Tuesday, October 02, 2012

No doubt about it Dancing with the Stars is rigged. Update!

"We did it! I told you Mama promised to make sure we stayed on for at least a couple of weeks."
Early reports showing up on the message boards indicate that Bristol and Mark not only survived last week's "ho down" debacle, but that they were never even considered in jeopardy of getting voted off tonight.

So just what is it that Sarah Palin has in her bag of tricks that kept Todd on that horrific "Stars Earn Stripes" program until the end and is now protecting Bristol from kicked to the curb on this program?

It CAN'T simply be support from her flying monkeys because most of them have either drifted away, dies off, or are currently banging their heads against the walls of their padded cells.

In other words, what in the actual fuck?

"Remember if you ever want to see your little dog again you will do what I say."
Update: Twitter is going crazy in response to this decision.  

Nauseating that Bristol is still in this. We need to do something people. WHAT THE HELLLL 

UGH Total BS that Kelly and Val are in the bottom. How the heck is Bristol safe? 

RT if you can't believe Bristol made it through tonight's elimination! I demand a recount on the vote! 

Dancing with the Stars is ridiculous. A blind man can see Bristol can't dance yet she's safe and Kelly's in jeopardy 

if you are voting for Bristol Palin to stay on because you think this is a partisan issue, you are an idiot.

Well if the producers of DWTS brought this no talent idiot back in order to stir up controversy, I hope they are prepared for  the anger and frustration that is coming their way.


  1. Maybe it was the "vote for the worst" voter block??

    1. Anonymous6:28 PM

      yep. the VFTW people are already claiming credit.

    2. Anonymous6:53 PM

      How's that fpr your self-esteem Bristol? The cast won't associate with you, and you only 'won' because people thin k it's funny to 'VFTW.' Have fun pretending you're welcome in American homes: I am done with this fake show.

    3. Anonymous8:40 PM

      6:53 PM

    4. Anonymous1:49 AM

      Is VFTW that big? I mean, they chose Margaret Cho as their favorite to vote for.

    5. Anonymous1:49 AM

      I doubt Bristol cares. She knows she's the worst and she said week 1 that shes the joke contestant.

    6. Anonymous7:59 AM

      If that's true, 1:49, she even more pathetic than I thought.

  2. Anonymous6:19 PM

    As I wrote in a previous thread, I hope she continues to remain on the show while harder working, better dancing celebs get thrown out. It just highlights that every ounce of fame thrown at her, ever dollar she's earned in the spotlight is completely and utterly undeserved.

    I feel bad for stars who must be sacrificed, but hopefully one of them will have the guts to be publicly pissed off.

    (I don't cast any DWTS votes, btw, so have no actual input in the outcome).

    1. Anonymous6:49 PM

      The show is rigged and not worth watching.

    2. Anonymous1:50 AM

      DWTS can''t rig this type of show. As audience's have seen since the beginning, viewer votes are worth a lot.

    3. Anonymous3:32 AM

      Hope Solo was right, the show IS rigged. No talent Bristles will be making big bucks for a very poor showing. I hope Maks or Kirstie writes a "tell all".

    4. Anonymous4:55 AM

      The show is definitely RIGGED for Bristol. It was rigged for her to get to the top 3, in 2010, and it is rigged for her now. They just might make her the winner this time around.
      The best thing people can don't appreciate a rigged show, is to STOP WATCHING IT!

  3. Anonymous6:19 PM

    I hope we hear from the ones who got kicked off..

  4. Anonymous6:19 PM

    I can't believe this it is rigged, Wearing big glasses trying to look intellagent. Her dancing was so bad. I can't see real stars going along with this unless they all know and are getting money to go along with this drum ****

    1. Anonymous6:52 PM

      Brisket took a page out of mama's play book by wearing a pair of big fake glasses.....these b***ts ae giving all glasses wearing smart people a realy bad image.

    2. Anonymous1:50 AM

      She didn't want to buy more contacts.

    3. Anonymous8:25 AM

      Creepy stalking, 1:50.

  5. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Im guilty of not voting at all for any dancer. See after they put Palin on there the first time, I stopped watching this show. I watched and voted each show before Palin now I can't be bothered. Maybe I should just vote even if I dont watch to help get that talentless cow kicked off.

  6. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Here's your answer...


  7. "Vote for the Worst" has taken an interest? They ruined American Idol for a whole season.


    1. Anonymous6:26 PM

      They said it was impossible... She's by far the worst dancer; She's has the personality of a rock; She's as likeable as the plague. But it doesn't matter as VFTW and The Tea Party have done it once again as not only was Bristol safe, she wasn't even in jeopardy! Meanwhile, VFTW and Bristol knocked off Joey Fatone, who even as the worst dancer in N'Sync can dance circles around Bristol. But Bristol's supporters don't care as they'd vote for her even if she went on a shooting spree. In fact, it would probably make them love her even more!

    2. Anonymous6:54 PM

      That's it for me, I'm done, sick of watching a rigged show.

    3. Anonymous11:33 PM

      VFTW and easily manipulated voting tactics are some of the reasons why I don't bother watching competitive shows that ask the viewers to vote.

      I've seen clips of DWTS online and that's enough. I certainly don't want to see Bristol do her Hoochie-Mama Mating Dance -- and I won't subject my kids to that nonsense. Thankfully, it comes on past their "TV Time".

    4. Anonymous1:51 AM

      IT's not rigged. It's a popularity contest. Though judges scores count half.

  8. Anonymous6:23 PM

    I've heard reports saying that the "contract" was either for three shows or five shows; so either Bristol will be off next week or in three more weeks (God forbid.)

    Remember, the Paylins don't do anything unless the financial terms are clearly laid out. Bristol's original contract was for a minimum of three weeks on the first DWTS. The illusion that these "talent" shows are in any way "fair" in the sense of traditional judging or voting is a notion best left back in kindergarten, when things were still fair. :) Hollyweird doesn't work that way. It's all a Battle of the Entertainment Lawyers and Agents to ensure their "performer" gets favored in certain ways.

    Media Insider

    1. Anonymous7:18 PM

      Bristol's absolute hideousness is just too obvious to keep a lid on this racket. Her continued appearance despite even a modicum of talent, grace, or effort will blow everyone's cover.

      As usual, the Palins wallow in shit and then spread it around.

