Thursday, October 18, 2012

Bristol and Mark visit the View after getting booted off Dancing with the Stars.

Essentially Bristol is just as wooden and expressiveness here as she was on DWTS, again essentially making Mark work extra hard to answer the questions and compensate for her lack of ability and desire to put forth any effort.

I kind of felt sorry for Mark who tried to cover for Bristol by suggesting that his foster brother Derek did not choose HIM for the team dance and that he will get him back later, rather than have to admit that they simply did not want anything to do with Bristol.

I liked how when Joy was asking about Bristol's relationship with Levi that she slipped in that she "knows about the whole story basically."

Of course Bristol attempts to refuse the question at first saying that "people are sick of hearing the story," at which Joy says "No they're not." And then admits that she is "sick of being asked about it."

But then Bristol gives her usual canned answer, that she is "raising Tripp by myself" and working on building a relationship with Levi, which of course is pure mooseshit.

And now that she is not distracted by DWTS she will undoubtedly start actively working to interfere with Levi and Tripp's relationship again.


  1. Damn! I thought they made Willow wear the ugliest shit they could find.

    Ugly Red Blazer - Check!

    Nasty animal print top - Check!

    LEGGINS as Pants?? Oh hell no! --CHECK!

    The Bandage Shoes ---- CHECK.


    Take your damn checks and go to the mall!!!!

    1. Nice set you have there, Mags. You wish your ass was as thin and shapely as mine, don't you?
      You betcha.

  2. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Mark is paid well to play the fool. I don't feel sorry for him. I think Bristol is on some heavy meds or something to make her that flat. It is more like she isn't even there. Noting inside. I don't know how to put in words her lack of being there.

    1. It's a job for Mark and he's a good dancer. The rest of the shit is just a ruse, a story-line. It's "reality" TV.

      See, other than Bristol---who is "famous" ONLY for getting knocked up multiple times before her junior year of high school while being "parented" by Screech and Toad--- the other dance contestants have actually "done something" to earn a place in the public eye in other PROFESSIONS.

      How ya like those "air quotes", BarStool?

  3. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Bristol Boo Hoo is going home to regroup - yeah, count her money to see how much she can spend on getting that "chin" back in line. No matter how pointy her chin is, her cheeks still look like chipmunks.

    1. Anonymous12:37 PM

      It makes no sense to spend all that on her face and not do something about her jowls. That may be why she signed up for DWTS money... to finish her face?

  4. Anonymous12:18 PM

    dang that chin in the still shot is HUGEly Leno like, poor thing,

    get ready Levi, the bitch is back (in state, maybe)

  5. Anonymous12:19 PM

    I love the pictures on Bristol's blog of the dress her mother wore on DWTS, she really is desperate for attention!

    1. Here's a re-post of a comment I posted today about that...'s some pictures of Baldy wearing Beefy's funky old clothes from the other night at DWTS! The picture of Baldy and the Toad with the old guy and old lady...the old lady was the one driving Baldy in that drunk video of her...the old guy was the one holding Tripp on DWTS...Here's the caption under the pic of Baldy with the old folks....

      "At dinner after the show with our family friends, Walker and Phyllis Evans! (You may recognize Walker as the Off-road Motorsports Hall of Famer . He’s a driver and owner in the NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series and has had 142 total victories – including the Baja 500!)"

      Is this Baldy's new sugar daddy and is Phyllis Evan's the Toad's new sugar mama! LOL!!

      Link to picture...

      Now the following black and white photo of the Hillbillies has so much wrong with it...I barely know where to start! How bout I go from left to right! LOL!


      The Toad holding poor little Trig 7.2 is a thing of beauty! Trig is trying to figure out "Who are these people...where's my REAL mom and dad?"

      Baldy...WTF X 1000! This idiotic woman is in some kind of time warp! It's bad enough she's wearing Beefy's funky ass clothes which don't even fit the walking screeching scarecrow...but she has been told over and over by us here that letting your raggedy toes hang over you shoes is ten kinds of tacky...and if Baldy thinks those sticks she calls legs look good...she needs a prescription in those fake ass glasses she's wearing!

      And finally that WIG! Baldy...let's talk...the hairline Baldy the goddamn hairline shows us that you are wearing a ill fitting wig no less...but a wig just the same! And I'm just going to skip even talking about those knobby knees!

