Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Of liars and winners. Update!

Okay so clearly everybody seems to understand that the President mopped the floor with Mitt the Twit last night. This time the President clearly came to win, and Romney simply relied on his past tactics of telling a mountain of lies and hoping that nobody had time to fact check him.

Sadly for him Candy Crowley found the time.

For the record Romney told an incredible 31 lies in 41 minutes. Here are just a few:

“And the president’s right in terms of the additional oil production, but none of it came on federal land. As a matter of fact, oil production is down 14 percent this year on federal land, and gas production was down 9 percent.” 

“And coal, coal production is not up; coal jobs are not up.” 

“And I will not — I will not under any circumstances, reduce the share that’s being paid by the highest income taxpayers. And I will not, under any circumstances increase taxes on the middle-class.” 

“The president’s policies throughout the Middle East began with an apology tour and — and — and pursue a strategy of leading from behind, and this strategy is unraveling before our very eyes.” 

And let's not forget THIS one!

“I went to a number of women’s groups and said, ‘Can you help us find folks,’ and they brought us whole binders full of women. I was proud of the fact that after I staffed my Cabinet and my senior staff, that the University of New York in Albany did a survey of all 50 states, and concluded that mine had more women in senior leadership positions than any other state in America.” 

Oh yeah, that last one is going to leave a permanent mark.

In  fact there were SO MANY lies, and strange references, last night that somebody put together this Venn diagram.

Personally I think that the President was simply unprepared for the sheer volume of bullshit that Romney throws out in a debate. But last night he brought both his hip waders and shovel, and was prepared to dig until he hit truth. Which he did numerous times.

And I am sure that next Monday the President will be equally prepared to make Romney his prison bitch just like he did Tuesday night.

Of course at the end of the night, after all of the pundits have had their say and declared the winner and loser, all the candidate has left is their family. And there I think that the President came out way ahead as well.

After all, which one would YOU rather go home with?

Update: And speaking of family I don't think that Ann and Josh (or is this Tagg?) had a very good time. What do you think?


  1. Anonymous4:18 PM

    One's a perfunctory peck. The other is a juicy smooch with a promise attached.

    1. Anonymous9:21 PM

      omg! that last pic is scary!
      its blowing up twitter Tagg was caught sayiing he wanted to hit POTUS and
      Ms "You people" flipped off POTUS!

      Just shows $$ doesn't buy class!

    2. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!5:07 AM

      Read the description.

      Jim Henson was even more brilliant than I knew ...

  2. Sharon4:21 PM

    Bullseye...damn that is so on point, I wonder what happened to Frank Luntz during these debate cycles? Doesn't seem ole Mitt has any new bullshit words to repeat. You can just imagine ole Mitt hammering in a board room, in my younger days I have met way too many just like him. Yuck
    I think it really takes alot to piss Obama off, and this man really pisses him off...I love it.

  3. Anonymous4:30 PM

    I dont understand how people with as much money as the romney's can't afford better looking clothes than the rags his wife seems to wear.

    1. Anonymous9:25 PM

      It's a taste thing. Her taste is deplorable, in clothes as well as men.

  4. Oh. . . my. . . HELL!

    Between that look on Mitt's face last night and this dagger-eyed gawp from Shitt Junior, I'm going to be absolutely unsurprised when body parts are unearthed somewhere on a Romney property.

    I tend not to judge people by appearance, but in this case you can simply SEE the phsycopathic hatred emanating from those empty, lifeless eyes. I'm referring to father AND son.

    Antoinette, however- SHE looks as though she knows her husband is debating like a drunken toddler and she realizes when they get home, he's going to bestow one of those "hair trigger temper" episodes upon her. She said it herself- he has a horrid temper which he "mostly" can control now, and she is "worried for his mental health".

    I don't know about the rest of you, but seeing that photo of Romney which Gryphen displayed on an earlier post today actually sent a chill down my spine. I mean I actually, truly shuddered when I saw the pure evil on his face and realized what kind of country this would be should someone like HIM be granted absolute power.

