Wednesday, October 03, 2012

First Presidential Debate Open Thread. Update!

Okay boys and girls, here we go.

I don't know about the rest of you but I am on pins and needles about tonight.

Personally I don't think it will do much to sway the election one way or another, but I DO think it is the point where people will walk away with an absolutely firm idea of who they are going to vote for in November. (Though why it would have taken them THIS long is beyond me.)

I have been hearing that Romney is a good debater, but I watched EVERY single one of those GOP debates and I call bullshit on that. All Romney demonstrated in my opinion was that he was the least goofy bozo in the clown car.

President Obama on the other hand is the man!

If Romney thinks learning a handful of overly rehearsed "zingers" is going to put him over the top in this debate then perhaps he needs to revisit the President destroying Donald Trump in front of the White House correspondents. (THAT is how someone delivers zingers!)

On his side the President has impeccable timing, and a healthy sense of humor.

On the other hand Romney looks like he is  simply mimicking what he thinks human beings look like when they laugh.

I will probably update this page after the debate, but until then feel free to leave your remarks in the comments section and I will try my best to keep that up to date. I will also probably tweet during this, so in order to see what I am thinking in real time just visit my Twitter account by clicking here.

I hope you all have your bowls of popcorn and favorite beverage handy because I am sure we are in for quite a night.

Update: You can fact check the debate on the fly by clicking here.

Update 2: Romney will do away with PBS funding because he does not want to borrow anymore money from China. Also says he will NOT cut military spending, cause you know we didn't borrow money from China for that...wait a minute. 

Update 3: Here is Politicususa's initial take on the debate.


  1. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Unfortunately, the moderator might be the biggest problem in this debate.

  2. "On the other hand Romney looks like he is simply mimicking what they thinks human beings look like when they laugh."

    Two Dimensional, yeah, a kind of soullessness; did he come from another planet before he came here? Is Mormonism reversed?

    1. Perhaps his point of origin was Flatland.

  3. SAlly in MI4:56 PM

    I love the low expectations for the zombie. And I can hardly wait for the spin when "the man who is lost wothout a teleprompter" becomes "well, you know, the President is a far more experienced debater than Mitt." Can't have it both ways, and even your diehards are sick of the lies. Go on, keep pushing them away, They will either vote Democratic, or they will stay home. Landslide!

    1. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Mitt didn't get enough sleep Monday night, so he's not at the top of his game...apparently.

  4. Anonymous5:01 PM

    You mention Trump, who did send a twitter message to Romney the other day advising him he should ask the birther question at the debate.

    Trump - thinking he was funny I guess - Splat!!!

    1. Anonymous6:12 PM

      I wish Romney would ALWAYS take the Donald's advice and Sarah's too for that matter LOL.

  5. President cool, though a little rushed.

    Romney wooden and uncomfortable.

    1. Anonymous6:13 PM

      Romney does look like he's memorized well and also like someone is sticking pins in his ass.

    2. Anonymous6:24 PM

      People are saying otherwise on HuffPo.

  6. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Why did neother Romney or Obama start with answering the first question? I had flashbacks of Palin not answering the questions.

  7. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Fact checking the debate:

  8. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Did RMoney just flip-flop on taxes?

  9. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Obama is finally warming up!

  10. Anonymous5:26 PM

    I love you Gryphen! I'm on a train heading to school to defend so and can't watch the debate until Friday. But I will check in here as I frantically work through thesis revisions. Kick his ass Obama!

  11. It appears that Romney thinks that HE bought this stage. Jim Lehrer letting him flit around like an over-caffeinated preschooler.

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Ok, I am pissed. Lehrer let Romney pretty much RUN the debate. He interrupted & ran on & on and didn't follow the forum rules at ALL.

      But at the same time, President Obama seemed asleep at some points. I was waiting for the SMACKDOWN that NEVER came...

    2. Anonymous3:12 AM

      "I was waiting for the SMACKDOWN that NEVER came..."

      It did, at the end of the debate. Mitt Romney smacked himself out of the ring.
      Mitt Romney sounded like a democrat. "I love teachers, students, and education."

      He said we have to take care of the poor. Does he mean the 47% of Americans who want free stuff, according to...Mitt Romney?

      In the next couple of days, Mitt's going to have to explain and/or walk back all those warm and fuzzy feel good lies he told during the debate, or, deny he said them.

      Mitt might be basking in the afterglow, but it's not going to last.

      President Obama is too smart to be sideswiped by the likes of Mitt Romney.

  12. Anonymous5:30 PM

    5:22 partial flip flop on taxes

    I did the math w/Romney's plan I will pay thousands more in federal taxes. Removing deductions and lower rates equals paying more.

  13. I wish the pres would quit looking down while Romney is talking . It makes him look like he is giving Mitrens the upper hand.

    1. Anonymous6:14 PM

      I thought it looked like Obama wasn't taking him very seriously.

    2. Anonymous3:13 AM

      @6:14 PM


  14. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Yeah, like there will be hundreds of thousands of kids willing to be trained as teachers considering that both of these candidates have no freaking idea what is going on in education today. I am a public school teacher - a REALLY GOOD teacher, in a REALLY poor rural school that has been recognized as one of the 300 BEST in the USA - 85% of our students are below poverty level.