    2. Anonymous8:20 PM

      Media Insider - I know you no longer have a blog, but do you have a Public Facebook page that we can follow? I know I am not alone in saying that we miss you and the positive conversations that we had on your site.

      I would just like to say thank you for the info you provide.

    3. Anonymous8:49 PM

      You mean to say the votes don't count?

    4. Paul - Minnesota3:23 AM

      Thanks Media Insider. What you said makes sense re: her being on and staying on that show.

    5. Anonymous6:17 AM

      From what I've heard, the show isn't entirely rigged -- the ultimate winner is still up for grabs, as are the final three -- but in the first six weeks or so of the competition there is more of a "scheduling" factor. Sometimes this is actually due to the star only being available for a few weeks, so they go on the show with the understanding that they'll benefit from the publicity of being on the show, but then they will be voted off quickly and can continue with their book tour or their movie production, etc. But the Paylins' contracts are always unique and different from the "norm," with special favors being given. I've long suspected this still comes from "on high," i.e. the Rupert Murdoch level of media bosses who say "This is what is going to happen." I'm just still amazed that Paylin has any pull with Rupert these days since she's been such a disaster on Fox as she's sunk further and further into her (allegedly, allegedly, heinous lie) drug addictions.

      And thanks for asking about me, Anonymouse at 8:20.

      What the heck, I always meant to "come out" at some point. I write about decidedly NON-MEDIA-related topics elsewhere, at my true home: lipstickmystic.com

      I have a book coming out in December, still written with my snarky, cussing style, but on a subject you might not expect -- far more in line with Gryphen's wonderful theme of "Firing your gods" which he outlines so passionately here. Think cult deprogramming, finding your way as a spiritual person WITHOUT thinking you're sinful, and without giving in to doom and gloom prophecies and groups that want to control you. Opening up your intuitive abilities and passion for life with intelligence, creativity, and a sense of fun.

      My real name is Jennifer Shepherd. And my newspaper columns are syndicated by the McClatchy Newswire Service, plus I write for several Chicago Tribune-owned papers.

      The "intel" I've tried to pass along over the years has come from a variety of sources; back in the day I worked as an actress and got to see a LOT of dirt behind the scenes. Up ahead I plan to write a humorous expose about the world of the arts and media. To give you one example of how a source works, I have an old friend from my acting days whose brother is a writer for American Dad. He's never passed me info, but it's connections like these that allow me to stay attuned to the "rumor" mill of Hollyweird.

      Anyway, I've come out now! Do I get a party hat? :)

      Media Insider aka Jennifer

    6. Anonymous7:05 AM

      Your coming out deserves a bit post unto itself!

    7. Anonymous7:56 AM

      now if only Me Again would ome out

  9. No one gets to see that contract Baldy signed for Beefy!

    When they brought the tramp back I already knew her ass was going to be around for a good while! Otherwise...Beefy wouldn't have done the show!

    I'm thinking Baldy and company are vampires! They thrive and live off the negativity! DWTS is obviously not going to be on next season...they've been touched by the Palin Curse and that is a curse that does not go away!

    1. Anonymous9:46 PM

      It's like that morning TV show that is opposite 'Good Morning America'! The guy that is on it - can't think of his name - invited Sarah Palin on about a year ago and ever since having done so has lost the #1 place rating/viewership and sits at #2. "Good Morning America" is now #1. The Palin curse!!

      It's happening w/DWTS too. Their ratings in viewership have dropped substantially over last year.

    2. Anonymous2:06 AM

      The ratings haven't been high since season 12. This show is stale.

    3. Anonymous3:37 AM

      Matt Lauer.

  10. Anonymous6:24 PM

    "And this second week will be a blast!! We’ll be doing the quick step, which is supposed to be fast and powerful. But we won’t be doing just any quick step!"

    "Mark had to tweak our moves a bit, because I get to use my favorite song… I doubt anyone’s ever done to the quick step to this. Though I can’t tell you what it is just yet, I know you’ll love it. It’s my anthem, the type of song I sing around the house."

    "Will my love for the song make me move a little better? We’ll see!"


    LOL I guess dancing to her national anthem got Bristol into next week!

    1. Anonymous10:13 PM

      They break the rules, break hold in their dance, well what "they" call dancing, their on the bottom of the scoring board, she can't dance at all, same moves as last time she was on and with all the dry humping and shaking her ass looks like she would be like fucking a lame dead fish . I hope the talented stars and dancers that deserve to be there will step up an say something. I lost faith in these shows. It don't matter what or how good you do, it's all about who you know, how much money
      You got and how corrupt you want to be.
      Palins will go to the Extream to make sure they stay in the lime light. I was so pissed off that it made me cry. I lost all faith in shows like that because their fixed.

    2. Anonymous2:06 AM

      TECHNICALLY, they didnt break the rules. The judges just like hold to befixed in the middle. The quickstep can have 20 seconds of no hold. Mark started the choreo in hold THEN breaking it, angering the judges. Every season someone deviates from the rules. It's not always Mark.

  11. SAlly in MI6:26 PM

    You know how the trolls are always saying how much Bristol is 'loved' by the cast and crew? If you get a chance, watch the last two minutes when Joey is surrounded by crying females and being hugged by the men. Find Bristol and Mark. They are not even IN the circle around Joey, but a few feet away. And what was with those glasses? Were we to think Bristol is smart as well as "talented?" Sorry, Bris, the show is rigged and you are a no=talent ignorant slut from Alaska. Please go home.

    1. Anonymous2:04 AM

      Well, I know that Bristol is friends with dwts staff. But think about it. She's the only nonhollywood figure there. Shes also not a performer. Shes probably not going to feel confortable joining a hug party. But if you look at pics the pros and stars post backstage, she is in some of them and it's not awkward. She's the down to earth contestant, who could literally walk away from LA tomorrow and be happier than shes ever been.

    2. Anonymous3:41 AM

      Mark HAD to have signed something, to be kept on the show. I hope the other pro's get mad (finally) and speak up. After Maks contract is up I bet he will blow the whistle. Notice that he denied hitting Hope Solo, but I do not think he denied the show is rigged. There is NO DOUBT about it now.

  12. Anonymous6:27 PM

    I watched this crap and I could not believe it! I did notice at the end when everyone was gathered around Joey that Bristol was standing back from the crowd. Just unfreaking real that this has happened yet again. DWTS really screwed up by having this little twit on again.