    1. Anonymous5:19 PM

      I didn't see it as evil so much as barely contained fury and indignation that things didn't go his way. Nobody's talking about it but I always see get-level racism in Mitt, like Barack is an intruder in the President's office who has no business talking to him like that! Then to be humiliated by him and by a WOMAN! I'm not sure when in the debate that shot was taken but it sure seems like it Libya related. Anyway, I suppose you could call his look evil. I see him as an emotionally immature and maybe even unstable, maybe even brain damaged, arrogant, entitled, racist asshole who got his ass kicked by a brilliant black man.

    2. Anonymous6:52 PM

      Nyah4:39 PM

      When I saw Romney's face, I saw evil, too. That was the first thing I thought when I saw his face,EVIL AND RAGE.

    3. Anonymous9:28 PM

      Ann Romney looks like she is watching her dream of sashaying through the White House dissolving before her eyes.

  5. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Ann Romney looks like cross between a wicked witch and Phyllis Diller.

    1. Anonymous5:30 PM

      Please don't diss Phyllis Diller - she only brought laughs and funny stuff to anyone who listened. She played off her less than stellar looks to great success

      Ann Romney - witch yes, but no where near as classy as Diller ever was.

      Although, come to think of it, you can get great laughs from the Romney prissy pissy looks, even though you're laughing AT her instead of WITH her.


    2. Anonymous6:27 PM

      You are being too over sensitive. I grew up with Phyllis Diller. Irony fail on my part.

    3. Anonymous4:14 AM

      Yeah, and an ugly Phyllis Diller at that. Despite her flashy muli-million dollar wardrobe, Ann always looks unfashionable.

  6. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Than Venn diagram is brilliant.

  7. Good thing Josh can't burn holes through things with those eyes. That was a death ray look if I ever saw one.

  8. Gryphen.... That picture of the pyscho son is SCARY! WTF is wrong with his EYES!

    1. Anonymous5:49 PM

      Like father -- like son.

      Would be interesting to see pics of the 5 sons direct on to see the eyes.

      The eyes of Romney when he turned back to President Obama on the Libya issue and the eyebrows raised up. That look that sends daggers -- or if looks could kill.

      Romney and Josh clearly have anger issues. It's also about 'entitlement' as Ann said -- It's Mitt's turn.

    2. Anonymous6:57 PM

      Good Housekeeping has an interview this month with Ann Romney, who says that Mitt's problem is his anger, and how he used to get very angry when his children were little.

      NOT a picture book story at all.

    3. Anonymous8:53 PM

      Is Ann trying to torpedo her husband's campaign or does she actually think these little comments about his behavior and mental health will make more people vote for him?

    4. Anonymous9:07 PM

      AR: I guess the thing I'd say is he had to learn to control his temper a bit when the children were young. In other situations, he's quick to flare, and I've seen him learn to control that, too. Most people have a very hard time changing their behavior, and I've been impressed that he's actually seen [his temper] as a weakness and worked on it.

  9. vegaslib5:02 PM

    When Ann walked onto the stage I thought she was going to either hit or curse out Obama. She looked like a woman who just saw her chance of being the First Lady, go up in flames.

    I have a real dislike of Ann, she seems so smug and arrogant like she is entitled to whatever it is she wants. There really is no comparison between her and our lovely Mrs. Obama.

    As Nyah stated above, I too saw the look in Mitt's eyes and it was startling to see so much hatred towards our President. He seems very unstable and his performance pretty much proved that he does not have what it takes to run this country.

    I just sent Obama my fourth donation and hubby and I will be voting Saturday morning, the first day of early voting here.

    1. Sally in MI6:53 PM

      And what is with Mitt's red-rimmed eyes? He looks like Satan is trying to escape.

  10. Anonymous5:08 PM

    I feel uncomfortable about how many people I speak to who do not care how much Romney and Ryan lie. The comback line is that Obama lies too and who knows what the facts are. Some people believe Romney will make the economy better. His position on other matters are of no concern to them.

    1. Anonymous6:14 PM

      You either need a new group of friends, or you need to quit discussing politics with people who don't care about the character and integrity of our President and Commander in Chief of our Military Personnel.

      Some people really DON'T care to be informed; they'd rather take what they get and then bitch later. I'm very bad about saying "I told you so" when someone totally ignores my common sense answers or says that they "don't care". Sorry, that's how I roll. But if they listen, and at least consider my input, whatever they decide is like their opinion, and I will respect it as long as it is based on facts.

