Saturday, October 27, 2012

Bill Maher warns voters about "getting into bed with Mitt Romney." Eeeww!

Here is the transcript courtesy of our pals over at Politicususa:

America, before you get in bed with Mitt Romney, remember he may seem like a nice fella from what we know about his core beliefs. Nothing. His tax plan. Nothing. His faith. Off limits, and his donors, anonymous. Now when I talk about getting into bed with Mitt Romney, I don’t mean that literally. Please, Mitt Romney doesn’t even know what a blow job is. He thinks it’s something the Pep Boys do to clean out your carburetor. No, what I’m trying to do is make an analogy to that old public service announcement about how when you go to bed with one person, you’re not just sleeping with them. Well, it’s like that with Mitt. When you elect Mitt, you’re not just electing him. You’re electing every right wing nut he’s pandered to in the last ten years. If the Mittmobile does roll into Washington it will be towing behind it the whole anti-intellectual anti-science freak show. The abstinence obsessives, the flat earthers, home schoolers, the holy warriors, the anti-women social neanderthals, the closeted homosexuals, and every endtimer who sees the Virgin Mary in the grass over the septic tank. 

Now, I understand having issues with Obama, but stop to think of all the crap we haven’t had to deal with in the last four years. Anybody remember Terri Schiavo? Obama isn’t perfect, but he never turned the entire federal government into a Jesus freak episode of House. And he doesn’t have an attorney general like John Ashcroft, who once covered up a statue at the Justice Department because it was showing too much tit, like it was Janet Jackson. I’m just saying, last four years, no crisis about boobies. No controversies about whether stems cells are actually tiny people. No Defense of Marriage Act, no Office of Faith Based Initiatives, no pedalling creationism at the national parks. Did you know that before Obama got in the Smithsonian couldn’t mention global warming as a possible reason the glaciers were shrinking? Because heat melting ice was just a theory. Yes, that was our daily diet of turd under the last business minded sensible moderate. And before you say, that was then, this is now, sitting in Congress right now we’ve got a fresh can of nuts just waiting to get cracked open. 

My favorite part of last night's episode. Well that and Nate Silver delivering the smackdown to the Right Wing with those pesky facts.


  1. Anonymous3:12 PM

    "... whole anti-intellectual anti-science freak show."

    and THEY will choose Supreme Justices that will affect us for the 25+ years.

    1. yikes, that's unimaginable: our country would then slide into RIGHT WING HELL.

      it's interesting that in the 2nd debate, O made W be relatively reasonable compared to MITT.

  2. For anyone who DIDN'T watch the Real Time with Bill Maher video, please watch @ 30:00 (Episode 264):!

    Very funny, and there's more than one entendre that we know of about Sarah Palin's belly button.

  3. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Bill Maher, 'If the Mittmobile does roll into Washington it will be towing behind it the whole anti-intellectual anti-science freak show.'

  4. lwtjb3:41 PM

    Whenever I hear one of these right wing guys talk about rape, my instant gut reaction is they are cheering the rapist on. At the very least none of them sounds remotely sincere in denouncing this kind of violence aimed at women. Some of them seem only able to think of women as sexual objects or baby making machines. Sometimes they blame the woman for her rape. Or else they have no comprehension whatsoever. I suspect at least some of them have long been holding grudges about the civil rights advancements that women have achieved in the last 50 or so years. Some would like to put us back in our place. Likely also about civil rights for race. They want to take us back not to 1950. They want to take us back to 1850.

    I became an adult in the early 1960s. Young women today have never experienced what life was like for women then. I'm reasonably certain they wouldn't want to go back there either. No birth control. Shotgun marriage. Back alley and botched abortions. Women died or were permanently maimed as a result of such abortions. Doctors went to jail. There was a woman doctor in Portland who was famously in and out of jail because she refused to stop performing abortions and she was vocal about it.

    Women openly had different pay scales than men. My first job I was on the women's pay scale, eventually worked my way up to their men's pay scale. Men's bottom pay was more that the women's top. I was counseled to not even think about going into any occupation reserved for men such as engineer. That's where my brain was but I was told I would never be able to find a job. They don't hire women for those jobs. Or, in the alternative, it's just wrong for a woman to aspire to that kind of work. Women were supposed to wear skirts when they went out. Some places penalized you if you didn't. I saw women lawyers thrown out of court hearings for wearing pants suits. Also some restaurants and clubs refused you entrance if you came in pants. Hats and gloves required too if going anywhere remotely formal. Girdles. Cook and clean. Go to college to get a husband. Do we want to go back to all that? Some do.

  5. Forgive me, I’m going to carry this comment up from down below. I think it’s pertinent:

    When I first heard about homosexuality (eavesdropping on boys on the bus), I barely batted an eyelash.

    When my mother read about homosexuality, and then demanded a fuller explanation from me (she was late to the party), she almost went into shock. She kept screaming, “How can they do that?!”

    I took her anger as meaning some people were beyond influence (female sexuality or threat of hell), and she couldn’t stand that.

  6. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Bill Maher Warns Voters: If You Elect Romney, ‘You’re Electing Every Right Wing Nut He’s Pandered To’

    ...Maher used the sexual analogy to say that when you do it (“it” meaning “voting”) with Romney, you’re also doing it with “every right wing nut he’s pandered to. Maher said that anyone who votes for Romney is supporting all of the crazies in the GOP, even the ones who believe in the end of days.

    He implored voters to think about the lack of any serious social controversies from the Obama White House. Compared to George W. Bush and Terri Schiavo, Maher argued that under Obama, the nation never turned into a “Jesus-freak episode of House.” And as for the global warming issue, the Obama administration actually takes the science seriously, Maher said, as opposed to the last administration, which maintained “heat melting ice was just a theory.”

    Maher also warned about the “fresh can of nuts” in Congress with wildly anti-scientific beliefs that would have more free reign under a Republican administration. Maher said that a Republican in the White House would mean the return of “Bible-thumping bullshit” in government.

  7. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Republican Rape Compilation Must See & Share

  8. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Martin Sheen: Romney Is 'Stupid' And 'Arrogant'

  9. Anonymous4:14 PM

    I enjoyed this part of Bill's show too last night! He forgot to mention that Princess Ann would be a horrible first lady (too upity!) and that Mitt walks funny! Just watch him go across the stage to the podium - he walks like he has something up his ass every damned time!!

    There is no doubt that Mittens is one weird/creepy guy!

    1. Anonymous2:18 AM

      The thing up his ass is the Counsel of Twelve he will follow instead of the Constitution. His oath to his religion is much more important that old piece of paper (or toilet paper as it was turned into by Bush and Cheney).

  10. really, when one strings all the GOPer idiocy and ignorance like MAHER just did, one wonders how is it possible that in this nation this party can still get 49% of the vote?

    which means that half of the nation has lost its collective mind, heart, and dignity. SAD that!

    1. Anonymous6:30 PM

      Sadly, half the nation has a uneducated racist lazy assed mind. And regrettably, they didn't lose it.

  11. Registered Republican Since 19856:03 PM


    Not all of us are idiots.

    President Obama´s lead has not changed in four years.

    He is a lock.

    Thank you.


    1. lwtjb7:51 PM

      We can only hope.

    2. Anonymous11:03 PM

      But unless he gets a congress devoid of Tea Party witches, goblins, and town fools, we'll only suffer through four more years of total national nonsense.


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