Saturday, October 06, 2012

Mitt Romney's post debate euphoria comes to a crashing halt. Update!

Courtesy of the Huffington Post:  

The cheering stopped on Mitt Romney's campaign plane Friday morning. 

The day before, aides had whistled and clapped when the Denver control tower commended the Republican presidential nominee's debate performance. It was a rare moment of exuberance for a campaign that had fallen behind President Barack Obama in a number of polls. 

The euphoria ended after the morning report that the nation's unemployment rate had dropped to 7.8 percent, its lowest level in Obama's presidency. Romney and his team sat stone-faced and quiet on the flight to Virginia's coal country, taking in the good news for the country that's bad news for their political prospects.

I have been hearing some conspiracy theorists suggest that Obama already knew about the unemployment numbers before stepping out on that stage in Denver.

I don't know about that, but I do know that this news made the Right Wing apoplectic.

They were in fact SO pissed off that they simply refused to accept the validity of the numbers. Which eventually ended up making them look like poor losers and lunatics.

Like I said I don't KNOW for a fact that the President knew of the numbers ahead of time, but I will say it certainly would not surprise me to learn that one of the best three dimensional chess players of all time was several moves ahead of his opponent.

Update: BY the way here are some polling numbers that might put some minds to ease as well, from close of business Friday.

And of course there's also this.

I'm feeling pretty good, how about all of you?


  1. Anonymous4:24 PM

    "Mitt Romney's post debate euphoria comes to a crashing halt."
    As it should... Fact checkers have proven that 98% of what he said was false!

  2. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Folks, don't get discouraged about the first debate performance of our president. He was too kind, too nice and I predict he will take the gloves off for the next debate.
    Hannity, Coulter, Greta van so Ugly...they have all laid the groundwork for an animated and fully engaged Obama as an "angry black man."
    That's the right-wing strategy. That's all they have left.

    Obama hates America and he is angry. Oh my flipping flying spaghetti monster! Listen for Palin to spout the Fox News talking points in the next few days.. It ought to be pretty funny, folks!

  3. Anonymous4:37 PM

    I'm betting President Obama was ill. You don't get sick days when your the Prez.
    I think he may also have been handing Romney some rope.

    1. Anonymous5:51 PM

      BINGO! And Romney took it, hand over fist.

    2. Anonymous6:56 PM

      I don't know about Ill but it was his 20th wedding anniversary and he had to debate a braindead retard!
      And wondering if America knows what he has been through for 4 flippin years! Attacks, and lies and businesses who will not hire b/c he is POTUS! This is what we are up against! The "RougeCou" bullshit of...SarahPalin and her Ilk!
      Fuck Sarah & todd and the whole family of rednecks willashillbilly's! Fuck redneck America who won't hire people b/c Barack Obama is POTUS!
      Barack Obama is going down in History as the best POTUS and the most loved & hated by racists!
      what side do you want to be on?
      I ♥ Barack Obama!
      Four more years!!!

  4. Anonymous4:38 PM

    I don't think he knew the numbers...I think, at best, he gets them the night before. I didn't see the debate but from what I have been hearing and reading, it seemed like Romney was just being rude and speaking out of his ass and that Obama tried to correct him, but that Romney just kept coming at him, with lies, and Obama just gave up on calling him out for it. You can only call someone a liar for so long before you end up looking like an a-hole.

    Oh, and FWIW,

    Team Romney has been saying that the donations have been rolling in, but he raised $12 million since the debate. That's not that impressive, actually. Obama raised $6 million A DAY in September. Romney has been inflating their actual haul of funds so...who even knows what he's been taking in?

    1. Anonymous6:42 PM

      And most of Romney's money comes from a few well-heeled buddies who will want their money's worth should they steal this.
      Obama's is still coming in ten bucks at a time. I got an angry email from my sister about Soros donating a million...I wrote back that Romney;s casino buddy has already donated 13 million..she shut up fast. What is it with the GOP and Soros? Fox and Rush have made him into some nefarious criminal.

  5. An European Viewpoint4:48 PM

    Gryphen, I think it's wishful thinking to say that Obama was bad in the debate on purpose.

    Let's suppose he had been good on the debate, crushing Romney, and then the jobs number comes out being good too. Wouldn't you be rejoicing more a little bit more than now, when every Obama supporter dreads the next two debates ?

