![]() |
The crowds were almost twice the size of the entire population of Wasilla. |
As you can imagine, since you ACTUALLY realize that nobody gives a crap about the Palins anymore, their has been an embarrassing palc of enthusiasm.
This from Chuck Jr's Facebook page:
We arrived at the store and got a lesson in humility. I have been with Sarah at some of her signings and there is usually a mile-long line outside the stores, full of people that have been standing there for up to two days. I thought we must have pulled up to the wrong store because there was no line outside. We got out of the car and entered the store. Yes, this was the right place. There was a display set up in the front of the store with our books on it and a poster of us in front of it. We were ushered upstairs to a signing area. We were early so we walked through the line of people and introduced ourselves. The first person in the line was Katie, a long time supporter from that area. She had been in line for four hours so we were happy to sign her book first and take a picture with her. She came back later and introduced us to her parents.
We were grateful for the people that showed up to see us and happy to hear that they were loving the book. We wish that there were more people there, but we didn't do a very good job in notifying the public.
I like how Chuck Jr, is trying to convince himself this was due to a lack of adequate publicity.
These two remind me of the stories you sometimes hear of family members keeping the corpse of their mother in the house long after she has died, in absolute denial of her passing.
Even though everybody else recognizes that Palin's popularity is dead, and the stench of her decaying career is overwhelming, these two continue to insist that she is just resting and will be back stronger than ever in the days to come.
What they seem not to realize is that a book which is supposedly dedicated to "telling the truth" about Sarah Palin is not going to attract any real attention because people already KNOW the truth. They read it in Joe's book "The Rogue," saw it for themselves as she attacked the President day after day on Fox News, or are currently reading about it as HER career is used as the determination for how badly the Romney/Ryan campaign is doing.
I think the only people who DON'T actually know Sarah Palin are the people who think they can make money by ignoring the facts, and peddling lies on her behalf.
turn out the lights the party is over..........
ReplyDeleteI think these two chucky chucks are living in their own la land.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they're not in la-la land anymore, after a nice dose of reality from this poor showing, unless they are as thick as Bristol.
DeleteThis was supposed to be one of the top areas of the country where Sarah was "hottest", according to the site monitors at C4P and her more "knowledgeable" fans who were advising the two Chuckies where to do signings.
Then again, so was Kansas City, MO where only a handful of Sarah's loyal fans made the 40-minute drive to join about 200 locals at the "bring your ballot" voting station where fans were lured by free-food, free-drinks, free-parking, free-music & entertainment and free admission to an intimate personal appearance by Alaska's favorite former half-term governor, her reality-show celebrity spouse, Todd, her two oldest daughters who are notable not only for their fertility in making babies but also are the "stars" of a [short-lived - 2 wks] prime-time faux reality show themselves.
Piper's whereabouts were unknown, although it was later leaked that she was probably at her main residence at her Aunt Molly's. Lastly, Sarah's Down "son", Trig, made the trip with some of his "Campaign 2008" family, as did former State of AK employee and alleged "wife" of Track Palin and "mother" of Sarah Palin's "grand-daughter", Britta, who has been a reliable "nanny" in the past just as she is now.
So the Chuckies 1 and 2 continue a family legacy of grifting, although the public seems to be quickly becoming wiser than any of the Palin family.
Reckon how many books they'll sell in Alaska where they are so well-known and loved by 90-plus percent of EVERYONE? Sounds like they should be able to sell thousands of books easily very close to their homes!
"I thought we must have pulled up to the wrong store because there was no line outside."
ReplyDeleteJesus, are these two twats so deluded as to think otherwise? Evidently so.
Wait? Humility? In a Palin? Wow, maybe he can be around when Bristol is voted off DWTS this week. That girl could use some humility.But, I'm sure, it will be just God's way of telling her to knock down some other door with her behind. Hey Sarah, where's Trig?
ReplyDeleteHumility ≠ Humiliation
DeleteSomeone tell the U of Idaho-educated teacher that he still hasn't learned the difference.
This book is to tell the truth about their family, the Heaths. Joe did not tell the truth on that topic and basically fictionalized Sarah's entire childhood. Her friends and Wasilla student were upset that there are/were people who know nothing about that time period telling lies just to attack Sarah in a political way.
ReplyDelete"Our Sarah" is THEIR chance to give their loyal friends and fans insight into their upbringing and share wonderful stories about their lovely Alaskan lives.
It is that simple.
""Our Sarah" is THEIR chance to give their loyal friends and fans insight into their upbringing and share wonderful stories about their lovely Alaskan lives."
Really? You don't say. You would think their loyal friends and fans would already know about their upbringing and the wonderful stories about their lovely lives.
So you confirm that this is just money grubbing by the Palin grifter clan.
And apparently no one is interested in Chuck Sr.s version of why Sarah and her sister were always losing their underwear.
DeleteR i i i i i g h t.
DeleteOh the Bullshiticus Troll, aka Dope-On-A-Rope, weighs in. Yeh boy!!
DeleteROFL !!
DeleteYou are funny as in funny ha-ha.
LOL, sure if you say so !!!
DeleteWe don't care!
DeleteThat book is their last chance to cash in before Sarah's fame dwindles away. They had better start planning the sequel, "Our Bristol," because the star power of that family is fading.
DeleteAnonymous12:36 PM
Delete"That book is their last chance to cash in before Sarah's fame dwindles away."
I'd say they're a day late and a dollar short.
""Our Sarah" is THEIR chance to give their loyal friends and fans insight into their upbringing and share wonderful stories about their lovely Alaskan lives."
Oh Krusty....does the book show the pic of a naked two year old Sarah on a motorcycle? Well except her shoes.
Does it tell where Sarah learned that teen girls need to sleep in the nude for "health reasons"?
Does it explain Sarah palins irrational fear of "Baby oil" and why Baby oil means "SEX" to her?
Does it explain how Chuck heath knows kids are always "losing their underwear"?
Does it explain why Chuck Heath protected a Pedophile in the school system?
Waiting......tap,tap, tap...!
You are as deluded as your idiotic idol, $carah Palin, when she talks about "merkan 'ceptionalism."
DeleteEvery state of the union has beautiful areas, and we can each talk about our beautiful NY lives, our beautiful Hawaiian lives, our beautiful Florida lives, Illinois lives, Montana lives, etc.
So why bother to read this biased account of hers?
DeleteIf these things are true, they should be kept private, or reported to the authorities.
If they're not, and are being given as the kind of stories that would endear readers: ewwww.
Did Chckx2 get to wear pajamas?
Was Track brought up in a home where his three younger sisters were starkers all the time?
"Does it explain Sarah palins irrational fear of "Baby oil" and why Baby oil means "SEX" to her?"
DeleteSarah Palin has a baby oil phobia, but she thinks she could be president. She was traumatized by baby oil, and sex. I'd feel bad for her, if she wasn't hateful Sarah Palin.
Chuck Jr is funny. Despite the lies about his relatives and parents, his humor is intact. The book is good and shows a wonderful family who, through all life's curveballs, always sticks together and raises their kids in the same strong family spirit. There's a reasons "bots" become family friends and a reason they all have the same friends theyve always had, minus a few jealous assholes who couldn't handle change.