    I would never encourage one of my students to be a teacher.

    I've been a teacher for 26 years - the first 15 years I taught, the other years I did test prep as if I worked in a test factory.

    Neither candidate has a clue about education needs in the USA, but I will support President Obama, because, at least he doesn't want to TOTALLY decimate public education for ALL (which is what separates the USA from all of the other countries).

    The GOP is only interested in educating the rich. The Democrats think that what might work in the inner city should work for all. Neither party is interested in the extremely poor rural, small schools - like mine...that is one of the best schools in the nation. Both want a cookie cutter.

    (Sigh) All of us in education realize that we are never going to be heard.

    Budgets reflect choices.

    1. Anonymous5:54 PM

      I agree that Romney is, at best, clueless, at worst, insidious in regards to education (esp. public). I'd like to see Obama do more. I'm in education, I am the daughter of public school teachers, and I have two kids in public elementary schools. I commend you and your students.

      I guess I understand why you won't do it, but It's important that we encourage our best and brightest to be teachers despite the conditions under which they will or may have to work. Imagine if you were discouraged from becoming a teacher.

    2. Anonymous6:22 PM

      The GOPtea actually wants to do away with the dept. of Education. I cannot and do not trust what Romney is saying since he changes his mind all the time. Obama is fighting FOR education. Right now he's focused on higher ed. I trust the lower ed will come later.

    3. Anonymous6:23 PM

      Amazed how Romney is flip-flopping during the debate. NOW he is saying what all he's NOT gonna do. This man can not be trusted.

    4. Anonymous7:44 PM

      Romney at the Education Forum that was held about a week ago -- while sitting being interviewed by Brian Williams stated that he would wants the states to run their own curriculum.

      50 States = 50 curriculums
      Old - outdated - Sets every kid up for failure. If a kid moves to a different state -- they're screwed.

  15. The President is being too deferential and Romney is talking 100 miles an hour.

    However I think that Romney has misstated his policy so many times that fact checkers are high fiving each other all over the internet.

    1. I agree! Why is he letting Romney get by with all these lies and interruptions? Why is the moderator letting Romney run the show?

  16. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Looks like Sarah slipped Romney some of her drugs.

  17. lostinmn5:53 PM

    Sounds like Mitt is whupping Obama's butt. Not able to stream so all I have is this site and think progress. Mitt seems to be scoring all the points and has Obama on his heels and afraid to call him out on his lies while Mitt keeps scoring points. Does Obama have anything to say except to defend himself? Where's the attacks that have been coming from his ads? Mitt's getting a free pass to lie and attack and Obama's doing NOTHING?

    Very bad, very very bad. This could throw the race completely in reverse if Mitt keeps being able to tell his lies.

    1. Romney is NOT coming off well.

      He is an arrogant bully who is making facts up on the fly.

      The President is simply letting him talk himself into a hole.

      The optics are very telling here.

    2. Anonymous6:10 PM

      Romney's natural default expression seems to be this annoying and weird kind of saccharine smirk.
      He also comes across as condescending on several points.
      Interesting how at key points of Romney's nattering on, Obama grimaces or grins as he takes notes for his rebuttal. Romney's pulling his usual bag of talking points out it seems.
      M from MD

  18. If I were Jim Lehrer I would walk up and punch Mitt Romney is the face for being a bully and an asshole.

    Guess who will never be asked to moderate a debate?

    1. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Yes, Mitt the bully was there in full force.

      Jim Lehrer did not do his job.

      Watching MSM summary, we have some wimpass sniveling... and then there is Rev. Al ...:0

      I am going to go donate to the Obama campaign.

    2. Anonymous7:12 PM

      Now there's a good our support right now!

    3. Since when has any moderator done their job?

      I didn't think much of the moderators in 2008 either.

    4. I wish it were Jon Stewart or even Bill Maher or Rachel Maddow doing the moderating.

  19. linda5:54 PM

    the president could be thinking that if he gives rmoney enough rope he'll hang himself.

  20. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Let OUR President show Romney up as the manic buffoon he is.

  21. Anonymous6:02 PM

    I think that Romney is coming across well--much better than I expected. Don't know about the validity of his facts, but he sounds like he totally understands all the problems and all the solutions. I agree, the President shouldnt be looking down to write and take notes while Romeny is speaking. The president is coming across well when he speaks, but not the subtle stuff. I think Romney is doing pretty good (unfortunately.)

    1. Click the Think Progress link at the top to see that Romney is lying his ass off.

    2. Anonymous6:13 PM

      Obama should be looking at an ipad tuned to Think Progress.

    3. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Well I just looked at it (Think Progress) and yes, so he's lying a bunch...however...I think if the 'impression' is important--the style over the substance--then I think that Mitt did pretty goodj...he came across as Presidential. I'm a diehard obama fan--but originaly from Texas and everyone old friends and family are hardcore Repubs I can sort of view things from that conservative lens too...this won't turn any of them off and may have won over a few independents imo

    4. Anonymous6:39 PM

      WE all know he's lying and could have predicted that before the debate even started. Unfortunately, many of the people watching tonight will NOT be using the fact checking at Think Progress and will believe every lie coming out of Mittens' mouth.

      But then again, they'd probably never consider voting for Obama anyway so I suppose there's nothing lost there.

