Friday, October 26, 2012

For your convenience, here is the Republican Party Rape Advisory Chart.

(H/T to the Daily Kos,)


  1. I wish I could come up with some original insight, but it always comes down to white men wanting to soften rape and encourage the birth of white babies.

  2. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Considering Ryan loves Ayn Rand so much, I'm assuming he falls somewhere in the white zone.

  3. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Be sure to question anyone that says they give an exception and allow abortion for cases of rape, incest, health of the mother. Because they want to CONTROL who gets to claim rape. It sounds so good to say a raped woman can choose abortion. But the truth is these clowns want witnesses, judges and PROOF!!!! They don't want those SLUT women getting abortion on demand. So they make an absurd demand for proof from a woman that had the misfortune to get raped when no one was watching!!!

    Anyone with half a brain realizes that an exception in the case of rape allows ANY woman to get an abortion by just claiming rape. UNLESS these control freaks can box her in with ridiculous definitions of the kind of rapes that qualify for an abortion. They want the government to decide whether you are slut.

  4. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Unfortunately, on the left, we have some of our own apologists (see a bunch of actors/directors and Whoopi Goldberg's "RAPE rape" comment in regards to Roman Polanski).

  5. Anonymous7:01 AM

    The United States laws controlling women's reproductive medical care will NEVER apply to rich women. We can only stop a rich women from getting an abortion in Canada, Great Britain, Sweden, etc. by confining pregnant women to the United States. Rich women don't have to prove they weren't sluts, they make their choices privately, no government is involved.

    All this garbage about controlling abortion is really about forcing poor and middle-class women to have babies they do not want.

  6. hedgewytch7:22 AM

    While all this is incredibly offensive and ignorant, I think the argument for woman's reproductive rights can be framed much more logically. Rachel Maddow pointed it out in her Wed. show -so WHO exactly is going to determine who is ACTUALLY raped - and to what "degree", who NEEDS medical attention and WHEN and HOW? Your religious leader? Your politician? Your employer? A chosen group of people who will decide to what level you have been raped? And how long will it take to make this decision on behalf of the women of America?

    For a group of "conservative" people, the legislation of rape and all other reproductive health care decisions, would be incredibly expensive, time consuming and, of course, ridiculous to actually put into practice.

    These people just have knee jerk reactions to their ideology, and rarely, if ever, look at what that would actually mean in the real world.

    Yeah, GOP, the political party of such small, unobtrusive government that it wants to make lots of new, huge, government institutions that can fit right inside your uterus.

  7. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Abortion should be safe, legal, and accessible without qualifying language.

    Any other format implies that a woman is not capable of making decisions about her life and body.

  8. Not one female Rethug member of Congress has spoken out about this. Boy, that says a lot!

    1. Anonymous7:52 AM

      That women are on this list is beyond disgusting, reprehensible and unforgiveable!

      Richard Mourdock One Of At Least 15 GOP Senate Candidates Who Oppose Abortion For Rape Victims

      At the heart of these comments is their belief that rape victims who become pregnant should not be able to have access to abortion. While Akin and Mourdock perhaps stumbled in explaining why they hold this view, it's a position that is actually not that uncommon in their party: At least 13 other GOP Senate nominees this cycle, as well as dozens of House candidates and incumbents, agree.

      The political action committee Republican National Coalition for Life submits questionnaires to GOP candidates about their positions on choice issues and then endorses candidates who advocate a strict anti-abortion platform. Selected candidates must be "unconditionally pro-life" and "recognize the inherent right to life of every innocent human being, from conception until natural death, without discrimination."

      So far, the group has endorsed 10 such Republican Senate candidates: Akin and Mourdock, as well as George Allen (Va.), Rep. Rick Berg (N.D.), Ted Cruz (Texas), Deb Fischer (Neb.), Sen. Dean Heller (Nev.), Rep. Pete Hoekstra (Mich.), Josh Mandel (R-Ohio) and Rep. Denny Rehberg (R-Mont.).

      As Slate's William Saletan notes, there are also five other Senate candidates who hold this position: Michael Baumgartner (Wash.), Wendy Long (N.Y.), John MacGovern (Vt.), John Raese (W.Va.) and Tom Smith (Pa.).

      Smith and Heller -- as well as a number of other GOP Senate candidates -- distanced themselves from Mourdock when contacted by The Huffington Post on Wednesday. But in the end, they all share the underlying view that rape victims should not have access to abortion.

      And while Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) canceled her fundraising appearance for Mourdock on Wednesday, she still went to campaign with Berg the following day. Ayotte's office did not return a request for comment.

      According to a CNN/ORC poll taken in August, the belief that victims of rape and incest should not be allowed to get an abortion is not held by mainstream Republicans.