ReplyDeleteYou just keep telling yourself that, Sparky.
DeleteThey'll be readin' it out loud ta each other next time they're all together havin' a rill nice mill at Applebee's, right?
DeleteSure, and that's why Bristol went to live with her aunt for months on end -- because of "family spirit." And why Track was shipped to Michigan for the better part of a year. And why someone else takes care of Trig most of the time. I'll take my own real family any day.
DeleteThey're funny alright, Bullshiticus. We ROFLMAO every day when we read about their ridiculous gyrations to get into the news.
DeleteThe Palins do NOT want to be your friend.
Delete"There's a reasons "bots" become family friends"
DeleteWow so that's what your deranged incessant trolling is all about? You think if you defend sarah anonymously on blogs, she might someday be your "friend"? WOW! That's even more disturbing than I thought. Why do I get the feeling we'll read about you getting caught digging through the Palin's trash someday? Stalker much?
Yes, I loved Chuck Junior's sense of humor when he spelled the word "laundromat" as "laundry mat." It's too bad that they didn't have enough time to see all of sites in NYC. (That's sights, Chuck, not sites.) And that guy is a school teacher!
DeleteChuck has the same weird sense of humor that his father has-- jokes about underwear. When Sarah was supposed to return the designer duds paid for by the Republican Committee, Chuck Senior remarked that the kids "were always losing their underwear." He was there when "Trig popped out." (Creepy). Chuck spent 'way too much time describing their obsession with washing their underwear in the bathtub.
Either that was some sophisticated Alaska humor and I missed it or (1) They didn't know how to use the sink? (2) They accumulated so much laundry that it filled the bath tub? (3) They didn't pack enough clothes? (4) The stores were closed and they couldn't buy any more underwear? (5) They were too cheap to pay for the hotel laundry service. (It's a business expense, and since they were being flown all over the place, picked up, and checked into hotel, they could just put it on the hotel bill. Haven't those boys ever stayed in a hotel before, or have I just missed out on the latest, greatest comic talent? He should write a book. Oh yeah, he just did, or at least, it was ghost written for him.
You seem to know the Palin family well. Can you explain why the family does not believe in higher education considering none of the children attend college?
DeleteCurveballs are what they call divorces, knocking up pregnant teenagers or getting knocked up themselves, and having multiple babies outside of marriage?
DeleteHell, every one of them ought to be together in the Palin Family's Family Counselin' Bidness ™.
"Just cum on like ya is an' weel fix ya up."
Them Palins sure know their shit, don't they?
I'd say because Sarah and Todd are complete failures as parents.
DeleteAttend college? None of them (Track, Bristol, Willow - three out of three so far) have even finished high school! Sorry, dropping out of high school and then taking the GED does NOT equate to having a high school diploma. That might work for very smart kids who then go on to obtain very high SAT scores that will get them into college, but that doesn't describe the dumb ass Palin kids.
Oh assholes like Toki who spilled the beans to RAM?
DeleteThose kind of assholes Krusty?
Have another hit off the crack pipe!
Yeah, they don't get out much.
DeleteYes, 12:34, they are that stupid. They exemplify the word "rubes." People from such an insular world, they can't function anywhere but in a very small radius of their home (geographically or culturally). They have no capacity to learn or grow intellectually. Junior says they went to Applebee's - there is some decent regional cuisine, even in Rochester. But they go to a cheap, bad microwaved food chain instead. Now at least we knwo where $carah gets the "lack of intellectual curiosity" from. These two are teachers? Omigawd!!!!! Their poor pupils.
DeleteIs this a picture of everyone who showed up that day?
ReplyDeleteI am actually amazed I am the first comment..I figured Krusty would be on first letting us know that this book is great.
Has anyone actually tried to read this book? I won't be downloading it as I feel sure there is nothing new these two can contribute the the Sarah Palin mystique. And they surely won't tell us any of the true stories.
Those are friends they've met or talked to before.
DeleteKrusty is right above you, she must have been out waiting in line to get the book and got delayed in traffic.
DeleteTrack already told the truth about his sister Bristol being a slut. I figured that went for any of em. All of em.
DeleteAnd track also called her a "Cunt"...! the bots get all mad at Bill Maher but Track said it first! lolololol!
DeleteLOL a long dead corpse is right.
ReplyDeleteSeen more people at a signing by Paris Hiltons pal, what's her name, oh yes. Nicole Ritchie.
These two actually think they would make people come out?
Why wasn't Sarah with them? that would draw out the bots.
They couldn't afford her fee.
DeleteDear Gryphen,
ReplyDeleteSince the election-battle in 2008 I've been reading your blog because I like your message and, what used to be, an irony, a subtle sarcastic touch in your writing. Nowadays I feel you're using a sledgehammer on the 'weaker species', those who feed on the shit that's left over. We all know what mrs. Palin stands for, but to hammer on the insects feeding on the corpse, I don't think you should bother. Isn't there a whole new (blogging-) world to explore ? Your insights and comments would justify such a move.
Talk about the New Frontier that Global Warming is creating. The opportunities, risks and potential development for Alaska as the Ice melts. Sea-routes extent, problems arise and voices need to be heard. Not just corporations or vested interests, but those of the people who'll live there.
DeleteI too am so sick and tired of reading about the Palins, especially that cow Bristol; who the heck cares what she does? (I never, ever click on any posts about her.) Or what her delusional mother is screeching about currently? It's over, she's done, she has no influence or power, she spews her hatred of our president on Faux News and that's about it, but no one pays attention to her anymore. Blogmaster, just be merciful to us, your loyal readers, and let's bury the stinky corpse once and for all.
DeleteI just love when people come on here and want to tell G what to write...or tell him to stop writing about that old bag of trash paylin...
We get your "concern"..!
I suggest that YOU start your own blog like krusty has (although its private now) and get on with it.
G knows what he wants to blog about he's been doing it for years, long before asshole hit the scene.
LOL Is this what you were taught in troll school? You was robbed!
DeleteLOL Is this what the taught in troll school? You was robbed!
DeleteNot yet, not until we're sure the insects haven't left any larva or grubs that might hatch.
DeleteI'm not going to read about ice melting...
DeleteYep, and notice that the only way the Palin tribe (and the shill commenters over at House of Insanity) can keep the Great One relevant now is to dig way, way back in time. The Chuckle Twins are pimping out SP's past life for a buck, another author cribbed from the Barracuda's HS basketball "career" last year, and the fave rave posters at See4Pee constantly link to articles from 2008 when Sarah was the newest and shiniest thing since the Slap Chop.
ReplyDeleteBack in the day, the dimwitted faithful would drool over the chance of meeting anything Palin related, even the much-dented fridge or the spite fence from Wasilla. Now the bulk of the lost disciples are going through major SarahPAC fatigue, and some of the savviest have even figured the scam out. The thirty or so (possibly paid) inmates left at the Asylum are the only ones treating Chuckstock as some sort of literary milestone. I guess the spitload of people who turned out for Brissie's masterpiece didn't give anyone a clue, or the investors are blindly trying to squeeze every last nickle out of Myth Palin before her target Bagger demographic slinks quietly into nursing homes.