    5. Anonymous6:26 AM

      Anonymous6:31 PM

      You think acting like a jackass on speed, and a bully is presidential? That is how Romney acted.

  22. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Romney has the lowered expectations of Sarah Palin and his people will claim a victory as long as he doesn't poop his pants on stage.

  23. When the pres looks down while Romney is jabbering, he looks like he is being scolded . I want to yell at him to stop it!

    1. Anonymous7:48 PM

      He's taking notes in order to keep up with the lies Romney is throwing out there.

  24. Anonymous6:04 PM

    absolute horrible format

  25. hedgewytch6:05 PM

    Is it just me or does Mittens look pained?

    1. Anonymous6:41 PM

      every second he was listening to Obama.

    2. Anonymous6:42 PM

      I am right their with you, Hedgewytch. I kept saying what is that face he keeps making? I finally settled on pain.

    3. Anonymous7:10 PM


    4. Anonymous8:34 PM


    5. Anonymous11:37 PM

      Brain damaged.

  26. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Rob-me's voice tends to put me to sleep. Yeah I noticed that too Mr. President - just in the past week Rob-me Flip-Flopper is copying YOUR ideas! But it's still a secret HOW he would carry them out.

  27. Anonymous6:09 PM

    I read somewhere that Ann-toinette actually asked to be able to stand beside her big baby during the debate but was turned down. The baby she is worried about having a mental breakdown if he becomes president. I wonder if he's found his wife-entitlement in the audience yet. She can take her government entitled prancing horse and stuff it up her ass.

    1. Anonymous6:24 PM

      Wow, not a good visual.

  28. Anonymous6:10 PM

    I'm watching on CNN because they have that voter line of Colorado undecided voters men-versus women that shows responses as to what is being said. What channel are you watching anyone?

    1. CNN for the same reason- but checking the blogs & planning to go to MSNBC for the follow-up.
      Romney wired, President Obama subdued. Don't know how it'll play with the electorate. Romney didn't seem as bad as we know he is. President seemed comfortable & competent, but rarely attacked.

  29. hedgewytch6:17 PM

    Ah hell, Mitten's going all patriotic and God and country and shit.

    1. Anonymous7:09 PM

      Yes, how better to appeal to the rill Amerikans than by reciting teh Constitution for them. All hail King Mitt the Liar.

    2. Anonymous3:19 AM

      Mitt looked a bit unglued when he did that.

  30. hedgewytch6:19 PM

    I'm on dish network watching NBC. Raining and blowing. Satellite is pixelating Romney. An improvement.

  31. Why is Leher trying to throw the debate to Romney?

    1. Anonymous3:21 AM

      Mitt Romney put Leher, Big Bird, and PBS on notice, if there ever were to be a Romney Administration.

  32. hedgewytch6:22 PM

    Now Romney looks really confused. He's having a hard time keeping up I think.

  33. Anonymous6:22 PM

    What is with Romney's eyes??? He's blinking a million miles a minute??

    1. Anonymous6:30 PM


    2. Anonymous7:08 PM

      Did you see how red his eyes and eyelids are? He looks like an alien.

  34. hedgewytch6:22 PM

    Romney said "Mr. President, you're not entitled to your own facts." He actually said that without choking?!

    1. Anonymous6:34 PM

      Romney's a rude, entitled wannabe.
      M from MD

    2. Must be one of those zingers he memorized.

      After he said it, did he gloat like he was proud he remembered it and used it appropriately?

  35. Isn't it the moderators job to make sure the debaters follow the rules?

    1. Anonymous7:08 PM

      Lehrer is too old, and Mitt is still a bully...a red-eyed, drooling bully.

    2. They're choosing the wrong people.

      They should choose a middle school teacher who has at least 15 years experience.

      They don't take any shit.

      You follow the rules and if you don't, you are reined in. When it comes to classroom management, which is basically what a debate is, you can't beat an experienced middle school teacher.

      Can you imagine a moderator interrupting with "Excuse me, Mr. Romney. You behavior is not acceptable. Kindly follow the rules or please leave the stage."

  36. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn6:26 PM

    After 20 minutes, I had to shut off the sound and use closed captioning while browsing websites and reading comments. Mittsy just reeks of humiliating desperation. I'll turn the sound on again if he drops to the floor and has a temper tantrum at Jim Lehrer's feet. It may be coming!

    Apparently, our President is also preoccupied with a skirmish between Syria and Turkey that's happening as we speak. See, he can handle a debate and run the country as well.


    1. hedgewytch6:33 PM

      Ha! I was just remarking to a young friend of mine who was reading me what was happening on the Twitter on the debate, that sometimes it is much more interesting to mute and put it on CC and watch the body language.

    2. Anonymous7:07 PM

      So there's an other foreign policy crisis? Great. But it does explain the President's inattention maybe. There were so many points to nail Romney on, and he let him drone on and on with the lies.

  37. Jim Leher looks like a cenobite.

  38. Anonymous6:34 PM

    I'm watching this on PBS and he says he wants to cut it?

    I can understand this comment if watching on Fox, but not everybody watches Fox.

    1. That may be their goal.

      Sorta like voter suppression of the media.

      Eliminate PBS funding. One down.