      I just refuse to listen to whining of someone who either doesn't vote or votes without knowing WHY they voted the way they did.

      I have both committed Dems and committed GOPers in my family, and most of the time, the discussion will not result in a change of political ideology. But the more we discuss the facts, the closer we are to understanding what our own drivers are anyway. And that's fine. But none of us listen to ignorance and the "talking point" propaganda from either side as it relates to emotional issues. So nonsense like "the apology tour", "birth certs", "Kenya, Mau Mau", shit like that will get you thrown out of any discussion and laughed at.

      Tax Policies, Immigration Policies, Foreign Policy, Money Supply,Supreme Court Justice Appts and things of that nature are really the main factors, and the two sides aren't nearly as far off from one another as everybody thinks. It's just on the social issues that everybody screams about and then they vote for whoever they think will help them individually.

    2. Anonymous7:32 PM

      I just got into an argument tonight with my college professor because he is constantly hating on the President during class. Now, I am not in a Political Science class, I am in a speech class. I don't give a rats ass what your politics are, I don't want to hear about them during a class I paid big bucks for.

      He wanted to speak to me after class and I thought we were going to have an adult discussion about it but I was wrong, he all but called me stupid for calling him out on it during class.

      One other student in another class called him a racist for hating on the President and he thought that was funny. When I pointed out that now two students who did not know each other felt it was inappropriate, he told me that the other student and I were the ones with the problem not him. These people just don't get it. Boundries People! They ARE important!

    3. Anita Winecooler8:13 PM

      Well stated, 6:14
      Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way.

    4. Anonymous9:49 PM

      Anonymous7:32 PM
      Turn his ass in!
      He has no business spewing politics unless he's teaching polisci.
      And demand your money back!

    5. Dis Gusted12:24 AM

      exactly - you need to file an official complaint because the school probably does not know what he's doing

    6. Anonymous12:34 AM

      That can't be right, anon 7:32. Professors are all lefties trying to indoctrinate college students. (eyeroll)

    7. Anonymous4:00 AM

      I spoke to the associate dean last night and he was in agreement that it has no place in a diverse classroom. He also wanted me to contact the department dean and let him know as he felt it was creating a hostile learning environment.

      I left that dean a voicemail last night as well. I hope they send him for training of some sort.

  11. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Somehow I don't think Ann and Josh have ever had a very good time, anywhere anytime. They have simply behaved according to protocol, mostly Mitt's protocol, but otherwise the 1% protocol.

    1. Anita Winecooler8:08 PM

      Hey, it was passed his bedtime and daddy MADE him attend, he's got a future inheritance to worry about, fer gripe's sake!!

    2. Anonymous4:12 AM

      I agree: they are a joyless bunch despite how they try to claim otherwise.

  12. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Tagg Romney went on a radio station in North Carolina today and said he wanted to punch Barack Obama last night. Between that and the daggers-of-death look captured on Josh Romney's face, there's some serious anger issues among the Romney children.

    1. Anonymous5:45 PM

      That would be a great soundbyte to go viral if you have a link to it.

    2. Anonymous7:58 PM

      Don't know about the soundbyte yet, but it will be available soon. Going viral anyway.

      If Tagg had gotten past the Secret Service Michelle would have wiped the floor with this shit talker. Tagg is a rancid turd, just like the rest of the RMoneys.

    3. Anonymous8:02 PM


    4. Anita Winecooler8:06 PM

      Gawker has the story as well

      Nice Family, Eh?

    5. Anonymous8:08 PM


      Check out the comments at the link!

      Is that the Dirk Diggler? (Waves)

      I like the rest of the comments. Tagg gets taken to the woodshed for a world of butthurt. What a shit Tagg and the rest of the rMONEYs are. His LACK of military service is pointed out. This IS South Carolina. Draft dodgers and SHIT TALKERS are not well liked. Especially SHIT TALKING weaklings like Tagg.

    6. Anonymous8:55 PM

      Tagg is the one who publicly protested a hospice in his neighborhood.

      Is it really surprising that Mitt and Ann raised a brood of entitled bastards?