The Creepy Chucks are both late to the dance.
DeleteC'est la vie!
"...Sarah at some of her signings and there is usually a mile-long line outside the stores, full of people that have been standing there for up to two days..."
Oh Chucky, Chucky, Chucky, maybe in her Going Rogue heyday, but things dropped off considerably for the second book, and for the third? Pffft.
I live in a nearby suburb and was actually in that store about an hour before the signing was supposed to begin. There were signs up inside the store and several tables in various locations with piles of the book. I did not see anyone stop to look at the book--everyone just veered around the tables and kept going. I was tempted to hang around to photograph the signing to post it for you all to see, but didn't want to waste the time.
ReplyDeleteThe store must have been expecting a crowd. They actually had it planned that you could get a number to hold your position in line, starting two hours before the signing was to begin. Then you could roam around the store and not have to just stand in the line. I didn't see anyone getting a number.
Here's a cut-and-paste of an interesting comment that was left by one of your readers last night, Gryphen, as a reply to another anon referencing the Facebook entry for this book signing event by the Creepy Chuckies, Jr & Sr.
DeleteI'll send this anonymously since it's not mine and I probably would have omitted some of the "strong" language, although I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiments of the writer.
Anonymous7:03 PM
Sounds like typical Palin excuses for a weak showing in "one of Sarah's biggest fan base areas", or so they thought.
This book tour now has an official mantra:
"How we went broke traveling the country trying to sell shit that people don't want."
They didn't learn a goddam thing from the humiliation that Sarah and Bristol both should've felt after selling fewer than two dozen books with BOTH Sarah and Bristol appearing together at the largest Mall in North America. They actually ended up closing their book-selling area an hour and a half early because no one else had come even bought a book for the prior half hour.
In fact, fewer persons bought their books than the number of people standing around laughing and talking about how much Sarah's popularity had sunk like a rock in only two years. That's why Bristol was able to talk her Grifter Mom into shutting down their "book sale" very early.
As of Friday, there were only 6 tickets purchased for advance spots in line by a Republican group that was hawking the for "Our Sarah" event. Most people politely declined when asked to go over to B&N to help with "the appearance" of a larger crowd.
But I was caught off-guard, and accidentally laughed in the guy's face who asked me if I were going over to meet Sarah's dad and brother.
I saw the two Chuckles interviewed on TV. All I can say is that Bristol inherited all of grandpa Chuckles "personality" along with the lack of chin. They got a taste of the easy money, now they are hanging on for dear life. What a waste of time.I thought Chuckles Jr. was a school teacher, has he quit his job also, too?
ReplyDeleteChuckles Jr. now works hard at begging for money from Sarah's quickly dwindling fan base.
DeleteLooks like hubris and stupidity run in the family.
DeleteChuckles Jr. now works hard at begging for money from Sarah's quickly dwindling fan base.
DeleteSally Heath better hurry up and start her begging before the well runs dry.
Gramps gets paid big money for opening up the envelopes for Sarah's mail. Apparently he has post it notes on every wall in the house with a picture of the stalkers from Pennsylvania and sleeps with a loaded gun. This family is stark raving mad! Sally Heath may have dementia but she seems the sharpest of all the family members. She has been told by Sarah not to speak to the media.
DeleteJunior looks like a yeti who ate Anderson Cooper.
ReplyDeletelol I get it!
Deletesorry o/t but likely related on the grifting front.
ReplyDeleteMore Republican shenanigans. Uh oh, the FBI is investigation this one and the Dem. ringer who had his expenses paid by his Republican "opponent" is now singing to the authorities.
Oops. Sarah might want to talk to the authorities before Joe Miller gets to them first, because Joe the Weasel has shown he'll squeal loud if it will save his scrawny, slimy self from any more trouble.
Remember, Sarah: The 2nd one to tell the truth in an electioneering or election tampering case might get a reduced sentence but never walks without a felony conviction.
Remember Todd's e-mail asking Miller "Is this how this endorsement thing works?" And where did Miller's funds originate?
How much $$$ was passed through Sarah directly or even indirectly because of her being the "go-between" for the Big Money Shell Donor and the Miller campaign?
And surely all laws regarding declaration of any cash or 'in-kind' payments were declared as income by ALL parties involved along with their sources, even if it were a "pass-through". If not, and there is any fraud committed by any parties, this would make the person who only made the arrangements via phone, delivered the envelope, or actually transferred or received the cash a co-conspirator. Of course, if certain parties involved had a history of "forgetting" about property they own at tax time or a pattern of past instances of under-reporting income from per-diem or receipt of good & services of value without proper declaration as income, the IRS might be less inclined to make as attractive an offer.
Just to let you know that things are moving forward in other cases, here's a brief video on how some real investigative journalism works.
Sounds just like ALVIN GREENE. He's the guy that guy that "ran" against Jim DeMint who "won" the Democratic Primary in 2010. with a little help from some friendly Republicans that promoted his name for him within the GOP to cross-over and elect him in the Democratic Primary as nominee for U.S. Senator for South Carolina.
Maybe the FBI will talk to Mister Greene, who NEVER GAVE A SPEECH AS A CANDIDATE, yet still won his primary. It's amazing that someone unemployed could even afford the filing fee of $10,440 to run for US Senator in SC. I'll bet he's interested in talking now.
Joe Miller was in a similar position, IIRC.
Hmmm...all of these are Tea Party candidates.
That is called humor and remembering. They aren't expecting THAT, as they're not HER. Chuck writes with humor.
Hi Sarah.
"That is called...remembering."
DeleteWho talks like that???
Anonymous11:25 AM
Trust...this book tour is going to be canceled in the next couple of days! Whoever is paying for the Creepy's to go on this will not appreciate the empty stores!
And if they try to sober up Baldy and send her out there...that ain't going to help either..."remembering" the free food at that Kirk thing in Arizona? LOL!!!
It's time to head home to take care of a little family business for a few months and stay home until the spring thaw.
DeleteThereafter, Two-up Chucks,Inc. will reboot their book tour and begin paying travel expenses out of their book sale royalties.
They'll be restricted to selling books at weekend flea markets all over S Central AK.
Be sure to look for them appearing soon in a village near you!
I guess they were only listening to Sarah herself and Fox News, regarding her popularity? I mean, if they were reading anything but far right winger propaganda they'd have to know she was done, history, finished. By them not doing their due diligence they've written a book that no one wants to read! I find that just hilarious!
ReplyDeleteCreepy Chuck Senior thought it was supposed to be his Doo Diligence, so he scrubs and washes his underwear in the sink to remove the skid marks. Then, he hangs them in the bathroom in the Motel 6 where he and his son are rooming NOW on their book tour.
DeleteAfter selling less than a dozen books at their PREMIERE, Holiday Inn Express is no longer in the budget.
"Don't worry, Sally, we'll be home MUCH SOONER than we'd originally planned!"
But, will Rickie 'Tha Chin' Hollywood last another week on DWTS?
