Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Sarah Palin spits venom on Fox News over Benghazi emails: "There is no moral compass there in this administration, there isn't a moral compass in our mainstream media. It's a corrupt mainstream media." Update!

Click snarl for video.
There are the usual attacks here which we all have heard ad nauseum from this lunatic, but then she REALLY goes off on a rant concerning some recently released e-mails concerning the attacks at Benghazi, which seem to indicate that it was being called an "attack" and not a "protest" essentially while it was still taking place. (Remember the GOP talking point here is that the administration downplayed the potential terrorism angle because they are trying to convince the American people that we have defeated Al Qaeda. A claim NOT supported by the evidence by the way.)

First Greta Van "It sucks to have to interview this crazy lady again" Susteren tees it up by introducing the newly released e-mails, which serves as raw meat for the wailing Wendigo of Wasilla.

"It's atrocious, it's appalling, and yet it's not surprising. There is no moral compass there in this administration, there isn't a moral compass in our mainstream media. It's a corrupt mainstream media. What breaks my heart about all this, besides the loss of four brave Americans through this tragedy, is that we have our troops, we have our sons and daughters overseas, fighting for that freedom of the press in America. And yet there is abuse of that freedom of the press. Where the press gets out there and they think that they're free to lie to the American people about what's going on. In the meantime we have six thousand of our troops who have lost their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan in these recent years, fighting to protect our freedoms here in America, our First Amendment rights, and absolutely breaks my heart. Perhaps I'm the wrong person to ask to comment on such an I..I have loved ones over there in war zones, and Greta I just think it's absolutely appalling. This more than anything else in the Obama administration, that they tried to pull the wool over the American public eyes until these e-mails came out tonight. Trying to pretend like it was something other than what the facts show that it actually was in Benghazi."

I have transcribed this rant, but to be honest I really have not done it justice, as Palin was absolutely rabid in her response, and almost literally spitting venom with every word.

My first response after watching this is an almost fatal hypocrisy overload that ANYBODY could possibly accuse the Obama administration of lying to the American people, and claim to be "appalled," after saying NOTHING during the Bush administration when they quite literally lied us into the very wars that she now condemns for killing six thousand American soldiers.

The e-mails that she and Greta are so worked up about can be seen here:

At 4:05 p.m. Eastern time, on September 11, an alert from the State Department Operations Center was issued to a number government and intelligence agencies. Included were the White House Situation Room, the office of the Director of National Intelligence, and the FBI. 

"US Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi Under Attack" -- "approximately 20 armed people fired shots; explosions have been heard as well. Ambassador Stevens, who is currently in Benghazi, and four COM (Chief of Mission/embassy) personnel are in the compound safe haven." 

At 4:54 p.m., less than an hour later, another alert: "the firing... in Benghazi...has stopped...A response team is on site attempting to locate COM (embassy) personnel." 

Then, at 6:07 p.m., State sent out another alert saying the embassy in Tripoli reported the Islamic military group "Ansar al-Sharia Claims Responsibilty for Benghazi Attack"... "on Facebook and Twitter and has called for an attack on Embassy Tripoli."

However all of those communications took place during the frantic gathering of data that immediately followed the attacks. The administration would have been wrong to have made a declarative statement about what took place before they had gathered more intelligence.

However the President DID make the famous "Act of Terror" remarks in the two days after the attack, and said THIS only fourteen hours later:

"You're right that this is not a situation that was -- exactly the same as what happened in Egypt and my suspicion is that there are folks involved in this who were looking to target Americans from the start."

So the idea that the President was trying to "cover up" an act of terror by focusing on the rioting over that notorious video is ridiculous.  However as newer evidence now suggests NOT blaming Al Qaeda for it was definitely the smart decision:

But after five weeks of investigation, U.S. intelligence agencies say they have found no evidence of Al Qaeda participation.

I have said this before, but it bears repeating, if we were NOT currently in this contentious election cycle, nobody would be freaking out about the time it took the Obama administration to get the facts together! It is only because of the political opportunity that it presents to the Republicans that we are even discussing this at all.

And there is simply NO comparison between how this administration, and the Bush administration,  has dealt with providing facts to the American people or manipulated the media. Only a crazy person would give George W. Bush a pass while slamming President Obama.

Oh wait, she just did.

Update: If this weren't bad enough the Lunatic from Lake Lucille has followed it up with a similar rant on Facebook accusing the President of "shuck and jive." Oh yeah, nothing racist about that!


  1. Anonymous10:25 AM

    palin is a skanky idiot and her rant was another exercise in the absurd!
    there is always confusion and chaos after any sort of attack and no one ever releases the initial information as none of it is CONFIRMED!
    yes the emails alerted the u.s. to the fact that a group took credit for the attack but unless VERIFIED you don't report it!!! she is truly so filled with jealousy and resentment and rage. also, she has a new fb post and calls what she perceives the president as doing "shuck and jive".

    o/t but continuing with the amazon review of the double c creepies, omg you should see what starlight has done now. she outed audrey and dodger dee at amazon-using her review page to do it. she reviewed "our sarah...blah blah blah" and now has exposed the pee pond for being the crazy flying monkeys that they are and used their own words to do it!

    she has posted screen grabs of the two crazies at sea of pee talking about her and encouraging others to go over and make comments. There are also comments from a few others from the sea basically saying they stalk and attack!!! this is too hilarious.

    also, the book is now UNAVAILABLE for sale!!!! it says that it is being reviewed for content and/or other things. hahahahahahahahahaha!!!

    1. If you're motivated enough to go over and read the comments for the "Our Sarah: Made In Alaska" book at, also post something on the order of this comment anytime you find a C4Per's insults:

      Insulting other commenters in a review listing does not add to the discussion. Perhaps you should review Amazon's commenting guidelines, which you have violated.

    2. Anonymous2:56 PM

      FOX hit an all time low when they acted like they were all knowing and said that Hillary Clinton was pretending to have the flu--pretending to have a concussion--pretending to have a blood clot--so smug with their claims because Hillary was ahead in popularity and being admired. Then they cried that the only way they would believe her was by talking to Sarah's doctors. Not sure exactly why Sarah Palin and Greta and Hannity think they are--but they sure sounded like bullies and members of the mean girls at Wasilla junior high. Sarah couldn't even find a doctor to say that she gave birth to Trig--now that is like the pot calling the kettle black. And I would never claim that Sarah Palin has ever shown us any behavior to convince us that she even knows what family values or moral compass means. I love when she takes on these big issues--she only makes herself like a fool.

  2. Gryph, I'm sure I won't be the only one to link to this fucking asshole racist comment by fucking skank Palin. (sorry for the excessive profanity) Fuck her.

    1. jcinco11:12 AM

      agreed. I hate the word, but sarah palin is a dumb fucking, racist cunt. She will reap what she has sown.

    2. Anonymous12:13 PM

      why in the hell the bimbo is always wearing a flag pin when she yaps on fox ? i'm trowing up watching her nasty botox face and lips

    3. Anonymous12:22 PM

      sarah palin -

      fuck. off. and D-I-E.


      The World (including your own family - ouch, bitch!)

    4. She was more manic than usual...I wonder if behind the scenes she was told some bad news. After her appearance on "Greg's"...umm I mean Greta last night...she must have tweaked all night and came up with this racist diatribe.