    1. Anonymous2:02 AM

      Bristol was as shocked as you. She's realistic. I want Kelly gone. She's boring.

    2. Anonymous8:04 AM

      The only reason Bristol would be shocked is if she's such a moron that her mother and agent didn't tell her they set it up. How sad would that be? They know she needs every ounce of self-esteem possible.

    3. Anonymous10:54 AM

      You are absolutely right. Bristol and her "phony" crying spell during practice was sickening. She and her crappy Mother should stay in Alaska where they can see Russia from their Porch. Yet, the Judges coddle her week after week. In her previous appearance on DWTS she came in third best,...can you believe it !!?

  13. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Add in the few bots who are multi-calling, posting and borrowing neighbors phones.

    make it a charity thing - $ per call.

    1. Anonymous2:00 AM

      That isn't a Palinbot thing. thats a fan thing. All the stars' fans do it. why do you think kirstie lasts so long.

    2. Anonymous2:01 AM

      Every phone line gets so and so votes. You CANT cheat phone voting. And phone voting needs to be the only way to vote. This whole facebook voting is absurd. DWTS effed themselves over by adding that.

    3. Anonymous5:41 AM

      Go over to SPs FB page and see everyone bragging about how many votes they managed to place - one person managed 60 votes from various cell phones and FB. Sarah has been on there urging everyone to vote as much as possible. Also, her FB has started blocking dissenting voices - mine included. I can read the discussions but can't comment. I guess they just want to wallow in their own shit.

  14. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Absolute. Fucking. Bullshit

  15. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Carrie Ann's smart ass remark that she would "slap" her back with scores energized supporters to vote for Bristol. Carrie Ann should have just given her the low score and not the tongue lashing on air. I love Joey but he got the same score as Drew who was much better. I think that pissed off the voters also.

    1. Anonymous1:59 AM

      Yeah Carrie Anns remark even shocked some pros. and Drew isn't on her game. His face shows tension during dances. joey was like Sherri

    2. Anonymous3:43 AM

      Why bother with so-called professional judges, when the outcome is already known? This no-talent little whore will make another $365,000 for doing very little.

  16. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Unfortunately, she will get a large check for each week she stays on the show. They get $50,000 to sign on, then more each week. Anyone who manages to stay in until the end (like Bristles did last time) gets $365,000. How;s that for making no effort?

    1. Anonymous4:50 AM

      Like a lottery winner, she will eff if in no time. Unearned money always goes fast.

    2. Anonymous8:06 AM

      Well, we know it won't go toward education or charity.

  17. Anonymous6:41 PM

    "Well if the producers of DWTS brought this no talent idiot back in order to stir up controversy, I hope they are prepared for the anger and frustration that is coming their way."

    This is sorta like rigging the NFL playoffs for ratings or the GOP trying to eliminate Democratic voters by rigging the system.


  18. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Comment from other post:

    I think Christian Bristol Palin will wake up in the morning and do the honorable thing and fake an injury next week. I believe she knows that she is terrible, doesn't deserve to be there and would hate to see better dancers eliminated just because her mother's Teabaggers are voting for her.

    Believe that? I have a bridge to Nowhere to sell you.

    1. jcinco5:56 AM

      the audience should stand up, turn their backs to her and chant "shame" next week.
      The cast should shun her.

  19. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Maybe Bristol should run for governor of Alaska? Skip the mayor position.



    1. Anonymous12:34 AM

      Uh they can't she's not old enough.Minimum age for potus is 35.And being potus is not a silly dance show.If you don't like the slut don't watch the show.There surely has to be something more important to worry about then this stupid little piece of shit.Really get a life people.

    2. Anonymous1:58 AM

      Wow. She doesn't even see herself as a celebrity and you're writing this whole fictional life for her.

  20. lostinmn6:47 PM

    I hate to say I told you so but the show is rigged and this is the way you know it. ABC sells out to the Palin's and screws someone who actually worked at it. I'm sure Sara made them agree to a five to six week run before she let Brisket go back on. So they'll have their controversy and drive away more viewers. You could tell the fix was in today when HP ran a story about Brisket and Sara being rednecks. They are the white trash Kardashians and this does nothing more than reinforce it. Best bet Gryph is to boycott it and write no more about it. She'll lose somewhere down the road and in the mean time just accept she's part of an ABC ratings scam.
    There's bigger fish to fry than a rigged half rate show.

    1. Double elimination next week: if two OTHER celebrity/pro dance pairs get voted off, I'm going to Tweet every day that Bristol is a worthless POS that should NEVER get public attention ever again. Or something along those lines...

    2. Anita Winecooler9:37 PM

      I hope the double elimination is followed by two huge high colonics, this shit's got to stop!

  21. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Of course the show is rigged....wonder how much it is costing Screech? I guess she could be using it for worse things.....Hee, heee, snort, cackle, snort....

    BTW....did anyone get a look at the gut on Britol the Pistol? What is that blubber belly or another baby?

  22. I have NEVER been a fan of this show, but I will admit I tuned in for Palin the 1st time around for the controversy. I was so pissed that time and swore I would never watch it again. Then...Donald Driver. {sigh} I am a born and bred CHEESEHEAD but defected from WI. in the 80's....but still, had to watch. And now this FARCE. Oh please...this is so totally rigged. She sucked. She cannot DANCE. She can't smile a REAL smile, she cannot entertain....this is a joke. I don't vote, but now I am conflicted. Do I continue to watch to NOT vote for her, when I really do not even CARE about anyone else? I just don't want to even watch anymore. I vote for the "not watch" anymore and check out the updates here from now on. There HAS to be outcry from other contestants.

  23. Anonymous6:52 PM

    I guess I must be in shock. Can't figure out if this train wreck is funny or sad?

    SMH! (Shakin' my head)

    1. Anonymous3:47 AM

      Did DWTS hire Karl Rove to be in charge of the voting? This thing is RIGGED.

  24. Anonymous6:53 PM

    It's the arithmetic:

    Bristol costs $00 dollars per show.

    Each week she's on, the more controversy and thus more viewers and more advertisers, which bring in
    $00 plus $$$$$$. The producers make money; Bristol makes a fool of herself. Win-win.

