Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Do you know who is VERY excited at prospect of a Romney presidency? Lobbyists!

Courtesy of Politico:

President Barack Obama’s gone further than any president to keep lobbyists out of the White House — even signing executive orders to do it. 

But the mood on K Street is brightening. 

Industry insiders believe that Mitt Romney will unshackle the revolving door and give lobbyists a shot at the government jobs their Democratic counterparts have been denied for the past four years, a dozen Republican lobbyists said in conversations with POLITICO. 

"I've heard they are likely not to black ball anybody from any particular sector," said Republican lobbyist Sam Geduldig at Clark, Lytle & Geduldig. "I assume, everyone is welcome to apply. I'm sure they are interested in getting the best people possible." 

Allowing lobbyists back into the White House could be a PR nightmare early on in a new administration, some Republicans fear. Romney would have to toss out Obama’s orders, which shook up how President George W. Bush did business and let Obama claim his agenda wouldn’t be hijacked by special interests. 

Sources close to Romney’s campaign say there has been no official word from the campaign on what the rules about lobbyists in the administration will be. And Romney himself has said nothing definitive on the trail about the issue. 

But there are clear signs that lobbyists could be back in the executive branch. 

Come on, there is NO doubt that Romney will fill his administration with lobbyists, and big business types. Who else does he even know?

If Romney wins the American people will have virtually NO say in the policy decisions that come out of his administration, and it will be like Disneyland for the 1%.

Essentially he will be like George W. Bush on steroids, and we can kiss social policies that help everyday Americans goodbye, while watching corporate raiders ride roughshod over now impotent regulators like something out of a B movie western.

I CANNOT believe that this asshole is still polling as well as he is!


  1. Anonymous1:25 PM

    He is polling so well because people are STUPID and Obama is African American. If he were white he'd be 30 points ahead.

  2. Dinty1:26 PM

    Romney's Tax plan has been released in detail:


  3. Anonymous1:36 PM

    So it all comes down to a debate, tonight. That's it. If Obama doesn't score a knockout, it's over, he's finished, hello President Romney...That's what is all over the news this afternoon.

    I find this hard to believe, but hey, I'm neither a journalist or a pundit. So what do I know?

    Of course, Fox News is chomping at the bit, but any performance by the president will be panned immediately by it.

    I'm so discouraged, I'm not even going to watch. It matters not to me at all. I know I'm voting for President Barack Obama. A debate does not change my mind. This hype is sickening me, quite actually. The right-wing media will declare Romney the winner of the debate no matter what.

    Screw it! I'm going to kick back with some cold delicious adult beverage and find something on TCM to watch.

    1. Who won the Gore/Bush debates? Who won the Clinton/Obama debates? Who gives a shit other than those of us who obsess over the details of the campaign every day? 75% of the electorate will ignore this debate and the next one as well. There aren't many undecided voters, and if anyone undecided is interested enough to watch a televised debate, I give them enough credit for making their own decision, because they will get the same read on the candidates as I do.

      Just vote and encourage others to vote and quit being a Debbie-Downer.

    2. Anonymous4:06 PM

      Anonymous 1:36 PM
      "So it all comes down to a debate, tonight. That's it. If Obama doesn't score a knockout, it's over, he's finished..."

      Says who? Don't be so dramatic. You need to turn off the news until the evening of November 6th. This is not the debate to end all debates. Three weeks from today a lot of folks will be surprised at how easily Obama glides to an electoral AND popular vote victory. Apparently you will be one of those who is surprised.

      Do you honestly believe that WOMEN are now favoring the Romeny/Ryan ticket? Because of a debate 2 weeks ago, women are now ignoring all of the positions and the party platform on restricting women's choices and their rights to healthcare? Come on. THINK.

    3. Anonymous4:31 PM

      Don't rely on alcohol to fix your problems, it leads to alcohol dependency. This is only an election and it really doesn't matter that Romney is going to win. Hi gina.

    4. Anonymous4:31 PM

      Is this the advice you give to Baldy the Alkie Toad?