      I'm sure they have other ideas to force people to get all their "information" from faux noise.

  39. Anonymous6:36 PM

    FAUX "news" will come out in 2 minutes claiming Romney won the debate while saying NOTHING about the GOP voter registration fraud.

    1. Anonymous7:06 PM

      And nothing about the fact that everything Romney said was a lie..every damn thing..lying with a smirk, just like someone else we know.

  40. Okay well overall I think that most people will hand this debate to Romney.

    He was aggressive, almost feral, in his attacks on the President. He was making his facts up, and lying about his record, but doing so with confidence and high energy.

    Tomorrow the fact checkers are going to knock Romney around like a pinata, but the Republicans have already said that they simply don't care about the facts.

    The President was passive, spent much of his times looking down, and allowed Romney to bully Jim Lehrer at will.

    All I have to say is that Obama better be chewing the raw meat before his next debate, because he cannot have another performance like this.

    1. Beldar6:48 PM

      I'm afraid you're right.

    2. I couldn't agree more! Our pres handed Romney this debate on a silver platter, and Lehrer handed him the fork.

      What was he thinking!

    3. I do want to add this.

      We are all judging this debate seconds after the dust has settled and before the data can be processed.

      There is some possibility that the President used Muhammad Ali's "rope-a-dope" strategy here and that sometime tomorrow this will be seen with new eyes, and our opinions might be changed.

      I DID count a number of falsehoods thrown out by Romney, and he was extraordinary obnoxious and essentially bullied poor Jim Lehrer.

      Therefore I am going to hold off any absolute determinations about winners or loses until I get a little more perspective.

      However I invite all of you to provide your initial impressions.

    4. Anonymous7:06 PM

      I am wondering whether Romney will become over-confident in the next debate and whether that will give Obama an edge.
      M from MD

    5. Anonymous7:19 PM

      Unfortunately, I agree. At times, I even had wonderful comebacks for Romney's lies, yet President Obama missed really big opportunities. I would describe Obama as pedantic, passive and professorial, not the man we needed on the stage tonight.

    6. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Romney needed a knockout here, but he didn’t say anything that would change anybody’s mind about him. Obama did show some rust in the first half of the debate, but really turned it on in the second half. Romney made many unforced errors like saying he would get rid of the subsidy for PBS. Romney also failed to deliver any specifics, and he couldn’t seem to decide whether he was a fact checker or an attack dog. Voters trust Obama more than Romney. Mitt Romney tried to put a dent in that tonight, but when a candidate who voters think is dishonest gets caught telling lies to the American people, it is a problem.

      Romney’s whole strategy was put on display when he used his closing statement to lie, lie, and lie some more about President Obama. The factcheckers are going to have a ball checking Romney over the next day. Republicans are going to say that Romney won. Democrats are going to say that Obama won. Romney needed a clear consensus victory. It didn’t happen here.

      As predicted, the mainstream media pundits are giving the debate to Romney. (These are the same people who thought McCain and Palin performed really well in their debates in 2008.)

      Romney may have given his best performance tonight, but his best was not enough to beat Barack Obama. Romney is hoping that the American people are dumb enough to forget what he said yesterday and be fooled by his lies.

      As Ed Schultz loses his mind on MSNBC and claims that Obama didn’t try to “win” the debate, the reality is that Romney gave the Obama people a treasure trove of lies to attack the Republican nominee with from now until the next debate. For Barack Obama this debate wasn’t about getting into some sort of ugly street fight. Voters like Obama exactly because he doesn’t do that. For Obama this debate was about who do you trust more?

      Mitt Romney stood up and lied to the American people repeatedly. Obama is the trusted candidate with the vision. Romney is the challenger who had to be in chase mode because he is losing.

      This debate wasn’t a game changer for Romney, despite what Republicans may think. His biggest problem is he is still Mitt Romney.

    7. WakeUpAmerica7:24 PM

      Every time I looked at the factcheck site, it was Romney/false, Romney/false, Romney/false. I didn't catch even one false response from Obama. I'm sure there were some, but they must have been few and far between.

    8. Anonymous7:28 PM

      Romney pulled a Palin tonight. He was a bully and he told many lies. Remember the first impression of her and it only took a couple of days before reality returned and she has never recovered. I think Pres. Obama could have come across stronger, but he did come across as the adult in the room and not the bully.

    9. Anonymous7:35 PM

      There are TWO MORE debates.

      President Obama was assesing his opponent, but can't totally attack until the final debate. He needed to see what he was really working with, and this was NOT the Mittens of the GOP debates.

      He can play his part well, but President Obama is substance.

    10. So if you behave like a bully you win?

    11. For many viewers it won't matter what the fact checkers say tomorrow. It's what they saw tonight.

      If they saw an arrogant bully full of hubris and condescension, then Rmoney lost.

      If they saw an aloof and pedantic professor too weak to rebut, then Obama lost.

      Sounds like Rmoney was pretty manic. If people see him as slightly unbalanced, that isn't good. Especially coupled with Ann's remark about his mental state. No one wants a nutjob in the White House. That's why McCain lost. Palin was a nutjob and enough people saw that to vote against them.

      Sounds to me like Rmoney was not only given plenty of rope but that he was also tying the noose as his rants went unchecked.

  41. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Romney's smirk made my skin crawl the entire time.