    1. How does that math work if people (like me) stop watching DWTS because we can't stand that skank Bri$tol?

    2. Anonymous8:40 PM

      Not true, they had a 20% drop in viewers and I quit watching also, too!

    3. Anonymous3:51 AM

      These so-called "stars" get a $50,000 sign on bonus, plus escalating paychecks for each week they manage to stay on the show. By the finals, they make $365,000. That is what Bristles made last time, for doing very little. I do not watch now, but did watch Donald Driver work his arse off, and he is a pro. football star. The judges hardley said nice things to him. Tit Bristles gets compliments for doing NOTHING. What a farce. DWTS must not plan on being back next season, since they have tanked their own show with this litttle whore.

  25. Anonymous6:55 PM

    They need to bring back the rule that the lowest two scores dance off and give the judge's score a higher percentage than the call in votes.

    That's the only fair way you can get rid of dead wood.

  26. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Message Board:

    I'm in shock! Anyone else??

    The judges need more of a backbone

    not right, but this is why bp is still on

  27. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Bad news is Bristol moves on.

    Good news is that Bristol is hated more each day on the set of DWTS by the pro dancers, real stars, the band and stage hands.

    How can she face anybody?

    LOL would love to be a fly on the wall.

  28. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Did anybody see Hoochie Mama Piper?

    Was she wearing clothes made for little girls or clothes made for big girls but her mother put it on her little girl anyway?

  29. Anonymous7:07 PM

    WTF Poor Mark. I know he's humiliated to be moving ahead in a rigged competition. This could go on for weeks, but it will go on without me.

    Bristol is like the right-fielder on the last-place team in little league who didn't get a fucking hit all year, but got a special "Most-Dedicated Player" award that had never been given out because his mother was the daughter of the league's founder and benefactor who had given a lot of money towards building a new complex of 8 fields when he died.

    The kid was humiliated to have to walk up and get the award when we were getting MVP trophies, etc. Then he was placed on the all-star team (and we won state champ.) as an "alternate", non-roster player after the league coaches had already voted and we had practiced a week. He was a good kid, just not a ball-player and we also had other friends who didn't make all-stars that it would've been fun to have them travel with us, too. Kids know when things aren't fair, and if Tommy hadn't been so embarrassed about it, a lot of people would've really been pissed.

    Tommy ended up being our high school mascot for our school, because he was just not an athlete. He would've felt better if his mom had just let things work out for him instead of always bullying the teachers, principal and coaches about everything.

    He must've apologized for his Mother being the way she was for 5 years after that. Finally, somebody said, "Tommy, okay, your Mom was a bitch, is a bitch, and will always be a bitch. But that's not why we hang out and never has been. You're our friend, okay? Let it go, man."

    1. Anonymous9:33 PM

      It's been reported that the viewership of DWTS this season has dropped substantially below last years numbers and "The Voice" is the all out winner/which runs the same time.

      I thought the DWTS show was boring tonight and didn't even watch the majority of it. I think they really goofed in having Palin on the two different seasons and it was so apparent things were rigged - they changed their voting system after the first show Palin was on, but sister Sarah obviously figured out a way to rig things once again.

      Bristol needs to go - Mark is embarrassed by her (even said she was a poor dancer on the show tonight) - the one judge said 'what a mess' after seeing her and Mark dance - Bristol is a whiner - boring - no personality - and she assuredly cannot dance.

      Her mother is rigging the show somehow - Todd stayed on his too and he wasn't horrible!! Rotto calls - some how? We need to get our opinions to the executives at DWTS.

    2. Anonymous3:59 AM

      I do not feel sorry for Mark, he HAS to be in on this farce. $$$ must be in play here, why else would anyone lose their integrity, unless none of them ever had any? The GOOD thing is that Bristles is being exposed for the no-talent poser that she really is.

  30. Anonymous7:08 PM

    I make sure to vote for my favorite. 12 votes. Used to be just 5. I am not a dancing fan, but I am doing this to get back at Bristol and get her off.

    They showed the other male judge, Tony I think, making a remark like "What a mess!" when Bristol was done. The judges are upset with this also.

    Please go and vote for anyone but Bristol. Please, please.

    10 cats.

    1. Anonymous7:25 PM

      These are the people keeping heron..vote for the worst. http://www.votefortheworst.com/story/668694/bristol-palin-safe-the-fun-starts-now

  31. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Bristol Palin and Mark Ballas performed a Western-themed quickstep on Monday night's Dancing with the Stars but their low-scoring performance, which earned just 18 points, put them in danger of getting the boot on Tuesday's elimination show.

    Kirstie Alley and partner Maksim Chmerkovskiy, who scored 21 points for their jive, were in second-to-last place on the second week of competition. His brother Val Chmerkovskiy and partner Kelly Monaco rounded out the bottom three with 22 points for their quickstep.

    So who was eliminated at the end of Tuesday night's episode? Keep reading to find out ...

    Bristol and Mark were declared safe – and even escaped the bottom two.

    Joey Fatone and Kym Johnson were the pair eliminated.

    "I'll miss everybody out here. Everybody was great. I had a great time," Fatone said. "I'm actually going to a wedding tomorrow so I don't give a damn! I'm going to have a good time."

    "I didn't let you down," he told his partner. "We had a great time. People said I was fun and that's all that matters."

    "I'm sad," Kym said. "I'm not going to lie."

    Val and Kelly and Helio Castroneves and Chelsie Hightower were also in the bottom. Next week, all the remaining couples will face a double elimination.


    1. Anonymous8:54 PM

      Class. Something you'll never see with any of the fucking Wasillabillies. What a fucked up bunch of kids those two idiots Todd and Sarah are responsible for NOT raising

    2. Anonymous3:28 AM

      On Jimmy Fallon, Fatone was asked if Sarah carried a gun. Fatone replied something like, I don't know, yes maybe. Bristol has a gun too.! hilarious!


    3. Anonymous4:01 AM

      Double elimination? Maybe they will vote Bristles off TWICE!! Just for good measure.

  32. Anonymous7:16 PM

    I thought the Skanks from Wasilla hate the Hollywood Elites? The celebrities wanna be can't seem to stay out of Hollywood.

  33. Anonymous7:18 PM

    The more time Bristol Palin spends dancing, the less time she has to abuse Tripp.

  34. lwtjb7:18 PM

    Well, she DID actually move her feet this time.