      Beefy looks like she's telling the photographer through clenched teeth..."Hurry up and take the damn hip is about to break from holding this heavy ass 5...uh I mean 3 year old"!

      And Tripp is saying through his 5 year old clenched molars..."Yeah...hurry up F****T!


    2. Anonymous1:24 PM

      GinaM you are hilarious and I love reading your comments!

    3. Anonymous1:52 PM

      Tripp is sure big for a five year old. Won't he go to preschool soon? Someone other than Todd's pals should teach him language.

    4. Anonymous2:01 PM

      Sarah looks like the prostitute they picked up for a 5-way.

    5. Anonymous2:06 PM

      Tripp is at least 1 yr older than Trig..look at the length of the arms and legs.

    6. Anonymous2:33 PM

      what is wrong with SP's left eye?

      also, too, she looks like a hooker...amirite? there is no other word I can think of...sad.

    7. Anonymous3:38 PM

      Tripp was most likely born in 2007.

    8. Anonymous3:52 PM

      It's just so weird that Sarah insinuates herself right into the middle of that B/W photo, making it all about her and not her daughter. It's always All About Sarah; it must be so frustrating to be a child in that home.

    9. Anonymous6:17 PM

      LOL Gina!!

  6. Anonymous12:23 PM

    i wonder how much DWTS had to pay Palin to break her contract.... she was supposed to win! But the ratings were falling and folks were getting steaming mad at the fakery of their beloved dance show. What's a failing show to do?

    I think Mark is relieved that this episode has ended. I don't think Bristol cares one way or the other. She didn't put out much for her dancing, so no big difference in her routine.

    Mama Grizzley, however, will probably be all over that contract finding a way to get all that money they promised to Bristol.

    1. Anonymous12:38 PM

      I knew a girl that took Prozac. She was like that.

  7. Anonymous12:25 PM

    She is such a mini-Sarah. Both had no logical right to the opportunities they were given, and both, rather than put in effort to earn the gift and take it further....decided to specialize in victimology rather than self-improvement.

    If Bristol did want to go Hollywood, she had every opportunity to take voice and acting training, hell, just "act livelier than a corpse, don't chew a cud, and expand your vocabulary beyond 'awesome'" basic training.

    But no, she/they felt entitled and therefore effort was too much to ask.

    1. Anonymous12:41 PM

      On another site that showed contestants before and after DWTS... Unfortunately Bristol was not included -wonder why? Anyway, the "stars" discussed their pre-competition training, including dance, acting, and just getting in shape for the upcoming performance. Did Bristol take any steps to improve her performance? Sure doesn't look like it.

    2. Anonymous2:28 PM

      I don't know why it has taken me so long to get this, but your posting suddenly made it all clear to me.

      Bristol Palin and family believe that their 'awesomeness' is all it should take to participate, for instance, on DWTS with contestants who have trained and worked and exercised to reach 'star' level in their various poor Kim K, all Bristol has is substance.

      Given her limited intellectual range, it was actually kind of cruel to put her out there as a 'star'. eats its young...


    3. Anonymous3:12 PM

      Yes Aurora, "'awesomeness'" .. Mark is a seasoned showman, in training since 9 or birth. A great ego I suppose but he knows she is a tool and needed protection from being used as a prop or a puppet again.

  8. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Did she say she was working on a relationship with Levi or did she mean her son? It wasn't clear.

    1. Anonymous12:39 PM

      She may not know. She just says whatever.

  9. "And now that she is not distracted by DWTS she will undoubtedly start actively working to interfere with Levi and Tripp's relationship again."

    "And now that she doesn't have to worry about bad publicity during DWTS she will undoubtedly start actively working to interfere with Levi and Tripp's relationship again.

    There, fixed it for you.

    1. Anonymous12:45 PM

      Tripp can spend half the month with his new baby sister, Mom and Dad. I think they live within walking distance. Anyway it is close. Tripp can drive one of his little machines or take a canoe. Bristol must be so anxious to get back to wake up at 5 and drive to her job in Anchorage in the winter. She won't have a worry about Tripp and she won't need to bathe him everyday. He will have his bedroom with her and he has one at his Dad's place. Sweet.

