually means "to remove the outer husk," and jiving means "to banter."

    3. Anonymous5:28 PM

      What's new? the Palins are fucking racist homophobes.

  10. Anonymous7:53 AM

    These so called right to lifers, don't want a woman to use birth control or end a pregnany that is forced upon her. I have a question why do they not want to accept God's will on them, when they have E D or just want to be a stud?? They are all for pills for that! Won't have anyone telling them they can't use vigara or anything like that--- that makes babies. If men would just accept what God hasin store for them, we could reduce the birth rate naturally.

  11. OT...Sarah Palin's racist Facebook post

    Obama's Shuck and Jive Ends With Benghazi Lies
    by Sarah Palin on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 at 11:39am ·
    As I mentioned on “On the Record” last night, there is breaking news that just two hours after the September 11th attacks on our consulate in Benghazi, the White House and State Department knew that an Islamic terrorist group with ties to al Qaeda claimed credit for the attack. We now know that the State Department sent an email to the White House, the Pentagon, the FBI and others in the intelligence community about this Islamist group claiming responsibility. And yet for days afterwards the White House and State Department led everyone to believe that the attack was the result of a spontaneous protest over an obscure YouTube video that had been uploaded months prior. Anywhere from 300 to 400 people from the administration and our intelligence community would have seen that email. Why the lies? Why the cover up? Why the dissembling about the cause of the murder of our ambassador on the anniversary of the worst terrorist attacks on American soil? We deserve answers to this. President Obama's shuck and jive shtick with these Benghazi lies must end.
    - Sarah Palin

    1. Racist, plain and simple.

    2. Baldy done lost the last of her marbles y'all! Now I KNOW for a FACT that Baldy called the President Sambo back in 08! She just busted her own stupid self! And this "shuck and jive" shit is her trying to compete with MAnn Coulter for the most hated Conservative woman by the "libruls"!

      How ironic that both these idiots look like MEN! And most folks thinks those two are Famewhores and just doing their jobs! Baldy is a joke and will continue to be one.

      Whatever that bald headed ugly, scarecrow looking, drug addict says is for her racist base! They are folks just like her...pitiful...fake Christians...who hate "others" who they think are beneath them.

      Baldy is to be pitied. She is worthless and she knows it...that's why she posted that shit! I can't get mad at somebody who is insane and is full of rage and drugs that she will do ANYTHING to be noticed!

      She's so desperate for attention that I expect her soon to have a "wardrobe malfunction" on FAKE News or flash her old...stinky coochie at her next speech...she almost did that in time she won't miss! LOL!

    3. Anonymous9:16 AM

      Why the "dissembling?" Sarah, could you please define the world?

      Separatelly, "shuck and jive" is purely racist. Someday, I trust, you'll be called on all your dreadful soul, your anti-Christian jibes.

      Shtick, on the other hand, is Yiddish. Do you know what Yiddish is, Sarah? To put "shuck and jive" and "shtick" together in one sentence is beyond satire.

      Karma is catching up with you fast, Sarah, and will arrive the week following the re-election of President Barack Obama.

      Then you can do all the shuck and jive in your exercise video that you want.

    4. Apparently she doesn't know that 'dissemble' means to conceal. And since everyone knew the date of the murder of Stevens, uh, preeeeeeeeeetty sure there was no concealment. Methinks someone doesn't quite know that when using a thesaurus, one should look up the new word they intend to use to make sure it fits. Hint: Sarah, when you're on thesuarus dot com, you can't just look up 'lie' and assume they all mean the same nature/degree of the original word.
      Although now I suppose i have a new way to pass the time when watching Gryphen's video imbeds: tally the number of times synonyms of "lie" pop up-- taken from the online thesaurus, of course, since I'm sure Sarah doesn't "endemic" one. (see, Sarah? perfect example of doin' it wrong)

  12. Anonymous7:57 AM

    I don't get why women would vote for them either. Perhaps some women think these issues do not affect them and some may be anti abortion regardless of circumstances.

    I do not think he believes God wanted the rape but God wants a baby impregnated by even a rapist.