    7. That little fuck-wad. I wish I were 3 inches taller and about 30 lbs lighter. I'd need some tan-in-a-can too, for sure. Then maybe Tagg might mistakenly punch ME instead of the Prez.

      Oh Lord, that would be sweet for about a minute! I'd have that boy cryin' for his Momma because his Daddy would be too scared to even look out the door that I'd whip his ass, too. I think Mitt's balls are probably swollen from getting them kicked by the Prez in the Tues debate, if he has pair to begin with.

    8. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!5:14 AM

      @8:08- from the link:

      mike90095October 17, 2012 11:12 PM
      Nice little Mormon boy. BTW, who named this kid? Sarah Palin?

    9. Anonymous6:07 AM

      The Romney's whole issue is:ENTITLEMENT!!

  13. Anonymous5:23 PM

    I think I'd rather go home with Michelle or with both her and Barry, even though I know they would never, but a girl can dream.

  14. Crystal Sage5:25 PM

    On a site linked earlier, there is a video of ANNtoinette after the debate. She is seen rubbing her face with the middle finger of her right hand. Looks like she's giving the finger to the world. How very ladylike and Mormon of her.

    And that still of their son. Be afraid; be very afraid. Look into Josh's childhood. Any stories of fire starting or animal abuse?

    They are the American Horror Story.

    1. Anonymous5:44 PM

      The ABC's....and you'll find under the letter 'F' what you are referring to!! The middle finger salute!!

    2. Anonymous10:05 PM

      Hell Animal abuse...SEAMUS!

      The whole family look like a bunch of sick psychos, I never thought a family could compete with the payme's but...this family comes close.
      down to the psycho names!

  15. Anonymous5:26 PM

    The photo of the Romney kiss says it all.

    o/t Sad. Failure to Impeach Bush

    1. Dis Gusted12:25 AM

      it's a pity party for W right now as he's lost his mind and does nothing but paint puppies

  16. hedgewytch5:29 PM

    I would love to know at exactly what point in the debate that picture of Josh and Ann are responding to.

    I'd loved that Venn diagram too. The longer I looked at it the more I giggled.

  17. Well, call me rude, but with Michele looking so luscious, I’m sure the president quickly found the time to “tuck her in.”

    1. Anonymous8:11 PM

      Not rude. A little off-topic, but in a good way, and very perceptive of you.

      President Obama was clearly (and rightfully, IMO) offended by Romney's ignorant assertions that had been spewed in the Republican echo chamber for a month that he had "waited two weeks to call it an act or terror".

      Mitt stepped in a pile of poop from one of his own dogs (Seamus, perhaps? Or Rushbo?), didn't know he had stepped in it and repeated the lies that were so easily disproved by the transcript.

      And PBO was stern in making his point and Michelle sensed PBO was still a little tense, so she's using a little "Baby, I can't wait for us to get home and pour us a glass of wine and then we take a nice, long shower or, if YOU INSIST, we'll turn on the whirlpool in the master bath and put on a little 'sexy-time' music" distraction, which has always worked on me to bring me back into the moment.

      She knows her man, and he has enough sense to listen to her because when she's talking to him, she's the most important person in the room to him and she NEVER steers him in the wrong direction.

      No, not rude to call her luscious, for darn sure. I though "yummy", but "luscious" works well, also, too.

  18. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:49 PM

    That last pic of Mitten's home crew looks like National Lampoon meets The Stepfords at Animal House. Neidermeyer, anyone?? What a Christmas card!!

    1. Anonymous8:15 PM

      Is that a PPPPLEDGE pppin? (spittle flyin')

  19. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Will we hear tomorrow on the View, Ann and Brisdull attempt to 'out victim' each other as they will both be on the show on Thursday!!

  20. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Josh Romney was doing his Superman laser thing there.

    1. Anonymous6:34 PM

      He was doing his my mom took too much haldol and is wearing the curtains look.

  21. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Heard that Romney's Binders got even --
    Mitt got Crowley Checked!!!

    1. DetroitSam8:48 PM

      Very funny site: Binders Full Of Women

      Don't drink any liquids while viewing this site.

    2. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!5:25 AM

      Thank you for the site!

      Those are funny!

      The woman with the binder on her head was a crackup!