    2. Anonymous2:13 PM

      Hilarious to think that Bristol will be waking up at 5 to go to work in Anchorage. Doooonnnn'ttt Yooooouuuu Beeeellliiieeevvveee Iiiiitttt!!!!

      Scary to think that Tripp will be driving his little car or paddling a canoe back and forth between his mom and dad, although with a mom like Bristol, anything is possible.

    3. Anonymous3:15 PM

      She was pushing him in that show where she demonstrated child abuse. He didn't want to ride, I forgot what happened. He is big enough now to do all she was pushing him to do and more. I am sure he will have his own ideas. The nannies and help are in for a wild ride.

    4. There's nothing like sending your first-grader off canoeing across a fucking lake of 38 degree water to his saggy-ass grifting granny's house. Oh shit! That boy is "supposed" to be THREE YEARS OLD? lol

      Why should Bristol have to worry about taking care of her kid(s)? The "fuck it" kid is THREE--- he oughta be able to take care of himself by now. She's proven that she can always have MORE. Plus, she's a fucking star. On Reality Shows. Important Shit.

      Honey Boo Boo is an attention-seeking little Nicky Hollywood, but BarStool Bristol is the real deal. BarStool Bristol rocks.

      More importantly, BarStool is Krusty's favorite imaginary friend, and Krusty loves her more than she does other real people like her family. Libruls are nothing but haters. Fact.

    5. Anonymous3:55 PM

      A canoe is soon to be out of the question; maybe he could skate there?

  10. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Gino, Bristol is coming home and she is not in a good mood.
    As we saw in her Unreality Show, she takes out her anger issues on you.... Maybe you should just lay low for a few weeks.

    1. Anonymous12:39 PM

      They are not together anymore. He was only her paid boyfriend for her non reality show.
      The checks stopped Gino's gone.

    2. No paycheck, no boyfriend.

    3. Anonymous2:00 PM

      You mean to tell me that Gino was just acting when he cried and said how much he loved Tripp and Bristol and would always be faithful with the "promise ring" he gave Bristol?

      What's Tripp gonna say when he can't see Gino anymore?

      Was that ring on Bristol's MIDDDLE finger the promise ring?

    4. Anonymous2:14 PM

      Don't worry, Bristol very clearly told her son that she will get him a "better daddy." Yup, that's really healthy.

    5. Anonymous3:16 PM

      She still sleeping with that big kid?

    6. Anonymous3:49 PM

      If Bristol has a boyfriend, he's either:

      A. getting paid; or
      B. just faking it for the free beer, free food, and free hummers while killing time until he gets someone else to go out that he'd actually want to be seen alongside.

  11. Anne "you People" Romney was on the view also.
    Now Anne Romney says this morning that Mitt was upset when he was out of the country that she was dating others and "it landed him in the hospital".
    She just said that this morning.
    Look here: Mitt accident that killed a woman
    So was there another incident or was it this incident?
    Did Mitt cause the crash b/c he was so enraged that
    Anne was dating others?
    This man is not POTUS material!
    (So obvious during the debates)
    On the article all the bots attacking the messenger.
    but this really is huge! Romney's mental state, now & then! UNFIT for office!

    1. Anonymous1:15 PM

      I caught that same thing about the hospital when I saw the show this AM. It seems that should be the big story in the media, but no one picked up on that. Interesting.

    2. Anonymous3:16 PM

      We need some people who used to work for him at Bain to spill...

    3. You would think? Our media is owned by corporate RW'rs.
      Its take us tweeting our eyeballz out to make them notice. Like the thing with "Tagg" & Sensata which Chris hayes said last weekend he is working on that story for this weekend.
      I think this "Hospital" issue is HUGE! In a previous diary on Kos I saw that he might have brain damage and hence the anger issues but, its stems from Before, thanks AnnerMoney for cluing us in on national tv.
      Lets see how long before someone connects the dots on that.

  12. She's such a skank.
    I'll be so happy when we never hear about these people anymore.

    1. Anonymous2:00 PM

      That would be justice to never hear about them again. On the other hand, we would miss out on BooBoo Entertainment. That's all they will ever be - no real threat politically. Hey, this stuff just cracks me up (many thanks, Gryphen and Gina). Honestly, I look forward to The Woeful Wasillabillies show where even though it's a new day,they are reruns. Kind of twists your head around.
      The Dude

    2. Anonymous2:14 PM

      The last thing I want to hear about the Palins is that Sarah and Todd are going to prison.