ReplyDeleteI old.
DeleteI see 'Tha Chin' and it is Vinnie 'The Chin' Gigante aka The Oddfather" that I think of.
So how much money did they have to pay the African American woman to pose with them?
ReplyDeleteThat's Adrienne Ross in the picture.
DeleteHer report on this sadly failed book signing and much more Palin worship is at her website. Someone posted this already.
1:18, you are exactly right about the Palin worship. A few of the C4P crowd are not cult members, but Adrienne is almost as bad as Brianus the bootlicker.
DeleteTo scan through their adoration of Paylin reminds me of a bunch of love struck 6th grade kids with puppy love syndrome.
If only they knew the naked truth it might cause them heart failure.
Recently the big flap on their open thread has been between the Romney haters and the Romney supporters. Harsh words have been exchanged, even between the faithful Pbots. Oh Noze!
Some of the Pbots are determined to vote for Rmony, in spite of evidence, logic, and the bullshit that he has puked out about 47% of the USA taking no responsibility for their lives.
Must really suck to have to go along with whatever Paylin spews out from the scrambled eggs inside that giant skull of hers.
Chuck squared + Adrienne Ross + Applebee's = ❤.
ReplyDeleteFer reals, ya'll.
Fergot + truck + talk snowmachines + FAIL = Palin!
Deletelol at the link. None of the Palins servants did shit! Fire them!!! No wait, maybe it's the sorry as shit Palins that have been FIRED!
Thanks for the link. It's hilarious. Losers all.
DeleteHey Adrienne (said in best Sly Stallone voice)why is it the media's job to give Junior and Pappy free advertising? They aren't news, get it? they are selling something - they (or their publisher) needs to advertise - this says the publisher isn't making any money on them. As said above - LOSERS.
DeleteOmigosh - that link - Adrienne's hubby (?) has boobies as big as $carah's - almost as big as his gut.
DeleteTwo Chuckies, This is how you do it.....
Congratulations, Track!
Dad and his dog Bo on the way to the gold mine.
Caption from the dad and his dog Bo picture
Delete"Dad and his dog Bo on the way to the gold mine. If you look closely, you'll see a herd of hundreds of caribou in the background. This is probably our favorite area in Alaska."
The sad thing is how is that hunting when the herd with dozens of caribou is just standing there grazing? One shot and you're guaranteed to hit something unless you're a poor ass shot like Sarah who shot several times at standing caribous and none of them ran away.
Flot bog, Arnold.
DeleteThose Obamas even stole the name of their dog from the Palins. They'll stop at nothing.
DeleteYeah, you're right. Barack Obama changed his initials to B O just so he could name his dog the same as Sarah Palin's dad's dog, because the Palins are the only thing that the Obamas have to discuss over dinner EVERY night. It's sad. The Obamas should get out more and get a life instead of living vicariously through their hate of Alaska's former half-term first family.
DeleteIn every interview or press briefing, Sarah 's name comes up every time Barack Obama opens his mouth. He's so jealous of Sarah.
Don't you know that Sasha And Malia would have to name their puppy after Chuck Heath. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bo_(dog)
Delete"Congratulations, Track!
So Track kills people for a living and animals for fun? As long as it is killing, he likes it!
>>Anonymous2:34 PM
DeleteThose Obamas even stole the name of their dog from the Palins. They'll stop at nothing
-Biographical details
the puppy received his current name from President Obama's two daughters, Malia and Sasha, in part after their cousins' cat and Michelle Obama's father's nickname Diddley; the dog is a namesake of deceased singer Bo Diddley.
The Creepy's haven't figured out that Baldy's Base of supporters have dwindled down to a hand full of broke asses! None of these jokers have money to throw away on those idiots book of bullshit and they certainly aren't going to go to the book tour!
ReplyDeleteToday the Creepy's are in The Villages in Florida...the place where old Republican dinosaurs go to die! Creepy Sr will probably get hit on by all the old ladies in walkers and wheel chairs and they will probably try to fix up Creepy Jr with their great grand daughters(apparently Creepy Jr likes his women on the young...real young side!)
The remaining patients at the Asylum are mad that InSannity hasn't posted the interview the Creepy's did last week...how bad was that interview that even InSannity didn't want to show it?
I call 'em Dumchucks.
ReplyDeleteI call 'em Dumbfuckchucks.
DeleteHow bout we call them the UpChucks!
DeleteI think I like Dumbchuckfucks
DeleteThink I'll go with Upchucks. But Dumfucks is good, maybe Chuckfucks, or Fuckchucks. But mostly I wish everyone would just chuck 'em. No more palinupchuck forever.
DeleteDoubleDumbUpChuckFucks about covers it.
DeleteThe world is sad at the C of P. In the midst of campaign season, the headlines are the Chuck book tour and Bristol on Dancing with the Stars.
ReplyDeleteI'm waiting to see if Sarah will do a co-book signing with the Creepy Chuckies like Sarah's failed duo book signing with Bristol at the big mall in Minnesota when they hired all those guards and off duty police officers and put up 1/2 mile of barricades for crowd control and only a handful of people showed up.
DeleteNobody is showing up at the creepies book signings either. Get the hint Palins, we're tired of your grifting.
Did Creepy Chuck "Sandusky" Heath write about how he forced "his Sarah" to sleep in the nude when she was a little girl? Because according to him it's "unhealthy for girls to sleep with clothes on". Or how about how "kids are always losing their underwear"?
ReplyDeleteI learned a lot about their family and didn't realize Sarah entered politics the same year her grandfather died.
ReplyDeleteIf that is learning a lot, then I feel very sorry for you. My Grandpa died the year I had my daughter, but why would anyone care?
DeleteSo? It doesn't change the fact that Palin is a loathsome, un-American, spiteful, bitter hater, with no intelligence, work ethic, education, or patriotism to contribute to making this a better country.
Delete"Nefer2:49 PM
DeleteSo? It doesn't change the fact that Palin is a loathsome, un-American, spiteful, bitter hater, with no intelligence, work ethic, education, or patriotism to contribute to making this a better country."
True dat. She has done nothing good with the power she had, and the attention she gets. Yea, I remember they went to Haiti and held orphans, big whoop.
I don't know about the brother, but the father has a major creep factor. I still remember his odd reaction the day SP resigned. He looked like his neck was broken his head was hanging so low on his chest.
ReplyDeleteSarah was begging and drumming up votes for Bristol's DWTS on facebook and now she is doing the same thing for Creepy Chuckie Sr and Jr book signing.
ReplyDeleteWho is next to come out with a Sarah Palin book and book signing? Piper or Tripp?
O/T this is fabulous.
ReplyDeletePresident Obama... A Man of the People.
the whole effin' family is no more than a bunch of grifting opportunists.
ReplyDeleteThis book by those two leeches tries to paint Sarah as this great mother and family person.
ReplyDeleteWe all know that the Palins loves photo ops. Has anybody seen a Palin bbq on their cement slab with aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins and grandparents?
This is a multi-millionaire family and they can't spring for a party, or a bbq or a family reunion?
They don't even have a grill in their back yard!