      Seventy-six percent of Republicans believe that abortion should be legal in cases of rape and incest, along with 90 percent of Democrats and 81 percent of independents.

  9. Anonymous7:39 AM

    ram has reared her howling head again!

    "Palin aide Rebecca Mansour denied to ABC News that the words had any racial undertone, calling them only a “common phrase that means to manipulatively dodge an issue.” She also pointed White House Press Secretary Jay Carney’s use of the expression in 2011, when he used it in reference to his own behavior in the briefing room."

    1. Anonymous8:36 AM

      We all know the very nasty Becky Mansour wrote the original Sarah FB page (with Sarah's ok).

      Remember when she wrote Bristol's FB with all the 90s lesbian references?

  10. Anonymous7:54 AM


    ‘You can’t be a Christian if you don’t own a gun’

    What next from the far reaches of the Right??

    Don't they know that 'Guns Don't Kill, People Do?' Is he saying that only the right kind of christian has to carry a gun?

    Former Republican official: ‘You can’t be a Christian if you don’t own a gun’

    Speaking to the “Deliver Us From Evil” conference at the Upper Room Church in Keller, Texas earlier this week, Dr. Gary Cass explained that America had a “broken moral compass” because it regularly elected “politicians who could justify killing babies made in the image of God” and “justify redefining God’s institution of marriage.”
    “You have not just a right not bear arms, you have a duty. How can you protect yourself, your family or your neighbor if you don’t have a gun? If I’m supposed to love my neighbor and I can’t protect him, what good am I?”

    Oh and I'd be remissed if I didn't remind those right-minded christians that:

    God Doesn't Rape Women: Men Do

    Message to GOP US Senate candidate Mourdock: God doesn't rape women; men do.

    This is a horrifying extension of misogyny into victimizing a female rape victim twice -- once for being raped and once for not wanting to bear the child of a rapist. Beyond that, from a theological sense, it implies that the rapist is performing an act of divine intention. This defiles not only the concept of God, but the very basic principle that a woman should be protected from sexual assault.

    1. Anonymous8:10 AM

      And then there are the states that give a rapist child visitation rights. I don't know if the rapist has to pay child support but he can have contact with the child. Now what planet exactly are these imbeciles living on?

  11. Anonymous7:57 AM

    They are chomping at the bit to oppress the citizens of this country we live in:

    Conservative Scholars Bullish That A Romney Supreme Court Could Reverse Longstanding Liberal Jurisprudence

    A potential Mitt Romney presidency carries huge implications for the Supreme Court that have conservatives excited and progressives fearful about the future.

    Liberal-leaning Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 79, and Steven Breyer, 74, are likely candidates for retirement during a Romney administration, the GOP nominee has vowed to appoint staunch conservatives, and the influential conservative legal community will make sure he follows through.

    Replacing even one of the liberal justices with a conservative, legal scholars and advocates across the ideological spectrum agree, would position conservatives to scale back the social safety net and abortion rights in the near term. Over time, if a robust five-vote conservative bloc prevails on the court for years, the right would have the potential opportunity to reverse nearly a century of progressive jurisprudence.

    For all those reasons, conservative legal activists anticipate that a Romney win would be the culmination of their decades-long project to remake the country’s legal architecture.

  12. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Jon Stewart lays it out for ya!

    Jon Stewart on the GOP, ‘If a woman wants to have a baby via IVF she can’t. Rape? She has to.’

    ...The Daily Show host summed the issue up in an understandable way that every American should hear. The Republican Party has gone so far to the extreme that their position is to force women to have their rapists’ babies, while they forbid women from conceiving in a modern, non-Bible approved way. The Republican rejection of IVF is also related to the fact that the GOP is under the control of the conservative anti-science fringe.

    Stewart was right on. The Republican Party doesn’t get it. The problem with the Akins and Mourdocks of their party isn’t that they turn off swing voters and lose elections. The problem is that they believe in things like “legitimate rape,” and rape being, “God’s intention.” These men are advocating a policy that glorifies the fruits of a heinous and violent crime against women.

    Republicans also seem to be under the delusion that this issue is a trivial distraction in this campaign. On The Ed Show, Republican strategist Ron Christie called issues of contraception and choice, “small ball.” There is nothing small ball about telling women what they can do with their bodies. There is nothing trivial about the idea that men like Tom Smith, Richard Mourdock, and Todd Akin will be coming in between a woman and her doctor. Would any American, male or female, want Akin and Mourdock acting in their capacity as federally elected officials making healthcare decisions for them?

    If the Republicans are successful in using the government to dictate what women can do with their bodies, who is to say that someday they won’t decide that cancer is God’s will, and it would help reduce the deficit if we let those people die as, “God intended.”

    Where would it stop?