  13. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Bristol said, "people are sick of hearing the story."

    Did you notice she put air quotes around 'story'? So, yeah, her 'story' is tiresome. She could probably get really rich off of the truth but, first, she seems in need of serious therapy to get in touch with reality. She seems clueless as to how she's been used and warped by her mother.

    1. Anonymous12:50 PM

      Which 'story"~ I fell a sleep.

    2. Try telling the truth. I'll bet the people who are "sick of hearing the story" will listen this time, hon.

  14. Anonymous12:50 PM

    That girl is vacant. Her religion doesn't go along with the rehab that we know. If they have taken her off the speed (weight lose program) they now have her on something else.

  15. Oh Lord...I did watch The View with the double dose of Ms Ann Whiney and Beefy! First Ann must have taken the same thing Rmoney takes before the debate! She was REALLY animated! Too bad she was babbling nonsense! That is a woman who is NOT comfortable around non Mormon's and the fact that her own damn husband can't bring himself to The View doesn't help!

    Meh won't come on The View because they ARE women! He thinks he doesn't need to "pander" to women...he probably said..."Oh just send Ann...she's a woman...right?" LOL!!!

    And the creepy ass son in the he Ann's handler because Ann "deferred" to him on a couple of occasions. I think the son in the audience was the death stare dude...Josh. Baba Wawa did bring up what "Tuff"..."Tugg"...whatever his name is said about hitting the President and I watched Ann and Josh hop on the bus with Josh driving of course and proceeded to drive over poor ole "Tumms" pretty much saying that "Togg" has a TEMPER and was talking out of his ass about assualting the President of the United States...and then they both with their horsey smiles...whinnied..umm...I mean laughed!

    Then Beefy along with Mark was announced and they must still be mad at each other or she was on a HEAVY dose of anti-depressant because Beefy walked out WAYYYY in front of Mark and barely looked behind to see if he was following! LOL! She also was wearing some crazy ass shoes on those hooves of hers...they looked like Baldy's...but who the hell knows where she got those ugly things!

    You know what the problem with Beefy and Baldy and their whole clothes issues? Baldy wears clothes that Beefy should be wearing and Beefy wears clothes that Baldy should be wearing! That is one nutty ass family!

    Anywho...the ladies started asking Beefy questions but she didn't bother to answer them...just spewed her stock they switched over to Mark...who was far more comfortable and willing to answer the damn questions! Even Elizabeth ignored Beefy!

    Joy said to Beefy..."how's it going with Levi...By the way you know I know the WHOLE story...I interviewed him a couple of times" and I swear Beefy looked like she was going to pee on herself! LOL!

    Instead she said through clenched teeth..."I'm raising Tripp alone" and "It's the status quo"...WTF does that even mean?? But you just know Beefy wanted to say something nastier...but Levi's new lawyer was probably standing in the wings...going..."go ahead your twisted mouth!" LOL!!

    1. Anonymous1:10 PM

      "It's the status quo" ????????????????????

    2. Anonymous1:17 PM

      None of this would be sao bad if it wasn't for Obama going down in the latest polls. hi gina!

    3. "My name is Tugg, goddammit! Can't you read, Gina? Don't make me eyeball you, girl!"

      --- Tugg Romney (son of soon-to-be former Republican candidate for POTUS)

    4. Anonymous1:35 PM

      he probably said..."Oh just take Ann out of her binder and send her to "The View"..she's a woman...right?" LOL!!!

      Fixed that for you.

    5. Anonymous1:53 PM

      Bristol did that on DWTS when her dances were done...just walked away from Mark as if he didn't exist and she was going to face the judges alone. That hoe-down dance, she walked away while he was still lying on the floor. Narcissistic, graceless clod.

    6. Anonymous1:17 PM

      "sao"...WTF is "sao?" Is that some kind of KKK code...cause I don't speak racists! LOL!!

    7. Anonymous 1:17 PM
      Nice effort at spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Proper usage of Caps, as well.


    8. Anonymous2:17 PM

      Educate your ignorant self, anon and check out what Nate Silver says about polls in general and the stupidity of relying on only one of them. Then read what he has to say about Mitt's chances of winning the election.

