Friday, October 12, 2012

Draw the Line - Sign the Bill - Spread the Word.

If YOU want to draw the line as well, just click here.

I don't know about all of you but I am beyond tired of this shit!


  1. Anonymous4:36 AM

    What the "h" has happened to people in this country? It seems as though half this population has lost their common sense. I am NO farm animal, I was not put on this earth to subjugate myself to some asshole whose head is so far up their ass they no longer are rational sane people. As for the rest of the "Christian" right, go to hell! On one hand you want all children to be born, but if they don't get in lock step with your ideaolgy then just slaughter them... dam, this makes me mad! If there is a God, please control the mamiacs out there.

  2. Leland4:43 AM


    Maybe we could also start a petition to stop Viagara and the rest from being free to males on their insurance? Give them a taste of their own medicine?

  3. Leland4:52 AM

    PS: Is there any way of keeping track of the numbers on this? Like the petition to get that idiot Broun off the Science committee? (which, by the way, stands at 82,000+)

  4. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Have signed and sent it on to more than a dozen friends, male and female.

    o/t -- earlier this week, the AP sent out a photo, that they captioned without too much info, showing Romney in front of a little girl who is surprised and delighted.
    Queen Esther says this is of course terrible, that the Associate Press are "jerks," and that it has a hint of sexism to it -- like when people tried to look up her skirt in '08. (!!!!!!)

    Of course, now she makes it easy for them to do so by pulling her skirt up so high on television that there's no question what she wants the viewer to see.

    1. Anonymous5:52 AM

      Plus, idiot Palin made it about her!!! What is new - it's been going on for years now.


  5. At least Mitt is consistent. Look at what the GOP REALLY thinks about him. I think they're right.

  6. Thanks - just signed and passed on to many people.

  7. Anonymous5:49 AM

    I love Kyra Sedgwick and her husband, Kevin Bacon! Great spot.

    Slightly to, in this morning's paper there are two columns by right-wing women (should be an oxymoron but, unfortunately, isn't). One of them urges women not to vote as women but to vote as "Americans." That's to keep them from voting Democratic, of course. The other explains how there will be an economic boom should Romney be elected (God forbid) because big business is sitting on tons of liquid assets. If this was a scheme concocted after the 2008 election between big business and the GOP in Congress, as I suspect it was, there is a crime here and it should be investigated. Some women, not the ones in the "draw the line" ad, are willing to be puppets. Most of us are not so willing.
    Obama/Biden/Democratic Congress 2012

  8. lostinthemidwest5:53 AM

    Thank you for posting this. Signed and passed on.
    Good job.

  9. Super Fan In Atlanta6:27 AM

    Signed it and passed it on!

    Totally O/T:
    Here's your girl admitting Ryan got dusted like a musk ox underfoot (gaahh!!)

    1. Anonymous8:54 AM

      The best part there is the comments...and this is POLITICO...they are sooooooooooo done with her.

  10. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Signed with pleasure!

  11. Awesome, Gryph!!! Thanks so much for posting this. Signed and shared.

  12. Anonymous7:08 AM

    I told my husband that women in congress should propose a bill that all male citizens must undergo reversible vasectomies and that way when they want kids they can have it undone. There will never be an unwanted pregnancy again! LOL

    Oh and these procedures will be paid for by not giving churches tax breaks!!!

  13. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Thx for alerting us to this. Signed. Good video.

  14. comeonpeople8:01 AM

    That was a very effective video.
    Kevin and Kyra were in the audience when I saw Book of Mormon in January this year. They know all about Romney's religion now also, too, if they didn't before. They looked like they really enjoyed the show! Good looking people too. Healthily thin and beautiful. Oh and smart. And nice.

  15. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Signed and shared. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. Hope it goes viral quickly!

  16. Paul - Minnesota11:00 AM

    Signed. Thanks Gryphen for sharing the video and link.

  17. Thanks! Sign and shared both on FB & Twitter

  18. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Signed and shared!

  19. Anita Winecooler6:28 PM

    Signed it and sent it on.

    Love the entire premise of this video. Six degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon, used as a tool to fight the insanity, and who doesn't love Olympia Dukakis and Merryl Streep?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.