  13. Anonymous8:08 AM

    This clip puts Romney's endorsement and Mourdock's statement together.

  14. In other news, God regrets not sending a giant tornado directly over the RNC in Tampa because at this point, even HE is about to lose it over these cheesebrained dipshits.

    I too am simply stunned that so many women say they'll vote republican/for Romney. We're not just talking a few- it's MILLIONS of women. I just do not understand. I was recently shocked into speechlessness when one of my oldest friends said she'd be voting for Romney. When I recovered my voice, I asked her if she thought other republicans would not judge/disavow her because she had had a very late term abortion. (her son had many severe birth defects including a plate of bone growing into one eye- his heart rate was almost twice the norm due to the pain he was experiencing. It was not possible for him to ever take one breath outside the womb because his lungs were growing outside his chest cavity. So she elected to end his suffering rather than keep him in pain for another eight weeks)

    She actually said "see? That's where you libs have it all wrong. Real republicans DON'T JUDGE PEOPLE."

    Then I was speechless ALL over again! When I told her she should test her theory be disclosing to ANY one of her republican friends "I had an abortion at 7 months pregnant" she insisted I would be proven wrong. I fear she is in for a very, very rude awakening.

    I should note- this person mentions fox news every damn day. They seriously are the embodiment of evil. They turn thinking, intelligent people like my old friend into robotic fearmongers and exploit every basic human weakness and fear until they have nothing but armies of hate filled locksteppers who don't actually know anything about the world around them nor the people inhabiting it.

    1. fromthediagonal10:05 AM

      Nyah, this is a sad, horrific story and no matter what your friend thinks now, she did what I would suggest was the only humane action for anyone to take in that situation.

      As for FOX? It is an unapologetic propaganda machine instilling fear and loathing by manipulating the brain until the Flight-or-Fight instinct kick in and all reasoning is abandoned.

      Be kind to your friend and keep trying. If she changed once, maybe she can change again.

    2. Anonymous10:57 AM

      This morning I dove to the Post Office behind a car with a vote "pro-life" bumper sticker and also a "Women for Mitt" (there are a few apparently) sticker and a "Catholic Radio xxxx") one. We both went to the Post Office but I wasn't sure which of the other women customers this person was.

      If I ever had the chance to have a conversation with the bumper-sticker woman, I would suggest that to be "pro-life" one has to be "pro children" as in wanting them to have universal healthcare, excellent educational and employment opportunities, supportive families, the best in environmental protection, serious recognition by the adults in their world that climate change must be addressed. I doubt if the woman driving with those bumper stickers would want all of those things for children. I do. For my grandchildren and for everyone else's children and grandchildren. I did not vote for Mitt; I am no longer a Catholic and I am pro-choice/pro-child. I do have an Obama/Biden bumper sticker on my car.

    3. Anonymous12:56 PM

      Beaglemom: I could have written your post. it is exactly what i think.
      These people only hear party of the christian message, only the part they want to hear.
      according to these,God condones rape. So, the men responsible are given or get the idea from God? then we,Who have been raped, must have that child. (If that happens)God intended, this to happen? Does God also intend that men whom can not perform live that way? OH NO!!we can't have men live like that. We can not, we must not, ever let men suffer.(being unabl) would be just WAY to hard on the Poor souls! Insurence pays for the treatment,not however for an abortion or preventive messures for Women.
      I am so tired of men, trying to tell women what to do with their bodies.Iam begining to think, these men should have their family members raped,Their Dughters, granddaugters, wives and get pregnant.Then and only then will they see,the light.

  15. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Hey Sarah, did ya know God condones rape and is, by extension, a rapist himself?

    You betcha!

  16. fromthediagonal8:31 AM

    This is all part of the "Theatre of the Absurd" that is the Dominionists' domain, which was cynically adopted by the GOP in general.

    What has always baffled me in all of this is that the very same Right Wing Nutters are as firmly established in the Death Penalty as they are in the so-called ProLife movement.

    I have never seen or heard anyone take them to task on that insane contradiction, for that kind of schizoid thought pattern.

