Wednesday, October 24, 2012

"He is ours, and we exercise the right to destroy him." John Steinbeck on Presidents.

There is more here.


  1. Anonymous6:21 PM

    I want to support him, not take him down. I love our President. But I agree, we are hard on him.

    I'm looking forward to the next four years of Obama/Biden!

  2. Anonymous6:37 PM

    I really love our POTUS and FLOTUS. They are truly wonderful people and we need the President for four more years.

    Obama/Biden 2012

    1. Anonymous9:51 PM

      Yes, both are intelligent and have class. OBAMA/BIDEN 2012!

  3. Anonymous7:06 PM

    O/T -

    Mitt Romney implicated in perjury and stock fraud, made millions in process

    1. Anita Winecooler10:39 PM

      What? Mitt in unethical business practices and perjury?

      Interesting that the lady has MS and got her health insurance taken away. No Ballet Horse Therapy for her, huh?

      In another link, it says she made half a million in the divorce, imagine how much that stock was worth after she sold it? Romney and Bain Buddies made millions!

      And skeptics said the whole "Bain" ad idea wouldn't bear fruit?

  4. Anonymous7:12 PM

    My husband and I were having this discussion the other night about how Barack has aged so much in his 4 years in office YET he wants to have another 4 years in that same office to accomplish things that he feels are important, even if he misses the formative years in his daughter's lives and ages himself 20 years in 8. I don't understand the drive that it must take to be that person, that Barack Obama, or any other of our successful Presidents that have truly made a difference in our Country at the detriment of his personal life and actual health. We were both speculating on how much sleep he's had in the last 6 years; 2 running and nearly 4 serving. I can't imagine that he's slept more than 6 or 7 hours per night for most of that time, and many nights I'm certain were much less. I commend these men and women that can give time like that to a cause they believe in!

  5. Anonymous7:19 PM

    i need help. palin has a new fb post claiming she uses the phrase "shuck and jive" when talking to piper. "I’ve been known to use the phrase most often when chastising my daughter Piper to stop procrastinating and do her homework. As she is part Yup’ik Eskimo, I’m not sure if this term would be deemed offensive when it’s directed at her or if it would be considered benign as in the case of Chris Matthews’ use of it in reference to Rachel Maddow. Just to be careful, from now on I’ll avoid using it with Piper, and I would appreciate it if the media refrained from using words and phrases like igloo, Eskimo Pie, and “when hell freezes over,” as they might be considered offensive by my extended Alaska Native family."

    this is just part of the post but she is such a serious idiot! if chris matthews or anyone else said to piper "just sit in that igloo and eat eskimo pies until hell freezes over" then she may have a case against chris or whomever said it but to just randomly choose words that weren't used in any way about her or anyone in alaska is just total
    lunacy.........and where is piper sarah? you are and/or have been in hollywood and arizona. is piper being allowed to attend school this year?


    1. Saw that...she's also sent out another BaldyPac plea...except the SSL has expired...AGAIN! Here's the link...

    2. BaldyPac latest numbers are

    3. Anonymous7:46 PM

      She is absolutely FULL. OF. SHIT.

    4. Looking at BaldyPac's numbers and she donated to Rmoney's campaign on October 17th...she also had a LOT of "conference calls"...I saw Trig's babysitters on there...RAM is still getting her chump change.

    5. Anonymous8:43 PM

      Thanks GinaM for the PAC numbers link. Looking thru the people who gave money to her, it seems to be mostly retired men. Poor old fools. Just like most con artists, Sarah targets the elderly. Sure wish someone could contact their family members to let them know, maybe they could talk some sense into them.

    6. Anonymous8:49 PM

      Oh boy, you get a free calender with a donation to Sarah's ScamPAC! Never under estimate the stupidity...

    7. I pity poor little Piper, whose Mother is nothing but a RETARD with such thin skin that I can see her pickled liver all the way from San Diego.

      And it ain't a pretty sight. Try eating a fucking sandwich, Sarah. And don't put your nasty finger down your throat afterwards, huh?

    8. Anonymous9:42 PM

      Anyone watching for the past 4 years would say Piper Palin is in Hell on Earth. That vacation where she was on the Paul Revere tour should have been the final clue. I said those kids were screwed back in Jan of 2009 and I'm sorry to say that shithead Sarah Palin proved me right.

    9. Anita Winecooler10:43 PM

      Typical, using her kid as a human shield, claiming victimhood... hey Sarah, want to split a tic tac with Piper Diaper?

    10. Anonymous12:46 AM

      "Eskimo Pie Libel"?

    11. Anonymous3:00 AM

      I knew, I knew, I knew it. Someone would drag the Palins into this conversation.
      Why can't we have a pleasant conversation about our President without having someone always injecting the Palins into it?

    12. Anonymous5:21 AM

      Right on 3:00 am. I'm with you!

    13. Anonymous12:30 PM

      Wow! Take a chill pill please. You're giving her way too much credit. America gets it - she's a dolt.

  6. Gryphen, thank you for posting the Steinbeck essay -- I've been looking for it for days but couldn't remember who wrote it! (*blushes with shame as she was an English major*)

    These are the words that I couldn't come up with on my own, to describe how we Americans handle our Presidents -- with respect and the utmost wariness.

  7. Anonymous10:07 PM

    I love both President Obama and VP Biden. President Obama has gone through nothing but crap since he took office and in spite of the obstruction from the Republican party beginning on the first day he took office - he has done one hell of a job!!

    He's loved throughout the world and I expect he and Mr. Biden to be reelected. Romney and Ryan would be absolutely horrid for our country and I think people know it in spite of what the media says!

    I've already cast my vote for the two of them and it felt so good doing so!

    Bless you President Obama and VP Biden. You are treasures to our country.

  8. Anita Winecooler10:48 PM

    John Steinbeck is so right! I remember how much Bill Clinton aged while in office, and considering the sacrifice it takes, he's aged well, depite having heart surgery.
    President Obama has worked hard and always had our best interest as a country at heart. He's endured a lot with the GOP obstruction campaign.
    I hope we gain the house this time, imagine how much more he could accomplish with a little help?

  9. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Yes, what a great insightful article by John Steinbeck. Exactly what I have been thinking, about how difficult or nearly impossible it would be to get anything done as President, even though the Presisdent is supposed to be the most powerful man on earth. The sad irony of it! Why why why can't people work together for the good of all?

  10. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Jon stewart rips Trump and Lego hair compares them to a chimp and hippo , chimp aka trump eating his own pop and palin to a hippo pooping and smaking the poop on itself. must watch for their so called oct surprise.

  11. Anonymous12:08 AM

    Jon stewart mocked trump and lego hair, compares them to animal SHIT. LOL

  12. Anonymous5:23 AM

    History will prove the greatness of President Obama and the evil of those who tried to take him down.


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