    9. Anonymous3:31 PM

      Anon @1:17 Some nice things can come out of polls-even bad polls. In TX, the yougov poll shows Romney has overall lead. However, AMONG WOMAN, Obama leads 50 to 45 in TX and with the 40 and under. Yes, Texas Women are smart and the under 40. And Jeb Bush says TX will probably be blue by 2016. So enjoy your polls all you want in 2012. TX boots will do the Repub stomp in 2016. Enjoy your Republicaness while it lasts.

    10. Anonymous3:39 PM

      Anonymous1:17 PM

      None of this would be sao bad if it wasn't for Obama going down in the latest polls. hi gina!
      WTF polls are YOU talking about?
      Krusty shut the fuck up!

      In the REAL world where there are REAL polls that bot don't game he is WAY ahead of rMoney!
      Quit watching fox it rots your brain and as we all saw during the debate gives out LIES which rMoney got sucked into. And got checked by the mod, lololololol! BooFuckingHOO!

  16. Anonymous12:52 PM

    The Palins and the McCains really were made for each other. You can add in the Romneys too in that it's a Rethug thing to be the 'victim' of anything and everything.

    We know that Little Baby Johnnie has never gotten over that he lost. Well -- neither has his wife.

    Here is Cindy's tweet to Ann Romney yesterday about her appearance on the View today:

    Cindy McCain ‏@CindyhM1
    @AnnDRomney on The View tomorrow. Perhaps the ladies will have the correct amount of caffeine that will make them behave nicely

    The ladies on the View were just soooooo mean to Poopie Diaper McCain in 2008. Tells you that these Rethug men -- have no balls. They couldn't stand up to a foreign leader. They'd have to have their wife intervene as they're whimps. They'll send your son or mine to war but they're chickenshits themselves.

    1. Anonymous1:14 PM

      Mittens would cancel on Chancellor Merkel. Better than the back rub by Bush I guess.

    2. Anonymous1:29 PM

      When John and Cindy appeared on The View four years ago, John said that he wanted go back to the country as it was originally during the time of our Founding Fathers. Whoppi Goldberg didn't miss a beat. "Does that mean that I have to go back to being a slave?" Later, Cindy said of the interview, "They picked our bones clean." No, Cindy, John said something stupid-- wanting to go back to a time when only white men who owned property voted, not women. And, yes, Whoppie would only have counted as 3/5 of a person.

      This time when The View Ladies asked Ann about birth control and abortion, she said that they should ask Mitt. They wanted to but Mitt cancelled. He's afraid of the women who "picked the McCains' bones clean." What a baby!

    3. Anonymous3:30 PM

      Anon 1:29
      I posted the original post with the tweet from Cindy.

      Thanks for the reminder of Cindy's bones comment. I forgot about that. There is just so much info from the stunned and stupid, it's impossible to remember it all.

      As in the title of Hillary's old book "It takes a village" -- it does -- just to remember all the info. Each one of us remembers some things which then reminds others. To remember it all, our brain circuits would explode!!

  17. Anonymous1:00 PM

    *take deep exhale* ...and NOW...can you please,please,PLEASE just GO THE FUCK AWAY,Brisdull?Please??I am so goddamn sick of hearing about you and your bullshit teen-mom life,sick of how the media has to sidestep and tiptoe around you because you're too retarded to talk as an adult,sick of hearing about Levi this and Levi that,sick of hearing that you actually popped out a baby or two(or three),now just fuck off already mmkay bitch?

    1. Anonymous2:37 PM

      lol. Yes, please.

  18. The Right-wing Rivalry Behind Dinesh D’Souza's “Sex” Scandal

    Updated 10/18/12: Dinesh D'Souza resigned his position as president of The King's College on October 18, 2012, after two days of meetings with the school's board of trustees. The board chair and now-interim president Andy Mills announced D'Souza's resignation, and told faculty and students, "I have to admit, I got a little over-enamored with him," according to King's student newspaper. In a written statement defending himself on Wednesday, D'Souza insisted that his wife asked him for a divorce two years ago, and blamed the World magazine story on personal "bitterness" toward him from editor-in-chief Marvin Olasky, citing the story below. However, D'Souza did acknowledge he had made one crucial mistake: "I had no idea that it is considered wrong in Christian circles to be engaged prior to being divorced."