    This is disturbing in itself, but journalistic cowardice is easier than courage.

  17. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Look at that beautiful baby! Ladies, give that rapist a hand!

    Just shaking my head right now. This is insane.

  18. Anonymous8:39 AM

    I think Palin hates women for perhaps two reasons; 1, she hates herself and has no self esteem, or; 2, she sees all other women as competition.

    These pro-life fanatics don't seem to realize that if a woman does not want a child, she may not give a crap about it and either neglect or abuse this child. A woman that has been raped and then forced to give birth to that child may not be able to give the child the love it deserves due to the traumatic experience she went through. Not to mention the cost of raising a child you were not prepared for.

    There are enough children who are not wanted, neglected and/or abused. I don't believe that abortion should be used as birth control, but I do believe a woman should be able to choose what is right for her life.

    Repubs only believe in abortion when it's their girlfriends or mistresses. Rat bastards.

    1. Anonymous9:28 AM

      I don't believe that abortion should be used as birth control …

      Not even as backup, on the rare occasion that the diligently applied primary method has failed? Please clarify.

    2. Anonymous10:28 AM

      Anything that prevents or ends a pregnancy is "birth control." Therefore, abortion is birth control.

    3. Anita Winecooler7:47 PM

      Anything that prevents or ends a pregnancy is "birth control" doesn't cut it.

      Not all fertilized eggs "implant" or "stay implanted", and are passed through the body.

      God's will? or Abortion?

      Not all fetuses make it to full term, and the woman either needs a procedure or has to carry to term and give birth to a dead baby.

      God's will? or Abortion?

      Spontaneous Abortions are people, too, my friends!

  19. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Ester Hicks. I found a youtube video one day of a guy who was so upset that the world is so ugly and people have things happen in their life that makes him just so sick of life. How can it happen? I feel the exact same way. I just hate the thought of _od at times to allow things ugly things. I have to work on gratitude at these low times. I remember Green Mile and the same thing, it just makes one depressed. Well Ester or her connections said we come in this life with the plan. I just can't understand it. I really can't. So hearing this man if he said it I haven't read about it all b/c it makes me sick, then this is what some people believe. It's sick.

  20. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Mourdock is just bright enough to realize that any woman can say she was raped. So, Mourdock thinks he stops all abortions by eliminating that avenue of access.

    Mourdock isn't bright enough to keep his agenda sounding reasonable. But the GOP platform has the same agenda.

    Mourdock and the GOP are afraid of the quagmire of requiring women to prove rape (which the Supreme Court would laugh out of court). Hence the need to just take rape off the table as a justification of abortion. All these modifiers of rape, "forcible", "legitimate" etc. are just attempts to disguise the no abortion agenda.

    The absurdity of making a woman prove a rape was "forcible" just highlights what dismal failures the GOP politicians are at making legislation that will stand up in court.

  21. Punkinbugg8:55 AM

    I heard someone say recently that if MEN were able to get pregnant, there would be an abortion clinic on every corner, much like the Starbucks in Manhattan, and the morning-after pill would come in two flavors: Nacho Cheese and Cool Ranch.

    1. Nay. Their two flavors would be bacon and bourbon.

  22. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Sarah also continues to demonstrate that she's totally racist: Sarah Palin Decries Obama’s ‘Shuck And Jive’ On Libya

    Shuck and Jive?

    1. Anonymous9:44 AM

      She misses Glen Rice.

    2. Wow. Her racism is certainly close to the surface these days.

  23. Anonymous8:58 AM

    And, ladies, while you are gestating your little gift from God, we'll jail you for neglecting pre-natal care, enjoying wine, spirits, and drugs of your choice. You, you lucky lady, OWE that unborn baby the finest care that your health insurance can buy. You have have health insurance, right? right? Well, we're going to get rid of obamacare and planned parenthood, just to make sure that little gift from god doesn't get any freebies from the taxpayers.

    The GOP has no problem with cognitive dissonance, it's the life and soul of their feeble little minds.

