Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Candidate for Arkansas House of Representatives endorses death penalty for disrespectful children. WTF?

Courtesy of the Huffington Post:

Charlie Fuqua, the Republican candidate for the Arkansas House of Representatives who called for expelling Muslims from the United States in his book, also wrote in support for instituting the death penalty for "rebellious children." 

In "God's Law," Fuqua's 2012 book, the candidate wrote that while parents love their children, a process could be set up to allow for the institution of the death penalty for "rebellious children," according to the Arkansas Times. Fuqua, who is anti-abortion, points out that the course of action involved in sentencing a child to death is described in the Bible and would involve judicial approval. While it is unlikely that many parents would seek to have their children killed by the government, Fuqua wrote, such power would serve as a way to stop rebellious children.

According to the Arkansas Times, Fuqua wrote

The maintenance of civil order in society rests on the foundation of family discipline. Therefore, a child who disrespects his parents must be permanently removed from society in a way that gives an example to all other children of the importance of respect for parents. The death penalty for rebellious children is not something to be taken lightly. The guidelines for administering the death penalty to rebellious children are given in Deut 21:18-21: 

This passage does not give parents blanket authority to kill their children. They must follow the proper procedure in order to have the death penalty executed against their children. I cannot think of one instance in the Scripture where parents had their child put to death. Why is this so? Other than the love Christ has for us, there is no greater love then [sic] that of a parent for their child. The last people who would want to see a child put to death would be the parents of the child. Even so, the Scrpture [sic] provides a safe guard to protect children from parents who would wrongly exercise the death penalty against them. Parents are required to bring their children to the gate of the city. The gate of the city was the place where the elders of the city met and made judicial pronouncements. In other words, the parents were required to take their children to a court of law and lay out their case before the proper judicial authority, and let the judicial authority determine if the child should be put to death. I know of many cases of rebellious children, however, I cannot think of one case where I believe that a parent had given up on their child to the point that they would have taken their child to a court of law and asked the court to rule that the child be put to death. Even though this procedure would rarely be used, if it were the law of land, it would give parents authority. Children would know that their parents had authority and it would be a tremendous incentive for children to give proper respect to their parents.

I am almost at a loss for words here. The idea that the way to deal with disrespectful children is to threaten them with death is so primitive and fundamentally flawed that only the MOST unfit parents would ever resort to it as a method of behavior modification.

Can you imagine what kind of adult would emerge from that kind of parenting?

I have to hold out hope that even in a place like Arkansas, THESE ideas are way too crazy to ever allow this man to actually win a legislative seat.

And please tell me this guy is not some poor child's parent!


  1. Anonymous2:08 AM

    Someone needs to hit this prick with a bus.

  2. So basically he wants the US to allow honor killings. No wonder they screech about Islamic Sharia law. They want rill genuwine Amurkin Sharia law.

  3. Anonymous2:51 AM

    He is anti abortion but pro death for rebellious kids? Just keepin with the extreme rights pro birth but who cares about them after that beliefs!!!
    Vote DEMOCRATIC 2012


  4. Anonymous3:03 AM

    This is the definition of fascism: giving over to the state the power of life and death.
    This man was made to become an SS officer.

  5. A. J. Billings3:20 AM

    About 35 years ago, I left organized Christian religion for good, having realized just how extremely limited in scope, and prejudiced their belief systems are.

    One of the fundamental principles of the "gospel" is that the New Testament *supersedes* the Old Testament, and makes it obsolete, and renders all the observances and the 630 laws of the Pentateuch null and void.

    Having come from a Jewish background, I knew far more about the Law and the Prophets than most Christians, and was astounded at how ignorant most of them were concerning most Old Testament scripture, and the historical truths behind it.

    LIke Todd Akin, and Mitt Romney, this man reveals for us just how idiotic and ignorant he really is in suggesting that we adopt a particular couple of verses from the Old Testament and craft a law for a 21st century secular Republic.

    These Christian supremacists will stop at nothing to try and force their blind ignorance on society in their quest to have a militant theocracy become the law of the land

    Mitt Romney dare not talk about the lunatic views of his Mormon cult because if any of the truly dark and hideous beliefs were publicly known, he would be discredited for believing such nonsense.

    Like Todd Akin and $arah Paylin, these people open their mouth, and reveal their craven ignorance, and utter prejudice to anyone who has the ears to hear.

    As a non-theist, I am very tolerant of whatever beliefs or faith others have in compliance with our US COnstitution.

    People like this man deserve public shaming and humiliation, and any rational Christians ought to be the first to stand up and contradict this vicious example of blind ignorance

    1. Anonymous6:47 AM

      So totally agree with you.

  6. Anonymous3:59 AM

    Ignore the explosive laughter coming from me: this man is certifiable. But we all knew that.

    He actually gave the reference for the section of the Bible that he was using as grounds for insanity. Deuteronomy 21:18-21 was written for Jews who live in the promised land. Is Mr. Fuqua a Jew? If so, he has to move to Israel before he can wave his magic hammer of destruction at his children. So sayeth grammy97

    Oh, and the intolerable behavior of the "child" is specifically listed as drunkenness and gluttony. So, it only applies to fat Jewish boys who are old enough to buy their own booze. Now Mr. Fuqua should move to Israel and try to persuade the Jews there to bring back stoning. I suggest that they use Mr. Fugua for their practice piece.