    1. Anonymous1:31 PM

      Sure, Dinesh, you had no clue.

    2. Anonymous3:53 PM

      he is really stupid, isn't he? and his 20 something mistress loved the millions, not the man. She dumped him when she found out he was married.

      He claims he was legally separated and working on a divorce. But he didn't file for the divorce until Oct. 4th, the day the World Magazine article came out.

  19. Anonymous1:16 PM

    And in other news jesse, the debate bounce is going to Romney and black obami is fucked. Spin it for your moron followers now gay boy.

    1. Oh Goodie! So Money Boo Boo is beating Sambo?

      See you back over at C4P, Anon 1:16. Wanker.

    2. Anonymous1:49 PM

      Thanks for letting this one thru. Gives me a chance to say this commenter's hatred is over the top. Get help you sick piece of shit.

    3. Anonymous1:57 PM

      Perhaps you are just a juvenile troll but I suspect you are just an idiot. No shame in your game. You are eager to flout your stupidity and bigotry aren't you... upset much?

    4. Anonymous2:06 PM

      Someone has a man crush on Gryphen!

      Not that there's anything wrong with that.

    5. Anonymous2:08 PM

      Gyohen, I think you want to remove this one???

    6. Anonymous1:16 PM

      Aww shit..somebody done peed in our resident KKK trolls moonshine! Hi Toad! LOL!!

      How's the teeny-tiny-need-a-microscope-to-see-your-two-tone-penis purse carrier doing today?

      What's the latest scoop on Baldy and Beefy's latest famewhoring career moves? Oh...not looking so good huh! know what they say...."It's hard out there for a pimp"! LOL!!!

    7. Anonymous2:21 PM

      Go read Nate Silver's blog, you mindless twerp.

      You don't even use the term "obami" correctly (hint: it's a plural that means Obama's fans, meant as an insult. You, on the other hand, use it as a singular racial slur).

    8. Bristol don't need no fuckin' education. Look at her daddy, Tiny Tool Toady and how well he's done without a bunch of book learnin'.

      He's a fuckin' Motivation-able Speecher now.
      Ha!!! You can't do THAT with no stupid college DEgree. You gotta be on a reality show first!

      Take that, haters.

    9. Anonymous3:47 PM

      And in other news jesse, the debate bounce is going to Romney and black obami is fucked. Spin it for your moron followers now gay boy.
      Excuse me you ball-less POS? Limp, impotent, no cojones here you are again!?
      As I said about WTF are you babbling about you retard?
      Go back into you fucking hole and fuck yourself.
      We got the numbers all you have is multiple trolls!

    10. Toki, go whisper some more sweet nothings into Becky's eagerly waiting ears. Perhaps it will distract you from your hard on for Gryphen and your absolute obsession with the man you wish you could be and be WITH- President Obama.

    11. Anonymous4:40 PM

      I hear Banjos at 1:16pm, anyone else hear Banjos? I also, in my minds eye, can see questionable dentition, regarding both number of teeth and the condition thereof, and also overalls and no shirt, yes, definitely overalls and no shirt. Dirt on his face almost hiding the gin blossoms and swamp mud on his boots.

    12. Anita Winecooler9:34 PM

      Ohhh a candidate for Bristol's next "trial daddy"!

  20. Anonymous1:18 PM

    What is with that comb over?! And that abnormal huge chin...and jowels...

  21. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Didn't Bristol say she would talk about her next project on The View? She wouldn't lie, would she?

    1. Giving a blow job is not like having a real job, Bristol. But you may call it a project if you like.

    2. Anonymous1:51 PM

      An anonymous commenter said Bristol would disclose a new project. Not Bristol.

    3. Anonymous4:17 PM

      You sure it wasn't in one of her interviews after she was did not get picked? Derek could not even bring himself to pick Mark. I will try and teh google interviews later.

  22. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Willow is having implosion.

    1. Bristol: "Mom, is "implosion" related to anal sex?

      Sarah: "Ask your father. He's sure to know."

    2. Anonymous2:26 PM

      The laxative trip is a vicious cycle.

  23. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Oh please please please let Bristol's last 15 minutes be over.