  24. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Obama's side can make some hay on this one, and they should. But let's put it into it's proper perspective. According to the sky fairy believers, everything is intended by their god. There is nothing that isn't. Thererfore, they are looking at it in that light. And of course, nothing is intended by their god because god just doesn't exist. It's all sky fairy nonsense and belief in outdated bullshit.

    Except, if you are one of the sky fairy believers then you may want to pause and think about this issue a little deeper. Just be cautious to not hurt your brains or make them too full.
    luv from Canada.

  25. I think Sarah is just a garden-variety hypocrite.

    I think this guy has a lot of rape fantasies, and it bothers him, so he calls it “God’s will.” This man could go off the rails. I far prefer the Larry Craigs to one like this.

  26. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Intelligent women won't vote for Romney for lots of good reasons, not because of this political schtick the Dems are trying to score on. However, unfortunately the intelligent, both men and women, are not the majority and therfore it's going to work a bit. It's just a fact that the religious ones know that their god is responsible for everything, which of course is nothing but a fantasy.

  27. Anonymous9:24 AM

    it seems that republicans have a two points plan: lose the presidential elections and being total assholes. So far they are doing very well

  28. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Perhaps this won't be posted, but I've found great solace in -- where you can choose Democratic candidates across the country and donate to them from one easy site.
    Ex.-- the man running against Micelle Bachmann
    -- the man running against Paul Ryan for his Wisc. house seat.
    -- the man runnning against the Morlouch goon.
    -- you choose -- your state legilature, Claire McCaskill vs. Todd Akin, or whoever you see who could use a boost from far-afield.
    Clearly, a Senate that contains Akin or Morlouch is not for us. A House with Michele Bachmann on the Intelligence Committee is a threat to all we hold dear. Paul Ryan back in the House of Repesentatives imperils us all as the sequestration debate begins after election day. I hope people will think about donating, in whatever way helpful, and that Gryphen will post this.

  29. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Who the fuck is this guy to say what God does and does not want. I'm not surprised by the first part, but the walk-back pissed me off even more. These idiots drive me crazy. For him to decide that God wants the baby if conceived during a rape, but that God does not want the rape makes no sense. Just another example of a old white guy trying to control women and invoking "God" for leverage. Will Indiana vote for him anyway?

  30. Anonymous9:30 AM

    OT Since Sarah, Bristol and the ghost writers won't denounce Ann Coulter, a 30 year old man with DS had to do it:

    1. Thanks for posting the link. I adore this amazing young man- so articulate I struggle to understand how he is identified as "intellectually" disabled.

      As for Ann Coulter, she's not good enough to touch the dirt on his shoes.

  31. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I cannot believe she just used the phrase "Shuck and Jive" Oh Sarah, shut the f up.

  32. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Richard Mourdock Rape Comment Reveals Stark Divide, And Harsh Question For GOP

    Republicans scrambled Wednesday to respond to Republican Indiana Senate candidate Richard Mourdock's assertion that even pregnancies caused by rape are intended by God, putting a harsh light on an issue that divides the party and has benefitted Democrats nationally and locally.

    "I think that even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen," Mourdock said in his Tuesday night debate against Rep. Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.) and a libertarian candidate.

    Mourdock quickly clarified that he meant the life that can result from a rape was the part he saw as the gift from God, not the rape itself. But in a telling sign of where national Republicans see most of the country -- which favors abortion in the cases of rape or incest -- the campaign of GOP presidential nominee MItt Romney quickly distanced itself from the comment.

    Yet it remains an issue that won't go away for Romney, whose campaign still backs the Hoosier Republican, if not his postion. "Gov. Romney disagrees with Richard Mourdock, and Mr. Mourdock’s comments do not reflect Gov. Romney’s views." said Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul. "We disagree on the policy regarding exceptions for rape and incest but still support him."

    Romney just endorsed Mourdock and cut an ad for him. The campaign has not asked him to remove the ad.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:56 PM

      "I don't know what it is I said, but if I said it, I stand by what I said"

      The wussy has to send a brainwashed poor excuse for a woman to clean up his drool?