      My guess...she found out that FAKE News is not renewing her contract. Time will tell Baldy...time will tell.

    5. Anonymous4:03 PM

      G- forget to say what a great blog post this is!
      Thank you.
      You can't trust the news, I trust the bloggers!

    6. Anonymous4:27 PM

      OT: Nomad has a series of blog posts up about the Rigged election.
      #2 is very interesting b/c it says ROVE was all set to RIG it for McCain/palin but backed out at the last min!!!
      Quoting VR "theory"
      "It was a remarkable performance; but what was even more remarkable was the abrupt reversal, just hours later, by Karl Rove. Rove wrote on his blog late Monday that Obama would win by a landslide--even in those states he had previously predicted McCain would win.
      In other words, Rove pulled the plug, because he felt the heat, and knew that using Connell to rig this election too would be too risky."

  3. Anonymous10:26 AM

    I don't get it. Did no one at Fox watch the second debate? How much clearer and provable can it be that there was NO ATTEMPT TO SAY THE ATTACK WASN'T A TERRORIST ATTACK. God they all stink of death and rot and despair.

  4. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Gryph-Have you seen the Lake Lucille Loon's latest racist Facebook page? She calls out our President for his "shuck and jive" re: the attack in Libya. She is certifiably NUTS!

    1. Anonymous10:52 AM

      Good. Maybe she'll break through the thin wall of civility that's been stopping the Rethugs from saying the N word. They're sooo close. I want them all to bare their putrid racist souls before their ship sinks. We're doing pretty well on the sexism front, thanks to the fuktard Rethug who revealed his true beliefs about the divine origins of rape. But Sarah, thanks for getting the ball rolling on the racist front. Why don't YOU be the first one on your block to actually call President Barack Obama a n*****. I dare you, bitch.

  5. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Here's a must read for Ann Coulter fans and anyone else who frequently uses the label "Retard" to belittle their enemies.

    1. Anonymous10:51 AM

      Ann Coulter has fans? Here?

    2. Anonymous11:03 AM

      Ann who?

    3. Anonymous11:20 AM

      Just clicked over to the site-- overwhelming, definitely a must-read. Thanks for providing the link.

  6. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Gryph - Oops! Just saw your update.

  7. The racist witch has an absolutely disgusting facebook post up: "Obama's Shuck and Jive Ends With Benghazi Lies."

    Roast in hell, John McCain.

    1. Anonymous11:42 AM

      I stopped by the Peepond to see how they were going to spin this horrible racist statement by their beloved leader...

      They've actually pointed to a video last year where Jay Carney said "shuck and jive" in absolutely NO reference to PBO (Carney was speaking of himself).

      And they decided Sarah was "smart" in being her typical racist self, because it would bring people to her Facebook post (umm, no, it didn't do that at all).

      I honestly think there is something wrong with Palin -- mentally. Either she's dieting to the point of it affecting her mental capacities, or she's on some medication that needs better monitoring.

  8. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Has Palin yet responded to Ann Coulter's attention-seeking use of the "retard" slur regarding Monday's debate?

    I know, dumb question.

    Jeez-- Sarah Palin foaming at the mouth over a dishonest media system that shamelessly abuses the rights and freedoms purchased by the blood, sweat, and post-traumatic stress of our military...

    Will someone please wish away this banshee into the Cornfield(TM)?

  9. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Like this bitch even knows what she is talking about! What a retard and racist! Hell awaits her and I so hope it is soon!

  10. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Sure, right, I always go to Sarah Palin when I want clarification on Foreign Affairs! Since she is so knowledgable about State Department affairs and Middle East politics lets hope that Obama sends her as a Diplomat to, oh, I don't know, Uzbeckbeckbeckistan? What a twit! She sealed her foreign affairs fate when she couldn't tell Charlie what the Bush Doctrine was...she probably still doesn't know.

    1. laprofesora5:58 PM

      But she is the queen of Dumbfukistan!

  11. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Sarah's off the wall with her Benghazi nonsense but it will be embraced by the GOP base and help further misinform the under-informed independents.

    Her criticism of the media is pretty amusing. Corporate media malfeasance gave her a megaphone and made her a rich woman.

  12. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Tweaky McHatesalot is breaking the cardinal rule of agitprop: don't get high on your own supply.

    1. Anonymous11:02 AM

      She's getting high all right.

    2. Anonymous12:04 PM

      Tweaky McHatesalot, love it!

  13. Anonymous10:48 AM

    This cross eyed, Botoxed BITCH has a nerve calling anyone dishonest. Here is a witch who has a pac, yet no political career, begging for money for herself and family to live off. I think she is upset that her "career" at Faux is ending, Bristles was kicked off DWTS, maybe also, too, nobody wants to publish her laughable fitness book? Greta Van S is stupid to allow herself to be used like this, interviewing this certifiably insane joke of a political "pundint"

    1. Someone else alluded to it already: Meth and Adderall can make a borderline unstable individual cross the line of civility through their aggressive unsocial behavior.

      Add to that the irritability caused by both insomnia and hangovers from her heavy drinking to relax and come down off her extreme highs, and the result you have is an aging, anorexic, balding, manic-depressive lunatic who has no self-awareness but is willing to pull her dress up to earn her skanky living.

      Sarah obviously believes that because old, white Bagger men stand around and point at her while she shows the world her rotting poofage her that they think she she is still sexy.

      But Sarah, the truth is that they are paying you the way your own husband pays prostitutes and then goes home alone. No one would be fool enough to bring you anywhere Sarah and risk the embarrassment of being seen with you. Is the RNC in Tampa too distant in the past for you to remember WHY you weren't even invited to sit in the audience?

      You're low-brow entertainment for the ones who can stand watching you make a fool of yourself occasionally. Many decent people who despise your existence cannot bear to watch you act the fool and choose many times to just read about your crazy screeches.

      Sarah, if you believe that Fox gives you 4 or 5 minutes every couple of days or so because of your insight in political punditry, then you are not even aware of what's happening and not only are you delivering the joke, but you're the butt of the joke because no one is laughing WITH you, we're all laughing AT you, fool.

  14. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Who gives a flying fuck what this balloon-headed celebutard thinks?

  15. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Now, who is this annoying loser again? Oh, yeah, she's the one McCain picked for VP over Mitt Romney. Ha ha ha ha ha!

  16. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Shuck and Jive? Is that a dance Bristol was too lazy to learn?

  17. How can anyone find that woman attractive? She’s the word “harpy” personified.

    1. Anonymous3:58 PM

      Harpy! That's perfect. I hope Azure Ghost see's this and make a pic of a "harpy" with baldy's face on it.

  18. The C4Pee approved spin on Sarah's racist rant against the President seems to be a press briefing in which Jay Carney referred to himself as having to 'shuck & jive'. In that context, the term is not racist, as Jay Carney is white and was speaking about himself.
    Sarah Palin's FB post however, aimed at the black President, is about as racist as it can be without calling President Obama the "N" word.
    Sarah Palin & her racist followers disgust me.

    1. Anonymous12:49 PM

      How can her #1 fan Adrienne Ross look at herself in the mirror. Clearly, Sarah is just not that into her. And yet she fawns over this woman! Self-hatred much?

