Sunday, October 07, 2012

Mitt Romney attempts to play at being a human. Fails!

This from Politico:

The Republican is using a three-day Florida swing to make a direct emotional appeal to voters. He is for the first time speaking more candidly to voters about his good deeds on behalf of others, a trait he has stubbornly shied away from during the majority of this campaign even as Democrats have painted him as an unfeeling corporate raider. 

Starting on Friday night, Romney devoted nearly one-third of his stump speech to telling three revealing and personal stories that have been related before by other Romney allies — his wife, his friends — but never by himself. 

It’s a dramatic, and seemingly intentional shift for the Republican, who until now had avoided such personal sharing in favor of portraying himself as a competent economic manager. 

Oh yeah nothing transparent about this!

Here look at how HARD Mittens worked in order to dredge up some emotion for the press to witness.   

He recalled seeing a friend from graduate school, Billy Hulse, at an event in Atlanta a few weeks ago. After an accident paralyzed him, Hulse devoted himself to supporting medical research. The governor said that when he saw Hulse, he leaned into his friend’s wheel chair, put his arm on Hulse’s shoulder and whispered into his ear. 

“I said, ‘Billy, I love ya and God bless ya’,” Romney said. 

The sprawling crowd of 6,200 applauded. Some cheered. 

Romney then added, “I got a call from a friend that he died the next day after that visit.” 

The deflated crowd let out a collective moan: “Awwwww.” 

“It’s rare that you get the chance to tell someone how much you love them while you still can,” Romney added softly. 

This Romney, the man engaged in a sort of call-and-response with the audience, telling them personal stories about his hard-luck friends, is a far cry from the the stiff candidate who has often made awkward jokes on the stump or gotten off stilted lines such as “the trees are the right height” when describing his nostalgia for his home state of Michigan. He seems more comfortable on the stump. 

“I thought back to a time a little earlier in my life when I was serving as the pastor of my congregation,” Romney continued. 

Then he told the story of knowing a boy, David Oparowski, who became afflicted with leukemia at 14. David’s parents first told their story at the Republican National Convention in August, and Ann Romney has referenced it, but this is the first time Romney himself has related it. 

“I spent time with David,” he said. “We became more and more friendly. I asked him what would he like more than anything else in the world. He said fireworks. So I bought some. We had a big box of fireworks and … lit them off.” 

I'm sorry but if I had been telling these kinds of personal, heart wrenching stories in front of an audience, you would have had to mop me up afterwards. All that would be left of me would be a puddle of tears and a broken heart. Hell I almost choked up reading Romney's stories.

So how did Mitt respond?  

Romney sounded as though was on the verge of choking up, but he didn’t.

Yeah, that's what I figured.

Look I'm not going to call the man a liar (Even though we have caught him lying NUMEROUS times.). but this is one of the most hackneyed and transparent manipulations that politicians ever use.

And in Romney's case I would be surprised if even his MOST aggressive supporters would buy into it.

This is how MOST people respond to Romney on an emotional level.

Let's face it, no matter what Mitt Romney does, he will NEVER be more liekable or more human than the President.



  1. Anonymous10:07 AM

    I find Mitt & Anne's stories phony and contrived.
    Just like Seamus Jumped into his carrier on the top of the car right...

    Anne rMoney slipped up and told one of her friends that the Dems stories about Ralfaca...
    "Her horse has more class in its hoof than those people"

    Now that STATEMENT rings true to me!
    Mitt & Anne "let them eat cake" !
    I hope everyone votes b/c if he wins we are all going to get SCREWED!

    1. No! Only 99% of us. -:)

    2. Anonymous1:48 PM

      Ann and Mitt seem to have only two stories. Ann tells the dying- of leukemia- story every place she speaks- as if there were no media to report this. Now Mitt's using it too. This new story of the guy dying after Mitt hugged him (has the Scarah Palin curse mutated?) illustrates nothing.

      Can't they find a writer somewhere?

  2. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Mitt didn't want Sarah Palin to speak or appear at the 2012 RNC, but now Romney will do anything to get 5 extra votes.

    Would anybody be surprised if Sarah Palin endorsed him and Mitt has Sarah stump for him?

    Remember you read it here first at Immoral Minority.

    1. Anonymous10:54 AM

      Palin would endorse Satan himself if it got her publicity. Oh wait.....