      "Free Women from the ties that Binder"


    3. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!5:27 AM God.

      I wrote too soon!

      The product review for the 1" binder from Staples is applause worthy.

  22. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Rachel's last segment tonight -- man was she pissed. Can't say I've seen her like that before.

    She took on Politifact again and their what she called 'BULL'. Rachel out loud said 'Bull'.

    When she finished the segment, she threw her papers off her desk. That's not the norm for her -- at all.

    1. Sally in MI6:51 PM

      Well, good for her! Calling these people out does no good. Reciting facts does no good. They are evil and are determined to rain their evil on all of us. And now Romney is haning out with Jerome Corsi, the brilliant mind behind "Obama is a homosexual" and is still selling signs asking for the birth certificate. I;m sure he has plenty of foreign policy experience to impart to Romney, huh? Hey, Mitt, you are judged by the compamny you keep.

    2. Yep, Sally, like having Corsi on-board is going to draw those independents toward Romney/Ryan ticket? I'm with you here calling bullshit on Mitt-shit-for-brains.

      lol I don't think Mitt believes that for a minute. Corsi is just one of the "other" idiots in addition to the fundies that have driven so many of us out of the Republican Party in the past few years while selling their souls to the Neocon Warmongers.

      Independents for Obama/Biden 2012. Anyone with a personal net worth of less than $5M+ in liquid assets who is planning to vote for Romney/Ryan is kidding himself/herself.

    3. Anonymous8:38 PM

      Great vid w Rachel. Yeah, she was pissed, but she was right on the facts. PolitiFact has gotten into this relativism truthiness BS so they won't be calling out the lies on the right so "dis-proportionately".

      Well, goddamit! The right-wing chorus keeps DISPROPORTIONATELY repeating the same bullshit and then using one another as sources for the same lies! Adults who know the difference between a glass of water and a glass of piss can so easily discern objectively facts from the RW BS/nonsense/truthiness/lies/opinion/spin/etc.

      It will take seeing the results on Nov 6th for some of these fools to see what is so obvious to thinking people.

  23. Anonymous6:15 PM

    yikes josh is one creepy dude! looks like the devil.
    queen ann always has a scowl on her face...ugly people all of em..

  24. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Mitt may have made a Freudian slip and meant full women with binders.

  25. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Seriously, that last photo of Ann and Josh. It reminds me of some prurient pulp novel in which the haughty mother and morbid son under her spell plot to get rid of the feckless father, complete with Freudian sexual undertones.

    1. Anonymous4:09 AM

      Such an icky thought. The whole family looks programmed and robotic. I will venture that Mitt did not get his yummy pancake breakfast after the debate. Ann has smoke seeping from her nostrils!

  26. Sally in MI6:48 PM

    Another site said that is Tagg, and that he said on the radio that he wanted to run down and punch the President out for calling out his father's lies! No kidding.

    1. Anita Winecooler8:01 PM

      Gawker has it

      Wonder where he learned that??

    2. Anonymous8:43 PM

      Great idea, Tagg.

      The secret service guys would love to do that maneuver where they leave their guns in the holster and instead grab the snot-nose punk by his fruit of the looms in the back and hang him on a nail while the crowd gathers and laughs.

      Your Dad could sure use the distraction [from his piss-poor performance Tuesday night] very soon if you're feeling frisky, skip. Bring it.

    3. Anonymous9:25 PM

      Michelle would have told the Secret Service "I got this!" right before she went all UFC on Tagg.

    4. Anonymous9:42 PM

      So why are Mitt's sons so violent if they had a mother at home who baked them cookies?

    5. Dis Gusted12:27 AM

      that's funny

      Cook made cookies. Ann supervised the menu.

    6. Sally in MI3:00 AM

      9:42: Perfect! And I thought Mormons avoided conflict, or is that just military service for your country? Has anyone heard Mitt pander to the military, or just promise the Navy 25 more ships they don't want? He hasn't even had a photo op with vets has he? I'm sure Ryan can get right on that. Set him up at some VA Hospital where he can shake some hands and call people the wrong names and give out some pain meds with unwashed hands. These two are a joke right? I mean, this surely is not the best of the GOP.