      What's telling is, this is the ONLY candidate he endorsed in a commercial with him in it.

  33. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Where do they find these asshats? Mourdock is just a candidate right now. Indiana, take note, and do not vote for this guy. Women, hold onto your rights, and do not vote for this guy.

    Under this leadership, the Indiana treasury had some problems. "During his second term as state treasurer, it was discovered that $526 million dollars in tax revenues were placed in the wrong bank accounts. When the first discovered, less than half that amount was found, the balance being found at a later date. Auditors are still looking into the state finances to see if additional monies were mishandled. With over half a billion dollars floundering in the wrong bank accounts, local governments throughout the state, who should have received these funds, were forced to cut back on services, including laying off personnel."

  34. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Richard Mourdock, defiant: 'Anyone who goes to the video ... understands fully what I meant'

    A short time ago, Richard Mourdock held a press conference designed to contain the damage of his statement Tuesday night that God intended pregnancies from rape, but instead of controlling the damage, he's just dug himself in deeper.
    Mourdock did offer a classic nopology, saying he regrets if there was any "misinterpretation" of his words, but his overall message was one of defiance, including this jaw-dropping defense of his words:

    Anyone who goes to the video tape and views that, understands fully what I meant. I really believe that.
    Fair enough. We do understand fully what Richard Mourdock said: that he believes women who get pregnant from rape shouldn't even be allowed access to emergency contraception because he personally believes that God intended for them to get pregnant.
    Once again, here's Mourdock's key quote from last night:

    I struggled with it myself for a long time, but I came to realize life is that gift from God, and I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape that it is something that God intended to happen.
    So according to Mourdock, rape is a "horrible situation," but pregnancy resulting from rape is "a gift from God." And the worst thing is that he wasn't simply stating his personal faith: he was defending his support for making abortion illegal in cases of rape and incest.
    It would be one thing if Mourdock were simply saying what he would do if, God forbid, he ever became pregnant as the result of a rape. But that's not what he was talking about. This wasn't him applying his personal faith to his own life. This was him imposing his personal faith on everyone else.

    1. honeybabe10:44 AM

      religious tyranny.

  35. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Rape comments rattle Indiana Senate race

    Republican Richard Mourdock rushed to defend his comments on rape and pregnancy Wednesday morning, but his words had already burst into a national political issue overnight, leaving the GOP scrambling to figure out whether any serious damage has been done in a race that could tip the balance of power in the Senate.
    President Barack Obama’s campaign and Democrats across the country sought to tie Mourdock’s comments to Romney, as both sides make a serious push for women voters who could decide the election.

    “This is an issue where Mitt Romney is starring in an ad for this senator, and it is perplexing that he wouldn’t demand to have that ad taken down,” Obama campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters Wednesday. “I think it is clear that Mitt Romney, that many Republicans who are running for office including him, including Mr. Mourdock have very extreme positions on issue that women care deeply about in this country.”
    The comments that set the controversy in motion came during a Senate debate Tuesday night, where Mourdock said that “even if life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen.”
    The Romney campaign quickly distanced itself from Mourdock’s words — but still backed his candidacy and won’t be taking down an ad where Romney endorses Mourdock.
    “Gov. Romney disagrees with Richard Mourdock, and Mr. Mourdock’s comments do not reflect Gov. Romney’s views,” Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul said. “We disagree on the policy regarding exceptions for rape and incest but still support him.”
    The National Republican Senatorial Committee also offered support for Mourdock, saying his comments about a pregnancy from a rape being part of God’s will were being blown out of proportion.

    Read more:

  36. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Rape is about as much a part of God's plan as the Father and Mother of Lies, Mitt and Sara, being on a national ticket.

  37. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Donald Trump’s Big October Surprise Blows Up in Mitt Romney’s Face

    It turns out that Donald Trump’s big October surprise was to make Mitt Romney look like a moron by offering President Obama $5 million if he will release his college transcripts and passport application.

    Remember that whole Moderate Mitt image that the Romney campaign is trying to sell? Donald Trump just trashed that.