  3. Grrrr!10:29 AM

    I wonder if Romney's brain-dead supporters would cheer if he told them THIS story:

    “In the fall of 1990, [feminist Mormon organization] Exponent II published in its journal an unsigned essay by a married woman who, having already borne five children, found herself facing an unplanned sixth pregnancy. She couldn’t bear the thought of another child and was contemplating abortion. But the Mormon Church makes few exceptions to permit women to end a pregnancy …

    “Then the woman’s doctors discovered she had a serious blood clot in her pelvis. She thought initially that would be her way out —- of course she would have to get an abortion …

    “One day in the hospital, her bishop—later identified as Romney … paid her a visit. He told her about his nephew who had Down syndrome and what a blessing it had turned out to be for their family. ‘As your bishop,‘ she said he told her, ‘my concern is with the child.‘ The woman wrote, “Here I — a baptized, endowed, dedicated worker, and tithe-payer in the church — lay helpless, hurt, and frightened, trying to maintain my psychological equilibrium, and his concern was for the eight-week possibility in my uterus — not for me!”

    "Romney would later contend that he couldn’t recall the incident, saying, 'I don’t have any memory of what she is referring to, although I certainly can’t say it could not have been me.'"...

    “The woman told Romney that her stake president, a doctor, had already told her, ‘Of course, you should have this abortion and then recover from the blood clot and take care of the healthy children you already have.’ Romney, she said, fired back, ‘I don’t believe you. He wouldn’t say that. I’m going to call him.’ And then he left. The woman said that she went on to have the abortion and never regretted it. ‘What I do feel bad about,’ she wrote, ‘is that at a time when I would have appreciated nurturing and support from spiritual leaders and friends, I got judgment, criticism, prejudicial advice, and rejection.’”

    1. Anonymous1:49 PM

      Isn't it interesting that Romney can never recall these events in his life when he showed his true bullying colors?

    2. Anita Winecooler6:30 PM

      I recalled reading that article, and had the same reaction as I read the Politico article. His selective amnesia is very telling!

  4. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Unless there's a repeat of 2000 cheating, Romney will never be president (lower case intentional) of this country.

  5. Hmmm...I wonder if Rmoney had that painful looking smirk on his face after he told the audience that Billy Hulse died the next day? Something about this story is as phony as the man telling it.

    1. (Sharp intake of breath) -:)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. If Mitt Romney was not in Wichita, KS on May 25, 2011, he is lying! Billey Hulse died on May 26, in Wichita. Can anyone find our where Romney was?

    4. Anonymous12:36 PM

      River Capital mourns the loss of a great friend and colleague. F.W. (Billy) Hulse, IV passed away September 21, 2012 at his home in Atlanta, at the age of 65.

      Billy was a Principal of River Capital, and one of the original founders in 1983. He had been a special limited partner in several of the River Capital partnerships.

    5. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Wrong Billy Hulse. Mitt was referring to the one that died in Atlanta GA on September 21, 2012.

      "Frank “Billy” Wilson Hulse IV died Friday morning at his Ansley Park home. He was 65...

      For all his high-flying accomplishments, Mr. Hulse — a native of Birmingham who moved to Atlanta in the early 1970s — generally preferred to stay below the radar. He was a worldwide traveler, leader of a global network of chief executives called the Young President’s Organization and a donor to several scholarships...

      Mr. Hulse’s father started Southern Airways, which grew into one of the nation’s largest regional carriers....

    6. Anonymous1:18 PM

      And Romney was in Atlanta for a fundraiser on Wednesday, September 19.

    7. Anonymous2:40 PM

      Google Young Presidents Organization and CIA.

  6. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Not buying it. Once a douche bag, always a douche bag.

  7. "Romney then added, “I got a call from a friend that he died the next day after that visit.”

    Did Romney kill him by whispering to him? If so, maybe we should have sent him out after Bin Ladin...

    1. Anita Winecooler6:37 PM

      Poor Billy died from retroactive Romney halitosis.

  8. Smirnonn11:17 AM

    I've do doubt Romney has done some kind things in his lifetime. I'm sure all of us here have at some point or another. What irks me is the timing of his rollout of these anecdotes. It's such thinly veiled pandering to try to up is likability polling. That said, if I were worth a quarter billion, I would be doing a whole lot more philanthropy and a whole lot less mansion and dressage horse purchasing. With great wealth comes great power and with great power SHOULD come great responsibility. IMO, one of those responsibilities should be to help your fellow human beings. Even a small percentage of his fortune donated to a worthy cause, perhaps cancer research or malnutrition, would make a huge difference. And NO, giving to the LDS is not a charitable contribution, IMO.

