Monday, October 01, 2012

California Governor Jerry Brown FIRST governor to outlaw "reparative therapy."

Courtesy of the LA Times:

Gov. Jerry Brown has signed legislation prohibiting a form of therapy aimed at changing a minor’s sexual orientation from gay to straight, the first law of its kind in the nation, officials said Sunday. 

Sen. Ted Lieu (D-Torrance) introduced the measure based on his belief that so-called conversion therapy isn't based on science and is dangerous. 

“This bill bans non-scientific ‘therapies’ that have driven young people to depression and suicide,'' Brown said in a statement. ``These practices have no basis in science or medicine and they will now be relegated to the dustbin of quackery." 

Lieu commended the governor and hoped other states would follow California's lead. 

“No one should stand idly by while children are being psychological abused, and anyone who forces a child to try to change their sexual orientation must understand this is unacceptable,” Lieu said.

``These practices have no basis in science or medicine and they will now be relegated to the dustbin of quackery." God I love that!

I hope that this starts a trend in this country so that people STOP this ridiculous idea that gay people suffer from a sickness and that homosexuality needs to be cured. They don't, and it doesn't!

What should really happen is that people need to be educated about the acceptance of diversity and respect for basic human rights, and preachers need to stop using a handful of ancient scriptures to vilify loving human beings.

You know I was a big fan of Jerry Brown in the seventies and I am glad he is back in this new millennium showing our current crop of Democrat pussies how to get shit done!


  1. Caroll Thompson1:06 PM

    Jerry Brown is my kind of Democrat. I wish all Democrats were more like Jerry Brown.

  2. fromthediagonal1:09 PM

    I agree with you, Governor Jerry Brown has always marched to his own beat. His ideas were needed then and to those of us who have not calcified as time goes on, he remains an admirably courageous politician.

    1. nswfm2:49 PM

      Way smarter than most politicians. Far more visionary than all the rest.

  3. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Jerry Brown is the real deal.

    Just like his father Pat.

  4. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Off topic, but familiar to IM readers...

  5. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Once again California is on the forefront with progressive values and is leading the way, and hopefully the rest of the country will follow suit! I'm so proud of our state and especially Governor Brown. Thank you!

  6. lostinmn2:06 PM

    As long as you're checking this out check out the marriage amendment fight in MN - it's going down to the wire.

  7. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Marcus Bachmann is probably ready to fight this bill. His income will dry up if Minnesota adapts this law. Praying away the gay is almost as crazy as trying to turn repubs. into dems. Although they are repubs. through their own stupidity, it was not in their genes like sexual orientation is or having blue eyes is.

  8. Jerry Brown is my governor and I couldn't be happier. Unfortunately, I still think we're a long way before gays are accepted nationwide. But it's definitely a step in the right (pardon the pun) direction.

  9. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Just to remind those who may have forgotten about it, or never heard this...but Brown's Republican opponent, in 2010, actually did this:

    Ran an ad showing how her and her husband moved to California many years ago...and how the state was a marvelous place to live, with good government, and everything just freaking dandy. Vote for HER, and we can maybe get BACK that lovely California, once again.

    Brown's comeback to that. "I was the governor of California, then."

    Even better than the "I am not a witch" moment during a year of astoundingly ridiculous incidents like this.

  10. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Governor Moonbeam emerges as a voice of reason!

  11. Anita Winecooler9:38 PM

    Jerry's a riot, he challenged Chris Christie to do push ups, sit ups and run a half marathon.

    For some reason, Chris Chistie kept his piehole shut, without a mouth full of food!

    Jerry Brown did a great thing calling out this quackery. Poor Marcus is getting a pink slip, and it clashes with his purple bra!

  12. Anonymous9:40 PM

    That's why I live here in California! We have two cool guys who taking care of our blue state, Gov. Brown and his Lieutenant Gov. Gavin Newsom who directed the San Francisco city-county clerk to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples when he was a Mayor. How cool is that! and I think he will be our next Governor.

  13. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Christian Groups Plan to Strike Back Against California’s Gay Conversion Therapy Ban


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It just goes directly to their thighs.