    And Bristol, if you're trying to think of something smart to write as a troll comment, please remember something important. You and Levi will be Tripp's parents for another 14 years or so. It is in Tripp's best interests for you to get along. You don't have to see each other, but you shouldn't keep insulting Levi publicly and in front of Tripp.

    Frankly, Bristol, it's time to just be a mother-- take a parenting class. You don't need to drive into Anchorage to pretend to work at a doctor's office that don't manage. Go to school, learn something. Grow up and take real responsibility for your life and Tripp. There are many single mothers who have to work at a full time job while juggling the responsibilities of being a good parent. Your life is not hard. Stop saying that it is. You have sitters, a grand house and money in the bank. Doors open for you because of your mother, not because you have any special talent or intelligence.

    1. Anonymous1:54 PM

      right on. Stop complaining Bristol and grow up.

    2. Anita Winecooler9:05 PM

      "Grow up"? How can she? She mentions her mom all the time. She worships and defends her mom every time she's interviewed, it's not healthy.
      My oldest daughter is about her age and cut the apron strings years ago. She's my daughter, not my bff and it's supposed to be like that.

      Bristol can't grow up, she's dependent on her enabler, has no self awrareness and little self esteem.

  24. Anonymous1:40 PM

    I commend the makeup assistants backstage for making her chin stand out like that. I couldn't help but keep looking at her chin cause it looked so out of proportion with the rest of her face.

    I turned up the volume. There isn't much water in the coconut. Limited vocabulary.

    That's just awesome.

    1. Don't the makeup artistes have a black felt Sharpie? ----> Arrows pointing to Bristol's chin apparatus would be helpful to those of us using these goddam iPhones with the tiny screens.

      But short of that, the makeup folks did a helluva job highlighting it. Makes me want to brown bag that face every time I see it. Or teabag it when I've had way too much to drink.

    2. comeonpeople2:39 PM

      LOL I never heard that expression: not much water in the coconut. That is perfect!!!

    3. Anonymous2:49 PM

      Jay Leno Chin is very distracting, I want to see how that prosthetic looks. Is it plastic or glass? I am going with glass since it juts so extreme.

      Only 22 and all the work on her face. It is incomprehensible why she would leave the jowls hanging and drooping down the sides.

      The plastic face with early stage jowls blows the whole effect. She wasted her money.

      That show was horrible. All of them. Bristol soils everything, diminishes everyone. I understand Mark has to earn a buck and be a good corporate employee. I don't trust him, also sick of him and I am disgusted with him after seeing what he did. I would not be surprised if he ends up with Strep throat somehow as a result of his mistakes this time around.

  25. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Mark to Bristol:
    "Little pig, little pig, let me come in."

    Bristol wails:
    "No, no, not by the hair on my chinny chin chin."

  26. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Check out Whoopi's body language through the whole thing! She does NOT like ANYTHING Palin.

    1. Anonymous2:48 PM

      i noticed that too.

  27. Anonymous2:24 PM

    She was 20 year old for more of the first show than she was 19; Why does she try to make it seem like she was younger than what she was.

    1. She's trying to milk the poor widdle helpless "teen" mom thing for as long as she can. She'll be 29 and still whining about how weally hard it is to be a poor widdle helpless teen mom if she can get away with it.

      It's all she's got.

    2. Anonymous3:56 PM

      it's hard for her to remember which lie she already told. She turned 21 today, so she was probably 19 for most of the previous show and 18 at the beginning. and pregnant again.

    3. The party line is that Bristol actually turned twenty TWO today.

      However, so many people have said the campaign in 2008 added a year to her age because 16 and pregnant somehow sounds much worse than 17 and pregnant. Personally I have no idea whether Bristol was born in 90 or 91, I just know it wouldn't surprise me if she was a year younger than the family claims.

  28. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Who wouldn't improve with daily one-on-one lessons for months with a private coach!

    1. "Who wouldn't improve with daily one-on-one lessons for months with a private coach?"

      Answer: Bristol.

      Why should she work hard to improve when the Sarah-teabaggerPAC shills and sock-puppets are either paid [or are unemployed and stupid enough] to vote in shifts, many over 2000 times each, regardless of how slow the bristol-meth cow mooooves?

  29. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Levi appears to have given up getting his visitation. I really don't think he is a victim here anymore. He just gives up every time.