    1. Anonymous9:23 PM

      Not really- did you see where she screwed up the Charleston? She looked like she was lifting her leg on a fire hydrant.

    2. Anonymous2:39 AM

      That demands a GIF!

      Everyone, watch that part again. Bdull can't get her legs up and out to save her life!

  35. Anonymous7:23 PM

    The elimination process annoys me. My daughter and many of her peers are professional dancers/ballerinas so I have no tolerance for anyone
    making a half hearted effort getting to stay on this show. I see no point rooting for the underdog who admits she practices half as much as others and won't get the lead out of her ass for a minute or two performing then cops an attitude of entitlement.

  36. Anonymous7:24 PM

    DWTS has officially jumped the shark. Let me ask you, Sarah and Bristol, are you so damn narcisstic that when you KNOW you suck you take delight in moving on? What kind of sick pleasure IS there in knowing you cheat to get to where you are? HOW can you look at yourself in the mirror?

    "Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall." Proverbs 16:18

    1. Anonymous10:12 PM

      The Palin/Heath Klan live to win...no matter how many people they step on. They have no heart. Just pure evilness. Everything in their lives is a conquest to win, win , win. They are SICK.

    2. "Sarah and Bristol, are you so damn narcisstic that when you KNOW you suck you take delight in moving on?"

      You just described Sarah's entire political career.

  37. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Why is she even on the show? Kyle came in second and is head & shoulders above her in all ways. I used to watch & vote every week faithfully. I haven't soiled my eyeballs with them since Bristol was on. Actually, I first became skeptical of them when they had Tom Delay, GOP crook, on. It's been downhill ever since & is now in the gutter.

    1. Anonymous9:26 PM

      She is on the show to generate controversy. Negative attention is still attention. She is a joke and she knows it.

  38. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Bristol was standing back as the losing couple were being hugged by everyone else. It's guilt; she can't let herself face them. Being the mommy's girl who runs the show will make Bristol lose any good friends or boyfriends. She'll be avoided like the plague.

    Bristol will never be able to run her life - her mother has her bony fingers in Bristol's life. Wherever one finds oneself with the Palins, they have someone to back them up to win. If I were an Alaskan, I wouldn't let my kids go near their kids, or allow them to participate in ANYTHING that the Palin children involve themselves with. If the kids are in it, there's Sarah pulling strings demanding that they ride roughshod over every one else's dreams. Look at what they did to Kyle Massey. They betray good friends for what?

    1. Anonymous8:30 PM

      Yes, I noticed that too. She knows damn well she should have been the one to leave. Hope the rest of the cast ignore her and give her the cold shoulder.

      I wonder if Media Insider has any tantalizing info on this.

    2. Anonymous8:56 PM

      Yeah, Bristol, how much more? You're a fake and you know it. Grab some self esteem and actually DO something with your life if only for your children. Yes, I said that plural. You know in your heart what's up and so do we.

  39. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Actually this is a good thing. It just sets in stone that Bristol Palin is undeserving and perfectly happy to advance in life as a talentless grifter. Add in that she's unattractive, uneducated, ungracious, untruthful, and ungrateful, and a you have a girl-woman who will never have friends, always be on the defense against perceived haters, and never stop emulating the Queen Bitch herself.

    1. Anonymous9:04 PM

      And will never have a husband. For long. Sad, but it's what she wanted.

  40. Anonymous8:24 PM

    I don't care what you say, just make sure you spell my name right.

    1. Anonymous9:51 PM

      okay. It's Bar Stool, right?

    2. Anonymous11:45 PM

      No it's Loose Stool.

    3. Anonymous5:27 AM

      I thought it was P. A. Y. M. E. Palin

  41. Anonymous8:29 PM

    I wonder how long it will take the Palins to realize that Bristol is being set up to be embarrassed and ridiculed by cast(giving her stupid choreography) and crew (giving her idiotic costumes and make-up plus making sure to catch her gaffes on camera). Instead of bellyaching, we should all just sit back and laugh at the clown show while gathering new screenshots to torture Bristol with.

    1. Anonymous9:00 PM

      Because ANC knows people tune in for the freak show. And that they ate.

    2. Anonymous1:56 AM

      How are her costumes and makeup idiotic? she's friends with several staff members.

    3. Anonymous4:25 AM

      Say what?

    4. Anonymous8:11 AM

      Her costumes and makeup are idiotic. Period.

      And, you keep saying she is friends with some of the cast and crew. Names and proof or your words mean nothing.

  42. Anonymous8:49 PM

    I wonder if it could ever be investigated WHERE the phone-in votes are coming from? What if Sarah Palin's experience with Robo-Calling and phone banks has given her ideas on rigging DWTS?? Bristol just does not have that much appeal or talent !

    1. Anonymous9:06 PM

      It doesn't matter. It's not much money, certainly not enough for most people to sell their soul for. It reveals character flaws to some who don't even have a clue of what many of us know about several members of that grifting family. Sarah's political career is in the shitter. That's the main thing. If they allow themselves to all sit on the front row standing up by themselves applauding for their fat, baseline-retarded daughter until the end of this election, so be it. When Sarah is on Glen Beck's network and no one else will have her, I will laugh every time I think about the Bar-Stool Heifer being dragged around the floor by a wore-ass-out dance professional who was cussing the producers under his breath the whole time.

      As far as I'm concerned, Sarah got her comeuppance already. She's nobody but a lying grifter. That's her legacy. The rest of her family is collateral damage and they're not my problem now they're hers.

    2. Anonymous1:55 AM

      Bristol hasn't been doing well in the phone in votes. She's been last. Id imagine social networking voting, an easy way to vote, has been saving her.

  43. Anonymous9:07 PM

    These people know the score when it comes to DTWS and are pretty scientific in their examination of the show.


    1. They do NOT like Bri$$y, eh?

      They're dismayed that $he's still around...

  44. Anonymous9:08 PM

    "you have a girl-woman who will never have friends, always be on the defense against perceived haters, and never stop emulating the Queen Bitch herself."

    Speak of emulating the Queen Bitch, did you see what Sarah 2.0 (Bristol) did when the host was first interviewing Sarah 2.0 and 3 other dancers in the dancer's perch?

    We've seen Sarah 1.0 start giving the vajayjay symbol with her hands near her crotch. Well Sarah 2.0 with her poser fake glasses was giving the same Sarah Palin 1.0 Vajayjay symbol with her hands near her crotch too.