Dem Palins are not family orientated unless it comes to grifting for dollars.
Dem some tight selfish sums of bitches.
And I thought there was to be a real family wedding reception for Track, or was that 'wedding' yet another staged camera event to make Sarah look like a caring parent? Yes. And notice that she never ever mentions Track's daughter.
Delete"Okay, so I survived this week — I can’t tell you how much fun this experience is, and how different it is this time around!!"
ReplyDelete"My main initial goal was making it through the first week, and I met it! What an honor to get “Most Improved” from the judges."
MOST IMPROVED! In tee ball baseball if you can just walk up to the plate without tripping you can get MOST IMPROVED!
Bristol takes a simple compliment like that because there is nothing else good to say about her dancing and she repeats it over and over as if it is a big accomplishment.
Bristol how about going to college with all that money you have and I'm not talking about going to 5 different colleges like your mom just to get one degree that nobody has verified.
Different that she's not PREGNANT this time. Different that her co-stars keep her at arms length.
DeleteHey, everybody, vote for Bristol. She didn't fall down.
DeleteIs Most Improved on DWTS sort of like Sarah's Miss Congeniality at the Miss Alaska pageant? You know, the we really don't like you but we want to give you something so you don't throw a tantrum Award?
DeleteBristol's Anthem
ReplyDeleteBristol Palin commented in an interview with On The Red Carpet that her song this week is “her anthem,” and that she sings it every day. It’s Redneck Woman by country artist Gretchen Wilson.
Let’s hope the song inspires her. Absent a big surprise from one of the other couples. Bristol and Mark along with Drew and Anna and Kirstie and Maks are the couples likely to run into trouble and end up at the bottom of the scoreboard.
I've never watched the show or voted and don't plan to, but I like Kirstie Alley and hope that she stays on just because she seems like a nice person who has struggled but continued in Hollywood despite not meeting the accepted beauty standards. :)
DeleteCreepy Sr. Chuck and his son are fools to think that their daughter and sister would give them footing to financial success.
ReplyDeleteWhat idiots that entire Palin family!!!!
Sarah is fading, but not fast enough for me. Were it not for FOX News giving her a contract, people would have already forgotten her name. I guess in the days of social networks and 24/7 news, it is going to take a bit longer before we can forget her name.
ReplyDeleteSarah is such a family person!!! Absolute bullshit! When do we EVER hear anything about Todd's family in their lives? Except for his sister (or half-sister?) that is a felon?
ReplyDeleteThe only thing I know about the Todd Palin side is that his mother (or is it step-mother?) is a golfer in Anchorage.
There are zero photos out there showing Todd and Sarah w/his family members.
Their family is as screwed up mess from top to bottom. And, the Heaths? Forget them!! The hillbillies from Wasillie!
Pretty obvious to me that Sarah is not close to them.
I thought Todd's mother had been in politics - a Dem - and wouldn't vote for her. Definitely sounded like "bad blood."
DeleteFaye Palin can't stand Sarah.
Delete2:47 I was not aware of that, but it would be interesting as hell to hear more, if you have more info.
DeleteI could not imagine having a Sarah Palin type as a daughter-in-law! Can you imagine? I would have knocked her block off by now and taped her mouth shut!! Haha!
It's a mystery WHY the brother and father wouldn't know that Sarah has lost her popularity. Are they so in the dark? Does Sarah and Todd lie to the Heaths and her brother Chuck, telling them she still gets thousands upon thousands of positive comments? It could be they believe her, and never question her lies.
ReplyDeleteOr, they know the truth and are still trying to squeeze the last remains of the grift that they can. This book seems to be one last attempt by Sarah's family to keep her saintly persona in check. Either they must all have some obsessive need to keep their family members elevated and worshipped as exceptional, or they really believe Sarah is superhuman and have a need to keep her on that pedestal. Whatever the psychological dynamics that play here, they all appear disturbingly insistent and obsessive about their baby Sarah. It's almost as if the family, her brother, sisters, aunts uncles, nieces, nephews, and children and Todd all see her as "Sarah Palin", the superior human that no one can stain, touch. Just for example, remember Todd referring to her as "Sarah Palin" in the airport kerfuffle with the videocamer, and her children referring to her as "Sarah".
The Heath/Palin family relationship seems to be screwed up. She is not "mom" or sister or daughter, but some kind of idol to her family that they can keep making money off of.
>>>It's a mystery WHY the brother and father wouldn't know that Sarah has lost her popularity.<<<
DeleteStupid. STOOOOPID
"Or, they know the truth and are still trying to squeeze the last remains of the grift that they can."
I think this is it. I don't think anyone in that family idolizes anyone else in the clan.
I do think it is likely that everyone in that family is very good at looking out for #1, and since (for who knows what reason) it seems that Sarah is popular, they will glom onto that concept and push it in hopes of $$.
On the other hand, if Sarah were someone who had been exposed as pulling off a huge hoax in order to worm her way into the White House, I think everyone in this same family would be stepping all over each other to churn out tell-alls as fast as they could.
Low-life bottom feeders, all of them.
"She is not "mom" or sister or daughter, but some kind of idol to her family..."
Well, I think "useful idiot" is a more accurate term than "idol", but yes, as you say, she is more helpful to make money off of than as an actual functioning mother, wife, sister, etc..
>>>It's a mystery WHY the brother and father wouldn't know that Sarah has lost her popularity.<<<
DeleteNone of them are exactly the READING types, apparently. None of them.
I've heard conflicting stories. When SP hit the national scene it was reported that her father was a "beloved long time science teacher" in Wasilla. Later I read that he was an ocassional substitute. Which is it? Did he actually get a college degree in science or education? I'll be damned if I'll read the book to find out. And oh, i did hear him say that he moved his family to Alaska because he couldn't kill enough things in Idaho ... now THAT's creepy!
ReplyDeleteI have always thought it was a made up story to enhance America's view of Sarah Palin.
DeleteThank God we have found out how lying and fraudulent the Health/Palin clan is currently and has always been!
What creepy people! Alaskans have to be so embarrassed to have them in their midst! Those people do not bring a shining light to Alaska!
He was a gopher choker!
DeleteAnonymous4:51 PM
DeleteHe was a gopher choker!
In Texas, we just call em pig-fuckers.
The PeeBots are fervently trying to lure poor innocent souls to the Chuckies' book signings:
ReplyDeleteLynda 6 hours ago
Our Sarah ...Book signing by Lynda Armstrong on Monday, October 1, 2012 at 10:34am ·
It is great to have “Our Sarah” by Chuck Sr. and Chuck Jr. if you read the book or read any of the reviews you know they put their hearts and soul into what they wrote …
We (I) have talked about the book on C4P and other sites, which is fanatic, I feel we can take it one step further…
I did the following I looked through my contracts and (for me it is the Dallas Event) I looked for friends that lived in cities around where the Event is taking place or the so called bedroom communities ; I then sent an e-mail to each of these people giving them the information about the book signing and was surprised to receive replies back saying “wow we did not know or we have not heard anything about the event”; see if there is a local paper and call and see who you need to talk with to get some news out about the book signing….
