Thursday, October 25, 2012

Propaganda against Iran: For 33 years we have been hearing that Iran almost has the bomb, yet so far no "boom."

Courtesy of Hang the Bankers:  

Breathless predictions that the Islamic Republic will soon be at the brink of nuclear capability, or – worse – acquire an actual nuclear bomb, are not new. 

For more than quarter of a century Western officials have claimed repeatedly that Iran is close to joining the nuclear club. Such a result is always declared “unacceptable” and a possible reason for military action, with “all options on the table” to prevent upsetting the Mideast strategic balance dominated by the US and Israel. 

And yet, those predictions have time and again come and gone. This chronicle of past predictions lends historical perspective to today’s rhetoric about Iran.

The post then goes on to list the earliest predictions. Beginning is 1979:

Fear of an Iranian nuclear weapon predates Iran’s 1979 Islamic revolution, when the pro-West Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was deep in negotiations with the US, France and West Germany, on a nuclear-energy spending spree that was to yield 20 reactors. 

Late 1970s: US receives intelligence that the Shah had “set up a clandestine nuclear weapons development program.” 

1979: Shah ousted in the Iranian revolution, ushering in the Islamic Republic. After the overthrow of the Shah, the US stopped supplying highly enriched uranium (HEU) to Iran. The revolutionary government guided by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini condemned nuclear weapons and energy, and for a time stopped all projects. 

1984: Soon after West German engineers visit the unfinished Bushehr nuclear reactor, Jane’s Defence Weekly quotes West German intelligence sources saying that Iran’s production of a bomb “is entering its final stages.” US Senator Alan Cranston claims Iran is seven years away from making a weapon.

"Iran is seven years from making a weapon." You know that exact same sentence has been uttered over, and over, and over again throughout the last thirty or so years. Usually by the far Right Wing (Though not always), and so far it has been complete bullshit.

You know the interesting thing about the timing of this article is that I had just been thinking that this newest incident with Netanyahu saying that Iran is "almost at the brink" of being able to build a nuclear weapon, and his statement that they needed to be stopped, seemed very familiar to me, and wondered just how long this had been going on.

Well now we know, it has been going on for over 33 years, and that seems almost as ridiculous as the Fundamentalist Christians who keep claiming that Armageddon is just around the corner and that Jesus is about to make his big entrance.

In fact it seems that those two things are somewhat connected in the minds of the American people, since war in the Middle East is a necessary component to the stories written about in the book of Revelations, and perhaps that is why they are so anxious to believe these predictions of doom and gloom are real.

What do you think? Is it our base superstitions that are at fault for the vilification of Iran? Or is it due to perhaps the manipulation by a certain  group of investors that need this region to remain on simmer in order to keep gas prices high, and justify the constant creation of bigger and more expensive military equipment? Or, perhaps a combination of the two?


  1. Sally in MI3:42 AM

    I think that if we had never armed Pakistan and Israel, we would be well on our way to a nuclear- free world. But the 'religious conservatives' never really want peace.

    1. Anonymous11:57 AM

      Go back and listen to Joe Biden's debate on Iran.
      All this Iran's got a "nuke" is a bunch of Malarkey!
      The cons are trying to get us in ANOTHER war like the old WMD Malarkey.
      Joe Biden say s it. They don't have a bomb! they don't even have anything to put a bomb in! Go back and watch his debate.

  2. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Breaking: Full Video of Powell's Endorsement

  3. Anonymous5:54 AM

    The fact that is never mentioned when Iran and its nuclear plans get discussed is that Israel is already a nuclear power. How can Israel really complain? Does Israel really expect its already antagonistic neighbors to just ignore the nuclear "elephant" in their backyard? I wish the US media would at least be honest enough to say that, yes, Israel has had nuclear weapons for years.

  4. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Although it would no doubt shock many to hear it, Iran is actually a relatively peaceful country. In the 50 years since WWII, they have attacked NO ONE. (Yes, they fought a war with Iraq, but Saddam attacked them.)

    So how many countries has Israel attacked in the last 50 years? Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq--I'm no doubt forgetting a few (and I'm not counting those countries in which they merely launched terrorist attacks). Yet we don't seem worried that such a bellicose country has the bomb.

    How many countries has the US attacked in that time? It's getting to the point it'd be easier to count the ones we haven't attacked. We've killed millions. WE are the threat to the world.

  5. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Alright, I am more than willing to say it - Bibi the Baby. An no, it is not anti-semitic. It is anti the Israeli government and anti ultra-conservative arrogant Zionists. they remind me of the little 90 pound twerp who hangs out on the fringes of a group of big guys usually because one of them is his big brother. This twerp constantly presumes on those family ties, running his mouth off to the bad asses (who aren't looking for a fight) at the bar and getting his bro and friends into bar fights. One day, they all get sick of his shit, watch him run his mouth off to the normally peaceful biker gang, and walk out, leaving him to pay the check his mouth ran up and his body can't cover.

    Bibi - no one will bother to have your back you arrogant baby.

  6. Anonymous6:54 AM

    It's funny how I remember as a kid seeing Teheran on the TV and there were woman in mini skirts and go go boots they were wearing western clothing and I thought "what's so different about them???" Of course that was before the revolution or actually the revolution was probably why they were showing that footage. Wake up people! If these Repugs win we could end up living under the exact same strict religious government. If Romney wins I'm renewing my passport, which I've let lapse because I've had no money to travel abroad. Anyway...

    It's a combination of the two. It's about money and fear. I was completely offended when Romney referred to Iran and the middle east as "uncivilized." These condescending and discriminatory attitudes only foment hate by westerners i.e. "low information Americans." There are people who live in Iran who simply would like to enjoy the comforts that electricity offers. From what I understand the government's attitudes do not necessarily reflect the attitudes of the citizenry.

    And WOW don't get me started on Israel. I concur anon 6:23. THEY are the biggest bullies in the ME. I have very mixed feelings about that country considering the lack of respect for human rights UNLESS of course it's one of their CHOSEN people! And I don't for one second think that if they held the upper hand over the USA they wouldn't take advantage of it.

    And PLEASE don't think I'm being antisemitic, I have an OPEN mind and I feel for the poor Palestinian people who are being held prisoner and slowly squeezed off their land. I understand that there are bombs being launched at Israel, but I also see that people who are desperate do desperate things...

    I am no expert I am simply commenting on this through the extent of my own understanding of the situation.

  7. Anonymous7:37 AM

    It amazes me how the Democrats are constantly painted as toothless when it comes to the matter of atomic weaponry, yet the only sitting President to deploy the bomb was--wait for it--a Democrat.

    But then again, so-called "American Exceptionalism" doesn't permit for facts.

  8. Okay everybody with a tea bagger friend.....send this article to them. I sent one to my friend. BTW I worked with two Iranians for 5 years....both came to America in early 80's to escape and go to college as young men. They both did 2 yr. required stint in Iranian service as young teens. Life is no picnic in Iran. I hope the young people there just explode their government. And the US is not an innocent bystander by no means.

  9. Both. Definitely both. With the latter using the stupidity of the former to get their political allies voted in to office.


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