  13. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Romney Supporter Jon Huntsman Breaks with Mitt and Backs Women’s Freedom

    Romney is apparently utterly tone deaf, because yet another of his supporters has taken to the media to urge the Republican presidential candidate to withdraw his support from rape gift Indiana senate candidate Robert Mourdock. Hunstman told HuffPost Live, “I cringe. It’s like fingers on a chalkboard every time I hear men talk about women’s health issues.”

  14. Anonymous8:04 AM

    OH GOOD GOD, these guys are off the charts!

    Let us take a few moments to understand where we are. Limbaugh's biggest bugaboo seems to be sexism, misogyny. Glenn Beck got in trouble for focusing on race issues, particularly relating to President Obama. Both indulgences are capable of triggering a powerful backlash.

  15. Anonymous8:07 AM

    On Thursday night, Comedy Central host Stephen Colbert turned his attention to a report (which was later pulled from the site) stating that women who feel “sexier” while ovulating tend to vote for more liberal candidates — which explains President Barack Obama‘s new tactic of nighttime texting ladyvoters with one simple question: “You up?”

    But that’s just sexist nonsense, Colbert said. Everyone knows that the real, accurate way to determine how a woman will vote is not by studying what she’s got going on down there but, rather, up here. In her head. Or, more accurately, her head itself.

    That’s right: Phrenology. Phrenology will help us discover how and why women vote. That, or tossing them into a river to see whether they float. Will she bob on the surface? Will she sink to the left or right? Will we discover she’s been hiding a hanging chad this whole time?

    Check it out, courtesy of Comedy Central:

  16. Anonymous8:10 AM

    I am 73 years old. When I grew up women got abortions in the "back Alley" or if rich they flew to a country where they could get them. Some good Catholics or other women who did not want an abortion gave their children up for adoption. Many of those children ended up in orphanages where they found out later they were abused and used as forced labor. They started to end the orphanages and the abuse at the same time that women began to take control of their own bodies. My best friend, a Catholic changed churches 3 times until she found a priest who allowed her to use birth control (the pill) which was such a great thing and freed women from the burden of forced childbearing or risky abortions. Men no longer could keep them barefoot and pregnant. Women threatened the very power men had held over them for centuries and the men who wanted power didn't like it. Now some men under the guise of religious belief are trying to get the power back.

    I can't believe that women will let them take away their control over their own bodies. This is just unthinkable. My heart cries for the millions of women who will be enslaved by the lack of choice. I lived the real liberation and was one of the first "free" women in the whole history of the world. I took the pill to control how many children I had and never had to have an abortion. DON'T LET THE MEN TAKE THAT POWER AWAY.

  17. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Republicans determined to get Mourdock elected, God's rape babies and all

    If Indiana Republican Richard Mourdock makes it to the Senate after his comments that pregnancies resulting from rape are "something God intended to happen," it will be because the national Republican party carried him across the finish line. And despite New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte cancelling a trip to Indiana and the long, confused, desperate silence from Mitt Romney, the party is prepared to do just that. In addition to the ad Romney made for Mourdock, which he hasn't asked to have withdrawn,

    Mitch McConnell has raised big bucks for him. Chris Christie, John McCain and scores of Senate Republicans have lent Mourdock help on the stump — and they don’t appear to be abandoning him despite his controversial remarks that God intended that pregnancies resulting from rape should happen.
    All told, the National Republican Senatorial Committee — which backed Lugar in the GOP primary— will spend $5 million boosting Mourdock. Crossroads GPS, the secret-money group co-founded by Karl Rove, is expected to drop an additional $4 million into the race.
    When Ayotte backed out of campaigning with Mourdock, South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint stepped in. And again, Romney still hasn't asked Mourdock to take down the only ad Romney did endorsing any Senate candidate in the country.
    Even before he made headlines with the remarks and non-apology, Mourdock was locked in a tight race with conservative Democrat Joe Donnelly, and with Todd Akin's "legitimate rape" comments having made the Missouri Senate seat that much harder to win, Republicans really need Indiana. So even though his unfortunate-for-them phrasing of what's in the Republican platform has created some uncomfortable publicity, Mourdock's their guy and they're proud to stand with him.

  18. Anonymous8:16 AM

    And after I am forced to gestate and birth this little rape souvenir I get the CHOICE of raising the child or handing it the rapist that many states endow with parental rights.

  19. Anonymous8:30 AM

    What I think these Republican men are thinking, is that if a woman gets raped, she was asking for it. There should be a category for that on the chart above. The rationale seems to be that a woman was in a place where she could have avoided rape. If it's a K-Mart, well, that's a legitimate rape, but if it was in a bar, that's "enjoyable rape".

    It's almost as bad as the religious zealot legalistic attitude some religions who still practice stoning today, towards women who were caught in adultery. The man gets away scot-free.

