Friday, October 26, 2012

Mitt Romney's hilariously uncomfortable "America the Beautiful" moment. Romney's policies are so destructive they even broke Meatloaf's voice.

The pain starts around the 1:24 mark in the video.

Oh God, the humanity!

Now if you will excuse me I have to go set fire to my "Bat Out of Hell" album.


  1. Anonymous2:48 PM

    This clip is extremely painful to watch.

  2. jcinco2:50 PM

    omg, that was awful...

  3. Anonymous2:50 PM

    I'm not shocked that John Rich participated, but Big Kenny? He's known for being so more progressive and caring about this country. Sad..

  4. Oh God, the humility!

  5. Anonymous3:02 PM

    They sing better than Mitt did when he tried to lead a crowd in singing America the Beautiful

    1. Dave Letterman plays the clip with the audio backwards and it sounds better. Gives us a hint at what Kolobian might sound like.

  6. Smirnonn3:06 PM

    Fucking dying over here! That was deliciously hideous! I'm a professional composer/musician and that "rendition" of America the Beautiful was horrendous beyond all belief but what really made my fillings ache was Romney's reaction, or lack thereof. Makes me think this was a practical joke played on the Willard.

    1. Anonymous3:19 PM

      My condolences to your trained ears. Hope they recover quickly.

      I agree that at least some of the "singers" were in on the joke. Amazing lack of reaction from the audience, though. Maybe just numb.

  7. Anonymous3:12 PM

    I haven't a clue who the singing participants were and I have no interest in knowing. First of all, singing "America the Beautiful" the way they did was an insult to all of us and to the country and, secondly, it had such obvious racist overtones that I wanted to scream. What is wrong with this country?

  8. Olivia3:14 PM

    Maybe Mormans don't drink but apparently they surround themselves with people who can't seem to stop. Holy SHIT that was painful! Have they no shame?

  9. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Meatloaf said that he was endorsing Romney because of his position claiming that Russia is our biggest geopolitical foe. That must be a joke, right? The singing was pretty bad, too. With an endorsement like that-- and Sununu-- Romney is really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

  10. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Well, after that, I guess I have to say Clint Eastwood wasn't so bad after all.

    1. Anonymous5:29 PM

      You made me chuckle.

  11. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Mittloaf was painful to watch. However I think Mittens' super awkward "Who Let the Dogs Out" video is still the champion of excruciating Mitt videos.

  12. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Paradise by the dashboard light! ZOMG!!

    Here is something better to listen to.

    MItt Romney drops a single "Where You Hide Your Money" from his new mix tape "Based God of Latter Day Saintz". Directed by Hype Williams.

  13. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Lordy! They sounded like they're on drugs!! Really!!

  14. They looked like 4 pall bearers to me who were coming to take away the corpse of Rmoney! Did you see how stiff Meh was while looking at them coming up on stage! LOL!!

    Meatloaf...LOOKED and SOUNDED like he had been shot in the nuts but the show MUST go he kept on singing through the PAIN!

    And that Willy Wonka lookalike on the end...just stopped singing altogether...even these guys knows this is just a paycheck!

    Please never do this to us again have been warned! LOL!!

    1. Anonymous6:14 PM

      He sounded mortally wounded to me too.

  15. Anonymous3:53 PM

    What happened to the faces in the crowd behind them?
    Could that screeching have done that? Pixelated out of embarrassment? I personally would not be caught dead in that environment.

  16. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Shame on them for not even fucking rehearsing or maybe laying off the hooch and cigarettes a few days so they could hit middle C. Disgusting--to say nothing of their fucked up politics. Exactly what we'd get if Mitts gets in the WH. An inept, careless mess.

    VOTE OBAMA NOW, AS SOON AS YOU CAN! Don't wait for election day if you can vote earlier!

  17. I really wish he'd stop singing America the Beautiful. He is just ruining that song.

    If he wants to sing a patriotic song, he should stick with the national anthem, which few can sing well. At least then we expect it to suck.