    1. Anonymous12:43 PM

      Smirnonn- Friend, forget the "IMO". A gift to the LDS is not a charitable contribution, period.

  9. Anonymous11:19 AM

    He chose to present his self as a cold business man, chose for the RNC to have We Built It as his theme, he chose his condescending mocking words about rain parkas, he chose to say stupid ass crap about Libya, chose to park his money overseas, chose Clint Eastwood and to etch a sketch like a chamaeleon.

    Now he is another persona he is selling? He is slick and quite the salesman or con man not to be trusted. He pretended to have no interest in his wife's horse or hobby allegedly healing her MS when asked. Charitable giving demanded by his church aside, Mitt is a pretend person amd will pretend anything to get what he wants emtitled to it by cheating and lying.

  10. I wonder if he will tell that hilarious, yet heartwarming story about the time when he and his friends held down the gay kid they went to school with and Mitt cut his hair off. OMG. I can't stand it!

  11. Anonymous11:41 AM

    I like how he says he was a pastor. Makes it seem like he's a Christian.

    1. Anonymous1:22 PM

      He actually was some kind of Mormon pastor at some point. That's where Queen Ann gets her 'he helped a lot of people' talking points. He counseled people in trouble, supposedly.

    2. Anonymous2:55 PM

      There is no Morman pastor. He was a bishop. None of the Morman leaders have religious training like real ministers, pastors, rabbis etc. do some research into this cult and their bizarre practices and beliefs..

      Mitts a liar. Period. He disgusts me. I find him morally reprehensible.

  12. Anonymous11:43 AM

    How gullible are these saps who find this "touching"?
    The man is as much a con artist as the TV evangelists he is emulating, and he is doing it for the same purposes-personal gain. Mitt Romney is a thoroughly revolting human being.He'll use anyone for his own personal benefit.

    1. Anonymous1:21 PM

      Wonder why he can only connect with people who are dying? If he foudn someone who was 'cured'after Mitt touched them, wouldn't he attract even more money?

  13. Anonymous12:02 PM

    The personal stories are one way to avoid lying about policy or showing ignorance.

    Even Fox News (although it's buried in their 'Latino' section) is covering the dismay of Spain's leaders over Romney's debate display of ignorance of their economic problems.

    I like having a link from Fox to share with conservative friends and relatives even though Salon and Politicususa are also reporting the AP story.

  14. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Being likable and human is where Obama reallly shines. Unfortunately this election is about a lot more than that and hugging babies, as politicians do.

    The Stewart/ O'reilly debate got people thinking about a lot more than that too, and for that reason you'll see obami's numbers take another dive in the next few days. Can he afford any more bleeding?

    1. Anonymous12:27 PM

      Oh Gee...look who just dropped in after their DAILY KKK meeting?

      Admit it KKK REALLY do like President Obama huh? LOL!! Yeah we can tell...look at ya'...staring at the man's picture...scouring the nets' for ANY discussion about the President's likability! It's're among friends here!

      Okay KKK troll....see you at the next President Obama article!!!

      PS...I'm glad to see you stopped sniffing Baldy and Beefy's dirty panties! LOL!!

    2. Where did this revolting, repulsive, delusional, racist troll come from? It must be awkward wearing a white hood when typing. What a disgusting piece of trash.

  15. Virginia Voter12:35 PM

    The problem with these stories is that they are very narrow in scope...Mitt's encounters with anyone outside of Harvard, the LDS church, and other very well to do friends and coworkers and few and far between. In fact, I don't recall any. Mitt lives in a hermeticcaly sealed bubble where everyone is rich, white, and Mormon.

    1. Anonymous1:06 PM

      You left out the silver spoon part. Like Frank “Billy” Wilson Hulse IV. His daddy?

      Frank Wilson Hulse, III (1913 – 1992), founder and former chairman of Southern Airways.

  16. Anonymous12:51 PM

    When she told them her dream was to meet the President they panicked, unsure they could make it happen, even trying to get her to change her wish. But she was adamant. Obama was her hero and that was all she wanted.