    7. Anonymous3:52 AM

      Anonymous9:25 PM

      Michelle would have told the Secret Service "I got this!" right before she went all UFC on Tagg.
      FL Michelle is not violent. She is a classy woman.

    8. Anonymous4:25 AM

      Anon9:42... the answer is that Ann is a cold phony and if pancakes were ever served to her motley crew, some maid prepared them. Ann is far too busy shopping for fugly "shmatas" (ask a Jewish friend what that means) and conforming to Mitt's vision of a Stepford Wife. She does not seem to emanate any warmth at all and I suspect theirs is NOT a happy home.

  27. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Somehow the word “binders” anywhere near the word women is going to leave a bad taste for a lot of we women. There is no way to back off from that bizarre reference to an employment search. I somehow picture him with the elders of his church perusing available and already submissive women in these “binders.”

    1. Sally in MI2:57 AM

      But I was so sure Mitt really cares about women. He said so. His surrogates said so. His wife said so. He cares. He really cares. At least for the next 19 days. After that, we are on our own if the GOP gets elected to ANYTHING in this nation.

  28. Anita Winecooler7:59 PM

    While watching the debate, at one point, the President was speaking to the audience, and Ann was in the upper left corner - I don't recall seeing Josh, but the POTUS was eviscerating Romney, and Ann's face was tipped back, nostrils flared, and her face went from white clorox bleach white, to vivid red - clashed with her dress. Most telling was the contempt in her eyes. POTUS never made eye contact with her, but the audience was paying attention.

    That clip is amazing! George Will actually gave Obama a shred of credit?

    Hell just froze over.

    We have 19 days left, keep the momentum going!

    Fox news is apoplectic over Crowley, We took our lumps on the first debate, it wasn't Moyer's fault

    Bad lip reading the first debate

    1. Jim Lehrer, Not Bill Moyers. Sorry to pick at nits, but I have to break in my new moniker and avatar before bedtime. Mitt's full binder of women is so yesterday as of 12 minutes ago.


      Think of the SOFA BEARS!!!!!!

  29. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Commenters at Amazon having some fun with Mitt's Lady Binders:

    1. Anonymous9:20 PM


  30. Anonymous9:35 PM

    The lying unethical, makes me spit Romney gets caught again:

    Romney Caught Encouraging Business Owners to Tell Employees How to Vote

  31. Anonymous10:07 PM

    His son is looks like some sort of Romney Bot 3 BETA version that was malfunctioning.

  32. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Boy, if my boss, or the head of my company, told me how to vote, I'd tell them it was none of their business how I voted. What a bunch of bullshit - these Republicans will stop at nothing. I heard today that Romney actually suggested this!!! Romney/Ryan's asses are going to be kicked in this election and I can hardly wait to watch it!

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  33. Anonymous10:43 PM

    "I hope you make it very clear to your employees what you believe is in the best interest of your enterprise and therefore their job and their future in the upcoming elections," Romney said.

    1. "Your job is in jeopardy if you don't vote for me".

  34. The Romneys are a dysfunctional family. All that money only masks their real problems.

  35. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Check this out:

    Way cool.

  36. Anonymous11:44 PM

    The son that is sitting next to Ann Romney is: Matt

  37. Anonymous11:51 PM

    One thing I think should be clear is that I believe the whole "Rose Garden" moment was a beautiful and planned set up by Obama. Obama baited Romney down that path.

    The second thing to realize is WHY they did it and the impact of having this big lie exposed at this point in time.

    Obama totally baited Romney into going down the "you didn't call it terror for two weeks" road. He knew Romney was going to accuse him of that if given the chance. I'm absolutely convinced they knew Romney would go exactly there.

    Watch the tape, it was a total set up. First he takes responsibility and the he says: "The day after the attack, GOVERNOR (LOOKS RIGHT AT ROMNEY), I stood in the Rose Garden and I told the American people and the world that we are going to find out exactly what happened, that this was an act of terror (watch Obama's hand as he says this, it moves like he's PLACING SOMETHING OUT THERE (bait)) and I also said that we're going to hunt down those who committed this crime and then a few days later....."

    This was bait. He knew Romney was prepared to make the claim that he didn't call it a terror attack for two weeks and totally set up Romney to make the claim. That Candy Crowley actually set the record straight was just icing.