  18. Anonymous4:10 PM

    So, on a day when the Obama campaign finnally had to acknowledge (according to the NYT) it's not 2008 any more and instead of having an invantage among voters D +9, the real number is R +3--a 12-pt swing to Romney, the best you Goober's have is Romney looking uncomfortable when Meat Loaf sang?

    I suppose that's about the best thing that happened today. There were no bombshells in Alred's successful petiton to have divorce records leaked. As an attorney I could have predicted that when Romney petitioned the judge to
    decide the matter quickly rather than in attempting to shoot for a continuance.

    In other news, Petreaus through Obama under the bus, yesterday the NYT was already pinpointing Clinton as the scapegoat should Obama lose, which you know just thrills Bill.

    And about that shift. There were 130,000,000 votes cast in 2008. Obama pocketed 70,000,000 of them because of his edge with women which has disappeared with his base. If--and this is a HUGE if--turnout will be the same the new numbers mean Romney can be looking at 3.9 million voters McCain couldn't real in and which makes up a large part of the 10,000,000 votes McCain lost by. Add another few percent for Romney leading with men by five and that's another 6,700,000 votes going to Romney that McCain couldn't get because among men it was D + 1. Then there's women whcih break evenly and since 54,000,000 of them voted in 2004 and Obama had a 13-pt. advantage which is gone, you might want to think about giving the general quarters alarm to put your women in children in lifeboats. The unsinkable S.S. Barack is taking on water.

    But at least you can still whoop it up about Meatloaf and that knee slapper of a picture that shows Romney wearing a dunce cap.

    Did I mention nationally Obama is no down 19 with independents?

    Sleep tight and dream of Germany and Greek columns.

    1. Anonymous5:01 PM

      But the President is somehow still the favorite (by a long ways) for the electoral vote. If you're going to try to gloat (with your cyrstal ball), at least try to spell correctly.

    2. THROUGH is not a verb, dumbshit.

      "Sleep tight and dream of Germany and Greek columns." ???

      I sleep very well and I Dream of Jeannie.

    3. Anonymous4:10 PM

      First...if you are a lawyer than I would hope you have no clients! The miss spelled words...."through" should be "threw"..."real" should be "reel"...and I can't even go on with the rest of your stupid nonsensical other words...Hi Creepy Jr! LOL!!!

    4. Anonymous5:37 PM

      Nate Silver of Five Thirty Eight and the NYT: Obama’s chances versus Romney’s are currently 74.4% to 25.6%.

    5. Maizen Blue6:26 PM

      You are an attorney like I am Miss Universe. It's impossible to believe you made it through the essay portion of the LSAT with a passing score.

    6. Anonymous6:30 PM

      Gems like Mourdock torpedoing Romney with rape-god-gift-babies only happen about once a week. Meatloaf is just filler until Romney goofs again with something like the Jeep lie or Sununu's racist remark.

      There's never a shortage of Romney blunders to mock.

    7. "If--and this is a HUGE if--turnout will be the same the new numbers mean Romney can be looking at 3.9 million voters McCain couldn't real in and which makes up a large part of the 10,000,000 votes McCain lost by."

      REAL is not a verb, shit-for-brains. And if you are an attorney, then Sarah Palin is a presidential candidate AND a fucking astronaut.

      Read the transcript of Romney's testimony. It's 430 pages long, but I read it in one evening. Of course if your reading comprehension is as bad as your grammar, there's no point in your plodding your way through, because the nuance of Romney's deception will be completely over your head.

      Personally, I'd love to be sitting at the other desk when a judge reads a motion that you've written. lol

      Here's the PDF file.

    8. Junior and Sarah both got it from Creepy, Sr--- their LACK of intelligence, that is.

      Creepy Chuck Junior can't even spell BERKELEY, and has a book signing scheduled there next month.

