Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Actress Rosie Perez calls Mitt Romney out over his assertion that he would have an easier time of it if he were Latino.

"Unfortunately for you Mitt, you were cursed with the hard knock life of growing up as the son of a wealthy Governor and auto executive." Yeah fucking tragic, don't you think?

As a matter of fact apparently Romney is SO disappointed in his parentage that he had to make up stories about his father walking out of the 1964 Republican Convention in protest of Barry Goldwater's hard line against civil rights. That would be a great story except it never happened.

No Mitt Romney is NOT Latino, or a woman, or a gay American. But if he were to at least be SOMETHING REAL, and not something completely phony,  perhaps he actually could win this election.

P.S. I LOVE that Perez mentioned the spray tan by the way.


  1. A. J. Billings4:24 AM

    Romney is so obviously willing to say or do anything to get the prestige and power of the Presidency.

    He's flip flopped on abortion issues so blatantly, it's hard to see how the "true conservatives" could support him.

    Perez is right to call him out. Romney should be dropped homeless and poor into a slum in Detroit to see just what others face in this world.

    Doesn't seem to matter to the religious right crowd however, since they'll take anyone but our current President because he's black, and not overtly in your face about his religion.

    I hope the 47% comment gets thrown in his face, because that is EXACTLY how he really felt when he said it, and still does

    Romney: 47% take no responsibility and feel they are victims

    Akin: legitimate victims of rape can "shut that whole thing down"

    Charles Fuqua: "Putting rebellious children to death should be supported". And this guy worked in HUMAN SERVICES!!!


    $arah Paylin: "The Iraq war is a task from God"

    Four delusional and utterly idiotic statements from the mouths of people who denigrate, humiliate and demean anyone not a member of their religious cult

  2. WakeUpAmerica5:22 AM

    That was hilarious!

  3. Anonymous5:32 AM

    Actress Rosie Perez Speaks Out Against Romney on Immigration


  4. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Love it! She nailed it!

  5. I really do not think Mitt knows just how bad he has ticked off women... We don't forget. It is so blatantly obvious that whatever the backstory is on Mitt and family via Mormonism....we are not hearing it.

    You go girl....Rosie!

  6. THAT was a work of art!

    WTG, Rosie!

  7. Anonymous6:37 AM

    This is a very moving video for LGBT support for President Obama.


  8. lwtjb3:09 PM

    Then there's this - open arguments supporting slavery from folks in the south.



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