    1. WakeUpAmerica7:25 PM

      He started talking in a very condescending, bullying tone. It was very off-putting.

    2. Anonymous9:57 PM

      I kept wanting to smack that smirk off his face. I had to leave the room before I damaged my TV.

  42. Sharon6:45 PM

    I am disappointed to say the least....Obama was way too kind, he was rolled over by this guy that lied about everything he has been saying for months. I am really sad...lies, lies, lies he let him get away with every lie. What in the hell happened? MSNBC is agreeing with me, sigh. Robme said nothing the GOP stands for..nothing. I am spinning from everything the prez could have said, omg....the liar in chief is Robme.

  43. Anonymous6:50 PM

    I must call BS on both Ed Schultz and the loud mouth...these SOBs would rather follow some F>>n ieal that exists in their minds then actually SUPPORT the future of America.

    Rmoney was like a vulture...smirking and could almost see him drooling for blood....anticipating his next opportunity to be the his favorite role. : )

    Against the bully who took over and ran roughshod over everyone, President Obama remained cool and calm and stuck to the facts. Rev. Al is right, Rmoney was very passionate in his lies.

    FU Ed Schultz. You are full of shit and a traitor.

  44. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Checked in on the reactions on Rachel Maddow's facebook page: the trolls are out in force, gleeful and obnoxious as usual.
    M from MD

  45. lostinmn6:56 PM

    All I can say is the Obama blew it completely. He did everything he could tonight to collapse on the national stage. Election to Mitt, and it won't even be close. Sorry O, I love you but if this is the best you got, it wasn't good enough for me. I'll never vote for Mitt, but I won't vote for you any longer. Watch the polls - they'll swing fifteen points by Friday and Mitt will win going away - as he should have given the GOP plan to destroy Obama. what's sad is he destroyed himself. There's no excuse for this poor showing except his incompetence finally reared its ugly head when the chips were down

    1. Anonymous7:09 PM

      WHOA!!! Are you for real?? Thanks for showing us who you really are!

      An idiot.

    2. Anonymous7:10 PM

      Oh dry up.

    3. Anonymous7:30 PM

      You punt the Prez based on one poorly moderated debate?


    4. Anonymous7:32 PM

      Give me a break! You ARE lost.

    5. Anonymous7:39 PM

      Holy fuck!!!
      I can't believe you!!!!

      After everything President Obama has done for our country? Women? minorities? Gay people?


      I will forever scroll past your screen name, idiot fucker.

    6. Anonymous7:46 PM

      Oh Good LORD, what an ID-10-T.

    7. Anonymous7:52 PM

      Yeah, you obviously love Obama so much you won't vote for him and you call him incompetent. Major eye roll.

    8. Anonymous7:59 PM

      Aww, I hope you find an ointment for your butt-hurt you whiner!

    9. Marleycat8:12 PM

      Boy, one skewed deliberately thrown debate by Jim Lehrer, Mitt Romney's sycophant and you've already lost your convictions, huh? You're one of those fair weather "when the goin" gets tough you git goin" cowards. I would rather vote for truth as opposed to good sounding lies, any day! I guess when President Obama kicks Romney's ass in the next debate you'll be back on board?

    10. You say there is not excuse, how about this. Mr. Obama has been keeping up a much busier campaign schedule than Mr. Romney. Mr. Obama has also been running the Executive branch of the government. In the last couple of weeks he has had to cool off Mr. Netanyahu and keep him from bombing Iran. Today we have a crisis between Turkey and Syria. NATO had an emergency meeting this afternoon to determine its response since Turkey is a member of NATO and had been attacked. Mr. Obama has been trying to keep the Syrian civil war from spreading outside Syria's borders. It is just possible the man is exhausted.

    11. Anonymous10:29 PM

      6:56 Fuck You. Like we just know you were going to vote for Obama but because of one debate now your not. Liar!

  46. Anonymous6:56 PM

    I don't know if it is true, but I read that there is something big going on in Syria right now, that the Prez is distracted with.

  47. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Obama is a thinker and in this format the feral one "wins." I hope folks are smart enough to see what Romney revealed about his essential nature here. The bully is alive and well. If he gets on the world stage and starts spouting off about Iran, I would be inclined to worry.

  48. Anonymous7:01 PM

    The beginning was very exciting and encouraging because it really looked like Romney was going to get angry and completely blow it. Then he got his feet under himself again and went on to win the debate. This will be reflected in the polls and hopefully not too much. Unfortunately, I would guess that Romney is at least going to pull even.

    1. Anonymous7:20 PM

      You may be right but I think people have been exaggerating the importance of debates. There are few undecided voters and most of the people who pay attention are already decided.

    2. Anonymous7:33 PM

      Not a chance. He is much farther behind than you realize. See

  49. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Gryphen, the President did very well, he was calm, professorial, dignified and he explained his points real well. Romney was a bully, agitated, and like he was on speed.
    Just because the President did not act like a bully does not mean he did not do a great job.
    I am pleased how well the President did.

  50. Anonymous7:04 PM

    He said he would halve the deficit, then he doubled it. Devastating!

    1. Anonymous8:28 PM

    2. Anonymous3:10 AM

      Bush kept the cost of both wars off the books.

      Do a little research you fool.