    2. Anonymous7:51 PM

      let alone adrian ross but i guarandamntee that $carah doesn't give a rats ass about any of her knuckle draggin' mouth breathin' followers, all's $he wants is their rent money, otherwise $he'd barely give 'em the time of day

      fukin' skank

  19. A little OT but if you want the hell scared out of you, hello President Romney, read this:

  20. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Sarah Palin you just ain't got da sense you was born wit.
    May your next flight suffer a bird strike without the Hudson River in sight.

  21. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Sarah say's Obama shuck and jive.

  22. Anonymous11:05 AM

    If a raving lunatic's head explodes on Nov 6th in the woods, would anybody care?

    1. Anonymous12:11 PM

      Most of us would PAR TAY PAR TAY!!

    2. Quit teasing us about the kind of reality that we would really like to see. Actually, just reading about it works fine for me.

      Sarah is mentally ill, but the Republican Party needs her to "shore up their base". I'm in favor of Fox getting Sarah front and center every day because of the effect that she has on Independents and moderate Republicans who find her to be as repulsive as we all do.

    3. Anonymous1:19 PM

      I'd rather just watch her slowly starve until her ugly black heart just gives out one day. That satin shirt she loves to wear will make an awesome liner for her coffin.

    4. Anonymous5:49 PM

      Oh you guys!!!!
      Too Kind! :) Par tay and black satin liner for her coffin!
      And the Alaskan who wrote about the North Star, nice touch also, too!

      Me, I say stuff her and take the Grizzly out of Ted Stevens International and put Sarah there!
      and underneath write Mama grisly LIES here!

  23. Crystal Sage11:09 AM

    Has Sarah ever said anything positive about anything in the past four or more years? E-mails sent in the heat of the attacks and aftermath are ertainly part of the overall piture, but are not the definitive explanation. That's where debriefing comes in and intelligence gathering. Whatever, it can be said that it was "an act of terror." A group that goes on Facebook and claims ownership of the attacks is not a credible source unless backed up by evidence.

    I do agree in part with Sarah: if the MSM had done its job in 2008, we would have been rid of Sarah a long time ago. FOX is not MSM? They let her spew her hatred and venom. Sarah Palin: biting the hand that feeds her. (Hopefully not for long.)

    1. Anonymous12:30 PM

      Oh she'll put on one of those skin-tight black skirts, slinky black over the shoulder tight shirt, 5-inch black leather pumps and go have a meeting with know, to 'discuss' her future with Fox.
      Next thing you know, she'll have a $4 million contract...

    2. Anonymous12:37 PM

      ^^ This. Until they ave ALL the information, why speak to the public? It's called "national security" and what makes these low-infos think they have the right to know every last detail? That DEFINITELY includes you, Esther!

    3. Anonymous12:38 PM

      I think the renewal of Palin's contract w/FOX will have everything to do w/the upcoming election. If Romney elected - no contract - she won't have hate and racist commentary to spread anymore about President Obama. That would be utter heaven not hearing her anymore!

      If President Obama is reelected (and, I hope he is!) she could continue her racist bullshit, but I'm not sure they'd renew her contract. But, if they did, it would more than likely be at a much lower price than the current three million she was paid!

      I can think of so many other women throughout America that warrant a three million dollar contract vs the retard Sarah Palin!!! All she has done is spread lies, hate and division for the past four years. Most of us are pretty tired of her as all her ratings indicate!

    4. Anonymous2:02 PM

      I suspect that if Romney is elected, Sarah will end up getting charged with tax evasion and/or other corruption charges. I would bet that there WAS an FBI investigation of her but that it was considered politically imprudent to go after someone so vocal against the administration, especially when Glenn Beck and those other assholes were blabbing about how the president was going to put people in FEMA camps and arrest his enemies. Remember that video game where that was the premise? I'm pretty sure Gryphen posted it on here! Me thinks Romney would have no problem with seeing her in jail; he'd probably actually have incentive to do it, especially when word got out that the investigations into Sheldon Adelson were dropped. It would make a nice counter balance when people start charging him with doing favors for political allies.

      (I also suspect there might be an investigation into Trump going on re: the Scottish golf course, but that's a whole other issue).

    5. Anonymous5:49 PM

      Trump had a meeting with the residents in the area of the Scottish golf course. They were not in favor. Trump said "I am a very successful businessman" The crowd all laughed out loud at him, they know what a joke he is.

  24. Anonymous11:15 AM

    I think this overtly racist comment will be her new blood libel. Couldn't have happened to a more disgusting, ignorant fool.

    1. Anonymous11:44 AM

      amen. Can Roger Ailes tolerate even this? Can you really make money off this beastly thing?

    2. Anonymous9:10 PM

      Amen again

  25. jcinco11:20 AM

    hey sarah, meth head, go have a ham sandwich and a bath..brush your teeth too, I can smell your skanky stench from my front porch.

  26. Anonymous11:22 AM




    Barack call me

    1. I know I trash you
      And I'm totally crazy
      But here's my number
      So call me, maybe???

  27. Anonymous11:23 AM

    What a mess! Those brave men and women, fighting over there to protect our freedom of the press. I don't think so. There are no people from Afghanistan, ready to board airplanes, fly to the US and pull the plug on our printing presses-- and electrical power to the TV stations. No, we may be trying to stabilize that country and get rid the nest of terrorists, but it has nothing to do with our Freedom of the Press.

    Continuing with Sarah's remarks, fighting in Iraq had nothing to do with our First Amendment Rights. We went there because Cheney and Rice scared the shit out of everyone, talking about a mushroom cloud. The fictitious reason to go to Iraq was supposed to have been WMD. They lied, and thousands died. As for Afghanistan, we are not fighting there to protect our First Amendment Rights, either. It was from Afghanistan that Osama bin Laden is supposed to have planned the attacks from Sept. 11. It was about September 11, and not "our freedoms."

    I doubt that we will every know about all of the secret security briefings and communication. Certainly Sarah has no idea what the total amount of information is. She can't tell the difference between North and South Korea. As for the term, "Shuck and Jive," that's racist. All that Sarah needs to do is let loose with the "N" word. She's thinking it. She is so angry that she lost her presidential race against Obama-- I know, it was McCain who was running against Obama, and Sarah was the window dressing. For Sarah, it's personal. Four years ago, we knew that Sarah didn't know anything about the rest of the world. She still doesn't. She puts her ignorance on display with each appearance on Fox and each Facebook post. There are no people from Afghanistan and Iraq coming here to take away our freedoms. Where is Keith Olbermann? That woman is still an idiot!

    1. Anonymous12:28 PM

      Thank you for putting it all in a nutshell for us.
      Someone should put the Wasilla 'nut' away in a shell for the remainder of her life..

  28. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Sarah doesn't know if Benghazi is a state, country, a person or an animal.

    1. I didn't note the time on the video but at the end of one of her breathless rants, she misread the teleprompter and called it Ba-gazzi.

      "It is a tale, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."

      This is just bad theater. Just to be clear, Sarah, you're the IDIOT narrating the story.

  29. This is the face of someone descending into madness! We've already seen her demon she's showing us her ugly racist white trash face!

    Glen "BabyOil" Rice will be so disappointed in you Baldy! No more "sweet letters" from him huh! You aren't even considered human anymore.