We do not have a-lot time but please pick the Event in your area and send out e-mails to friends and family…
The stench of desperation is becoming overpowering.
Wait! I thought Sarah had 3 million plus Facebook FANS. Evidently they are the kind of fans that blow cool air and not the kind that buy any shit that has "PALIN" on it any more. Her PAC has finally been successful in bleeding those poor, stupid, people dry.
DeleteI thought it was funny that the Fox News Family stiffed the Chuckies 1&2 on their scheduled interviews with their "big middle east news" excuse that day, which was actually to have Rosanne Barr on Hannity instead of them! lol
And then none of Sarah's "peers" at the network took an interest in her family any more than they are interested in her ... they didn't exactly call in ALL THEIR folks in THEIR Rolodexes, did they?
I wonder if Sarah got THAT subtle message. Probably not, but at least both her brother and Dad know that her employer is about to cut her loose, even if she hasn't figured that out yet.
She was also a little slow to catch on to the fact that the RNC, Mitt, Priebus, and the rest of the Republicans were laughing at her with her rental down payment at the mall down the street, which was her only leverage as her threat to take over Tampa during the convention. Instead, while Sarah was out in her FM Hi-Ho Heels trying to avoid cow shit patties in the mid-west and southwest, Lisa Ann went down to Tampa, and got a lot more ink that Sarah ever dreamed of, even though she and her remaining C4P fans still held out UNTIL THE LAST NIGHT of the convention with hope that she was going to be the SURPRISE speaker. Clueless-Any of em, all of em. lol
If Sarah had actually been a friend to anyone, she might have made some friends by age 48, and things might be different now. But the only time her kids or "husband" come around now is to pick up their paychecks from her, to beg for money, or to ask their Quitter Queen relative to plug their latest "project" on her lame-ass Facebook page.
I'd feel sorry for her if it would do any good, but Sarah's rotten to the core. And that's the way she's been for a long, long time. That's the way she lives every day, and that's how she will die as well.
Then her family will realize the only ones that still care for Sarah are those who don't live in reality anyway, and the ones who never knew Sarah personally. But I think they suspect that already, looking at who contributes to her PAC from Alaska--- almost no one at all from Alaska has EVER given to her PAC from among the people that know her. That tells me a lot right there.
What a great idea! Why didn't we think of this? Maybe it's not too late to fly The Chuckles to California to be sitting in the audience, cheering for Bristol. Then, when the camera focuses on them, they can hold up copies of the books they are trying to sell. I bet that Mark could think up a routine where they dance over to The Chuckles and sign books as part of their dance competition.
ReplyDeleteTodd could sign used face cloths and sell them.
DeleteBristol could sell wine coolers from her trunk and adopt her kids out.
Willow could sell the stuff stolen from the houses she has broken in to and the stuff she purchased in the Target parking lot early in the morning.
Track could sell his combat medals he never received in the parking lot.
Piper can sell her like new school books she never looked at.
Sarah could sell her wigs, extensions, the fake Belmont girls and all the family clothes and shoes the Wasilla Hill Billies locusts brought back from the 2008 Republican Convention in black trash bags.
what a family of losers. Nobody can hold a job--everyone can talk about the hard fishing they do on Todd's mothers Native American free fishing license. They are allowed two weeks of fishing each year--they pretend that they are doing it all year long. No wonder Todd's family doesn't like Sarah. When Sarah ran for mayor of Wasilla, her mother-in-law told everyone that she was not qualified and not to vote for her. So now Bristol and Sarah are running a scam and pretending that they have gone to college and have degrees in physical training and diet/nutrition. Are writing a book and telling you what pills to take and what plastic surgery will help you lose weight. Move over Suzanna Summers--Sister Sarah and her family of grifters are the new experts.
DeleteSomeone somewhere is still carrying water for washed up Palins.
It's October, is Bristol starting to get her Alaskan winter fat?
DeleteStarting to see more folds in her neck.
Why does Bristol's folds go up her neck and slightly behind her ears? Does it have anything to do with the work she had done to her chin? I lost weight and my neck doesn't do that. Is that what happens when you get your necked tugged up?
DeleteToo bad the sexed up old yoga guru could not help her. She would have had some tone.
DeleteShe is lazy.
Rather go with speed or the knife to get that superficial look. Good thing she isn't all Hollywood...heh heh.
Is that how Todd dresses his prostitutes?
DeletePuke. Sorry. Warning next time, PLEASE!!!
DeleteBristol still has that gut. And NO muscle tone. Pretty fleshy again. I think she's eating again, y'all. Look out!
Deletekids all the witty and wonderful words you use to destroy the myth that is sarah palin are fabulous but please can we not make jokes about child molestation and pedophilia?
Deletethese are truly horrid crimes and regardless of how incredibly disgusting all of the palins are...........to talk jokingly and mockingly of pedophilia is so sarah palin. you all are so much better than that and i ask that you refrain from being as tasteless as she is.
seriously, pedophiles are not anything to make jokes about and i would not wish molestation on any child nor would i torture anyone about being molested.
just an observer and thank you.
Go to x17online (sorry, don't know how to link), they have another picture that shows just how horrid her chin implant is. That picture would be a perfect side by side comparison.
DeleteOMG! Next time warn!!!
DeleteSarah's birth story as told by her father. (this differs a bit from that told by friends from Sandpoint, ID but both feature Chuck Heath's fascination with a local fire.)
ReplyDeletepage 40
In February 1964, Sarah was born. Sally had been restless the night before, so when she awoke with labor pains, we were not surprised. I helped her into the car and started toward the hospital. It wasn’t far from our house. On the way, we passed the local car dealership, Sandpoint Motors. The building was on fire and I stopped to watch the owner drive the cars from the showroom.
page 41
The scene was entertaining for me--flames in the air and people running around in a hurry to get the cars out. Sally was already in labor and as you might imagine, she didn’t think it was entertaining at all. By then the labor pains were severe and rapid. She wasn’t much interested in watching the fire or anything else. We made it to the hospital in time and Sarah was delivered by Dr. Helen Peterson.
(from Amazon 'Look Inside' feature)
"Sally had been restless the night before"
Deletewilling to bet old nasty Creepy Chuckie Sr was still trying to get some ass during Sally's contractions.
What was your hurry, Creepy Chuck? You're supposed to wait until her water breaks, then hang around in the lower-48 till after lunch, take a 4 hour flight, go to the Admiral's Club in Seattle and hang out a couple of hours, then catch another 4 hour flight into ANC where you get your luggage, get the car and drive about an hour to the hospital. Then your wife gets labor induced with pitocin and pops out little baby Trig the next morning between 6:30 and 7:00 am, which is coincidentally when the nurses are all doing their shift change.
DeleteSally must not have been nearly as tough as "OUR SARAH".
Creepy Chuck, you REALLY are as full of shit as your daughter, Sarah, aren't you?
DeleteIf you were going to stop, WTF didn't you bother to help? I'll bet the Idaho people liked y'all about as much as the Alaska folks do, in general... which ain't too damn much at all, is it?
Creepy Chuck, Sr might've been the firebug at Sarah's church and Dar Miller's. That sounds like his guilty conscience talking, if anything.