  20. Anonymous8:39 AM

    There is also 'WINE COOLER INDUCED TENT RAPE', if we are to believe Bristol Palin. Mourdock is endorsed by Sarah Palin, what does she have to say about his views? CRICKETS.

  21. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Another approach the forced-birthers are taking is to reduce and eliminate access to services for raped women. If you don't happen to have the wealth, health and leisure to travel to a place where you can get an abortion, your right to choose is worthless. You are forced to continue the pregnancy.

    Harassing and closing abortion clinics is as effective at forcing women to give birth than any legislation.

  22. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Mourdock Loses Ground in Senate Race But GOP Party of Rape Not Even Close to Getting It

    The message of the Republican Party seems to be that rape really isn’t so bad, and anyway, it’s God’s will, so what are you whining about? They’re telling women, “men want to put their penises in you and fill you with their sperm and by God, you’ll not only not complain, you’ll be honored that you were thought sperm-worthy.”

    Here’s the mantra:

    It’s not like you’re going to get pregnant, because you got magic vaginas, and even if you do, it’s not like your pregnancy has any chance at all in resulting in a threat to your health, let alone your death, so just chill and lay back and enjoy our ownership of your vaginas.

    Yeah, that’s the way to get the female vote, GOP. Stay classy.

    The worst of it is, this isn’t hyperbole. This is crap these yokels really say.

    I find it terrifying that anybody is still taking the Republican Party seriously.

  23. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Mourdock's Rape Comments Dominate Indiana Press

    Two days after his comments about rape, the conservative Senate candidate stays above the fold on Indiana's major newspapers. “In a Firestorm.”

  24. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Senate race in Indiana now leaning Democratic after Mourdock’s abortion comment

    The Republican Party has historically leveraged the subject of abortion far more effectively than Democrats. This year, it could cost them control of the Senate.

    The Senate has been up for grabs since the beginning of the cycle. Democrats currently control 53 seats, including the two independents in their caucus, but are defending 23 seats to just 10 on the Republican side. The possibilities are multiplied by uncertainty over who will wield the tie-breaking vote—Vice President Joe Biden or Rep. Paul Ryan—and which party Maine independent Angus King will shack up with in the likely event that he wins.

    Two major blows have befallen the Republicans since August. First, Todd Akin's campaign imploded over his statement that women rarely get pregnant from "legitimate rape." Now, Senate candidate Richard Mourdock in Indiana is watching his luck nosedive after stating that "even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen." Under the Signal's prediction model, his odds of victory have plummeted 50 points in 36 hours.

  25. Shorter Mourdock: Rape them, and HE will come?

  26. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Ronald Reagan Made A ‘First Time’ Voting Joke 32 Years Before Lena Dunham Did

    ...But just as every generation thinks it invented sex, a “first time” joke about voting goes way back to another presidential candidate: Ronald Reagan, less than a week before he ushered in the Republican landslide of 1980.

    The Washington Post reported on Nov. 1, 1980, on Reagan’s outreach to blue-collar voters:

    What Reagan was trying to do in Illinois, Michigan and Ohio was to harvest usually Democratic blue-collar votes — the consistent target of his personal campaigning in the Great Lakes states. Whenever he is near voters who might possibly be Democrats, Reagan likes to remind them that he came from that side of the political tracks.

    On Thursday night, at a working class bar in Bayonne, N.J., Reagan said, “I know what it’s like to pull the Republican lever for the first time, because I used to be a Democrat myself, and I can tell you it only hurts for a minute and then it feels just great.”

  27. Palin & Mourdock are "bad company"...

  28. Anonymous9:33 AM

    The forced birth philosophy is:

    God wants that baby. (And sluts are the ones that get pregnant anyway.)

  29. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Re: "gift-from-god" rape:

    If Richard Mourdock et al. truly believe that fertilization of an egg requires divine intervention, they should put in some serious study time learning the truth about "where babies come from." Understanding of the process has advanced considerably since biblical times—which these people apparently wish to take us back to. The requrement for sperm, for example, was demonstrated as long ago as 1786, yet no requirement for a godly finger has yet been shown.

    On the other hand, if by "gift from god" they really mean "something that we're glad to see happen" then what can we say to them besides STFU?


  30. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Jesus told me that I should make you have that rapist's baby. Jesus put me, a man, in charge because he doesn't trust you, a woman.

    Hell of a way to sell a religion, isn't it?

  31. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Maybe Senate candidate Mourdock will come hold your hand when you are 12 years old, raped, pregnant and screaming in the labor/delivery room. It's the least he can do. And he should bring his endorser, Mitt Romney, with him.

  32. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Where does a night camping with your boyfriend drinking wine coolers in a tent and being on the record that you want to get pregnant as a teenaged daughter of a politician fall under?

  33. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Why does it seem that Republicans have more words for rape than Eskimos have for snow?


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