    You're just a nobody who lost most of their hair...who tries to cover that FACT up with a closet full of filthy dirty smelly wigs...who has the body of a scarecrow...a brain that is empty...a mouth that is so full of whatever that it's not able to make a smile anymore. But what do you have to smile about anyway...huh Baldy?

    Your entire family HATES YOUR GUTS..they use your drug problem and mental illness to exploit you and make fun of your pitiful attempts to starve your skeleton body down to the size of a toothpick...meanwhile they are laughing at you..all the way to the bank!

    So please...I'm begging you...don't stop being YOU! Keep saying the things that you say. Soon you will wither away down to dust...and then you will finally blow away...and that awful stench that has hung over the WORLD will finally fade away!

    1. Anonymous1:00 PM

      Sarah, please ignore that mean person, Gina. Sis, you are starting to look great, and if you'll only lose 10-15 more pounds, it will be great for all of us. Um, did you sign those papers that my attorney brought over this morning?

      Love, Chuck, Jr.

    2. Anonymous1:00 PM

      LMAO! You got me on that one!

    3. Anonymous2:38 PM

      I happen to LOVE those short skirts and encouraged her to hike 'em further. Even kept her undies in my pocket. MMMMMMMMM!!!

      Love, Creepy Chuck

  30. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Special Olympics Athlete Responds To Ann Coulter's Offensive Remark (BUT HAVE YOU SARAH called her out for using the R word, and I don't mean Rethuglican.

  31. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Gloria Allred, Maureen Stemberg Sullivan In Court: Judge Holds Hearing Over Mitt Romney Testimony In Divorce Case

    A Massachusetts judge will hold another hearing Thursday before deciding whether to unseal testimony that GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney gave in the divorce case of Staples founder Tom Stemberg.

    Ex-wife Maureen Stemberg Sullivan appeared in court Wednesday with lawyer Gloria Allred. They said they did not object to a Boston Globe motion to lift an impoundment order on Romney's testimony in the case from the early 1990s.

    Attorneys said Romney's testimony dealt with financial matters, though they did not elaborate. Staples was founded with backing from Romney's firm, Bain Capital. Stemberg has been a surrogate for Romney and spoke on the former Massachusetts governor's behalf at the GOP convention.

    "You have expert testimony about an investment that a presidential candidate made," Globe attorney Jonathan Albano told Judge Jennifer Ulwick on Wednesday. He said the public has a right to know what Romney said. Allred disputed the contention that Romney testified as an expert.

    Attorneys for Romney and Staples asked the judge for more time to review two booklets of testimony Allred produced.

    Stemberg's attorney said he had only been able to review about 20 pages. It wasn't clear if the booklets were all Romney testimony or included testimony from others.

    Romney attorney Robert Jones said he does not anticipate objecting but would like time to review the entire transcript. He asked a judge not to delay the hearing beyond one day.

    "We're in a little bit of a spin cycle now," Jones said. "The longer this goes on, the more speculation there will be."

    Jones also issued a statement.

  32. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Palin uses phrases like this for attention. I wish just once that it would really blow up in her face worse than the "blood libel" comment. She will try to weasel out of this, I'm sure, but I sure do wish it would fail. She has no business trying to put herself in the middle of foreign affairs as a private citizen. Of course, she wants someone to say something to her so she can play the victim. She lives for this kind of bullshit.

    1. Anonymous12:40 PM

      Petty vindictive bitch.

  33. Anonymous11:29 AM

    "we have our sons and daughters overseas, fighting for that freedom of the press in America."

    Am i the only one who thinks that this is military grade stupid?

    1. Anonymous12:26 PM

      Nope. It's stupid.and it's the same sing-songy word salad crap she's been spewing for 4 years.
      Folks, those people that hate us that live in the Middle East do not hate us for our freedoms, our constitution. They hate us because the U.S. has a long history of trying to interfere with their governments and their way of life and their oil reserves.

    2. Anonymous1:22 PM


      They also are hating us right now because we're indiscriminately killing civilians with unmanned drones. They have reason to hate us and we need to get the hell out of there sooner than later.

    3. Anonymous1:54 PM

      Our wars in the Middle East have absolutely nothing to do with our constitution. Nothing. And anyone who says otherwise is an ignorant, nationalistic harpy.

    4. laprofesora6:12 PM

      Life is so simple in Scarah World...

  34. Yes, it is always a super good and intelligent strategy to just cold publish and confirm every single email or communication, as they are received, DURING THE INITIAL STAGES OF A BREAKING INTERNATIONAL INCIDENT INVOLVING POTENTIAL AMERICAN CASUALTIES. That wouldn't have caused more confusion AT ALL.

    Snark off: shit this woman is insane, why is she still allowed to appear in public???!!!

    1. SALLY in MI12:58 PM

      Ailes has to get his investment back.

    2. Anonymous5:56 PM

      She must have an agreement for a definite number of appearances. Otherwise, why let her go on TV and make a joke of their network? The woman is completely unhinged. Who else would hire her to make political comments, when EVERYONE knows she is dumb as a box of rocks. She must have a word of the day calender where she learns a new word and uses it until it is replaced with the next one.

  35. Anonymous11:40 AM


    Forecasters at the U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami said tropical storm conditions were possible along the southeast Florida coast, the Upper Keys and Florida Bay by Friday morning. A tropical storm watch was in effect for the area, the center said.

    I hope that it misses Florida completely, however, if nature chooses to wreak some havoc, we would see a multi-tasking president, looking out for the people in Florida, while closing the deal on his re-election.

    Nature may tip the Florida scales in PBO's favor as a result of the extraordinary caring, attention and resources, plans and people, that he and his team have a track record for activating in a timely fashion.

    And Mitt would be left impotent, unable to DO anything to facilitate assistance that would be at PBO's fingertips, showing the country, and the world, yet again, why we are so lucky to have President Obama.

    Just sayin'.

    1. SALLY in MI12:58 PM

      If Mitt going to Florida this week? That would be precious..Mitt caught somewhere and the Obama FEMA rescuing him.

    2. Anonymous5:56 PM

      Or not!!

  36. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Send Sarah on a C130. Give her a guitar, a ton of fresh fish, two fishing rifles, a couple of pads of writing paper and tell her we need an agreement returned by Jan. 1, 2035. Come back when your done.

  37. Please explain how wars in the Middle East are protecting our First Amendment Rights?

    1. SALLY in MI12:57 PM

      They aren't. And Romney and Ryan will take care of several amendments should the GOP steal this.

    2. Anonymous2:34 PM

      Great question!

  38. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Request: Could you let us know on which website we'll land if we click on a video? I'd rather not go to Fox News. Thanks.

    1. Yes it takes you to Fox News.

      Sorry, but it was their video.

    2. Smirnonn12:05 PM

      It is fox. Blech!

    3. Smirnonn12:10 PM

      The harpy harridan screeches yet another ridiculous, uninformed word salad. Gawd, I hope faux gives her the boot so she can focus on her "fitness" book, or whatever the hell her next grift is going to be. Like grandma always said, "It's the stupid people who are most willing to express their intellect."

    4. SALLY in MI12:56 PM

      No one else wll have her, and like Mitt, she doesn't 'give interviews." Thanks, but she and he prefer not to be questioned about anything they say. Freedom from the press, as we say.

