Friday, October 12, 2012

Lawrence O'Donnell takes on religious extremism.

This segment was actually broadcast on Wednesday but I could not fit it in yesterday with all of the breaking news. But that is okay because it is certainly just as relevant today as it would be on in other day.

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What an amazing young lady. And what an absolutely shameful, and cowardly way for these intolerant bastards to respond to the progress that will surely come their way eventually, regardless of how hard they fight it.

And Lawrence is right that the Christian Bible is JUST as violent and dangerous as the Qaran.  It is only because of the more progressive society which surrounds us that we do not have similar incidents in this country.


  1. Leland4:00 AM

    Bang up job! He could have practiced the name pronunciation a little more before hand, but considering some of the difficulties involved I can understand it. And in fact, it may actually help to increase the impact of the piece.

    Is it possible that perhaps the population of Pakistan is finally willing to DO something and demand their government actively go after the Taliban instead of just giving lip service to the idea?

    One can only hope.

  2. Sally in MI4:03 AM

    Amen. And we saw last night just how intolerant and ignorant teh VP wannabe is. Can't tolerate women making their own decisions because HIS religion doesn;t agree with them. Can't tolerate Iran's making their own decisions because it might affect HIM. Can't tolerate the President because he make a deal with the devil. But we're supposed to just lay back and let the religious right do to use what they scream Obama wants to do: inflict some religious law on us all. No, boys, no one, including YOU, is going to get away with that. No religious litmus test. No religion, not even the awesome Christanity, will rule this land. People rule. And hopefully, we choose people with morals and intelligence, as we did in 2008. The GOP has sold out to the higgest bidder with the most scare tactics. Did you hear Ryan ast night? How many times did she say "When you don't have a record to run, you use fear of your opponent." Yes, Paul, that is exactly what you are doing. You have no record in Congress worth a POS, and Romney has no record he dares talk about. So you scare people with God and lie. That's your platform. Not good enough. Not by a long shot.

  3. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Actually, the Bible is FAR more intolerant and violent than the Koran. Most Americans have never read the Koran. There's a reason synagogues and Christian churches could be found all over the Middle East for 1400 years after the arrival of Islam, yet 10 years after the Christian conquest of Muslim Spain, there was not a single mosque to be found. During then the Christians seized Jerusalem, they killed everyone--Jew, Muslim, and Eastern Christians. When the Muslims took it back a century later--no massacre.

  4. Anonymous9:16 AM

    What a sad place this weary world is. What have women done - that state legislators say we are no better than barnyard animals, that a terrorist boards a school bus and murders a girl? Religion or the gross misunderstanding of it lies at the base of all of this hatred of women today. There is really not much difference between the US state legislator and the gun-toting Pakistani terrorist. Both are driven by hatred.

    There is not much we women can do but we CAN stand strong for one another and we CAN still vote in this country. We must vote against all of the misogyny around us.

    In a column today a female conservative writer urges women not to vote as women but to vote as Americans. How she can separate her femininity from her citizenship I don't know.

    My hope is that all American women will vote against the misogynist GOP this November; and to do it to keep what happened to that dear Pakistani girl from happening to girls here.

  5. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Bless her for her bravery! I'm wondering why her father wasn't singled out as well for running a girls school? Did I miss something?

  6. Anita Winecooler6:10 PM

    I hope she heals, realizes her dream and reaches her goals. Why is it that the zealots are always against education, especially for girls, and justify violence because it's in their holy books?

    What a brave, articulate and humble young lady. What an inspiration to girls everywhere.

  7. What we must worry about, girl, is how to save your indelible soul first; then, lissen to wisdom and re-grow thy brain in this lifelong demise. _thewarningsecondcoming.com_


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