  51. Anonymous7:05 PM

    I don't want a petulant child as my President. Have we not learned one thing? If YOU do, vote Romney. Someone has to be the adult in the room.

    1. Anonymous8:29 PM

    2. Anonymous8:31 PM



      drinking and posting

  52. Of course this debate will never change my vote; my fear is that some "undecided" person will think Romney is telling the truth when he is NOT. I'm with Al Sharpton on this; ROMNEY IS LYING.

    Obama/Biden 2012

  53. Anjaak7:09 PM

    Toward the end, Romney lost his steam. His eyes were red & he looked tired. Caffeine wore off? Obama did seem to perk up toward the end, but it took awhile. Not sure what these 2 were up to tonight, not what I expected from either of them.

    But if all the items that Think Progress points out are accurate (all of Romney's lies), I give up on politics. If politicians can go in front of millions of people & lie through their teeth, what can we do? What is sad is that with our age of information (recording devices/video/internet) we can fact check! Yikes!!!!!!

  54. well, if you want to know what the internet/twitterverse thought just google "big bird".

    to sum up:

    "shorter mitt: i love coal. i will fire Big Bird. children can learn math by counting lumps of coal."


  55. Anonymous7:12 PM

    After the debate, pundits on NBC were in the bag for Romney, and I assume all the other pundits will agree that Obama was flat. They didn't even address Romney's continued lies or flip flops. They seemed to judge Romney based on their expectations for stick man Romney.

  56. honeybabe7:19 PM

    i am counting on news analysts to show the lies that romney said in the debate and contrast them with what he has actually said while campaigning. thank goodness for video taping.

  57. WakeUpAmerica7:20 PM

    Romney came across as a pushy, petulant child and often downright rude. Obama showed his usual grace and class.

  58. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Ok Lego fake hair, really fake loking tonight on Hannity she is in ALL pink, shinny pink lipstick.

  59. Anonymous7:22 PM

    From a Massachusetts resident who was serving on our school board when Mitt Romney took over our state:
    the first and most drastic cut to his budget was to public schools, while promoting charter schools by taking their funding out of the public schools' budgets.
    Our community is still reeling from Romney's cuts. Some things will never be replaced.
    If Massachusetts is #1 in education, it's not because of anything Romney put in place, but for the past and present Governors who made public education a high priority.
    There are so many Romney lies. I just happen to know firsthand about this one.
    In addition, one of his biggest supporters is a for-profit college --- they want to begger the poor in overcrowded schools, with dripping ceilings and rats in the corridors, while forcing students to take out loans, from which they can never escape, to go to third-rate on-line colleges that want only the profit, not the graduate.

  60. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Lego hair rambling abt lame st media and lap dogs. look like she is still in LA.

    1. Anonymous7:32 PM

      I don't give one SHIT sbout that dumb bitch, what she's wearing, or what she's reading off a teleprompter.

  61. The president acted presidential. RMoney rolled over him and Jim Lehrer. After the initial hoopla dies down and fact checkers go over what RMoney said, a different story will emerge.

    RMoney threw the Tea Baggers under the bus with his lies and pandering to the "crushed" middle class. Just enough, though for those low-information FOX viewers to be impressed.

    1. It will be very interesting to watch the upshot of that. The teabaggers are not going to be happy.

  62. Anonymous7:35 PM

    I think the President needed more eye contact, and just a more forceful delivery. He sounded measured and a bit cautious with his choice of words. He let Romney grab the offensive and hold it throughout. I kept hoping it was strategy of some sort, but if so, it didn't seem to pay off this debate. Romney promised the usual "everything". Romney also appeared to be on speed.

  63. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Romney at the Education Forum that was held about a week ago -- while sitting being interviewed by Brian Williams stated that he wants the states to run their own curriculum.

    50 States = 50 curriculums
    Old - outdated - Sets every kid up for failure.
    If a kid moves to a different state -- they're screwed. We also know what the curriculum would be in some States -- lack of science - lack of math -- they'd teach them hocus pocus in that there are some of those states that think science is a hoax, etc. -- you know what I mean.

    Those kids -- would be set up for failure -- to fall through the cracks, drop out, etc.

  64. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Neither man was asked how to they expect to get anything done with a deadlocked Congress. All their "plans" are fantasies without a route through Congress.

    As for Obama's demeanor, I think he is playing the long game. Romney's already outrageous ego thinks he "won". That will make Romney cocky. The gaffes will explode into a torrent. And Harry Reid again will pound Romney on tax form disclosure.

  65. Super Fan In Atlanta7:57 PM

    think everybody needs to wait and calm down. A debate doesn't change What this man has said. I think Obama has a grenade approach. If you wait just a moment, things are going to start exploding. The 47% video and everything else Romney has said is still top of mind. And.don't let another international crisis be in the making. Like always, everything is calculated and cunning and Not designed for knee-jerk responses. Comedy Central has just been given a whole set of film to show more lies of Romney. Let's just wait and see.

  66. Marleycat7:57 PM

    Just remember that just because Romney sounds good when he is lying doesn't mean he's "winning" - he's just a damn good articulate liar. I do wish President Obama hadn't been set up by Jim Lehrer's deliberately ineffective "moderating" of this debate so Romney had free reign to use up President Obama's time to speak in addition to his own time. Totally unfair horseshit on that Denver stage tonight. No matter how "good" Mitt sounds I will vote for President Obama, not that lying s*ck 0f sh*t Romney!