    5. Anonymous1:57 PM

      I hate to complain, but it took me to Fox (blech) and then I sat through several minutes of their vomit of lies about our president until I couldn't take any more. No Palin in sight, but maybe I got off lucky afterall.

  39. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Somewhere I read that Sarah's contract with Fox may not be renewed when it is up in January. She needs President Obama to remain in office to remain at Fox. If she doesn't have anyone to yell at, she'll be out of a job. It could be that Sarah is turning up the heat in her comments to show what a good attack dog she is, and how that might be a good thing for Fox. Her venom has two targets: Obama and showing off to Fox.

    1. Anonymous5:52 PM

      Remember JoeM said it wouldn't be renewed...tic tock!
      Bye,Bye Bitch!

  40. Anonymous12:04 PM

    If Sarah's last comments don't get a response from President Obama, maybe she should demand to see his college transcripts and his passports, like Donald Trump did.

    1. Anonymous6:11 PM

      All's fair: let's see Sarah's and Donald's transcripts, too.

  41. imnofred12:09 PM

    Many more people where killed on 9/11 but I don't recall the uproar from conservatives demanding to know every detail, holding investigations, and questioning what someone in the administration did or didn't know.

    1. SALLY in MI12:55 PM

      Exactly right! Bush knew an attack by plane was imminent, and he chose to ignore it so he could continue his bike ride on one of his multitude of 'vacations.' And no one made a peep. This isnt even news. No one except the rabis right wing would expect the WH to issue a press release based on unfounded FB rants. Good Lord. They really are scraping the bottom of the horsesh** pit with this.

    2. Anonymous5:36 PM

      I'll take it FURTHER...Bush was BEHIND the attack!
      Recently on PBS (Big Birds home) there was a film shown in CO. that the towers...any of them all of them were wired with military grade explosive. Thermite. Military grade. Let that sink in.
      If you are interested you can see it here
      Yet not a word from Faux noise, or any of the other so called "News" crickets, except for PBS (BIG Bird) who had the ballz to air it.

  42. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Sarah Palin has to get her attention fix because she is a sociopath. But with the GOP over-run with whacko "rape gifts from god" senate candidates and "5 million dollars for the college transcript" has-been presidential hopefuls, Palin is hard-pressed to get even a few scraps of attention. Palin is going to have to really up the ante to stand out. She could use the N-word. She could try for getting a crotch shot published. She could whack one of the kids on camera.

    But, Sarah Palin isn't very intelligent or very creative. She is actually amazingly stupid. So she probably will choose something boring like a messy divorce or spilling the real story of where she got Trig.

    1. Anonymous1:52 PM

      Don't forget Ms. "Retard" and Mr. Big Announcement.

    2. Anonymous5:14 PM

      Crappy bigoted things come in threes.

  43. Anonymous12:26 PM

    The puppet mouth bimbo looks like she was going to cry, since when do people on the news wear lime green cordouroy jackets????

  44. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Same old Same Old Sarah. Fox could put any - all - of her previous screeds on and nobody could tell if they are current or old.

  45. Anonymous12:38 PM

    So it breaks Sarah's heart that the troops are fighting for "that freedom of the press". And, it breaks Sarah's heart that the press thinks they're free to lie to the American people?

    Does Sarah think it's OK for her to hiss and call the American President a liar? She is trashing the Commander-in-Chief on national TV; is this what the troops are fighting for? She is trashing POTUS and the Office of President which is despicable and it is dishonorable and disrespectful to trash the military's Commander-in-Chief.
    Does Sarah think she as "press" is worthy of the troops and that she has never exploited the American people? It would be a sin if we found out that Sarah lies, and promotes only herself and her family, while using OPM. Is that what the troops are fighting for?

    Sarah should visit a veteran's hospital and someone should march her right into those rooms of soldiers who lost limbs and eyesight and be forced to sit down and apologize to each one of them.

    1. Anonymous2:11 PM

      Sarah should be hung upside down and put on display in Washington D.C.! She is commiting treason and deserves the very worst to happen to her! She is a horrible American!

  46. Admit it Gryph, you just wanted all the little Palinbots to google "Wendigo" so they can riled up and frothing at the mouth, right?

  47. Anonymous12:42 PM

    What is going on at the bottom of her face? There are two gashes on either side of her lower lip. Are these fillers? If so, are they:

    A: wearing out ?


    B: unable to fill the deepest frown lines ?

    It's just odd. Scary what she has done to her face. Scarier yet what her lifestyle has done to what's left of her brain.

    1. Anonymous2:16 PM

      Her dummy lines are showing, and the dummy, known as Sarah Palin, does not have a brain under her wig.

  48. Partially OT: did you get the email I sent with the possible SP gif animation?

  49. Anonymous12:49 PM

    I'd lay odds that this idiot couldn't find Libya on a map. Here's a hint Sarah. It's somewhere in the country of Africa.

    1. Anonymous2:00 PM

      If given blank maps, I doubt this idiot could name more than a handful of countries on a world map or a few states on a map of the US.

      I rather doubt she could find her ass with both hands.

    2. Anonymous6:02 PM

      She has no ass!!

    3. Anita Winecooler9:07 PM

      Please don't tempt fate, she probably thinks Libya is her hoohah!

      She's unhinged enough to do it!

  50. Anonymous12:50 PM

    What kind of mother would insist on keeping her son in the news and keep reminding people that he is serving, especially when she's seething and hissing on national TV about her President?

    Any mothers out there whose children are serving? Would they proclaim the sacrifices of their children in a rant, so they could exploit their child's service to make the Administration feel guilt-ridden? Especially when they didn't have all the facts?

    Only Sarah could use and exploit the military service of her child and try to gain Fox viewers favor by creating this theme that the military is being abused by the press and by the Obama Administration. She is a horrible mother, a heartless mother, a cruel and despicable mother. If things don't go Sarah's way, just pull out Track's name and the troops, and remind everyone their serving, to cover for her so she can slander the President.

    1. Anonymous2:09 PM

      Plus, her kid has not seen combat duty even though she has proclaimed he has! He has been reported to drive vehicles for the upper military!!

      She's nothing more than a friggin liar about everything. I have to say though that Track has been the smart one of her kids (Todd supposedly is not his father - Menard (deceased), is suppose to be!)and has nothing to do w/her politically. You never see him w/the Palin clan when in Alaska!

      Sarah is a horrible mother and I truly feel sorry for Willow and Piper. Supposedly, the young one (which is reported not to be her kid) is not getting the correct care for his disabilites from all we hear in Alaska.

    2. Anita Winecooler9:09 PM

      He's in an undisclosed bunker - no way is he "combat ready" like Todd was on teevee!!

  51. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Watched an Anchorage TV segment last night about the 'energy' drinks that Sarah is known to partake. A doctor indicated that if you have heart trouble, you especially should not drink them. People have died due to drinking too many of them in a 24 hour period.

    Perhaps that is what is gonna happen to Sarah because of drinking these for the past four+ years (that we know of!), poor eating habits and her past and current known drug use?

    A physical fitness family with a new book coming out supposedly/eventually? MY ASS!