      The fool can't even sell a dozen books in the town where he's lived for 40+ years, and he's going down to California to a city where he can't even fuckin' spell its name, and expects to sell through a lot of units of this piece-of-shit book?

      /s Yeah, I'll bet he sells thousands and thousands on that little field trip.

      Actually, I'll bet they laugh at his ignorant ass for being so much like his kinfucky sister, Sarah Lou.

      Palins + Heaths = LOSERS

    9. Anonymous5:08 AM

      Trying to sell a Palin/Heath book in Berkeley, CA?
      Bwahahahahahahaha! That's like trying to deliver a load of shit to a hospital ICU unit.

      The creepy Chuckies complain about the stores hiding their book? What a joke, it's the stores customers who hide them as being too offensive & dumb to be displayed.

    10. Anonymous5:31 AM

      Um, yeah,

      Women are leaving the President in droves...

      For Mitt.Fucking.Romney and the Womb Invaders.



      From my ass

    11. Anonymous5:36 AM

      At this point four years ago, the GOP was saying that McCain was going to win PA because one poll showed the gap narrowing. In reality, Obama won by ten points and it was such a blow-out that it was called about thirty seconds after the polls closed. A little perspective.

    12. If you're (not your) a lawyer, then I'm guessing you only chase ambulances. Word of advice, remember to chase them as they go TOWARDS a hospital and not AWAY from it.

    13. Beldar J. Conehead, Esq., LLC, JD, PC, Mac or Linux4:20 PM

      C'mon people!!! Can't you recognize satire? This drivel isnt written by a REEL atturnee, it's a bit someone is writing as a gag! I bet you this drivel is written by that Beldar Conehead fella. He writes shit like this all the time, claiming he's a doctor or a general or microspectrographologist, or some such thing. It's too stoopid to be real. In fact, I'm sure it's Beldar!

      Wait. I just realized it can't be Beldar, for obvious reasons...

      Never mind.

  19. Anonymous4:38 PM

    You spend waaay too much time watching Faux Noise.

  20. Olivia4:47 PM

    Invantage?? Goober's?? whcih??? You're an attorney???? You don't have spell check or grammar check on your pc and you are a fucking attorney?? You betcha, sweetie.

    1. I know...what a dumbass. I'm still counting all the misspellings!

      Lawyer my ass! LOL!!!

    2. Anita Winecooler6:59 PM

      God save your majesty!

      I thank you, good people—there shall be no money; all shall eat
      and drink on my score, and I will apparel them all in one livery,
      that they may agree like brothers, and worship me their lord.

      The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers.

      Nay, that I mean to do.


      Shakespeare was SO right!

  21. And this was scripted, right? Mitt, you've been PUNKED.

  22. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Weak attempt at Perception Management by the losing team at Republicans, Inc.

    Romney surging again at InTrade. Not. Under 40% again and gap is widening.

    Romney surging in polls again. Not.

    Probability of Romney winning is now 25.6% vs 74.4% for Obama.


    You need to spend less time editing your shit that no one is gonna bother reading and more time knocking on doors on behalf of your candidate, Mr Rove-a-like. Oh yeah, at a single glance I noticed "through" versus "threw".

    lol Nice try.

  23. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Q: Why do you bother copying and pasting from sites like Breitbart?

    A: Because you obviously don't know any better.

  24. Ray Charles' live version on Dick Cavett, 1972.

    It'll clear your mind of Mitt's Repug Boys' version. And it's not as harsh as brain bleach.

  25. I used to love Meatloaf, for crying out loud. Dayum.

    1. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Me too, sigh. Another old, bloated, and rich white guy voting out of fear and ignorance. Actually, does anyone think this will be financially advantageous for him? I mean the R base will support him, but many Ds will be repelled. The question is how popular was his latest tour and will he now have a larger fan-base with the Repub crazies flocking to see him? Yikes! Not somewhere I would want to be!