    Here is the video of Trump’s big “surprise”:

    Trump said, “If Barack Obama opens up and gives his college records and applications, and if he gives his passport applications and records, I will give to a charity of his choice, inner city children in Chicago, American Cancer Society, AIDS research, a check immediately for five million dollars. The check will be given within one hour after he releases all of the records so stated. He’ll be doing a great service for the country if he does this. If he releases these records, it will end the questions and indeed the anger of many Americans. They’ll know something about their president. The president will become transparent like other presidents.”

    David Plouffe of the Obama campaign responded by reminding everyone that Mitt Romney loves him some Donald Trump. Plouffe said Trump is,”Mitt Romney’s biggest supporter. He (Romney) owns everything he says.”

  38. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Donald Trump mocked on Twitter

  39. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Obama back up to 56.8% on Intrade. That should make you Obama supporters start to believ in it again, right? Like sort of how you believed when he was up in the 60's, right?

    Only believing in what makes you feel good is only fooling yourselves. Enjoy!
    luv from Canada.

    1. Anonymous10:24 AM

      Intrade is not scientific and can be manipulated by MONEY. But, keep posting your troll comments. Each one makes you look that much more foolish.

    2. Anonymous10:46 AM

      Feck off, hoser.

    3. Anonymous1:43 PM

      Nice to hear from you again, loser from Canada.

  40. Anonymous10:16 AM

    "THIS is what the modern GOP thinks."

    Uncle Gryphen - Tell us the story again about the time Palin emphatically stated her opposition to abortion for pregnant rape victims during a debate for governor. AK women voted for her anyway and she won.

    The GOP brought that position mainstream by nominating her in '08 and she restated it during the Couric interview (the part filmed on the bus). Many of us tried to make far-right religious intent to legislate their beliefs an issue in '08 and again in '10. The Democratic Party and corporate media just didn't want to talk about it.

    So here we are. Pres. Obama didn't bring up the importance of Supreme Court nominations in any of the debates or build on Joe Biden's point about the wall between personal conscience and imposed beliefs through legislation. In general, the Democratic Party has allowed the GOP to have the upper hand in redefining religious freedom. Paul Ryan says it's the cornerstone of their campaign.

    Most women assume that the Constitution provides them equal rights. They don't know the history of how the Equal Rights Amendment was defeated. They don't grasp the reality of sitting Supreme Court Justices--and potentia new justices--who believe gender discrimination is perfectly fine. They don't understand that the new GOP could make things far worse for women and gays then in the 1950's or ever.

    1. Mister Trump, your company was just fired by the board of directors as the managing agency for Trump Place. That's right--- you were FIRED by Trump Place.

      I'd suggest you pay a little more attention to your business these days in order to prevent another forced bankruptcy for yourself and your company.

  41. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:18 AM

    Hoo boy...just meandered around the fringes of the Funny Farm--they're completely ignoring that demented Mourdock clown and The Donald's impotent announcement about donating $5mil to Obama's favorite charity if he releases his college transcripts (they had been drooling like dogs over a Trump bombshell. Not!) Instead, they're focusing on Benghazi theories and twisting their pearls over how anyone could imply that "shuck and jive" is in any way racist. Cause Sarah sez it's not, so there, too!

    And then, it HAPPENED! The absolutely MOST insane, delusional, voices-in-yer-head comment at the Sea, ever! And that's saying a bunch, huh? Verbatim:

    "And just for the record here is a preview of Sarah Palin's inaugural parade. It will occur when she finally dispatches the Wicked Witch of the LSM (Chris Matthews)...

    "Make no mistake planning for the gala parade on Independence Day as the Mayor of Oz proclaims it is already under way. to YouTube video of "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead"...

    "PS. I think I recognize some of the gals of C4P in the Lullaby League delegation to the Inaugural Parade. Same goes for some of the C4P guys in the Lollipop Guild delegation, too!"

    At least they admit to their roles as Flying Monkeys! Or is it Munchkins now? Whatever...I'll have to read further to see why they have it in for Matthews--what doesn't he like li'l Scarahdactyl anymore?