    1. Anonymous1:31 PM

      Between the weight loss and the usage of uppers she's a heart attack just waiting to happen. She'll never see 60, even if she stops now. She's done too much damage. I'm sure she lives by the old adage that "it's better to burn out than fade away". We're watching it happen. When it does happen, for a microsecond the great North Star will flare and appear just a little brighter to signify her passing....

      Ha ha, I was only kidding with that last one! But I'm certain that when she goes if any of the Pee'rs are outside at night, and happen to actually know which star IS the North Star, they'll say that they saw this happen.

    2. Anonymous1:56 PM

      It would be a kick running into her and giving her a piece of my mind! She has to hire security now and I understand she doesn't have many that she travels with.

      Would be such a kick knocking her wig off her head!!!

    3. Anonymous2:06 PM

      I would just point at her and laugh.

  52. Anonymous1:01 PM

    the skank really needs to go out and play in the highway

  53. Anonymous1:34 PM

    No Moral Compass? Having Babies out of Wedlock, Teen Mothers, Pimping and Sex Trafficking, Fabricating a Down Syndrome Birth, "SHUCKING AND JIVING on Glen Rice, Curtis Menard, Brad Hanson,REDNECK HANNITY, and all of the ONE NIGHT STANDS at the 'ROADHOUSE', Covering for the CRIMINAL ACTS of your Teens,SCAMMING The city of Wasilla. Where is your MORAL COMPASS, S K A N K ?

  54. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Read 'em and weep, Sarah!

    No matter how much venom you spew towards the man who beat you and McShame, he's going to be a thorn in your backside for four more years and all that will happen is you will shrivel up more, and grow more decrepid, steeped in such hate and vile words.

    Obama’s Job Approval Jumps To Highest Point Since 2011

    According to Gallup, President Obama’s job approval rating has jumped to 53% since the third presidential debate. The significance of this is two fold. First, the jump occurred very close to the election. This is one hurdle cleared in order for the President to be re elected decisively.

    Second, this is President Obama’s highest approval rating by Gallup since Bin Laden’s death in May of 2011. President Obama realized a huge surge in the job approval ratings when he announced he had Bin Laden killed. It surged to 53% in May of 2011.

    This poll is also the first poll after Romney’s “leading from behind” debate performance. People have realized two things. Romney has no plan on foreign policy, and Obama is doing his job fairly well. It’s all a big fail on Romney’s part.

    Job approval ratings have been the gauge of past elections. Most Presidents do not get re elected if their job approval numbers are below 50%, and most get re-elected if their job approval numbers are above 50%.

    1. Anonymous1:48 PM

      I don't understand how the election's even close then.

    2. Anonymous2:46 PM

      Because he's BLACK in a WHITE House, 1:48 PM.

    3. to Anon at 1:48 PM; Two words, Faux Noose.

  55. Anonymous1:38 PM

    President Obama leads in Ohio, according to a new poll from Democraic firm Lake Research Partners. Obama gets 46 percent to Republican candidate Mitt Romney's 44 percent. From the firm's analysis:

    Not only is Obama ahead on the ballot, but he is noticeably more popular than Romney. A 52% majority of Ohio voters has a favorable opinion of Obama (44% unfavorable), while Romney's image is upsidedown in the state (47% favorable, 49% unfavorable).

    Gender plays an important role in the candidates’ image ratings, as well. Fully 56% of women have a favorable impression of Obama (39% unfavorable), while their impressions of Romney are solidly negative (42% favorable — 53% unfavorable).

    Men are more positive than women on Romney (51% favorable and 44% unfavorable), though not dramatically so, and they are split in their opinions of Obama (48% favorable and 49% unfavorable).

  56. Anonymous1:39 PM

    President Obama leads in the all-important state of Ohio according to a new poll from TIME Magazine. Obama gets 49 percent to Republican candidate Mitt Romney's 44 percent, and while Romney leads on which candidate would be better to handle the economy going forward, Obama has a 6 point lead on who would be better to look out for the middle class and foreign policy. From TIME:

    The poll makes clear that there are really two races underway in Ohio. On one hand, the two candidates are locked in a dead heat among Ohioans who have not yet voted but who say they intend to, with 45% of respondents supporting the President and 45% preferring his Republican challenger.

    But Obama has clearly received a boost from Ohio’s early voting period, which began on Oct. 2 and runs through November 5. Among respondents who say they have already voted, Obama holds a two-to-one lead over Romney, 60% to 30%.

  57. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Unbelievable on Sarah's "Shuck and Jive". Chris Matthews just discussed it and the guest is calling it what it is: racist. What in heaven's name is wrong with her? We knew what she was, but she's just gone over the deep end. She's burning every bridge and seems to want to go out with a bang!

  58. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Sarah's last few followers think that she is 'TAINTED' by her Sexual Tryst with Glen Rice. That kind of Romance is FROWNED UPON by the Racist Faction of the Republican Party. Sarah Palin has 'Let Them Down'. Her way of life with DRUGS and HATE is killing her, and everyone can see that. I would gladly PISS on her Grave. Sarah Palin is a 'SCAVENGING BOTTOM FEEDER'.

  59. Tom Joad2:04 PM

    I heard that Sarah was not invited to the Repub convention...because Ann Rmoney said so!

    That's right, Ann herself said no way.

    You see Sarah, no one wants you. Even your family, they just take your $ and go spend it elsewhere. Just like Todd, took your $ and spent it on prostitutes.

    When is Sarah going to shut down her family from just using her, using her like a skank crack ho?

  60. Anonymous2:10 PM

    I can't find this non story anywhere but Fox.

    1. Well, what a surprise. I did see it on Huffpo. A little story with the immediate disclaimer that it is horseshit not worth bothering with. The comments seemed to be running against Trump, along the lines of, well, if you have five million to donate, go donate it.

      Only a few pitiful morons, yapping about what the blahhhhhh president is hiding. The big banner story has changed at least once, so apparently, surprise! no one gives a shit what Combover Blowhard has to say.

  61. Anonymous2:11 PM

    No one cares what this coward who hides behind the skirt of Fox new has to say. This is purely frustration at trying to remain relevant because she's coming to the end of her time in the public eye. Beyond politics she has nothing and it's because of insensitive comments like this that will block any possible path she will navigate towards. This reeks of pure desperation to gain attention, positive or negative.

    I wish Trig succeeded that time on DWTS. Trig attempted to give her a left hook while he was seated on Todd's lap during one of Bristol's dance routines. This was captured on camera. Had Grizzly Mama been a few inches closer, the kid may have connected. He can see right through her. I can't wait for him to grow and increase his reach.

    1. Anonymous4:31 PM

      Maybe he would have corrected her WONKY EYE.

  62. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Venomous skank!

  63. Anonymous2:15 PM

    She's just losing it because she knows that her secret heartthrob Barack is gonna win again. Four years and he doesn't give her one second of attention and it's driving her nutty. She will keep lashing out, ad infinitum, eventually ending up in a puddle of sobs and screams, and STILL he will keep being the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES and there is NOTHING she can do about it.

  64. Anonymous2:26 PM

    I am still amazed anyone could take this barely literate person seriously. Fox is really, really trying to figure out how to get through their contract with the crazy woman. I love to watch her though, it is incredibly fun to see the train wreck in slow motion. I would suggest she go back home and tend to her family, but she is truly incapable of doing that either. Just read Joe McGinness’ book and it is amazing she made it out of Wasilla; but, then again, this is Alaska. I can’t help but agree with the people who say all hell broke loose when the southern oilfield guys made it up here during the 1970s. It was a pretty nice and mostly Democratic place to live before then. My family said the Bible thumpers who supported Sarah Palin were transplants and seemed to wish to turn Alaska into Texas. Just some thoughts ...