I don't know why I'm fascinated by this story enough to check the locations on Google maps. But I am and I did and [SHOCK!] discovered that Chuck misrepresented the drive to the hospital which was around the freakin' block from their house. Leaving the Heath house (712 N 4th), Chuck & Sally would have to drive past Bonner Hospital (N. 3rd & Poplar) and go another 2-1/2 blocks to get to the car dealership (Cedar between 1st and 2nd).
DeleteIf anyone's interested....
Heath's Idaho address, name of hospital (Bonner), name of car dealership/owner (Jack Parker), story of Chuck's fire watching
Background and original location of car dealership (Di Luna's)
(Butterbean Chuckles' fascination with a local fire) -"The scene was entertaining for me"- the old lady is ready to calve the future moron and village idiot, and he's getting his jollies watching a business being consumed by fire. Unfuckin'believeable! Between the wailing of the fire sirens and the old lady's wailing, how long did the fuckin' idiot hang around? Arson investigators and criminal psychologists have proven that arsonists like to observe their handiwork; it's the thrill of the hunt. Is this the reason Chuckles & Co. split Bumfuck,ID and hightailed it to AK not long afterwards??
DeleteIsn't it hilarious what a little verifying turns up!
DeleteI can't understand why Chuck thinks that's a cute story to tell. First of all, parking in front of a building on fire is dangerous for the people in the car, and it is an obstruction to the equipment fighting the fire and saving lives. The most important part of the story is that Sally is in labor. GET TO THE HOSPITAL, CHUCK!
DeleteChuck and Sally already had two children, Chuck and Heather. What did they do with the kids? Baby sitter? Friend? Back seat of the car? Did they like watching the fire, too?
Chuck Heath (born 1962)
Heather Heath Bruce (born 1963)
Sarah Heath Palin (born 1964)*
Molly Heath McCann (born 1966)
Did "Our Sarah" hire Chuck Sr. to burn Trig's Birth Certificate in the Church fire?
Delete"There are zero photos out there showing Todd and Sarah w/his family members."
ReplyDeleteAre Todd's parents ashamed of Sarah? Do they dislike Sarah like America does? Todd's parents or relatives hasn't been to any of Sarah's family outings, or SarahPac paid for family vacations, haven't seen them in any pictures when Sarah gave birth, not at DWTS, no appearances in Sarah Palin's Alaska, Todd's relatives were not there when Sarah quit on Alaska or when she went on the campaign trail, nobody at the births of Bristol's children or Track's baby.
Is it because Sarah pu$$y whipped Todd and took away his marbles and manhood and made him carry her purse?
The folks at c4p are retards. They will be looking for another sparkling object but it will take them a while. These people are profoundly stupid. Even Ariana isn't featuring the frozen idiot of the north much anymore.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand book publishers? People are tired of the Palins but the Palins and Heaths continue to sell whatever they can put Sarah's name on before her last 5 seconds are up.
ReplyDeleteHow could book publishers afford to send those to ass wipes for book signings when nobody shows up? Who is paying for their airfare, hotels, food, rental cars and clothes? Don't tell me SarahPac or the Teabaggers?
It wouldn't surprise me if Sarah paid a vanity publisher to print a run of the books, or if she agreed to do a book later with a regular publisher with NO advance ($0), in order to get a small upfront amount for the Creepy boys for being her enablers and helping her with babysitting for Bristol's brood of rug rats.
DeleteIt would give the publisher a little upside potential later in case Sarah did something notorious like a slasher murder or totally melted down in the public eye and climbed a fire tower naked--- something BIG for her.
Then the publisher would hold the rights to her next (straight to paperback) book they could ghostwrite for her, like OJ's "What if I did it?"
Wouldn't surprise me if Sarah or SarahPac bought pallets of her daddy's book so he wouldn't look like a doofus when they disclose he only sold 10 books.
ReplyDeleteI think SARAHPAC is running on fumes: Sarah won't be baling out Daddy.
ReplyDeleteBristol: I think people are surprised to see that, over the past two years, I’ve actually grown up. The last time people saw me was when I was a teenager. Now, hopefully, I’ve got a little more confidence – in life and on the dance floor.
You stupid shit Bristol, "The last time people saw me was when I was a teenager"?
Bristol didn't we just see your ass on Life's A Tripp being a terrible mother and laughing at your homophobic son using the "F" word and you weren't a teenager either for your information? So what the fuck are you saying?
"The last time people saw me was when I was a teenager"
More word salad like your mom? Oh yeah Bristol you've grown up and you are mature alright!
I'm sorry, yes Bristol we have seen that you have matured over the past two years. You raised an obedient child and you have great relationships with your trial husband. By the way has anybody seen Gino since Bristol had her temper tantrum and left Gino on the side of the road in Alaska for wolves and bears to fight over?
Who did we see crying on Life's A Tripp because Willow got tired of wiping Tripp's obnoxious behind and Willow wanted to go home instead of disciplining the Devil's seed while Bristol was bar hopping, riding mechanical bulls and picking fights with Gay patrons at a Gay bar??
DeleteWho the fuck cares if you've grown up or not, Beefy? Because your sorry parents never cared when you were 15 and sneaking outside to get drunk and high and then to blow the entire hockey team? Like Mom, like daughter(s).
DeleteWhat a joke with all of this self importance! How about doing some crunches and get rid of that gut? Tons of speed and minus 60 lbs later, and you're still fat and lazy.
The last time that I saw Bristol, she wanted people to see her teach her son to stick out his tongue. She could have asked the photographers to cut the scene. As a 21 year old mother of a three year old, she can no longer use the teen aged girl excuse. We saw Bristol talk and act as if she and Willow were still teens with no responsibilities and no direction. The banal conversation was an sad example of Bristol "growing up."
DeleteThe reality show was awful, and there is nothing in Bristol's life worth seeing.
I would like to meet the parents of the sissy who wears mom's jeans and can't say helicopter correctly.
ReplyDeleteI don't want to meet the parents of the man who walks around Wasilla with used condoms wrapped in face cloths in his pockets.
DeleteTodd: "healy-cop... helio-cop... fuck it!"
DeleteTodd: "helliogoddamcopter" (still spoken with tiny Toddy's squeaky little girly-man voice)
Todd: "Here's your pants back, Piper. I can't keep em up. They're way too big in the crotch for me."
I don't know too much about Todd Palin's birth family. Does Todd have only sisters and no brothers? Did his birth mother beat him too?
ReplyDeleteIt's only natural that he turned out the way he is. Seems like women are always controlling Todd and beating him like on Sarah Palin's Alaska and Stars Earn Stripes. Wasn't Todd also abused when Sarah threw cans of food at him?
You haters prepare to have your socks blown off tonight on DWTS. Bristol will be dancing to her favorite song tonight and she has been working hard at it all week. I would be terribly surprised, upset and shocked if Bristol wasn't asked to perform the encore dance the next day. Bristol will be a Maverick tonight doing steps that no one has ever seen before.