    But hey, whatever keeps you going.

    1. Anonymous7:26 PM

      I'm an Ovama supporter and I'm not dreading the next two debates.

    2. Anonymous8:04 PM

      I'm an Obama supporter and I'm looking forward to the upcoming debates. Not a bit of dread here.

      At this point in the campaign, most people have settled on their choice (myself included). Debate performances aren't going to change my decision, and I doubt that they'll have any measurable influence on the election itself.

      FWIW, I thought Romney gave a strong performance at the debate. I was disappointed that Obama didn't challenge Romney on the lies and seemingly sudden shift in his positions he's been campaigning on the past 18 months.

      So, in effect, yes Romney "won" the debate. He won't win the election, though.

      But no worries... there's always "Fox News Analyst" and "Reality Show Star" on the horizon for the Mittster.

    3. Um, you DO know that President Obama looked like a red worm with the guts slung out of it because he'd been up since 3 AM, that day, stopping a war between Turkey and Syria...

      ... or, maybe you DIDN'T know it.

    4. Anonymous3:51 AM

      I am totally looking forward to the next debate. I thought the President was great. I couldn't help but focus on how red Romney's face around his nose and mouth was. It was very disturbing. Nonetheless, I am not voting for the "best debater" I am voting for POTUS. Romney was a poor example of professionalism and the decorum necessary to be representative of America in the world. I also disagree with the statement that "Romney won the debate." He lied; 27 lies in total. Lying to the American people is so disrespectful to the people and the country, no way is that a "win." If a student is given a test, an essay if you will, and the student answers with lie, after lie, does the student pass the test. No! It comes back with a big "F" across it's front page. Romney failed the first debate. It will be interesting to see just how red faced and flustered Romney will be when the Town Hall Style debate, with audience members asking questions, will be. Listening to the republican "Emperor's New Clothes," mentality of the republican party will only land you in a room filled with "naked" people. The intellectually and factually "naked" that is.

    5. "when every Obama supporter dreads the next two debates "
      Not this Obama supporter. I saw a President who was calm, collected, had and presented coherent plans, thoughts, and facts, and who didn't behave like a hyperactive bully.

      Nor are people wondering how many lies the President will tell in the next debate.

      Romney established himself as a totally untrustworthy liar, not someone who should be in the WH. Doesn't sound like a winner to me.

    6. An European Viewpoint8:13 AM

      Oh, OK, maybe I was projecting my own dread on you guys.

      But hey, we Europeans thought it impossible that Dubya-the-lame would be reelected, and he was, and he produced this financial crisis from which we all are still suffering - so I guess I'm just wary of US elections.

      I hope Obama wins, and the international 1% stops sucking us common mortals dry.

  6. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Also -- I read that Obama's approval ratings are up to 54 percent. Yeah, when was the last time a sitting president lost when he has had more than a 50 percent approval rating?

  7. I feel good about President Obama long-term, but No Drama Obama needs to be willing to cut a babbling drug-amped motor mouth off at the knees, whether it’s Romney or Palin. He must! Part of the job, Baby.

    1. Anonymous3:53 AM

      I thought I was the only person who felt that Romney's behavior and red face might not be the result of "natural causes." I was very distracted wondering to myself, "Is he high?"

    2. Anonymous7:43 AM

      Of course he was! I really think that the VP campaign was where Baldy got her first taste of
      adderall and the crashing downs were when she came off them.
      We should be able to drug test them!
      Heck the congress wants to drug test welfare recipients, lets drug test all congress and sentate and President candidates!

  8. My true source is Nate Silver. He has given Mitt a 5% increase in support since the debates. That gives RMoney a 20% chance to win the election.

    I think that Obama, when confronted by/with a pathological liar, did what anyone would do: let them run their mouths off. No use arguing or using facts with a shape shifter.

    Can't wait to see what SNL does with this tonight.

    1. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Yeah -- but if you notice, Nate also says that it's too early to say what the effect of the debate could have on the election and he also said that the jobs numbers have made things look better for Obama. I don't know if he adjusts poll numbers in response to debates to adjust for a bounce like he does the conventions. IMO, the numbers weren't that impressive for Romney. He probably just won over some of the right-leaning undecideds who were probably going to vote for him anyway. If anything, I think the debate means that states that looked like they were going to lean towards Obama, like AZ, IN and NC, might end up swinging back to Romney. But...Obama doesn't need those states, not if he has OH, WI, FL, IA, CO and VA, which, together with his solid states, gives him 300+.