      Fuck off...teeny tiny two tone penis having broke ass pimp! Get your number one HO back on the stroll! You're slippin on your pimpin!


  4. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Nor can the rest of the world Gryphen.

  5. Beldar J, Conehead2:07 PM

    Straight from the pages of The American Hypocrite, the official journal of Right Wing High Society news:

    Rakishly handsome man-about-town, Christian uber-conservative commentarian and committed protector of legitimate marriage, D'inesh D'Souza, 51, has crushed the hopes of lusty right-wing women across the land by coyishly filing for d'ivorce from one chick he used to - until very, very recently - proudly introduce as his "wife" while canoodling with another much younger chick he now proudly yet d'iscreetly introduces as his 'fiance'.

    Flush with cash after the historic success of his recent d'ocu-fiction film called "2016: How Barack Obama Single Handedly D'estroyed The Greatest Country In The History Of The Known Universe and How We Can Stop Him Before He D'oes", D'inesh apparently d'ecided to trade-up to a new hotter babe after realizing that Mitt Rmoney's election would NOT be ushering in a new Golden Age of American Polygamy as many wealthy right-wing men secretly hope it would.

    So, all you large breasted, blonde haired, very thin, d'rug and d'isease free, 25-30 year old conservative ladies hoping to get a piece of Big D'addy D'inesh will have to wait for the next cycle to come around before he's available again.


    1. Beldar....someone left a link about D'Souza in another post...it's from some religious site...the funniest part...the COMMENTS!

      Here's the link again...


    2. Anonymous3:55 PM

      And the band played on...

    3. Anonymous4:14 PM


      What a revealing and accurate title for one of the leading conservative evangelical leaders of the Republican Party.

      Thanks for your link as well, Gina. The hypocrisy of "these people" is sickening. Those who screech the loudest always seem to have the most skeletons in the closet. It seems that the commenters for the World article are seeing the truth about D'Souza for the first time. I hope they can swallow it and digest it without choking.

  6. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Frankly, I don't believe the polls numbers that we are being told. This is pure fabrication especially when the have polls telling us the woman are know overwhelmingly for Willard. It is a scam so call it like it is!

    The baggers are all over Huffington post....they have been getting more rapid and more abusive as the debate grows closer. They are emulating Willard from the last debate: abusive bully. We all must emulate Joe Biden, laugh in their faces and call out their lies. With a smile of course. :)

    1. Anonymous4:32 PM

      If the polls are fixed then they are fixed in Obama's favor. Get ready folks! This isn't going to be pretty for you librul hatemongers.

    2. Anonymous4:32 PM

      Awww...our resident KKK troll has decided to hang out with us tonight folks!

      Well ass...pull up your sheet and have a seat...it should be an interesting night! LOL!!

  7. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Wait a second... how exactly is this not like Affirmative Action that so many right-wingers abhor so much?

    Someone please explain.

  8. Sharon2:23 PM

    I agree with the way over the top pundit bullshit...its so deep we are all drowning. I really think the majority are voting for Obama, screw the dumbass media. You know he has the LGBT group, the Latinos and women...and college kids. The smart, educated, well informed.."us" will do the job.
    These last 2 weeks are gonna explode for him, damn the stupid polls.

  9. Dis Gusted2:32 PM

    you may be happy to find that today's polls show Obama on top once again.


    Obama 51% - Romney 31%

    Obama now leads Romney by eight points on healthcare, and by nine on Medicare, down from pre-debate levels of 12 and 14, respectively. On one social issue that was not raised in Denver, gay marriage, Obama leads by 19 points, up by two points since before the debate.


  10. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Why Obama is ahead, and by more than you think



  11. vegaslib3:39 PM

    I have never thought much about polls anyway, but how in the hell can Romney screw up so badly for almost two years, week after week, and Obama has one off night and all of a sudden Romney's the man? It's bullshit if you ask me. Same thing happened in 2008 and I called bullshit then too. I guess we'll see just how stupid or smart we really are.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.