    Mother like daughter.

  45. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Personally I want Ol' Brisket to stay one. And then she can be humiliated as the whole country laughs at her every week.umping the floor again.
    I'm sure she'll be h

    1. Anonymous4:11 AM

      Just as long as the check clears, these grifters could care less what people think of them.

    2. Anonymous8:12 AM

      True, but DWTS would deserve every ounce of ire.

  46. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Oh 8:29, you know none of that matters. She put on an ape suit last time. She's just in it for the paycheck. Her mom will be there every week (what else she got to do) to get her camera fix.

    This breaks my heart, I love(d) the show. Rushed home, taped it if I couldn't watch live, text about it with friends. I read here that the no-talent was saved and immediately turned the channel and stopped recording the series. I don't need the aggravation. I watch the show for fun. It's no longer fun. Maybe I'll help kill it dead and join the VFTW. How long will viewers stick around when the whole premise of the dance competition is gone- Bristol happened once and it was sort of a fluke, but now these are the best of the best and she cannot dance. How humiliating for the true competitors and the pros. What's the point. Just give her the fucking ball. And, more evidence that this is rigged, last season they had a dance off for situations where a more talented dancer ended up in jeopardy. But, really, it's the way the judges coddled Bristol and slammed Joey when his dance was leap years beyond hers.

  47. Anonymous9:19 PM

    On the second portion of DWTS tonight, we could hear the one judge saying Mark's and Bristol's dance last night was a 'mess'. Plus, Mark even said Bristol wasn't a good dancer on the show tonight.

    This is rigged and it comes from Sarah Palin. We should all contact DWTS and give them our opinion. I'll wager the other (good) dancers are one pissed group tonight. Can you even begin to imagine Palin putting together their dance for next week? Give me a friggin' break. Two going next week and it really should include the boring, uneducated, whiney and horrible dancer and her partner Mark. I'll bet Mark can hardly wait to be rid of her!! To think that his partner last year was that beautiful singer that was on the show tonight.

    1. Anonymous10:55 PM

      I wouldn't be surprised if Sarah hired a professional not related to the show to help Bristol.

    2. Anonymous1:54 AM

      1. How do you think Kate Gosselin and Chaz got as far as they did? FANS.
      2. It is illegal to rig a show like this. It is week 2. Shell probably leave next week.

    3. Anonymous4:14 AM

      Yes, and Mark was mean to her, making her cry. She was trying so hard, and she was great. What a comedown to get saddled with untalented Palin this time. He HAS to be getting big bucks to humiliate himself like this. I have lost all respect for him.

  48. Anonymous9:19 PM

    It happened again- everything the Palin's touch turns to shit.

    1. Anonymous10:54 PM


  49. Anita Winecooler9:42 PM

    I don't watch the show, it stopped being fun around season three. I do watch the clips after the show airs, but they've totally lost all credibility this time.

    The "professional" (none of them are truly ball room dance material) dancers deserve better, I wouldn't be surprised to see them leave en masse.

    1. Anonymous1:53 AM

      It is getting old. Even this season. Stale. Everyone here vote for Gilles, the only true dancer.

  50. WakeUpAmerica9:43 PM

    Bristol should wear the "cone of shame" next week when she shlups around the floor. I really don't know how she can face any of the other dancers when she knows that she should have been the one to leave. That was the most god-awful "dance" I have ever seen.

    1. Anonymous10:53 PM

      I don't think Bristol thought she should leave.
      During the one on one camera interview with just Mark and Bristol, she kind of pouted that she got 6s and my impression was that she felt entitled to higher scores.

    2. Anonymous4:18 AM

      But, but - you do not understand! THIS was supposed to kick start her "career" in show biz!! Unless she plans to sleep her way to the top, she has NOTHING. Can't dance, sing, act. Looking like she does now, with that horrible chin, she will never attract the top execustives in H'wood. There are beautiful, talented, well educated starlets to spare in H'wood. She will never come close to any of them. Go back to Wasilly, and take your grifting family with you.

    3. Anonymous8:14 AM

      I'd love to see her in the cone of shame. Costume designers, take note!

  51. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Why the fuck would anyone be afraid of Palin enough to see her daughter succeed at such a worthless endeavor? I just don't get it. You wanna see drama? Just wait until Obama takes the White House and "Blarah" looses her contract with FOX.

    That's what I'LL be tuning in for.

    1. Anonymous9:43 AM

      Exactly. C4P is a total hoot. These are the folks who thought and dreamed about voting for Sarah for President of the United States. Now they're reduced to getting giddy and high-fiving each other about voting for Bristol on DWTS and "winning". They've fallen so far, it's pathetic and an absolute joy to behold.

  52. Anonymous10:44 PM


  53. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Notice how The Chin whined in the segment after they danced "I'll always get 6s anyway no matter what" .... Wah Wah Wah

    B'dull is so obviously disliked by all the other dancers - they don't interact with her at all. She and Mark standing far removed from the others saying goodbye to Joey was so telling. She is poison and the other dancers know the voting gets rigged because of her = likely the vote for the worst group. no matter - it ruins the show for the other dancers and viewers alike.

    1. Anonymous6:03 AM

      As if Bristol is entitled to 10s because she is Sarah Palin's daughter.

      I mean a reality star.

    2. Anonymous8:14 AM

      She deserves to get 2s at the most.

  54. Anonymous11:32 PM

    It's lost it's appeal. It used to be good, clean,family fun. I had been a dancer in my late teens. It felt good to watch it. OK, so the costumes and the dancing could be suggestive, but it was dance. Dance is sensual. Bristol Palin is not a good dancer and she is political. How can one forget her saying that if she won last season, it would be like giving people who doubted her "the finger"?

  55. Anonymous1:47 AM

    We know who votes for Bristol. But who votes for former boybanders or Kirstie? Kirstie can't dance and Boybands are obsolete.

  56. Anonymous1:48 AM

    It is against the law to rig a talent reality show relying on audience votes.

    1. Anonymous5:22 AM

      It should be against the law if the contestant doesn't have any talent except for getting laid.

  57. Anonymous1:52 AM

    Did you see Bristol's shock at being voted back next week? She's realistic.

    1. Anonymous6:02 AM

      And she woke up today STILL a no talent nothing. Carry on.