    2. Anonymous3:57 AM

      I don't believe that the poll numbers are adjusted according to events, unless the people polled reflect that. I live in Ohio, and I am called almost daily with questions from many different polling sources. They do not identify themselves as to which poll the questions are coming from, but I get at least 4 calls throughout the day.

  9. Anonymous5:20 PM

    I heard two different economists on npr say that the numbers go to the President the night before. And that they are absolutely partisan. No tampering, no leaking. Many firewalls in place. Absolutely no way he could have known prior to the debate.

    Of course, that is the NPR that Romney would try and kill.

    1. Anonymous6:44 PM

      I heard today that the numbers are known 5 days before they are released, and kept in super secret computers, but two days before, they are given to a few people...I;d think the President would be one.

  10. Anonymous5:20 PM

    OT (Off Topic)
    Could this be the result of the Sarah Palin Curse:

    *ABC DWTS finished 3rd this week in the 9pm slot behind NCIS: Los Angeles and New Girl.


    If mommy can get Bristol her next gig on ABC's "Celebrity Splash" then Bristol will be able to continue her career on reality tv shows after she retires from DWTS. Fingers crossed, the heeliecopter father may get his chance to appear as well if Sarah can work her magic and influence at ABC.

    **ABC said it has picked up a reality show based on the Netherlands hit "Celebrity Splash," in which celebrities are taught complicated dives.

    The show has been a success in the Netherlands, tripling the ratings average of Dutch broadcaster SBS 6 and collecting a 26.5 percent market share since its August premiere, The Hollywood Reporter reported Friday.

    The format had already been sold to broadcasters in Britain, France and Australia, the entertainment industry publication said.

    As part of the show, celebrities train with professional diving instructors for weeks to perfect dives from as high as 10-meter high boards, incorporating backflips, somersaults and other gymnastic maneuvers.

    An air date for the Eyeworks USA-produced show has not been set.

    ***The pickup comes after ABC has seen its long-running reality competition series Dancing With the Stars suffer ratings erosion (Sarah Palin Curse?).

    1. Anonymous6:45 PM

      I just can't see Bristol do gymnastics moves in a bathing suit from 30 feet in the air. Nope. I doubt she even swims. Maybe she could be the eye candy beside the host?


    2. If they consider draining the water in the pool for Bristle's dive, I'd tune in.

    3. hedgewytch8:39 PM

      The obvious joke here is that the proposed diving show will be a huge flop - a belly flop.

    4. comeonpeople3:58 AM

      @ diz lol!!!
      I'd settle for a head conk from the springboard ala Greg Luganis...

  11. I feel good too, Gryphen. But I'm still scared shitless. The last time those goons wanted an election this bad- they simply took it.

    If EVERYONE VOTES, the popular election will be such a landslide they won't be able to steal it. I know in Houston, democratic voter turnout is usually dismal. I think progressive Texans have a tendency to just give up because we know we'll be "red" no matter what. But listen to the rumblings, friends! Texas can turn purple at the very least- if we ALL VOTE!

    Encourage voter turnout wherever you live. I really think a landslide popular vote is the only insurance policy we have to keep this election fair.

    1. Anonymous6:14 PM

      Yeah, but considering the way Romney's team has been running their election, they'll try to steal Ohio using the Diebold machines and, in the process, will do something stupid, like delete all of the votes from a precinct or something and make it really obvious that they effed with things.

    2. Anonymous6:20 PM

      NO negatism, please! Get help get the vote out!

  12. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Ezra Klein on The Last Word Friday night went through the high level of security required for the jobs numbers....really really serious security measures.

    fuss over 3/10 of 1 percentage point. there were bigger drops earlier this year. no one went beserk then.

    White House sees the report 12 hours before it is released but only under extreme confidentiality agreement.

    No chance to change the report at that point.

    Would be interesting if he knew before the debate or not -- but he would have known at the end of the debate -- assuming the President is one of the few people that gets advance notice.