  26. Anita Winecooler6:05 PM

    Oh, poor Mitt looked so awkward! The poor fellow never had meat loaf a day in his entitled life!

    Why can't great artists just fade away when they can't sing anymore? Paradise by the dash board light was my favorite video, he and Karla Davita totally rocked!

    And Rocky Horror Picture Show... how sad.

    I've heard cats in heat sing better!

    1. WTG, Meat Loaf! He just pissed in the punch at Mitt's birthday party.

      "Hot patootie, bless my soul! I really love that rock n' roll!"

      Hey Eddie, Don't let yer meat loaf!

    2. Beldar J Conehead6:24 PM

      Anita, I hope this doesnt come as a disappointment, but it appears that Karla Devito was lip-syncing to Ellen Foley's vocals in the Paradise video...

    3. Anita Winecooler6:52 PM

      We were RHPS groupies, for the uninitiated -

      Here's "Billy" in better days - singing, playing guitar, and riffing on a Saxophone!

  27. I may weep. And to think I just used "Paradise by the Dashboard Lights" in the writing class I teach. My Bat Out Of Hell album will be joining yours on the fire. I would never have thought it of him. Perhaps he and Clint Eastwood could benefit from a joint intervention.

  28. Anonymous10:35 PM

    I don't quite get it why some older rockers(Loaf,Alice Cooper,Skynyrd,to name a few)who led VERY wild lives in the past suddenly go all conservative-fammbly-valyoos-n-sheeit when they were anything BUT conservative in their day.

    1. Excellent point! And the GOoPers willingly accept the endorsements as they think it will win-over young voters. NOT.

  29. Anonymous2:49 AM

    Meat Loaf and Jim Steinman's shitty rock and roll songs were Bruce Springsteen inspired dreck without the tough poetry and great music and played with bombastic gusto. It appealed to a lot of my female friends who had a lot of Broadway cast albums and that's what that shit sounded like, The Fantasticks with a loud rhythm section. At least then the fat fuck could sing.

    1. Anonymous9:22 AM

      Don't you go insulting The Fantasticks now! That's where I met my true love... a local civic theater production 40 years ago... :)

  30. Anonymous5:46 AM

    My ears are bleeding, my eyes are full of tears (from laughters) and... well, what else can I say? Romney is a robot supported by blind and deaf people. "God here", "God there". Really?

  31. Anonymous9:20 AM

    O. M. G.

    As a musician, my poor bleeding ears may never recover from this.

  32. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Cringe-worthy. Absolutely awful.

  33. Anonymous11:38 AM

    So Obomba gets Bill and the Boss and Willard gets Meatloaf. Bwahhhhahhah!!

    I liked Meatloaf for about 2 minutes.

  34. Holy fuckballs! That was seriously painful! Mittens looked like he couldn't get away fast enough. Ummmmm, are these supposed to be the epitome of modern US crooners?

    Side note. Meatloaf love Oz. He and his current band performed last year (or the year b4, can't remember) at the NRL Grand Final and were well received by the crowd. Their platform was actually in the stands so fans could interact with them. It was a good show and he appeared a helluva lot more sober then than he did for Mittens. But he really did look like he was a walking heart attack waiting to happen.

    Don't these "rockers" even realize that if the GOoPers had their way that they'd be banned, penniless and in jail? Nugent should be!

    Meatloaf also loves Adelaide. And as a transplant to Adelaide, I feel I should apologize for that. And the fact that it's Rupert Murdoch's hometown makes me feel sad too, also.

    But at least we've got Julia Gillard. The living-in-sin with her former hairdresser, atheist PM of Oz who still can't wrap her head around the idea of gay marriage due to her catholic upbringing. Mostly plus for her, but one big ole minus.

  35. Beldar J Conehead6:15 PM

    It's ironic that Mr. Loaf - may I call you Meat? - looks just like my mother's meatloaf: a fat-riddled hot mess.

  36. Anonymous11:58 PM



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