    1. Anonymous2:55 PM

      What makes you say that? I thought he was seeing Tripp more regularly. Of course, he should fight for a more regulated joint custody.

    2. Anonymous3:41 PM

      Maybe he's just taking some time to love his baby daughter for the gift she is--no drama, no strings, normalcy. (Tripp has been at DWTS for months anyway.)

  30. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Damn Sarah, if you are gonna wear open shoes get the damn bunions fixed. Fugly. Like Kathleen Turner feet and Teri Hatcher feet Fugly

  31. Anonymous2:48 PM

    I just want to say, Gryphen, and all the great commentators, Gina and everyone Anonymous, you are all National Treasures!

    And a huge thank you for exposing the BS that is the Palins. You have done a great service to your country and I commend you all! This is a fab blog.

    1. Anonymous3:53 PM

      Agreed! That ol' bat Esther is always preaching The Constitution. Bill Of Rights: Freedom of speech, Palins, freedom of speech.

      Dance, puppets, dance!

  32. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Listen, troops, I think the sad and dismal days of the Palins are over. Bristol will do some "celebrity" thing in Anchorage until even they're tired of her; Mama Palin is shilling at get=rich-quick seminars already. Fox will drop her (on her head) when her contract is up.
    Sure, they might try to pop up on a tv screen here or there, but, truly, they have no bargaining power politically or in Hollywood.
    I look forward to all our comments on the issues of the day, the perfidy of Romney in these last weeks, and then a blowout on November 6th when the President is re-elected.

    As for Bristol/Levi/Tripp, etc. == I wish them all the best, but I have no interest in their lives. I would like to know how many Trigs there are, but that will be revealed further down the line. I'm interested only in the audacity, the bare-faced lying, that was commonplace for the Palins. I think eventually they'll get tripped up, but by then I;ll be continuing my happy, vibrant, productive, busy life with my hard-working children and the husband that I love, and the Palins will seem like a very bad nightmare for this country.

    1. Anonymous6:14 PM

      anchorage ain't wasilla, that little fraud skank tries making a "celebrity" thing here in anchorage $he'd get laughed right back out the glenn hwy

  33. Anonymous3:43 PM

    When Bristol and Mark walked out the audience stood up for them . Why would you stand up for someone who's only claim to fame (and talent) is she got knocked up?

  34. Anonymous3:50 PM

    I had to look twice... my first take was to see " Mama Pimpin"

  35. Anonymous3:58 PM

    "you were so improved"
    Good Lord she was even worse the last time she was on that stupid show, that's hard to believe!

  36. Dis Gusted4:01 PM

    Bristol is getting really moon faced again. Lipo doesn't last long, does it?

    and Barbara Walter's and Whoopees body language was very telling.

    1. Anonymous5:43 PM

      It can also be the medicine the have her on now.

  37. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Damn. Did Sarah see the comment that Bristol's fan tweeted about Bristol sharing her new project on The View and order Bristol to zip it? I wanted one of the hosts to ask Bristol what happened to Gino. At least Joy brought up Levi and I hope Levi takes action to spend more time with his son. I bet Joy will give Levi another interview on her show.

    1. Anonymous5:46 PM

      Levi will be in Alaska working and he can have Tripp 50-50 now. If not go to court. The View isn't going north to Alaska for an interview with Levi, Sunny, Tripp and Breeze.

  38. Anita Winecooler8:46 PM

    I love how animated Mark is all through the interview, Bristol just sits there, like a tomato without salt. Uhm, yeah, go home, regroup, catch up with my son..." flat affect, no spark in her eyes, just blah.
    "I'm older now, last time I was 19 (and preggers) and this time I'm 22 (with jay leno's chin), so yeah"

    And Tripp is forever three.

    Can't let go of mentioning mom and the "Palin" name. She's still holding a torch for Levi, who's moved on with Sunny and Breeze, or she'd work out some kind of parenting deal.

    Notice how vibrant and healthy Sherry has become since DWTS! Or is it just the contrast of stoopid sitting between Liz and Bristol???

  39. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Anyone else notice that Bristol never talks about Mark or thanks him for all he has done or says what an awesome teacher/mentor/friend he had been? She has no concept of being grateful for anything given to her. Mark worked his a$$ of covering for her (and still is) and she does not even acknowledge it.


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