  67. Anonymous8:25 PM

    I don't want a president that starts sweating and blinking in a tight situation.

  68. I'm not watching. I'm sure the best bits will be posted somewhere.

    I have to wonder, now that Rmoney has memorized all those zingers if he'll try to invent one of his own. If he does and uses it, you can bet it will both fall flat and make him look like a doofus.

  69. Smirnonn8:33 PM

    rMoney proved to be a good debater, but he lied a lot. But, in a debate, you HAVE go for the jugular. I wish President Obama had done that more. Typical gop strategy, lie loud and proud. Fuck rMoney, Obama/Biden 2012.

  70. Anonymous8:48 PM

    I'll be interested to hear what James Lipton has to say about the debate as he will be on Alex Wagner's show tomorrow on MSNBC.

    When he has discussed Romney before on the show, he has suggested that you mute the sound and watch.

    Lipton is host of Inside the Actors Studio and is the Dean Emeritus of the Actors Studio Drama School at Pace University in NYC

  71. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Flat Lego Hair all,in pink toooooo much makeup and smeared lipstick hannity etc video on Net, Huffpost, youtube.

  72. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Lego hair looks like a pig with too much lipstick.

  73. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Fact checkers computers must be blowing up by now checking all the Romney bullshit.

    I`ve been reading at ThinkProgress and there is so much material that my head is spinning.

  74. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Notice -- Towards the end, Romney had to pull out his hanky and wipe the sweat. Not a good sign. Reminds me of Nixon years ago who had actually just recovered from an illness but for appearance -- it was bad.

  75. Anita Winecooler9:15 PM

    I just got back from a watch party, tuned in msnbc, and everyone's pulling their hair out saying Romney beat Obama in this debate. WTF is wrong with these people? Rachel, Chris Matthews, Steve Schmidt are going crazy!

    Obama gave Romney a hell of a lot of rope, and he took the bait. Jim Leher, who I usually admire, was an awful moderator.

    Ezra Klein is about the only one who got it right. Romney gave the President a lot to work with in his campaign, Romney didn't explain anything about how he'd achieve what he wants to accomplish, President Obama is a "big picture" guy, I saw no "game change". Romney may have looked like he got the upper hand, but I doubt he did himself any favors.

    This wasn't a "tie", Romney has yet to explain how he's going to create these jobs, he's going to have to address Bain, his taxes, etc. He might get a small bump, but not enough to stop Obama's momentum.
    I don't get it, sometimes liberals are their own worst enemies.

  76. all i can really say is:

    *my mixed urges to pity jim lehrer, whilst slapping some moxie into him, left me befuddled and sad.

    *mitt is still a bully. but it looked good on him tonight....

    *the president was MUCH "too nice" in the face of an opponent who gave less than zero fucks for "the rules" or the moderator.

    *and, finally, NEVER discount "the BIg Bird voters" out of hand. just don't.

  77. Anonymous9:24 PM

    I am disappointed with msnbc commentary. I thought they acted awful. They acted like they wanted a fist fight. The debate set-up was just weird.

    Romney actually probably confused his far right base. His flip-flops will be highlighted in the coming days, I bet.

    I am in TX. I do not believe there will be a huge voter turnout for Romney here--or much of the South, really because of religious prejudice. That may sound awful but it is true. Romney may win the area, but I think it will be closer than the pundits say.(We had that Warren Jeffs LDS community fiasco, so that is what forms the opinion of some here.)

    Nothing would change my vote--debate or not. Obama 2012. Knowing Obama, he has "something up his sleeve." He's cool as a cucumber and things always shift back his way when things seem off course.

  78. p.s.

    if it comes out that obama was so very, very civil (in context), when given SO many opportunities to flat-out tell mitt he was lying, rudely talking over the moderator, speaking out of turn -in an officially formal speaking environment, etc. because he was acting on advice to "not look like an angry black man" i may kick something! kick it hard enough to break it! (take care, my furniture...)

    "average americans" are not educated on the details, they have no idea what "the dodd-frank" or "bowles-simpson" is/means. hell, i've been following this election/the obama administration in a way i thought was pretty closely (i listen to npr, i read wonky blogs, i check both sides on the fark poli tab, i read the economist....) and i needed to google them for details.

    maybe that means i'm a bigger than average idiot, but i doubt it. my 29 year old, college grad, very gainfully employed, urban dwelling sis (in chicago!) didn't even know they called romney "mittens" until tonight.....

    the "average american" was not listening for subtly made true points on policy, they were just absorbing raw emotion from the candidates. this worries me......

    i can only hope obama was letting mitt lie and lie without a strong, aggressive response as a part of some "long game" plan we will see soon....

  79. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Joe Biden knows what`s coming his way next week as Ryan is a massive bullshiter too.

    By then, the Fact Checkers will finally be up to date of all the bullshit lies Romney spewed tonight

  80. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Obama's campaign manager said tonight will not make any difference in the polling. Obama succeeded in what he wanted to do; let Romney go on and on with his lies. Biden will be ready for the next debate to counter Ryan on all Romneys lies

  81. Anonymous10:14 PM

    One of Romney's fast-talking, car salesman sentences contained a flip flop only a few words apart: he said small businesses account for half the jobs in the U.S., but a heartbeat later changed that to one quarter.