ReplyDelete"And this second week will be a blast!! We’ll be doing the quick step, which is supposed to be fast and powerful. But we won’t be doing just any quick step!"
"Mark had to tweak our moves a bit, because I get to use my favorite song… I doubt anyone’s ever done to the quick step to this. Though I can’t tell you what it is just yet, I know you’ll love it. It’s my anthem, the type of song I sing around the house."
"Will my love for the song make me move a little better? We’ll see!"
Epic Fail! Her score was lower than Pam's score last week!
DeleteThe Heath/Palins are huge failures.
ReplyDeleteCheck out their peers and how well they are doing.
lmao Bristol was a HOT MESS
ReplyDeleteShe did terrible. Sarah, sit your asss DOWN!
Bristol had such a great first week, and she received the "most improved" award from the judges, which I think is 100% deserved
Excuse me, did I miss something last week? Did the judges actually hand Bristol a Most Improved Award?
Mark did say that Bristol received the Most Improved Award!
What did Mark mean by the judges?
Talk about bull shit!
Next week: Miss Congeniality. Oh, I'm sorry. I hope that there's no next week.
DeleteSo, the judges are admitting that Bristol really was that bad the last time around, and they realize that they shouldn't have let her go onto the final round.
They didn't 'let' her. The vote was rigged. I'm sure they hustled Willow down realizing that there will be NO big run for Bristol this time. The others are so far superior that keeping her sorry butt on another week is just too obvious. Let the real dancers shine.
DeleteTonight will be Bristol's Game Change. She is hyped up and ready to show that she is not shy anymore.
ReplyDeleteThat ship sailed years ago.
DeleteHer score tonight was lower than even Pam's last week!
DeleteYeah, I guess Bristol was considered shy during her abbreviated high school years, when she would blow her date in the parking lot at McDonald's.
DeleteWhy, she would hardly show her face until she finished and she got hungry! Hell, then she'd tie her hair back and walk inside with a big cock-sucking grin on her face and get a couple of Big Macs, an XL order of fries, and a large chocolate shake, all for herself.
She'd say, "Screw you" if you were hungry too but broke after you paid to fluff up her muffin top. She'd bite a finger off if someone were stupid enough to reach for one of her french fries.
She was never all that cheap of a date considering she had always had that beer gut you had to fill up, too.
Yeah, it was obvious how 'shy' she is two years aho when she and MArk dry-humped on the floor more than once, because Bristol dances better on her back than on her feet.
DeleteBristol should try out for the Dallas Steer Burger mascot.
Have the Heath grifters ever been rescheduled on Hannity? Or is it a done deal that no one cares about this book or the family??
ReplyDeleteOur Sarah: Made in Alaska
ReplyDeleteAmazon Best Sellers Rank: #7,526 in Books
That pretty much says it all!
sinking fast
DeleteOT but read crazy Adrienne Ross's blog and almost died laughing reading this..
ReplyDelete"Then you have the Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester's big time newspaper, which also didn't do its part. As Chuck, Jr. said, perhaps their name says it all"
I'm from Rochester and this is hilarious! The D&C is democratic? Do they know anything about this area at all? Do they have any common sense? And these are teachers!!!! Gawd help us all
I went to Stupid's book signing just to laugh at the crowd back then, and I'm sorry to say there was quite a crowd. I didn't go this time but from what I heard, well no one had to wait in line long! LOL
It's my guess that the interview wasn't that great, so it is being held for a very slow news day.
ReplyDeletelowest score 18
next lowest score 21
highest score 26
Sabrina Bryan and Louis Van Amstel
Everybody seems intent on beating the quickstep over Bristol's head tonight on Dancing With the Stars:All-Stars. Sabrina makes it the most painful yet, comparing her expert quickstep to Palin's would require removing the word "Star" as well as "Dancing" from the title of the show. Carrie goes as far as to call Sabrina's work "something I have never seen before in the history of Dancing with the Stars!" They score and EPIC 26.
Let's do whatever we can to support Elizabeth, she is KICKING ASS! She's smart, so smart. She's serious. She's calm. She's intense, engaging, really makes you feel the urgency of things. She'd be such a HUGE contribution to the Senate.
ReplyDeleteElizabeth Warren Rolls as Scott Brown Falls Apart in Their Second Debate
Elizabeth Warren rolled over Scott Brown in their second debate as the incumbent lost his cool, and cracks started to show in his moderate pseudo-Democrat facade.
Here is the full debate:
ReplyDeleteDear Mr. President,
Ian's Letter: "Dear Mr. President"
My name is Ian.
I live in Las Vegas, Nevada and I am ten years old. I really hope that I can meet you someday because I would like to shake your hand and thank you for bringing my dad home from Iraq.
My dad served two tours in Iraq. His time away was really hard for me.
This is a note that my dad sent me: "My dearest Ian, son, I miss you so much..."
I had trouble sleeping sometimes because I was so worried about him.
He gave me his dog tags before he left and I kept them with me all the time so that I can feel close to him.
Because you ended the Iraq war I have my dad back safe.
Now I get to spend birthdays and holidays with my dad. And we can do all the things I have missed out on while he was away.
I look up to you both and I want to be just like you.
Thank you, Ian
Women's Voices
Democrats CRUSHING Republicans in new voter registrations across Battleground.
I don't understand. Ghostwritten books of fantasy were so successful for Sarah and Bristol. I mean, Bristol even convinced Candie's that she was just a 'one time and pregnant' teen who could earn big bucks but talking to other teens about 'how hard' it is to be a poor, alone God-fearing teen mother while having millionaire parents, not having to finish school, paying cash for two mansions, and having people at your beck and call to watch the kids for you while you triapse off to Hollywood. Surely there are still enough gullible people who want to read about "Our Sarah." Or not. Maybe if Chuck had told the truth about Trig and Bristol's babies they'd have a winner...and a screenplay for HBO!
ReplyDeleteAnd the sorry saga of Chuckles, The BIG GAME Hunting Guide and his spawn, Junior continues. (read at teh peepond)
ReplyDeleteIntelligent person response: haven't these rubes heard of an app for the cellphone that has gps or..... gasp..... a horribly complicated technology called .... are you ready.... A MAP. Or hey, RUBES, what about calling the hotel for directions from the airport. How unresourceful.
And these guys were teachers? O MY God - this explains quite a bit about the Palin- Heath stupidity - and falling test scores in schools. Their poor students. Not to mention, Junior - learn how to use a comma.
Thanks for that updated info, a fantastic service for everyone. More power to you!
ReplyDeleteBoth Daddy Chuckles and Chuckles Jr. were substitute school teachers and Sally Heath also worked for the school system--and now we have Sarah Palin who flunked out of five community colleges and her husband who graduated from high school and then the oldest three Palin kids who only have managed to get GED's (equivalent of eight grade education according to most teachers)--this is a sad story about the dumbing down of America.
ReplyDeleteThe patient desires the phalloplasty but at this time would be for Koli Goswami herself to testify in a safe environment that the documents were not force on her under duress.
ReplyDeleteElders give all they've got while receiving all the other" beckys" that the box and" QUESTIONS" written in black along one of the most popular brands are Nexus and Tenga.
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