    2. Anonymous8:17 AM

      She's anything but realistic.

  58. Anonymous1:57 AM

    AWWW. Earlier Tuesday, Bristol and Kyle were looking chummy at a release party for Just Dance 4.

    1. Anonymous5:41 AM

      Bristol must want something?

      I know, Bristol is trying to get chummy so the Maseys will drop their lawsuit or settle out of court.

    2. Anonymous8:19 AM

      Don't you get it? Kyle is a wannabe star. He seems like a nice guy, but like all celebs desperate for their next gig, he will kiss any ass and burn no bridge, no matter what his personal feelings.

  59. Paul - Minnesota3:18 AM

    I'm glad to know that I'm not missing anything. I only watch DWTS via the clips Gryphen posts here on I.M.

    Bristol is not even a star. At best she is some cheap flimsy plastic toy star covered in spray on gold. Gold paint which is chipped, faded and wasn't even properly applied so it's got gaps and uneven coverage in its original spray on application.

    If I were a fan of this show, I'd be pissed. If I were any of the other dancers, who are more talented and deserve to stay on the show, I'd be pissed that someone with the lowest score stays on the show.

    It's not fair to the other dancers. Some of whom are better dancers (from what I hear from friends and family members who watch the show).

    I also cannot figure out why her (male) dance partner stays with her. Is he masochistic? Stockholm Syndrome? I would think he could advance himself better and faster than by being on that show, especially with Bristol. Unless he's thinking he'll get a lot of sympathy and that might move his career forward. Or he's somehow getting a lot of cash behind the scenes to dance with her. Or Sarah or Bristol have his balls in their hands because they have something on him. I think someone told me he is gay (doesn't matter to me) yet that could not be what hold they have on him.

    Maybe he's stuck in a lengthy contract and then stuck with her?

  60. Anonymous4:10 AM

    She has no fan base; that's why do one showed up for her book signings and why no one watched her stupid TV show. I agree that they are cheating somehow.

  61. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Vote for the worst strikes again! You are the worst Bristol! Oh and don't forget you better start gaining weight or it will only prove us right that you were pregnant last time. What did you do with that baby anyway? Gave it away like your first born? Sick.

  62. Anonymous5:33 AM

    The other stars and professional dancers must be amking big money to put up witth this tantless twitt. Everyone else was really good and I split up my votes because of that. Brisdull was terrible. All these ppl have big ego's why would they be part of a sham, unless they get big money to keep quiet. Are part of the rigged sham. They need to just be boycotted. i see voting does no good, they always let her slid no matter how bad she is really i thought she should have gotten scores in the 5's

  63. I think she should be the next Bachelorette, that would be the most hysterical season ever. Come on ABC! Think about it! Big ratings...that's what you want. Can you imagine the man-boys stepping out of their limos and then getting their first glance at who they will be competing for? As they stand there together waiting for Bristol to hand out the roses, their fingers will be crossed behind their backs and they will be repeating over and over in their heads "Please don't pick me, please don't pick me".

    1. Anonymous5:56 AM

      Bristol would love spooning, kissing and bedding all those bachelors and on top of that she would come back week after week, get paid, get free clothes, free make up and hair stylists, free heeliecopter and Lear jet rides, free nanny, doesn't have to work as a part time human stapler remover at the doctor's office....

      Win win situation for any grifter!

    2. Anonymous8:20 AM

      Oh, I would actually love that. I've never watch that godawful show, but how hilarious would it be if Bristol was the "prize?"

  64. Anonymous5:38 AM

    It's all about the money. If people would just turn off the channel and not buy sponsor products until she's voted OFF, you are only rewarding the producers and incenting them to keep this travesty going.

  65. Anonymous5:39 AM

    ballas knows the rules.... i think he threw that dance.

    1. Anonymous5:51 AM

      "I want out!"

    2. Anonymous6:08 AM

      "I want out!"-Mark

      Patience Mark, we're trying to get you out but Sarah keeps on interfering! We'll try again next week, good luck. If we're successful you can go back to something more enjoyable like playing your guitar or getting your wisdom teeth pulled without Novocaine.

    3. Anonymous9:01 AM

      I thought that Mark ahd a gig together with Bri$$$tool to open up a dance studio???

  66. Anonymous5:40 AM

    I tell you what's sad, when they announced other dancers, they would say singer, actress, etc and it wouldn't change. But for Bristol, the first season she danced she was announced as Sarah Palin's daughter, then they switched it to Bristol Palin motivational speaker and now this season they changed it again to Bristol Palin reality star. It's like they are struggling trying to find an identity for Bristol, build her up from nothing?

    How can you be a reality star if you have only been on one reality show and it failed without being renewed for another season?

    What will they call Bristol the next time she is on DWTS?

    "Wanna Be Wasilla Mayor Bristol Palin-Johnston-Barber-Johnston-Masey-Paoletti"

    I hope I didn't miss any past trial husbands?

    1. Anonymous7:02 AM

      Speaking of missing, has anybody seen Gino?

      Should we check Lost And Found?

  67. Anonymous5:43 AM

    This was posted on the DWTS message boards

    "Saw this posted on Sarah's FB page this morning, if anyone's interested"
    Voting on Facebook for Bristol is still open 3 more hours until 11AM EST/8AM Pacific Time. If you log off, then on again, you can vote 12 times using the same FB name and as many times as you want."

    1. Anonymous6:31 AM

      What? someone can log off facebook and vote again??????? They always break the rules. Get this out to everyone to see what they do I'll have to tell everyone I know to see if this is so I bet they won't let us with an abc account that is unfair.

    2. Anonymous8:28 AM

      This is already on the DWTS board, but maybe it needs to be tweeted so that more people are made aware and have a chance to cheat like the Palinbots are already doing.

    3. Anonymous9:11 AM

      This is typical of the Palinbots - after all when Sarah teased about running for POTUS any poll that came up her bots were quick to find a way to cheat. I saw this on C4P yesterday morning and tried it out. It does work, but after the votes are cast then the computer cache needs to be cleared so that it appears no Facebook votes had yet been cast. I have contacted ABC about this but am not holding my breath that this can be fixed during this season. So let everyone know of this flaw and make it a fair fight against the Palinbots and their ability to always find ways to cheat for their Sarah.