  17. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Whenever there is an attempt to make Romney look like a genuine and caring human being, I think of what he did to his schoomate and directing his blind teacher into a door and putting a dog in a cage on the top of his car for a six-hour drive. I also think of how he described his Bain company as one that would take over companies and "harvest" them and how he so easily dismissed 47% of Americans as not worthy of his attention. It's not so much a matter of President Obama being more "likable" that Mitt Romney; it's a question of integrity. President Obama has lots of integrity; Mitt Romney has none.

    1. Anonymous2:37 PM

      Threw rocks at some girl riding a horse while he was a scout. Later married same girl.

    2. Anonymous6:08 PM

      Ann was safe. Mitt couldn't hit the side of a fuckin barn from 20 paces.

  18. Anonymous1:55 PM

    A touchy-feely prez is fine but at this particular point in time a hard nosed bean counter who will wage war on this recalcitrant economy is what is needed. Just sayin'.

    1. Anonymous3:04 PM

      I have to laugh at this. Mitt has NO experience creating jobs or improving an economy. He did neither of these things as Governor and at Bain he destroyed jobs. Anyone can say they are capable of turning around this economy but the proof is in the policies that would be used. If you knew more about Mitt you would know he really has very little economic experience. Yes he was a successful business men. But Bain made money by buying companies, racking up debt and using that money to pay shareholders and then dumping those companies along with all the people

      Sure he made money, but at what cost to people's lives and livelihood! Our government is NOT a for profit business.

      He has no record of creating jobs or a balanced budget. He left Mass in debt for the first time in years...

      Even ultra conservative Bill Kristol said Romney has no record of job creating or debt reduction. Romney is a lying blood sucker. He wants to win, at any cost. He will not be a good and moral president. Bush is a better person. What does that say?

    2. Anonymous3:05 PM

      a bean counter is the LAST thing this country needs. Just saying, you obviously no squat about economics.

    3. Anonymous3:10 PM

      I've been thinking over the last few days about the economy. We know that things were actually much worse than anyone thought by January 2009 when President Obama took office. If we want to compare the situation then with the Great Depression that began in 1929, we have to remember that the economic situation was still pretty dire in 1936, the year that brought the Dust Bowl, major drought and the locusts. All the good that President Roosevelt began during his first term had to be built upon during his second.

      I think that we, as a nation, would be extremely short-sighted to think that a "bean counter" whose supposed extensive economic experience has been comprised of running a company that was designed to buy businesses and then eventually to "harvest" them for profits, not to nurture them so that they would prosper but to skim all possible profit from them and then leave them to collapse. Frankly I want a president who leads and who cares (and I'm not talking about sentimentality) about the fate of all of the people, not just about the fate of the wealthiest. Both Romney and Ryan have said publicly that they think huge segments of the US population are moochers and not good Americans. No political candidates of any party have ever been so crass and insensitive to the people they want to have vote for them.

      And, anon at 1:55 pm, the reason the economy is in any way "recalcitrant" right now is because the GOP in Congress has steadfastly refused to work with President Obama and the Democrats to provide further stimulus. It's got nothing to do with "touchy-feely." It has everything to do with a form of treason.

    4. "...hard nosed bean counter who will wage war on this recalcitrant economy is what is needed."
      And who might that be?

      I personally want a President with a proven history of being able to drag the economy forward despite almost insurmountable obstacles.

      Romney has zero experience in improving the economy based on his poor record in Massachusetts. His business experience is based entirely on making a profit for himself at the expense of local economies.

      He is not someone who can be trusted to look out for the citizens. He would run the government solely for his own benefit.

      Also the republicans have been "waging war on the economy" for years. Perhaps if they stopped obstructing every measure that would help the economy, we would be in better shape!

    5. Anonymous4:03 PM

      1:55 is ignorance at its finest.

    6. Anonymous6:10 PM

      And you're a fucking idiot. I'm just sayin.

  19. Anita Winecooler7:05 PM

    Romney's in hyper-desperate mode, he knows the 57 percent comment is coming his way and he knows the debate on foreign policy isn't going to be his forte'.
    The timing of Mitt trying to humanize Mitt is what gets me, should he have done this much earlier? Shouldn't he have fixed his tax records a long time ago? This isn't his first time running for office.
    So we have two heartwrenching fairy tales we already heard from the convention and from Ann. I'm sorry, if he was a bishop, he did these things because it was in the job description.

    I wonder how compassionate he was to those workers who built his stage, only to learn retroactively they were nailing the coffin on their livelihood?


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