    Now the reason you may think was to set the record straight, and on one level it was. But I propose a more fundamental reason and that was to expose a BIG lie with strong emotional underpinnings and that's exactly what happened. ONE HUMONGOUS LIE EXPOSED with emotional resonance and everything else is easily dismissed. To have that happen NOW in front of a huge audience on national TV with 3 weeks to go...well, you do the math.

    THAT'S why this moment is so, so important. And I'm pretty sure it was totally set up by the Obama team. Absolutely brilliant.

    It's the BIG one. Now EVERYTHING IS SUSPECT.

    This is a TOTAL mind fuck to Romney. Obama is in his head BIG TIME. Not only has Obama out Alpha'd him and totally dominated him, he has to realize how Obama played him at this point and must be shitting bricks at how out of his depth he is. What else does Obama have planned? He will go batshit crazy second guessing EVERYTHING his campaign does from here on out.

    1. Anonymous6:30 AM

      And foreign policy is next !


      We all know that's Rmoney's STRONG SUIT!


  38. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Not only was Rachel Maddow pissed off, but I caught "Let me finish" with Chris Matthews moments ago, and watched him spit as he trashed the rightwing and their obvious disrespect for both Obama as a person, and the office of the President.

    I've watched this go from a "tentative" dissing in 2008, to full blown talking DOWN to the Commander in Chief as if he's the uppity house {n word} this last while.

    That HAS to backfire...if Romney does somehow make it to that office, he'll have won a hollow, shallow victory, as nearly everyone now assumes there is absolutely no reason to show anyone holding that office, a single ounce of respect.

    I've had it cross my mind exactly what the Fox channel will air, if this is the case. Without the need to fabricate reports of aliens landing in a UFO, and handing over evidence of Obama being born on a moon of Jupiter, what will Megyn, Gretchen, and the other wise blondes even SAY?

    I suspect it will be the indignant reaction to how everyone keeps referring to Romney as "President Butthole," or something like that.

    1. Crystal Sage5:58 AM

      Did anyone see and hear Chris Matthews on Tuesday night before the debate? He shouted at one Repub surrogate: "You didn't answer my friggin' question!" Almost went there. I think that the Dems and the people from MSNBC are getting totally frustrated over the lies that are thrown around by RMoney Baggers.

      I don't think we've ever seen such blatant lying in a nationwide campaign. It really does make me angry to think that they're sometimes getting away with it. When Candy Crowley affirmed that the President did indeed use the term "act of terror" with regard to the attack on the consulate in Libya, I knew that that heads would explode at FAUX news. Wish that Jim Lehrer were that on the ball when RMoney spewed a record number of lies in the first debate.

  39. Dis Gusted12:19 AM

    Josh is one strange looking human - are we sure his test tube (IVF) didn't immigrate from Planet Kalob?

  40. Anonymous12:33 AM

    3 visitors from Anchorage and 1 from Wasilla - all within the last 30 seconds

  41. melissa2:27 AM

    Well, looks like Josh Romney is already a meme entitled Menacing Josh Romney

    Also Wonkette is having a field day with him!

  42. Anonymous5:29 AM fact checked Obama and Romney.

    Romney's aggression and anger when he asked Obama how much he reduced oil leases demanding Obama admit to Romney's lies showed a viscious Romney. My impression was Romney is accustomed to deference, his word rules and he is intolerant of anyone who does not go along with his BS.

    My experience with convincing habitual liars is they react with implosive rage when someone does not buy their self serving lies and presents fact to them.

  43. First - whenever I see displays of affection between the Obamas - they look like they're at home with each other. The Romneys kissing, on the other hand, look like they're third cousins five times removed who have to pretend to like each other.

    Second - The look Romney gave our POTUS with his eyebrows raised - don't you just know that's they way he quiets his family, and he believed it would work here?

  44. When the Obamas show affection toward each other, it's easily believable. When the Romneys do, they remind me of third cousins five times removed who have to pretend to like each other to please the patriarch of the family.

    And that look Romney gave our POTUS - the one with the raised eyebrows - don't you know that's how he squelches his family members dissent, and he's just flabbergasted that it didn't work here?


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