    Welch is a douchebag

    1. Anonymous6:39 AM

      I can't believe that the man I saw jumping out of his skin 5 minutes after the unemployment numbers were released like he was 'scared shitless' was once a man with any degree of credibility! He looked like a senile, old, dilapidated spoiled 1%er who doesn't want to believe that his candidate who will prop up the rich will now be defeated; if for nothing else, for the fact that Obama delivered on his promise and took one of their strongest economic talking point away from them. I see that American Crossroads is still running ads mis-stating the rate back to 8.1. Are they brain dead or just plain stupid? The more they run this lying commercial, the greater damage it does to the GOP and will eventually tank Romney once again. Sometimes the more attention you give to a subject (like doubting the numbers and using bogus commercials) the more people begin to focus on your "lie". After all, this election is about whom the middle class can TRUST with their futures and their lives.
      Romney, the pathological liar and rule-breaker has shown himself to be a total chameleon...will say or do ANYTHING to get what he wants for himself and his rich masters. I think the Middle Class has a HUGE wake-up-call for Lyin'Ryan and Amphetamine Mitt!

    2. Anonymous8:36 AM

      apparently welch cooked the books at GE. seems like he was projecting his sin onto others.

  13. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Obama 'bout to administer the sucker-punch to Mittens with all the shit he spread Wednesday night.

    Hey Mitt, not all sins go unpunished in this life.

  14. Anonymous5:51 PM

    I'm voting early/absentee here in AK at the first opportunity on 10/22 as I will be out of state until May of next year. I really hope that Obama pulls this one out as I'd like to see him have another 4 years. He really is the best choice and I think that most of the country sees that. Fingers crossed for 4 more years!

  15. Anonymous5:52 PM

    OMG! Seriously! Who CARES how Obama did in the debate!?!?! You know who won all the debates in 2004?
    And...uh...he's not currently getting Secret Service protection, is he? NO! So...give it a break! NO ONE CARES ABOUT THE DEBATES EXCEPT FOR PUNDITS!

    1. Anonymous8:42 PM

      Oh shit anon 5:52 don't BreitFart yourself off the planet, Kerry shit is a dead giveaway...Fuck yourself off!
      quit being a turncoat!

    2. Anita Winecooler9:16 PM

      Of course Kerry isn't currently getting Secret Service protection - what?!?!?!?the!!! hell? are!! you? yakking?!?!?!? about??!!??!!??!!

    3. I think 5:52 is responding to all the claims that Romney "won" the debate, and is pointing out that Kerry won the debates in 2004 but did not win the election (did not become President and so does not get SS protection). I *think* Anon is essentially saying that supporters of the President do not need to be concerned regarding the debates because they will not impact the actual election. I didn't see this is a Breitbart/troll comment at all.

      FWIW, I think the President won the debate and that he will win the election.

  16. Anonymous6:06 PM

    I don't get how knowing the employment numbers would have resulted in the strategy for Obama to debate the way he did. How does losing the debate, handily, followed by good numbers make Obama a stronger candidate than a strong debate performance followed by good numbers. What am I missing?

    1. Anonymous8:40 AM

      my guess:

      1. high elevation, low oxygen
      2. turkey firing on syria kept him up late in negotiations/planning for bad stuff to happen
      3. never expected romney to be THAT much of a liar, but had decided to not fact-check during debate regardless
      4. if i had to debate a liar on TV for 90 minutes, i would be very depressed that this is what politics has come to....
      5. he chose to be calm and methodical to get his message across as a president and when standing next to what can only be classified as a "raving candidate with psychopathic urges to lie" - anyone would have looked "tired" in comparison

  17. Anonymous6:07 PM

    I have been saying, President Obama is playing chess, while Romney is playing checkers. CHECKMATE!

    1. Anonymous6:50 PM

      Actually, Romney is palying tiddly winks..when he flips a blue one, he says one thing, when he flips a yellow one, he says the opposite. Mostly, he just talks and gestures wildly and gives that smarmy grin. He creeps me out, and those red-rimmed eyes the other night were ghoulish!

  18. Anita Winecooler6:13 PM


    Bill Maher on the myth Obama Ruined the Economy

    Good Stuff!

  19. Beldar J Conehead6:15 PM

    How did we know that Rmoney's debate strategy was going to be "lie like a rug" at every possible opportunity? Because he and his supporters spent the few weeks before the event "regretfully accepting the unfortunate reality" that the Ni**ah in the White House was going to 'lie like there's no tomorrow' during the debate.