      FYI - this was the 1st time I ever posted on the DWTS boards and I have to say those defending Bristol are really nasty. So much for standing up for what it ethical and fair!

  68. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Last night previous DWTS finalist classical crossover singer Katherine Jenkin came back to DWTS to sing.

    How come she wasn't invited back to dance instead of no talent Bristol?

    Katherine was entertaining, energetic and excellent as a dancer. She was also a star.

    Katherine would of been more competitive and more deserving to be on the DWTS All Star show than Saraah Palin's daughter.

  69. Anonymous6:01 AM

    I'm sad for Wasilla's Bristol Palin. Bristol has made it into Week 3 of DWTS All Stars and not one mention in the Anchorage Daily News.

    Where's the love?

  70. Anonymous6:12 AM

    An all-star version of "Dancing With the Stars" is a new concept, yet there appears to be something kind of familiar about this season.

    Contestant Bristol Palin, despite receiving the lowest scores among the competitors, has been voted through while arguably more qualified co-stars are gone -- just like she was when she competed in Season 11. ... But what did the couple think of judge Carrie Ann Inaba’s proclamation on Monday that because Ballas and Palin “slammed” the judges (by breaking a quickstep rule about breaking hold in the middle of the dance) that the judges were going to "slam back"?

    “It was pretty ghetto,” Palin responded. “I was just like, ‘Okay! Whatever!’ It was pretty laughable.”


    1. Anonymous6:36 AM

      “It was pretty ghetto,” Palin responded. “I was just like, ‘Okay! Whatever!’ It was pretty laughable.”

      Ohhh poor entitled reality star Bristol

      Go tell mommy so she can complain to her executive friends at ABC.

    2. Anonymous6:47 AM

      What happened to mature older Bristol? She says she is two years older but she acts as if she is still two years old.

      Most people would take the judges scores and constructive comments and use the info to improve themselves.

      But not Bristol or the Palins, they are professional rape victims.

      Very surprised Bristol didn't call the judges FAGGOTS right to their faces on tv and then stick her tongue out at them like she teaches her son Tripp to do.

    3. Racist much?

    4. Anonymous8:23 AM

      She used "ghetto" as an adjective? Racist and I'm sure she doesn't even know it (at least not this time).

  71. Anonymous6:18 AM

    ‘Dancing With the Stars’ contender Bristol Palin says she’s a Honey Boo Boo fan.

    After dancing to “Redneck Woman” on “Dancing With the Stars” Monday night, Bristol Palin confessed her love for another redneck.

    “I’m a Honey Boo Boo fan, definitely,” she told Inside Edition. “More power to her for having such a successful show.”

    LOL Bristol is not a fan of a Nobel Peace Prize Winner or an astronaut or a surgeon or a college professor..... but Bristol is a big fan of a 7 year old red neck reality star.


    1. Anonymous6:51 AM

      In all defense of Honey Boo Boo she is at least being raised not to be a bigot and to love everyone gay or straight. I doubt Honey Boo Boo would let scrawny little Tripp get away with calling her Uncle Poodle a faggot, I think he'd get thrown in the mud.

    2. Anonymous8:24 AM

      Bristol likes her because she's managed to make money as a reality tv show. That's it.

    3. Bri$tol is probably trying to connive her way onto Honey Boo Boo's show.


  72. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Message Board:

    "Get Bristol the hell out of there!"


  73. Anonymous6:34 AM




    9. Other members of my house would like to vote. Can they?
    Sure! Just make sure to log out after you finish voting, then have your other household members log in with their Facebook, Twitter or ABC.com accounts. It's perfectly fine to vote on the same computer.


    1. Anonymous8:32 AM

      Actually one Facebook acct is all that is needed - just clear the cache and vote again. Keep up the process and you have unlimited votes. Thx for the info C4P.

    2. Olivia8:45 AM

      They can put out the info but there aren't many Palin fans smart enough to know how to clear the cache or even what it its. So multiple accounts will have to suffice.

  74. Anonymous6:40 AM

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  75. Anonymous6:52 AM

    This is not a dance contest anymore.

    They really need to eliminate call in votes and go strictly by the judges.

    But ABC prefers controversy and ratings over fairness.

    1. Anonymous10:28 AM

      They also like to throw in surprises...
      so maybe one week they can do a show that is based solely on the judges scores..the judges to the critique after the dances like normal, but hold up "?" paddles instead of numbered paddles.....
      Suspense will ensue when no one really knows their scores until Tuesday night!!! The lowest score gets the boot...
      In this case...Bristol will go home.

    2. Anonymous10:28 AM

      If Bristol goes thru and Sabrina doesn't there are going to be a bunch of people going Cheetagirlbitchcrazy on Bristol's ass...

  76. Anonymous6:58 AM

    You can vote 5000 times if you are the fanatic teabagger type or idiot type who sends SarahPac their rent and food money in hopes that Sarah Palin runs for POTUS.

    "Send SarahPac your best to convince her to run for president"

    Remember that scam?

    It worked, she kept the money and never ran!

  77. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Isn't everything fake with payme's?
    lard arse can't even move. Just look at 1:13 in vid. I mean who could give even a score of six. Yep using that Satan 666 the paymes. What a joke. I don't watch this show anyways but please it is a joke.

  78. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Mark looks like Pee Wee Herman in that header picture. And Bristol looks horribly awkward and uncoordinated.

    1. Anonymous10:35 AM

      I like that - Mark "pee wee" Ballas.

  79. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Besides her ridiculous whining, equally telling was the flash of rage on her face as she cracked the bottle over Mark's head. Very twisted, and a real travesty for the real stars who work so hard, and actually care about each other, and what they are doing.


  80. Anonymous8:59 AM

    They (ABC) is a corporation just like all the others who are trying to buy elections. This Corp is buying a dancing contest. They just can't do anything fair and equal on talent talent doesn't matter to them. They wanted a no talent scum on the show to cause a stir. Last season they had the best group of dancers. Bristol is no where near any of the others period.

  81. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Did you see it Monday night when Bristol was in the box watching the other dancers? I don't watch the show live, but I watch it on ABC.com. She is chewing gum with her mouth open. The girl is just TRASHY.
    Who chews gum on national tv???
    Some wasillbilly...that's who..
    Send her home..for fuck's sake.

  82. Anonymous4:35 PM

    I want a drink!


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