    1. Anonymous9:06 AM

      I'm not sure if the Repukes realize the Babble was written by Jews.I get the idea they think Bubba Doo Clampett and Billy Ray Bob Turnipseed wrote it in Alabammer,'Murrika,in 1953.

  7. angela4:21 AM

    Someone needs to check this man's history of child abuse. What an insane nut.

    There was a time in the not so distant past that this creep would have been laughed out of the GOP. And maybe even Arkansas. That time has passed. They love their crazed regressive religious fanatics in the republican party these days.

    1. Anonymous5:53 AM

      Actually, in the not so distant past, he would have never publicly declared his despicable views of childrearing so that people WOULD laugh him out of the GOP. People may have believed this garbage but they would have never admitted it to anyone outside of their families, especially if they were in politics.

      However, today it seems that the more lunatic, right-wing crazy you are, the more the GOP loves you.

      You are so right about checking his history...there are no doubt some ugly incidents in that man's family background.

  8. It was Bill Cosby who said: "You know, I brought you in this world, and I can take you out. And it don't make no difference to me, I'll make another one look just like you."

    1. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Minor difference, Cosby was a comedian, gong for a laugh. He certainly wasn't advocating a law based on that joke.

  9. Leland4:58 AM

    What this jackass seems to forget is a simple fact that is critical in child rearing: Respect is a TWO WAY STREET!!!!!! If the parent doesn't respect the child, it usually reflects badly upon the parent and can - and in many cases, does - lead to the feared failure to respect the parent.

  10. Anonymous6:33 AM

    well seems to me that this guy was a child once and i'm sure at some point disobeyed his parents...let's start with him

  11. .....Wait....this guy is an American or an Arab extremist!?!?!?

    1. He wants American Sharia law. What's more all-American and patriotic than being able to proudly perform honor killings on your own children?

      Sick, sick, sick.

  12. Anonymous6:47 AM

    I live in Arkansas...crap like this goes on all the time, in fact we have a judge in town who sends kids that declare they are christian to better rehab clinics... However, you will be happy to know, Arkansas State Republicans will no longer endorse this gentlemen (along with two other fruitcakes that came out this week in favor of slavery).... LOL.

  13. Boscoe6:52 AM

    Justifying killing children? Why would one's mind EVER even drift to that subject?

    Someone needs to investigate what this psycho has buried in his backyard.

    I'm being serious.

  14. Anonymous7:14 AM

    There are no words.

    I feel like some in the GOP are like those alien machines in War of the Worlds that were dormant for millions of years and all of a sudden it was the right time for them to suddenly expose themselves out of the ground and do their nasty deeds, eating the resources.

    It's "like" these republican candidates are finally showing their true selves, their true hearts were hidden from the public, but are all now allowed to be exposed, the true agenda exposed(eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth). And they don't seem to care how evil it sounds. They've been stewing in their own juices and are unleashed.

    Yes, I believe in God, and I pray, please God, help us all!

  15. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Just stop and think how irrational these ppl are. The rail against abortion, want every pregnancy to go to term, but once a child gets here no help for the woman. in feeding, educating. and when the child is rebelious, kill them. Another tea partier said kill the parents if they need help and adopt the children out. They are not protesting all the children killed in wars or pregnancies thathappen durning war or people killed by guns in this country. What morals do these ppl have none but what they make up. Does this sound like a world we want to live in? Dark ages for sure. ppl were burned on the stake for not going along with the program.

  16. Anonymous7:21 AM

    We have some real looney birds running for office across the nation and it's going to be real interesting watching results come November.

    Two I put in that category are Romney and Ryan. Notice that it is people in the Republican party that are on the extreme right with 'religion' always appearing to be their motive. Makes me sick to my stomach!

    Americans need to vote them out of office across the nation!

  17. Anonymous7:52 AM

    WHo let this guy out? THis is pure insanity.

  18. Anonymous8:07 AM

    domestic, mutherfukin' taliban

  19. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Save fetuses,kill children.Family values 'n stuff,GOP style.

  20. Anita Winecooler1:11 PM

    I'm a parent who feels my children aren't mine, they came through me but don't "belong" to me. They belong to the world. This man's thinking is beyond the pale, and why aren't pastors, priests, real christians and true believers speaking out against this?
    If a muslim person wrote the same thing, I'm SURE they'd me marching in the streets with their bibles and signs.

    Silence is consent.

  21. Wouldn't this be retroactive abortion?

    For a very interesting take on conservatives, abortion, the religious right and a lot of science fiction mixed in, I recommend Neal Shusterman's "Unwind". Semi-dystopian.

    It got beat out by Hunger Games three years ago for the California Young Reader Medal but is still a very fine book.

  22. Marleycat1:24 PM

    The very sad thing about this insane moron's ideas is that there will be some ignorant religious fundie or extremely stressed parent who will actually believe that executing a rebellious child is the right thing to do. God Almighty (and I'm an atheist)!!!!

    Where do they get these cretins? This is even worse than the Republican who's touting the "slavery was not so bad" meme! And they're so stupid they don't understand how aberrant their positions are to the vast majority of Americans!

    This is the legacy of the GOP - absolutely no SHAME in openly promoting HATE! Extremists like these have been unleashed!


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