    1. Anonymous6:14 PM

      She's not coming back here, at least for this winter. She paid cash for the house in AZ and face it, she can't deal with an Alaska winter at her current weight and health. The "tough frontier woman" has become a Snowbird, and at only 48! She's lost all of her Alaskan credentials, what little she actually had. I hope she stops mentioning our name and trying to use our State as some sort of talking point because really, she's at the least gone Arizona, and is trying to go Hollywood.

    2. Anonymous12:10 AM

      skank can stay the hell out'a here, summer time too

      it'd be fitting if a scorpion, rattle snake or black widow wanted to get up close and personnel with the fuk_tard skank

      or better yet, one of these ....Life History
      Mountain lions breed at any time of the year with the peak period for kitten births occurring in the summer. Litters average three kittens. Young remain with the mother for approximately 18 months learning the skills necessary to survive independently. Juvenile males tend to disperse much longer distances than juvenile females. Mountain lions are solitary animals with the exception of females with kittens or breeding pairs.

      Deer, both whitetail and mule, are the primary prey for mountain lions in Arizona, although they will also prey on javelina, bighorn sheep, small mammals and livestock. The presence of mountain lions can be detected by tracks, scat, scrapes (scratches in the ground) or kills.

      Hunt History

      Mountain lions were classified as a "predatory animal" by the territorial legislature in 1919 and were subject to a bounty of $50 dollars. This status continued until 1970 when the mountain lion was classified as a big game animal, and a tag was required to hunt one. In 1982, a mandatory checkout procedure and other reporting requirements were instituted by the Arizona Game and Fish Commission. Data from the reporting information indicates that lion harvests have gradually increased over time and range between 250 and 350 animals per year, of which approximately 15 percent are taken by predator control agents.

      The hunting season in Arizona allows unlimited tags with a bag limit of one mountain lion per hunter per year. Occasionally, bag limits are increased in limited areas for the purpose of management or research.

      As of 2006, lion hunters are required to present their lion to the Arizona Game and Fish Department for inspection. In 2007, the hunt season was shortened from year-long to being closed from May through August.


      Mountain lions are stalk and ambush predators that hunt primarily at night and rely on ambush to kill their prey. They prefer to stalk from above, using rock ledges and steep terrain. Mountain lions are specialized top predators and consequently do not normally exist in high concentrations. Males and females are highly territorial and often kill other lions found in their territory. Mountain lions kill a large prey approximately once every six to 12 days. Uneaten portions of a kill are hidden or covered with leaves, dirt or other debris. An entire deer can be consumed by an adult mountain lion in two nights.

  65. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Molly Ball, journalist at The Atlantic, has written a fantastic piece comparing the excellent Obama ground game with Romney's lack thereof.

    ....She also points out how different the intensity of support is in the different offices. For instance, Obama campaign offices are filled with Obama bumper stickers, signs, and campaign literature, whereas the so-called Romney offices are more devoted toward local RNC candidates.

    'But the difference isn't just quantitative, it's qualitative. I visited Obama and Romney field offices in three swing states -- Ohio, Colorado and Virginia -- dropping in unannounced at random times to see what I could see. There were some consistent, and telling, differences.

    Obama's office suite in Sterling was in an office park next to a dentist's office. The front window was plastered with Obama-Biden signs, the door was propped open, and the stink bugs that plague Virginia in the fall crawled over stacks of literature -- fliers for Senate candidate Tim Kaine, Obama bumper stickers -- piled on a table near the front reception desk. In rooms in front and back, volunteers made calls on cell phones, while in the interior, field staffers hunched over computers. One wall was covered with a sheet of paper where people had scrawled responses to the prompt, "I Support the President Because...", while another wall held a precinct-by-precinct list of neighborhood team leaders' email addresses.

    Only about a mile down the road was the Republican office, a cavernous, unfinished space on the back side of a strip mall next to a Sleepy's mattress outlet. On one side of the room, under a Gadsden flag ("Don't tread on me") and a poster of Sarah Palin on a horse, two long tables of land-line telephones were arrayed. Most of the signs, literature, and buttons on display were for the local Republican congressman, Frank Wolf. A volunteer in a Wolf for Congress T-shirt was directing traffic, sort of -- no one really seemed to be in charge and there were no paid staff present, though there were several elderly volunteers wandering in and out. The man in the T-shirt allowed me to survey the room but not walk around, and was unable to refer me to anyone from the Romney campaign or coordinated party effort.


  66. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Disastrous News for the GOP as Obama Leads Romney in Three New Ohio Polls

    Three new polls of the critical swing state of Ohio all agree. Barack Obama is currently leading Mitt Romney in the Buckeye State.

  67. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Obama on Fire in Iowa: Calls Out Romney’s Bait and Switch

    President Obama was on fire in Davenport, Iowa Wednesday on the first stop of his two-day, non-stop “America Forward!” tour. Obama reminded voters that Romney’s economic plans don’t add up, referring to the Washington Post calling the Republican’s jobs plan a “bait and switch.” The President emphasized the issue of trust, saying, “(T)here’s no more serious issue in a presidential campaign than trust.”

    Watch here:

  68. WakeUpAmerica2:37 PM

    The bitch wouldn't know a moral compass if she did a face plant on it. Please, Gryphen, if you see her, would you bitch slap the nasty out of her?

  69. Anonymous2:43 PM

    It just so happens that RAM (Becky Mansour) has defending SArah Palin's use of the term to ABC. So, we all know that RAM penned the facebook entry, right? Sarah Palin ok'ed it. They're both racist a-holes.

    1. Anonymous4:28 PM

      Ugly Racist A-HOLES.

  70. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Dear Sarah - I know you read this blog. Your statements are indeed crazy, but maybe I can help you with a correction to something you say all the time. Our troops in Afghanistan are NOT fighting for freedom of the press or our First Amendment rights. Your ignorance is showing a little too much.

  71. Anonymous2:48 PM

    half governor wouldn't be able to find Libya on a map. she still thinks Africa is a country. She is 'throwing sh-t at the refrigerator and hoping something will stick!! She hasn't called out Ann Coulter yet for calling our president a retard. We are Waiting, miss moral compass.

  72. Anonymous2:55 PM

    I am not writing to you as a black voter, or a woman voter, or as a voter who is over 70 years old and six feet tall. I am writing to you as a representative of this great country -- as an American.

    It is your job to vote. It is your responsibility, your right, and your privilege. You may be pretty or plain, heavy or thin, gay or straight, poor or rich.

    But remember this: In an election, every voice is equally powerful -- don't underestimate your vote. Voting is the great equalizer.

    Voting has already begun in some states that President Obama needs to win. So please use this handy tool to make sure your friends in those key states know where to cast their ballot. You will be doing them a great favor.

    As a country, we can scarcely perceive the magnitude of our progress.

    My grandmother and my uncle experienced circumstances that would break your heart. When they went to vote, they were asked impossible questions like, "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?" When they couldn't answer, they couldn't vote.