    "sigh... oh, if even only Obama loved Amercia enough enough to debate fairly.... well... you know 'those' people... what's a 1%-er to do, eh? Hey, did anybody see my 'hanky'???"

    Bastards, each and every one.

    1. Anita Winecooler9:19 PM

      So True! That Romney fella doesn't know what it's like being an American. Most Americans don't need a passport to do their banking.

  20. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Jobs numbers: great! But let's not count chickens, get complacent. Still lots of time for dirty tricks and voter fraud of some new kind.

  21. Anonymous7:52 PM

    i wish there was a way to know if romney was on some amphetamine during the debate to counteract the oxygen deficiency that happens when you go to denver...

    maybe he had a pick-me-up on the hanky?

  22. Anonymous8:01 PM

    That map is all kinds of wrong. In what universe is Missouri a toss up state? Maybe in 2000 but not now. Speaking as a former MO resident who used to work for the MO Democratic Party, I don't think there's a snowball's chance in Hades that Missouri will vote Democrat in November.

    1. Anonymous3:44 PM

      Only rethugs say Democrat instead of Democratic...

  23. Anonymous 8:01 PM

    I think you're correct about MO. I would consider it a red-leaning state. But still I don't consider a former resident of a state to be an expert in determining probability that a state goes red or blue. It was about 50/50 in 2008, as you are well aware. Wouldn't 2008 be a better indication of where the state is today in terms of electoral preference as opposed to 2000?

    What else does your expert opinion differ with the map? Because your candidate does not have a high probability of winning according to the current polls? You are saying the map is "all kinds of wrong" but offering no evidence.

    No wonder you write anonymously. I'll bet that means you don't make a habit of coming around after your predictions go in the shitter and admitting that not only were your predictions incorrect, but that they were based on the faulty, weak-ass anecdotes of the same type that you presented here.

    In other words, you don't know shit from shinola, but think you know a hell of a lot because you once lived somewhere. If it were a city mayor race being staked and you were from the town and you knew half of the 1000 people in town well enough to have a feel for how many might vote, I doubt very seriously that you would be able to come as close as these estimates for much larger electorates.

    Using your model, what does the difference between 48%-46% and 46%-49% look like in your analysis?
    They would both look like a close race that you can guess at the outcome and you might be right 50% of the time in choosing a winner.

    But you might want to leave the statistical analysis to those who understand polling, sample sizes, random sample, methodology, etc.

  24. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Actually the poll numbers are disappointing. Mitt was supposed to surge ahead (ala after the shitbird¨s convention speech in 08).

    Never, never, never, never, never, underestimate the American spirit.

    1. Anonymous5:36 AM

      By monday liar mitt's poll numbers will shrink again due to unemployment numbers....just in time for larry flynt to out the goods on mitt and ann's chronic tax evasion. Pop the popcorn and watch mitt shrink into irrelevancy.

  25. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Romney was high on amphetamines which caused his red nose, mouth, and eyes. His motor mouthed 'gish gallop' a was appallingly full of lies. He knew he had zippo to discuss in a legitimate debating style. Gish gallop is illegal in academia so romney (the cheat) used it. It appears that he had a cheat sheet hidden in his hankey as well which is clearly cheating. Daily beast has the complete video with guilty romney scurrying back to his lectern to actively hide it before running to front of stage to shake hands post debate. Ann's face tells it all as he then nervously attempts to stash it into his lapels on each side and then getting rid of the evidence by shoving it into his son's hand who disposes of it.
    He was scared shitless that someone with a camera would scan his podium and find it which is wht he did that little neurotic dance back to it to cover it up by shuffling papers.
    The man is a pathetic cheat and pathological liar and should have been disqualified from future debates by breaking the rules so blatantly.
    His character is dispicable and filled with deceitand conceit.

  26. Anonymous6:44 AM

    If you want the most accurate person on predictions of elections, use Nate Silver. He is a an analytical wonk who does meta analysis on all the polling data. Clearly ahead of everyone in the game!

  27. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Just remember that Romney most likely was guilty of a felony until he wiped his record clean by participating in the IRS amnesty program in 2009. When/if that is finally revealed, Romney is toast.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.