Thursday, October 04, 2012

My hands down favorite quote of all time. And a great note on which to start our day.

I was a huge philosophy geek in high school and college, and absolutely devoured all of the writings by Plato and Socrates.

Ultimately I realized that while Philosophy helped to define the questions, it would never provide the answers.

Those I would find elsewhere.


  1. Chella2:32 AM

    Fun fact: Socrates never wrote anything down. We have Plato to thank for writing down his musings

  2. How interesting...a lover of sophia, particularly the more mystical ruminations of Plato as oppossed, I assume, to the more worldly (dare I suggest, scientific) views of Aristotle.

    Like Pirsig, did you imagine yourself as Phaedrus?

    ps Chella (Ἁρμόνιος)

  3. Kimosabe9:37 AM

    It's Greek to me. Now, off to work on my motorcycle.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.