Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Picture of the day.

Courtesy of Time Lightbox:

"This was one of the most poignant moments of the President's first term. He was visited wounded warriors in the intensive care unit ICU at Bagram Air Field, Afghanistan, May 1, 2012. He had just presented a Purple Heart to Sgt. Chase Haag, who had been injured by an IED just hours before. Sgt. Haag was covered with a blanket and it was difficult to see how badly he was injured. He was also seemingly unconscious so the President whispered in his ear so not to wake him. Just then, there was a rustling under the blanket and Sgt. Haag, eyes still closed, reached his hand out to shake hands with the President." 

It is easy to simply go through the motions, but people can usually tell the difference.


  1. melissa2:19 AM

    OT but has anyone read about Ryan's disastrous visit to a soup kitchen in northern Ohio? Apparently they dropped in unannounced and pretended to wash already cleaned pots and pans. However the charity's president says Ryan's visit puts future funding for the soup kitchen in jeopardy as it is an apolitical faith based organization which has bylaws prohibiting it from hosting political candidates.



  2. Sally in MI2:23 AM

    Can you imagine Mitt even visiting our wounded soldiers, let alone 'bothering; to whisper to a seemingly unconscious vet? No, me either. And he never would have visited a former colleague who was shot. He would do something and then broadcast it everywhere so we could see how 'human' he is.
    President Obama cares. Period. Not about accolades or awards. He cares about people. Not making billions to hide offshore. Not proving he is some macho cowboy to the world. He cares about people. And that, folks, is all you need to know about this man.

    1. Anonymous7:00 AM

      I agree 1,000,000 %. We, as a nation, have been so graced to have President Obama and Vice President Biden and their wives serving us so faithfully since 2008. They are all people with so much dignity and integrity and such a sense of caring. We must give this Administration a second term. We cannot afford not to.
      Obama/Biden/Democratic Congress 2012

  3. Anonymous2:39 AM

    You can tell the peoples obsession with the Palins that this thread gets no comments, but the tread before this one, about Bristol, gets over 100.

    This is a very touching photo. It brought tears to my eyes. I was overcome with emotion upon seeing this photo. God bless this man, in the photo, and God bless our President Obama.

    1. Anonymous9:02 AM

      You can tell the peoples obsession with the Palins that this thread gets no comments …

      Umm… This was a scheduled posting. It went up automatically at 2:00 AM Anchorage time. You didn't see any comments when you posted at 2:39 AM because Gryphen didn't set his alarm clock for 2:30 AM so he could wake up and approve the first few comments.

      (indylindy: He probably wasn't up yet at 5:49 AM also, too.)

  4. Anonymous3:44 AM

    Very moving. He's our man!

  5. indylindy5:49 AM

    I agree Anon at 2:39...thought the same thing about this only getting a few comments yet Bristol gets 100s.

    This also brought tears to my eyes and signifies what really matters in life...not some nitwit and her Dancing with The Stars performance.

  6. Anonymous6:05 AM

    It is telling how you don't see rmoney visiting troops or veterans and you especially don't see annie "you people" doing that. You would think with all that campaign staff they could figure out how to "stage" something but maybe they are figuring that no event is better than a bad event. PBO, Mrs PBO, VP Biden, and Mrs Biden all know how to do that. Is it because they are real people who know how to relate to other real people? F*ck bristle, THIS is real life.

  7. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Armed Forces Show Overwhelming Support for Obama


  8. Not What You Want to Hear6:58 AM

    That soldier literally showed more class in his pinkie finger than the shrilling chicken hawks who claim to be such loyal patriot Americans.

  9. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Students Pick Obama


  10. hedgewytch8:25 AM

    Fucking A! That is MY PRESIDENT! A real Statesman. Lets give him 4 more years!

  11. And the President was on Nickelodeon last night answering kids question....Rmoney was too scared to talk to the kids...so they had to use VIDEO tape footage of Rmoney! Pathetic.

  12. Anonymous10:42 AM

    The President shows grace under pressure from the Republican agenda to have total domination over the planet via war and plunder.

    This from a mother of a COMBAT Iraq veteran who thought he was doing the 'right' thing at the time.

    At very least, President Obama didn't start the Iraq/Afghanistan illegal wars. We can 'thank' the neo-Nazi Bush family for that, SCUM of the earth that they are.

  13. Heartwarming, thank you.


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