  42. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Under the personhood amendment, if a woman dies in childbirth can that little person be charged with involuntary manslaughter?

    The rethugs don't really care about abortion. Never did. What they do care about is how birth control and legalized abortion resulted in more women being able to move into the workplace and this took jobs away from men. Getting those jobs back to men is their real crusade. Why do you suppose Mitts doesn't back the Ledbetter Act. Equal pay? Are you kidding?! He doesn't believe women should be working in jobs that men could have at all!

    1. Anonymous9:02 AM

      Sorry, but this has nothing to do with women taking jobs away from men. This is totally about the subjugation of women: these people believe women are property.

  43. honeybabe10:41 AM

    separation of church and state. repubs are just rejecting that part of the constitution. i don't want to live under anyone's religious tyranny.

  44. indylindy10:45 AM

    I live in Indiana and I cannot believe my fellow Hoosiers actually selected this man over Richard Lugar in the primaries! This is not the first controversial statement this lunatic has made either. He actually said he liked being in politics because he gets to enforce his will on other people! He is a tea party nutcase through and through...let's just hope this gives Joe Donnelly a clear path to victory :)

  45. UPDATE!!
    The ads with Romney supporting this misogynist were pulled-- but the R campaign says they never asked the ads to go down and should be put right back up.
    They said while Romney doesn't agree with him on this issue that he still supports him.

  46. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Even worse, IN might be one of the states that allow a rapist to sue for parental rights should a child be conceived during the rape and not aborted by the victim.
    That plainly means the victim will be forced to be involved with her attacker for at least 18 years if not more. Fucking sick, eh?

    1. Anonymous3:43 PM

      Not very many people understand that up to fifteen states have rapist parental rights. It is beyond any word I can think of beyond horrendous.

  47. Anonymous12:17 PM

    I love when people who have not endured rape talk about what victims should do. Do any of these pro-life people ever adopt or do foster care? Do they volunteer or donate to rape crisis centers? Or do they just sit up on their pedestal judging what they don't understand.

    As a survivor, I find it extremely offense that anyone who truly lacks compassion and understanding could comment on rape regardless of their position on abortion. Sit down and shut up people, isn't enduring rape enough of a challenge without having everyone tell you what you should do. Let's quit minimizing rape and lay the blame on the offenders where it belongs............

    1. Anonymous4:52 PM

      Thank you. Very well said.

  48. Anonymous12:56 PM

    I for one am grateful and honored my mother had the strength that all humans do possess to give birth to me. When I met her 3 uears ago, she said it was a hard decision and one it took the whole 9 mos to be ok with, but an abortion was out of the question.

    Kids don't give a shit how they come into the world. Adoption is a wonderful choice. I personally would rather live a lifetime dreaming of what my baby (adopted) could be doing than thinkoing about the fetus I didn't give a chance to live.

    THIS is one reason abortion should not be political discussion. "Prochoicers" have no right to say the things they say sometimes.

    1. Anonymous8:30 PM

      "Adoption is a wonderful choice", this is one reason abortion should not be political discussion "Prochoicers" have no right to say the things they say sometimes.

      This "prochoicer" doesn't agree with you. "Adoption is a wonderful choice" is a bold faced lie! Children are placed in physically and emotionally abusive homes all the time, despite what the adoptive mother "believes".

      This is WHY it SHOULD be part of political discussion.

      I'm happy your Adoption story had a happy ending, THRILLED that your mom chose to have you and more THRILLED you were placed in a loving home, but don't think for one second your story is the "norm".

      I'm sure Jerry Sandusky's adopted son's birth mother's imagination took her to a much better place than he ended up in, and he's not the only one.

  49. Anonymous12:57 PM

    I feel like there's way too many rape victims who let the rape define them and they use it to boister some agenda. I wasmolested at age 4 and 7. Yes it has affected certain things I do but I don't go around using it to prove some political point is better over another.


    1. Anonymous6:09 PM

      Thanks for confirming what we all have thought, Sarah.