    What I kept hearing over and over is how "interested" he is in jobs...followed by how he's going to cut the crap out of government programs, tossing tens of thousands out of work. I sure hope he doesn't get "interested" in MY job.

  82. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Ms Palin's comments, transcribed without irony, at a site called RealClear:

    "Now we have to be aware in the next couple debates also if Mitt Romney continues to gain and gain and gain just by being truthful and experienced and intelligent, that doing a good job as a presidential candidate, these guys in the Obama camp, they're not going go down without swinging. They're going pull something," former Governor Sarah Palin warned after tonight's debate.

    "And the American public, with the media's help, these lapdogs in the media, kind of going along with what Obama and his people want to do to shake some things up if Mitt Romney continues to do so well. The American public just needs to be aware that they've got to do their own home work, don't rely on the shelter of the media, and just be aware something could be pulled here to turn things around if Mitt Romney continues to gain so much ground," the 2008 Republican Vice Presidential nominee said to Sean Hannity on FOX.

  83. Anonymous10:22 PM

    well for some reason i was worried about this debate...and it was worse than I thought. Romney is a flip flopping liar, but the debate IS the time to bust him on it. You can be civil without being a pushover, without looking like you don't want to be there. You can't rely on the fact checkers the next several days to somehow undo what was done tonite - most voters arent'goin g to watch that part. The debate is the time -- the golden opportunity to unmkask the liar in front of a huge audience. you have to "stick it up his ass and pull the trigger until it goes click."

    Obama passed on that. I have been cautiously optimistic, even if the face of all this "it's over" stuff the last few weeks, but I knew it was not over.

    Now I am reluctantly worried...crap.

    1. i also REALLY was waiting for the president to flat out respond to romney with "that is a lie." or "that is wholly incorrect."

      i think the closest he got was about "the board" in "obamacare". mitt was BLATANTLY invoking palin's own "death panels" when saying:

      "But let’s come back to something the president -- I agree on, which is the -- the key task we have in health care is to get the costs down so it’s more affordable for families, and -- and then he has as a model for doing that a board of people at the government, an unelected board, appointed board, who are going to decide what kind of treatment you ought to have." -romney

      "Let me just point out, first of all, this board that we’re talking about can’t make decisions about what treatments are given. That’s explicitly prohibited in the law.

      But let’s go back to what Governor Romney indicated, that under his plan he would be able to cover people with pre-existing conditions. Well, actually, Governor, that isn’t what your plan does. What your plan does is to duplicate what’s already the law, which says if you are out of health insurance for three months then you can end up getting continuous coverage and an insurance company can’t deny you if you’ve -- if it’s been under 90 days.

      But that’s already the law." -obama

      again, the president civilly re-routing to ACTUALLY talking about real policy points, one's that matter, but....

      i don't think him simply stating " this board that we’re talking about can’t make decisions about what treatments are given. That’s explicitly prohibited in the law."

      countered mitt's "death-panel-esque" implications.

      it was too quick and too soft, the context of mitt's loud and passionate lie-a-thon 2012.....

      do YOU remember the phrase "Let me just point out, first of all, this board that we’re talking about can’t make decisions about what treatments are given. That’s explicitly prohibited in the law."?

      was it a strong "Mitt, that is a lie." type of response?

      (i'm sure there are many transcripts now online, i grabbed this one, from google:

    2. Anonymous3:55 AM

      Judging from the comments praising Romney and declaring him to be the winner, it seems as if performance in these debates is crucially important to folks in the selection of POTUS and leader of the free world. If, as an American voter, you are persuaded to ignore policy and give your support to a candidate based on the outcome of a single debate, it sadly proves that appearance, regardless of how many lies are spewed, is given more value than truth and substance.

      Those of us living outside the U.S. are watching this election with great interest and are alarmed by the thought that Romney is even considered to be Presidential material.

  84. Gryphen: I think President Obama realized that Mitt
    has a mental problem, like Willard wife suggested.
    That is why his head was down he didn't want to look in those demented eye's.
    How can you debate a liar,knowing he not all there.

  85. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Palin is saying the media and the President`s campaign will be pulling something -- Really.

    She should check with her thug corrupt unelected treasonous Norquist -- he who is backing non-profit (ha, ha) Americans for Tax Reform, who have sent out mailers in Ohio filled with outright bullshit.

    Check the link at factcheck and you will see:

  86. The Romney we saw tonight is the kind of man who would trip his DIL to win a foot race. No regard for fair play. Win at any cost.

  87. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Romney looked animated and engaged whereas the prez looked distracted and spooked. I am beginning to wonder if he really wants a second term. Just sayin'.

    1. Anonymous2:49 AM

      Romney looked like he was on speed, while the President looked tired.

      Romney was engaged in lying his ass off and being an arrogant bully.

  88. I watched last night and think my Pres. did good..the longer mittens talks the more he lies..and no My Pres. did not bring up the 47%..but i do believe he will...he is a very smart,honest man..something mittens is an'it over till it's over..i believe my Pres. knows what he's doing.


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