    I once debated with the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. about whether an African American would ever be elected president. He believed it would happen within the next 40 years at the time -- I believed it would never happen within my lifetime.

    I have never been happier to have been proven wrong.

    And since President Barack Obama's historic election, we've moved forward in courageous and beautiful ways. More students can afford college, and more families have access to affordable health insurance. Women have greater opportunities to get equal pay for equal work.

    Yet as Rev. King wrote, "All progress is precarious."

    So don't sit on the sidelines. Don't hesitate. Don't have any regrets. Vote.

    Go, rise up, and let your friends and family in early vote states know where they can vote today. We must make our voices heard:

    Your vote is not only important. It's imperative.

    Thank you,

    Dr. Maya Angelou

    1. Early voting begins Saturday in Florida, and I will be in line the very first day (barring Hurricane Sandy, which may postpone my participation by a bit. But just a bit!)

      Thanks for all you do! You spoke at my alma mater (Nova Southeastern University) one year while I was an undergraduate student; it was such a pleasure to see (and hear) you in person!

    2. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Dr. Angelou please do not judge all of the white people by the screwballs like Palin and others. Most of us are happy with the job our President is trying to do. Imagine if he had had a democratic majority in DC, what we could have accomplished. He is a truly compassionate man, who really wants us all to succeed. I am hoping he gets another 4 years, and a dem. majority, then the country can regain it's SANITY.

    3. Anonymous8:01 AM

      My husband and I, white retirees in Michigan, were proud to vote for President Obama and all of the Democratic candidates on the ballot by absentee ballot last week. I think this country has been blessed to have the president we have and I pray that he will have a second term and will have a Democratic Congress with him.

  73. Anonymous3:00 PM

    She is a contemptible cretin beyond redemption, stupider than Ann Coulter, Michelle Bachmann and Michelle Malkin combined. She should be an embarrassment to Fox and thrown to the wolves once and for all.

  74. Anonymous3:19 PM

    who's watching piper, seeing her off to school, greeting her on her return ?

    is she burnin' mac and cheese on the stove fendin' for herself ?

    1. Anonymous4:42 PM

      who's watching Piper, seeing her off to school, greeting her on her return ?

      Piper's trial husband takes her to school. That's when she goes to school.

    2. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Probably the same responsible adults who did such a fine job keeping Track, Bristol, and Willow on the straight and narrow.


    3. Anonymous6:59 PM

      It wasn't that long ago that Sarah dragged Piper everywhere with her.

  75. While I agree that her comments were inappropriate and unnecessary, and would urge folks to not engage in such speech, I have a different position.

    I know that lots of people feel that words and symbols are powerful; however, it just seems to me that during a period of economic stress and when we need to focus on more immediate, significant issues to get people working again, we should relegate discussions about words and symbols to tertiary, if not lower, status in terms of prioritization. We need to focus on inventions, scientists, engineers and innovation. We can get back to the emotional stuff once the economy improves.

    As a partner of mine once noted on my blog: "Along with the right to free speech comes the right to make a public fool of oneself; and like the naked, fools have little or no influence on society.”

    Finally, we should never underestimate the power of laughter.

    1. Inspector Clouseau3:23 PM

      Finally, we should never underestimate the power of laughter.

      I like the way you think Inspector...also loved all your movies too! LOL!!

    2. A serious public mocking is in order then. It's a shame she doesn't get harried by the paparazzi.
      M from MD

    3. Anonymous8:19 PM

      Public mocking has been going on for a while now, time to find the truth and stick her aging butt in jail

  76. Anonymous3:28 PM

    The kleptomaniac/pathological liar that probably faked a pregnancy to get picked as VP is lecturing on moral compasses?

  77. angela3:54 PM

    Not gettin' any---huh Sarah? Poor thing.

    1. Anonymous5:04 PM

      Maybe Sarah should call Shailey Tripp for some? I'm sure Todd would offer Sarah a family discount.

  78. Jeanabella4:20 PM

    Sarah Palin has proven she's a racist & the lowest form of human nature.
    She will reap the hate she's sown.
    I have no doubt her demise will be horrible!

    1. Anonymous6:55 PM

      Maybe Willow will fall in love with a beautiful black woman.

    2. Anonymous7:03 PM

      Maybe Willow "OR TODD" will fall in love with a beautiful black woman.

  79. Anonymous5:02 PM

    She is a RETARD! Yearns for attention.

  80. Anonymous5:14 PM

    She is the epitome of a worthless shuck 'n jivin BITCH!

  81. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Oh Glenn! Shuck me, shuck meeee!! Shuck me harder!!!!

  82. Anonymous5:28 PM

    I agree that this could be another 'blood libel' gaffe for the Grifter. Yahoo News has her racial slur headlined with a picture of $creech in that blousy orange top pullin' up the baggy shoulders and flappin' her turkey neck. HA!

  83. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Can't somebody please mistake this woman for a halibut???

  84. Poor, poor Sarah. She lost a beauty crown to a Black Woman and she lost her chance of being VP, to a Black man. Now she degrades herself even more by using racial slurs against the President. Tsk, tsk. She makes Satan smile, every time she spews her venom.

  85. Anonymous7:07 PM

    "It wasn't that long ago that Sarah dragged Piper everywhere with her."

    That's when Piper was cute and little and that's over with now. Piper is gaining weight like a water buffalo and Trig is not Sarah's little prop anymore.

    Sarah's new props are her toothpick legs and turkey waddle neck.

  86. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Poor little creature.....selling her soul to the devil everytime she opens her mouth....I think we have a word for that...?? what could it be...

  87. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Hey, Sarah, where is Trigg's birth certificate?

    Where are your tax returns? You and your husband ever pay up on the back taxes owed on that place you own on the Prks Hwy?

  88. Anonymous7:49 PM

    I would really like to put my foot up this stink skank's ass.

  89. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Four years ago the half-gov scared me to death (yes Crazies4Palin, terrified of someone so ignorant getting so close to the Big Red Button). Then I've been getting my kicks for the last few years watching her go down hill FAST. It's been quite entertaining to see the mean girl fall apart before our eyes.

    But now, now the hate is here. Hatred of someone who deserves no audience spewing such disgusting, non-Christian words to the world, as if her thoughts matter. Yes, she has the right to spew, but I have the right to hate her for it, too. Also. Bitch.

  90. I asked two questions on Sarah's Facebook page:
    Do you know shuck and jive means?
    Have you called out Ann Coulter out yet for calling someone a retard?
    Within 10 minutes, both were gone and now more commenting allowed for me.
    So much for freedom of speech!

    1. Anonymous5:46 AM

      After leaving a couple of comments they blocked me too. I think they do regular purgings of dissenting voices. Makes for boring reading I think. However, I'm still drawn there for entertainment. Can't believe some of the comments from the nastier regulars. Andrea Baker is probably the worst!!! What amazes me about her is that she's a jazz musician and teacher - not they typical palinbot I would say.

  91. Anonymous3:13 PM

    You people are disgusting. Typical of liberal, stage one thinkers ... you have no real arguments, so you call people names. Bottom line as it relates to this topic: The President and his advisers lied and continue to lie about the events in Libya. All your name calling, groaning, moaning and twisted logic will not change that. Your hate speech betrays your motives.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.