  50. Anonymous1:33 PM

    It isn't that Sarah Palin hates women ... it's that Sarah Palin hates herself. Something has happened in her life that has really disturbed her. She has not a kind or happy bone in her body.

  51. Anonymous1:43 PM

    GOP Rape Advisory Chart

  52. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Even the Media in Turkey is Reporting Mourdock’s Recent Statement

    I was surprised today when I saw reporting in the Turkish media about the recent statements made by Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate in Indiana Richard Mourdock.

    They have headlines like “Another Rape Crisis for the Republican Party” and included coverage of Romney’s tepid reaction to Mourdock’s statement.

    Abortion was in the news quite a lot this spring and summer when Turkish PM Erdogan took a cue from the Republican playbook and stated that he thought that abortion was murder and seemed to be trying to get support for an abortion ban going among the Turkish people. Abortion is generally easily available here and not controversial, and the backlash to the PM’s remarks was swift and strong.

  53. Anonymous2:29 PM

    National Organization for Women Says Richard Mourdock is Romney Unmasked

    National Organization for Women President Terry O’Neill issued a statement Wednesday saying that Republican Indiana Senatorial candidate Richard Mourdock (pregnancies from rape are “God’s will”) is “Romney Unmasked”, noting that Romney has not yet withdrawn his endorsement of Mourdock or asked the Republican to stop running his ads.

    Terry O’Neill writes, “Last night Republican candidate Richard Mourdock confirmed what Todd Akin brought to light earlier — that the radical fringe currently in control of the GOP holds misogynistic and deeply unpopular views about women, rape and reproductive rights. Anyone who thinks Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney is a moderate who stands apart from this fringe should think again.

    During a debate for Indiana’s open U.S. Senate seat, Mourdock asserted that when a woman becomes pregnant from a rape “that’s something God intended.” Romney attempted to distance himself from Mourdock’s pronouncement, but he has yet to withdraw his endorsement of the candidate or call for him to stop running a TV ad that features Romney expressing support for Mourdock.

    Voters should understand that Mourdock and Romney are soul-mates who think they know what’s best for women. They seek to re-victimize rape survivors, control women’s reproductive lives by criminalizing abortion and blocking their access to contraception, and deny women autonomy over their bodies and lives. Mourdock is simply Romney unmasked, and their brand of governing is a threat to women in Indiana and throughout the United States.”

    1. Anita Winecooler8:32 PM

      Thanks, I read it earlier and it's so true!

  54. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Haven't read the comments yet, but even if someone did say this, I want to say,

    Do these crackpots not have wives, daughters, mothers and sisters?

    R in NC

  55. Please tell me his poll numbers immediately dropped and he's now going to lose.

  56. Anonymous5:46 PM

    OK, I'm going to hate saying this, but Mourdock (I'll omit the "Mr.s" as that's an honorific and he ain't honorable) deserves it:

    If this guy was homosexually raped, would that mean his subsequent hemorrhoids would be god's will?

    Thankya, thankya very much!

    Tom, Florida

  57. Anita Winecooler8:39 PM

    President Obama was interviewed and said "Rape is Rape" Not sure if it was with Bryan Williams or Dave Letterman.

    This Mourdock guy, bless his white cotton bvd's, isn't helping Romney, who's caved to the radical right by not coming out against this man.

    So much for "bindersfull of women" and "of course there's nothing I know of in my agenda that addresses Abortion". Hey, Ann, Where's the "love" you have for women? Forced childbirth with parental rights for the rapist aren't cool.

    Guess Ryan was right, the method of conception doesn't matter.

    The sad thing is, there are women voting for these idiots.

  58. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Ah, yes, so tell me what is the difference between the Christian Extremists like this nut job and an Islamic Extremist? Both groups hate women and are determined to subjugate women. Both groups preach hell fire, brimesotone and eternal damnation. Perhaps the only real difference is in their attire, huh?

  59. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Unfortunately there are women voting for these douchebags, but I really doubt that there are as many as they would like you to believe. :) Pollyanna.


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